Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 220 Pay attention to business planning

Song Zhiyuan said: "There is still a relatively big problem in the entire company that is reflected in finance. It is that the proportion of receivables is too high. Our operating data must pay special attention to this receivables, and we must step up monitoring at the project department level. We must do our best to reduce the proportion of receivables to the total output value and increase the proportion of receivables to the total output value. Otherwise, we will not be welcomed in the stock market, which is of particular concern to the boss. "

Lin Yiping spoke: "At the beginning of the year, the fifth business unit was required to complete the output value target of 300 million. Now according to statistics, it has only completed the output value of 260 million. There are still more than one month left before this year passes. The pressure on this output value is still a bit high. .”

Song Zhiyuan said: "The pressure on production value is huge. We are a listed company. Please be careful with the project department. The production value entered must be true and effective, and you must not do anything that goes against your conscience."

Song Zhiyuan continued: "Our business department's project start-up fee savings are relatively large, which shows that the project department has not really taken action. This is not a good phenomenon in terms of achieving output value.

The amount that should be collected has not been recovered. According to the current data, our business department is the largest, and the amount owed is 1.5 billion. Therefore, in the next step, we must strengthen this collection work and improve the collection. All the details of the payment work should be sorted out, and the responsibility should be placed on the head of the person. It cannot always be a mess. "

Song Zhiyuan touched his right forehead and arranged: "In the future, we will hold some summary meetings from time to time to summarize the current problems. The speaker will be myself. The new team is constantly adding people. Let's take this opportunity to let everyone know. Get familiar with it. From now on, we will do it once at the end of each quarter and four times a year. We will do it in each area, and the expenses will be managed by each area. On-site inspections and travel expenses will be paid by the company. Now I don’t feel like home. I don’t know who is responsible for these things. I lack A sense of belonging.

Our meeting has been going on for so long, and I feel like we haven’t gotten to the underlying issues yet.

Now let's ask the director and vice president to talk about the main issues. Just one or two sentences will do. "

Xu Anping spoke first: “The main issues of the Dongshan New Merger Project:

1. The garden construction team is too weak.

2. The labor team used for greening is not convenient to manage. It is recommended to use your own team of workers.

3. Material procurement, the company and the project department must be smooth and have consistent goals.

4. Project staffing should be quality rather than large. It is recommended to have a mix of old, middle-aged and young people. "

Zhao Manfu said: "The project team must be able to worry less. The main relationships on the project are nothing more than the following relationships:

1. The relationship between increasing revenue and reducing expenditure cannot be solved when money is urgently needed. Naturally, it is impossible to increase revenue and reduce payment.

2. Regarding the relationship between landscape effects and business interests, it is recommended that the art director obey the management of the project manager.

3. Employee rewards must be cashed in a timely manner, and the Ministry of Commerce must account and cash them in a timely manner. "

Hua Baibai spoke: "Let me talk about a few things about the Ministry of Commerce:

1. The business team is relatively young and is developing too fast.

2. Suppliers’ reserves are weak.

3. The current business people are busy making payments and their business intensity is not enough.

4. The project department and the company's commercial department do not communicate, fight for rights, and fail to implement, reflecting an unclear division of labor.

5. The production and business communication of the project are okay, but the company's business and project communication are not smooth, and the goals are consistent.


Song Zhiyuan commented and replied: "

1. Employee reward issues: Leaders in charge should care about your employees. Leaders in charge should remember to come to the company to promote solutions and come to me for coordination when there are difficulties.

2. Organization chart:

Now the entire business unit is not running in a systematic manner, which is specifically reflected in the following aspects:

a. Young team

b. The leaders in charge are unclear and some projects are left unattended.

c. The division of labor in project operation functions is unclear. There was no dust when laying out the wires at the construction site, and when the trees were planted, it was discovered that there were not enough cranes, and the scene was in chaos. Eighty teams were arranged to rush for work on the Tongda project, and seventy trees were planted within two hours. How much profit will you consume in this way?

What does the project manager focus on?

This refers to director-level project managers.

The primary responsibility is the business and information teams. One person can be in charge of up to four people. This is not what I said, it is a management theory.

So who are the other two people?

Should one be the production manager, and the other should be the project finance manager?

If your director-level project manager's management is a stick-to-the-bottom management method, a slightly larger project will not only exhaust you to death, but also make the management a mess, making the middle managers below not want to take care of it, nor dare to take care of it. .

As a leader: help him clarify his thinking, supervise him and lead him to do what he does, not do it for him.

The vice president of production has to go to the front line to find problems. Many leaders are superficial and only listen to reports. You must know that employees' judgment is not enough, which may lead to misunderstandings and misunderstandings, and ultimately miss important things.

Each project should think about personnel and positioning issues on its own.

In terms of resources, the company must play the emotional card, and whether to find ways to consider resource support issues.

For the vice president of production, when the company recruits people for you, you must make good use of them and not waste precious human resources.

At present, many business authorities are still placed in the Commerce Department of the business unit. Company executives are meeting to discuss that in the future, the business authority is likely to be delegated to projects and regions. "

Song Zhiyuan looked at everyone and said, "This meeting has been going on for a long time. Let's take a ten-minute break and come back to the conference room in ten minutes to continue the meeting."

As soon as Song Zhiyuan finished speaking, several people rushed to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, everyone in the meeting returned to their seats quietly.

Song Zhiyuan continued: "How is the Ministry of Commerce positioned? As a management, we hope that project managers will take the initiative.

Some projects require overtime work. If you pay cash, it will be done immediately and it will be solved.

If you care more about solutions, better results are welcome.

As for the greening team, there is a very good team that can beat three with one.

There is no tacit understanding between production and business, and the problem lies in management thinking, which is a common problem.

The more accusations there are, the less support is achieved.

Don’t avoid it if the quality of the seedlings or the tree shape is not good. This is also due to the lack of staff and limited resources.

For the Tongda project, there are 14 million cubic meters of soil. After the design drawings are revised, there are still 10 million cubic meters. If one hundred thousand cubic meters are transported in one day, it will take one hundred days to transport.

Wang Daxi is the biggest boss. Whoever has the ability will do it. There are five or six earthmoving teams. The price is set in advance and he is asked to finish the work before it is given to other areas. Otherwise, it will be given directly to others.

After laying out the line, each family has a grid of 100 meters by 100 meters, one meter deep, and each family can grab it themselves.

In the end, Wang Daxi and his family did more than half of the earthwork. If managed properly, obvious benefits can be achieved.

People in project business should pay more attention to business planning and do a good job in open source work. "

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