Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 243 What are you afraid of?

Bai Qingting expressed satisfaction with everyone's report, and believed that there were still some shortcomings. She hoped that everyone would strengthen learning and improvement, and put forward new hopes and requirements: "I hope everyone can work together with the company and seek common development.

People who lead teams are required to better manage their teams and keep up with the rapid pace of company development. It is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

The company's current big strategy is a rapid development model, so if you can't keep up with the company's development needs, the company will hire more suitable people from outside to manage everyone. I hope everyone must recognize the form and understand the company. As long as your abilities are strong enough, the company can always give you a suitable stage.

Okay, that’s it for this pre-bid meeting.

Thank you all, the meeting is dismissed. "

Song Zhiyuan reported to Bai Qingting: "Mr. Bai, there are still some issues that need to be resolved during this meeting. I would like to communicate with you again by the way."

Bai Qingting smiled and said: "Okay, please rest for ten minutes before returning to the conference room to participate in the meeting chaired by President Song."

Ten minutes later, except for Chairman Bai Qingting who had left in advance, all other people who participated in the pre-bid meeting of Tanghai Bay 701 Hospital returned to the conference room.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Song Zhiyuan spoke softly: "To be honest, I am very dissatisfied with this pre-bid meeting. I know that it is a key project that the boss attaches great importance to, but we are ready to work But it is very inadequate, and no remedial measures have been taken. It seems to have developed naturally.

This attitude and approach is very bad and very unflattering.

The reason why everyone is allowed to stay and continue the meeting is that we want to discuss ways to make up for the unprepared work in the early stage, and clarify the key tasks in the future so that no more mistakes can be made.

Mr. Zhao Manfu, can you please report why the price of floor materials is not accurate? "

Zhao Manfu heard that Song Zhiyuan clearly expressed his dissatisfaction, and now asked him to report by name, so he quickly stood up and reported sincerely: "Mr. Song, there are two projects in the Nanhai area, one is the Nanshan project, and the other is the Qiongshan Bo Bay project.

The former is in the rush for work, while the latter is in the settlement period.

Originally, according to the company's personnel control situation, each project was required to have a dedicated material staff. But now the two projects share a material staff member named Wang Ming, who still only has three years of work experience.

Therefore, from the perspective of material personnel, both quantity and quality need to be improved.

I originally thought that after all, this bidding work has not yet reached the time of bidding opening, and there is still a few days of buffering period, so I planned to arrange for Wang Ming, the materials person, to go to Tanghai Bay to investigate the price of flooring materials tomorrow. "

After hearing this, Song Zhiyuan replied: "Since we have arranged to investigate tomorrow, I have no way to force you to arrange to investigate today. But there is one thing, you have to make the arrangements yourself, and don't arrange for your subordinates to pass the news on. , the dominant idea has been conveyed astray."

Zhao Manfu wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead, thinking that this hurdle was almost over, and then replied: "Okay, Mr. Song, after this meeting, I will make a phone call to arrange these in person according to your instructions. Mr. Song, please rest assured about your work."

Song Zhiyuan asked Hua Baibai again: "Bainian, did you hear clearly what General Zhao Manfu just said about the materials and personnel issue?"

Hua Baibai replied: "I heard it clearly. Mr. Zhao asked two questions about the material staff. One is that the number of staff is insufficient, at least one material staff is missing; the other is that the existing material staff's work experience is not good. .”

Song Zhiyuan asked: "Then how do you think these two problems should be solved?"

Hua Baibai replied: "Mr. Song, the problem that Mr. Zhao thinks is not a problem for our Ministry of Commerce.

I have discussed the problem of uneven quantities with Lei Zhao, the person in charge of materials. One of the current two projects is under construction and the other is completed and settled. One is enough. If there is a time conflict, then ensure it first. Dealing with projects under construction.

In this way, the company can save the cost of a material personnel.

The problem of lack of work experience is that the person in charge of materials, Lei Zhao, has worked for more than ten years. However, such people are not easy to find, and it is impossible to have experienced material procurement personnel like Lei Zhao for every project.

How did we solve this problem?

Our Ministry of Commerce often organizes training, not only for material personnel, but also for budget personnel and seedling procurement personnel.

These trainings are irregular. If there are many problems and they are relatively concentrated, training will be organized immediately to use training to solve the problem of insufficient work experience.

We let those old material purchasing personnel, old budgeting personnel, and old seedling purchasing personnel serve as the main lecturers, let them summarize what they have learned throughout their lives, form a PPT document, and then transfer the personnel in the project department who need to learn and train back to the business department Ministry of Commerce, participate in training and study.

I can responsibly say that as long as we can find out what problem a person has, we can solve and resolve the discovered problem through targeted training. "

Song Zhiyuan replied: "Okay, I understand. President Manfu, are you satisfied with the Centenary President's solution?"

Zhao Manfu said: "Mr. Song, Mr. Hua, I really didn't know that Mr. Hua had such a perfect solution. I am quite satisfied with this solution of the century-old Mr. Hua."

Hua Baibai replied: "Mr. Manfu, I like to keep a low profile. All I want to do is how to complete the tasks assigned to me by President Song. It has not been publicized, so it is normal for you not to know."

Song Zhiyuan said: "President Manfu, President Centenary, you two don't need to be polite, as long as the problem is solved.

Regarding the issue of construction organization design, how are you currently arranging it? "

Hua Baibai replied: "The problem of construction organization design and preparation has always been the Achilles' heel of our Ministry of Commerce. We always arrange for people to find a template to make modifications based on the bidding construction drawings. There are some processes that we don't understand at all, unlike production. The members of the team are tempered through years of work experience in actual construction. If there are people arranged by the production team to help, the construction organization design issues should be able to be completed more perfectly."

Song Zhiyuan asked: "For this question, you can just find the person who will take over the production after winning the bid, General Zhao Manfu. Have you found one?"

Hua Baibai replied: "I looked for him once. Manfu always said that the project department was rushing for work, so I didn't have the nerve to look for him again."

Song Zhiyuan replied: "You have to overcome the problem of being thin-skinned. As long as it is for the company's work, you should not hesitate to go to the relevant personnel and ask them to cooperate with your work. It is not a personal matter. What are you afraid of? what?"

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