Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 225 Pursuing systems to manage enterprises

Zhou Wencheng replied: "It's difficult to rectify it now, but how can we rectify it in the future when it becomes more complicated?"

Zhang Yunqing said: “I have founded two companies so far.

In fact, when every business first starts, management may be completely blank.

The reason is simple, there are few people at the beginning.

The boss or shareholder of a company generally uses the principle of maximizing the company's interests as the criterion for making decisions, and the main managers of the company can easily reach a consensus.

However, as the enterprise grows larger and larger, both the employees and the boss of the enterprise hope to quickly establish the enterprise's management system.

Even if the management system is imperfect, it doesn't matter, but it cannot be without a management system. This is a common understanding among everyone.

Ever since, everyone has gradually helped the company establish this management system with your words and my words.

In fact, when we established these systems, there was a principle underlying them.

This is the hope that in the future, the system will manage the enterprise, not people.

Why do people prefer that systems manage enterprises rather than people managing enterprises?

Because most people agree that people are actually selfish, and they cannot remain impartial and selfless in the face of interests.

This is true between the boss and his employees, and perhaps the same is true between the boss's shareholders.


The shareholder structures of the two start-ups I have personally experienced are very simple.

There are two shareholders.

Are you saying that it is easy for two shareholders to discuss this?

right? "

Zhou Wencheng agreed: "Yes, can't the two shareholders still discuss it?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "I'm not saying that all two shareholders can't negotiate well.

But in the two companies I have experienced, the two shareholders did not negotiate well. "

Zhou Wencheng asked with great interest: "Can you talk about them separately?"

Zhang Yunqing took a deep breath and said: "You can talk about it. It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable recalling the original mistake again. But I also think, if we have already made a mistake before, but we still can't find the mistake Isn’t it wrong to look for the wrong reasons and solutions, or simply not to look for the wrong reasons and solutions?”

Zhao Manfu said: “I think we should summarize the past so that we can face the future more efficiently, which is a better choice for each of us.

Anyway, we are living here for a while now, so you might as well talk about it, and we can analyze it together. "

Zhang Yunqing smiled bitterly and said, "Okay.

Let’s talk about the first software company first.

When the software company was founded in 2001, it seems that the company was established relatively early.

Later, my friends helped me analyze it. Because there were too many piracy in Xichuan Capital City, it was best not to open a small-scale software company like ours in Xichuan, let alone in a remote area of ​​Xichuan.

Okay, I've covered both of these.

Another thing is that when I opened a software company, I had no money but only skills, so I thought of finding a rich person to partner with me to open a software company.

The accounting at that time was very simple. Each set of software sold for 3,000 yuan (other similar brand software sold for 5,000 to 6,000 yuan per set). Selling 10,000 sets would be 30 million, and the cost was estimated to be within 1 million, which was completely feasible. Liveable. Net profit can reach 29 million. It is relatively easy to achieve these, because the software has been successfully developed and may have slight advantages compared with similar software on the market. Because it is developed by myself, you can find errors at any time or have good ideas, and you can find the source code to modify it at any time to form a better software version. "

Zhao Manfu asked: "It sounds very tempting, but why did it fail?"

Zhang Yunqing said: "The reasons for the failure, I summed up: there was no good sales, and I did not go to the competent authority to obtain certification. Later, my friend who was successful in this industry told me that the biggest reason was actually the lack of sales. He was He only knew programming, but his brother was very good at sales, and he chose the city well, so he succeeded."

Zhao Manfu asked: "Is the failure of software companies related to shareholders?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "There are only two shareholders. One is my technical investment, accounting for 49% of the shareholders, and the other is an investor, which you also know. The failure of this software company, now that I think about it, is related to me. I think it should be bigger. At that time, software companies could only generate very little revenue, and sales were always very poor. I didn’t feel that I had enough money from investors to invest in a software company. If it failed, investors would The loss is even more serious. Alas, this area is quite chaotic, and I may not have thought it through until now. Because I got involved in the software industry so early, I shouldn’t be unable to develop it anyway.”

Zhou Wencheng said: "Actually, can it be described as bad luck?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "This is a simple judgment method."

Zhou Wencheng asked again: "What about the other company?"

Zhang Yunqing said: "The other company is a cost consulting company. It has only two shareholders. There are two main reasons for its failure:

1. The shareholders were not aligned and could not advance and retreat together. At that time, I was a full-time entrepreneur and the other shareholder was a part-time entrepreneur. They could not help much in management and were seriously hindered in investment.

2. I am too eager to demand rapid development of the company. Later, after the failure, I tried to calculate the mathematical model. With the development speed at that time, the payment collection could not keep up, my ability to advance funds was exhausted, and the capital chain was broken. According to calculations, the time from the establishment of the company to this point is about a few hours. moon. Later practice proved that the company had existed for more than half a year, and at any rate it had been idle for a few more months. Finally, it could no longer survive and had no choice but to close its doors completely. Then he came out to work again. "

Zhou Wencheng asked: "Since the mathematical model has proven that it doesn't work, why do you still want to open that cost consulting company?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "That mathematical model was not something I could establish at the beginning. It was slowly established based on my own understanding during the operation of the enterprise.

Especially when the company was about to close down later, I felt particularly uncomfortable, and I didn’t know how to face it in reality. It was accumulated through the process of thinking bit by bit, and the calculation mathematical model was obtained after constant revision.

In other words, if I had not experienced those things, I would not be able to build the mathematical models that I later discovered. "

Zhou Wencheng asked: "Does that mean that every enterprise may one day perish? It just depends on the length of time."

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