Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 208 Suppliers supporting the project department

Zhao Manfu saw that the discussion was almost complete, so he made a concluding statement regarding the amount of the fund plan: "Most of the issues stated by everyone are within the scope of what our project department considered during the discussion.

According to the current financial situation of the company, everyone’s payment is indeed tightened this month.

However, everyone knows the situation of the Nanshan project, and it is impossible to stop it or slow down the rush for work.

Therefore, we need everyone to work with the company to overcome the current financial difficulties of the company. What you have done well will be visible to the company leaders.

Let me put this more clearly here. The company leader told me clearly that most of the supplier team for this project are the company’s old team. If there are indeed difficulties or are unwilling to accept the project If the department arranges the quota for this capital plan, you can call Mr. Song, the president of the business unit.

Here, on behalf of the project department, I would like to thank all suppliers for their support this time in meeting the difficulties encountered by the project department.

As long as we get through this difficulty together, everything will be easy for us in the future.

After the meeting, all suppliers are asked to find the business manager Yu Danzhen to discuss the amount of this funding plan. We need to submit the new funding plan to the business department tonight.

thanks everyone.

The meeting adjourned. "

After the meeting, Zheng Hui, the owner of the greening labor team, approached Yu Danzhen and said: "Mr. Yu, our greening labor team has no special requirements for the amount of this capital plan. We are willing to obey the company's arrangements and work with the company to share difficulties.

However, we still hope that the company can give appropriate consideration to the serious increase in unit price of seedlings. "

After Yu Danzhen listened to the words of Zheng Hui, the boss of the greening labor team: "Thank you, Boss Zheng, for being so reasonable. We will give feedback to the relevant leaders of the company at the appropriate time for your support of the company's funds.

As for the issue you mentioned about the sharp increase in the unit price of seedlings, since there is no precedent for adjusting the unit price of the contract in the company, if you must fight for it, I suggest you make a written report and give it to the seedling purchaser, Yu Shengjie, and the engineer. , the seedling system will report it to the company to see if the company can agree. "

Zheng Hui, owner of the greening labor team, said: "Well, I'll make a report tomorrow. If the price hadn't increased too much, we definitely wouldn't have raised this issue."

Fang Xian, the boss of the steel structure team, came to Yu Danzhen and said: "Mr. Yu, I know that this funding plan is very tight. I am also an old team member of the company, but my steel structure project requires very high cash. If there is no money, It is definitely impossible to buy back the materials. I have repeatedly calculated the situation of the steel structure of the project, and combined with my own financial situation, if the reported capital plan amount is halved, I will really feel a little uncomfortable. If possible, I I hope that when the capital plan quota is halved, I can be given an additional quota of 500,000."

Yu Danzhen replied: "Boss Fang, I know your capital plan limit requirement. I have recorded it. I understand your difficult situation. If the final capital plan limit allows, I will try my best to meet your request. of."

Fang Xian, the boss of the steel structure team, expressed his gratitude to Danzhen and quickly and consciously left the office of the Ministry of Commerce where Yu Danzhen worked.

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, approached Yu Danzhen to express his willingness on the amount of the fund plan: "Mr. Yu,

In this project, I am a veteran labor force who has worked with the company for many years, and I am willing to implement the company's capital plan of halving the implementation amount. Of course, if the quota you finally obtained is not used up, I still hope you can give me a little more consideration. "

Yu Danzhen replied: "Boss Bian, thank you for your support to the project department. However, because the additional quota is a very small amount, the probability that we will proactively increase your capital plan quota this month is very small. . I am very grateful that you took the initiative to express your understanding and support for the project department’s funding plan arrangement. I will record your situation and report it to the leadership.”

After Xia Houyue, the boss of the garden construction team rushing to grab jobs, waited for Bian Zhenjia to finish his speech, he communicated with Yu Danzhen: "Mr. Yu, all mine are workers' wages. This time, since I was asked to grab jobs temporarily, I will follow the instructions of both of us." The payment terms negotiated with the workers according to the conditions stipulated in the contract. During this period, the amount of funds I advanced for other projects was not small. It can be said that at present, if I am not given enough funds to plan, I will transfer We can’t move anymore. We can only stop rushing for work.”

Yu Danzhen said to Xia Houyue: "Boss Xia, don't worry. Although the company requires everyone to give appropriate understanding and support to the company's capital plan, it must be within their ability. Since your situation Special, please tell me, if your capital plan is halved, how many thousands more do you need to increase the amount of your capital plan?"

Xia Houyue, the boss of the garden construction team who rushed to work, thought for a while and then said: "I know that under such difficult circumstances, it would indeed be unreasonable to ask the company to pay according to the payment ratio agreed in the contract.

I will also overcome the difficulties again and negotiate with my workers who have been with me for a long time to temporarily postpone their wages.

In this case, my capital plan needs to be increased by 300,000 yuan. It cannot be any less. If it is any less, my workers will not be able to balance the situation, and some workers will definitely leave. If the workers leave, it will definitely affect the rush for jobs. "

Material procurement Wang Ming came to Yu Danzhen to discuss: "Yu Gong, how much total funding can you give me for material procurement?"

After Yu Danzhen looked at the data, she clarified that a quota of 200,000 yuan must be set aside for on-site funds, thus using up the planned quota of 1 million yuan.

Therefore, Yu Danzhen explained to Wang Ming of material procurement: "Wang Gong, it's like this. This time the business department can give us an additional capital plan quota of two million yuan at most when the reported capital plan is halved.

I have already spent one million on labor and on-site expenses. If there is no need to increase the capital plan limit for seedling procurement, I can consider increasing the capital plan limit for you by up to one million yuan. "

Before Yu Danzhen finished speaking, nursery stock purchaser Yu Shengjie came to Yu Danzhen's desk and asked: "Yu Gong, why did I just arrive at the door and hear you say that there is no need to increase the capital plan for seedling purchase? "

After Yu Danzhen heard Yu Shengjie's question, she calmly replied: "I just assume that your seedling purchase no longer needs to increase the additional capital plan limit. It does not say that you definitely do not need to increase the additional capital plan limit."

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