Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 245: Prepare to dig a big hole

After listening to Dugu Lingyun's introduction, Song Zhiyuan nodded in affirmation and said: "Mr. Dugu, this approach of doing things first and not waiting for others to rush you is worth learning from. Especially Zhao Manfu, Hua Baibai , both of you are leading a team, and you should learn from Mr. Dugu’s proactive and responsible style.

Because of your work, no leader can supervise you and ask you every day. They arrange big things and then have no time to ask you.

Wouldn't it be terrible if you didn't learn to proactively arrange the work of your own department? "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Yes, Mr. Song, don't worry, I will definitely learn from Mr. Dugu's proactive style of doing things."

Hua Baibai replied: "Mr. Song, I have been taking the initiative to do things and arrange the work of the department. However, I still need proper supervision from the leader and I will do better."

Song Zhiyuan replied: "For a hundred years, you have always done better by taking the initiative, but if you can be like Mr. Dugu and think about everything in advance, the work results will be better."

Hua Baibai replied: "Okay, Mr. Song, I will seriously consult and learn from Mr. Dugu."

Song Zhiyuan saw that the situation was almost settled, so he asked everyone if there were any questions. The participants unanimously said that there was no problem.

Song Zhiyuan arranged for the meeting to end.

After the meeting, it was already dinner time, and Zhao Manfu called Zhang Yunqing to go out with him to find a place to eat, and to communicate about future work matters.

While walking, Zhao Manfu called Zhou Wencheng, the project manager of the Nanshan project, and Wang Ming, the materials supervisor of the Nanshan project.

The spirit of today's pre-target meeting for the Tanghai Bay 701 Hospital project was conveyed to the two of them. What was particularly important was that it was clearly agreed at the meeting that Wang Ming must be sent to the project site tomorrow to inquire about the price of land materials.

Zhou Wencheng was reluctant to send people out at this time. The two had a heated conversation on the phone for more than ten minutes. In the end, Zhao Manfu got angry and said that this was the opinion of the business unit president Song Zhiyuan, and this must be met. The boss attaches great importance to the personnel needs and work cooperation of the project. The matter of keeping Zhang Yunqing in the business department to help with the bidding was not mentioned for the time being.

Wang Mingze, the materials supervisor, said that he had a lot on his hands and was in charge of several projects. It was not a project to be managed at all and he was completely overwhelmed.

Zhao Manfu also communicated with Wang Ming for a long time, and finally arranged for Wang Ming to inquire about the price of land materials where the Tanghai Bay 701 Hospital project is located tomorrow.

After the call was made, Zhang Yunqing had already ordered the food and drinks for the two of them. Since there were few guests in the hotel at this time, the food was served very quickly.

Zhao Manfu joked: "Yun Qing, you worked very quickly today. The dishes are all served."

Zhang Yunqing said with a smile: "The main reason is that the service level of the hotel is good."

Zhao Manfu picked up the wine glass and said, "Here, let's have a drink first and relax."

Zhang Yunqing picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Zhao Manfu and drank it down.

Zhao Manfu put down his wine glass and asked while filling his own glass: "During the meeting, Mr. Hua arranged for you to come back and help them bid. I blinked my eyes hard for you, didn't you see?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I saw it. How do you know what it means just by blinking your eyes?"

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "Nonsense, aren't I still throwing my head off? Didn't you see me throwing my head off for you?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "I saw it. How can I not see such a huge amplitude?"

Zhao Manfu smiled and criticized: "You see, do you understand the meaning? It's asking you not to agree to come back and help them bid, do you understand?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I know, even in your subsequent speech, you said you were quite busy and couldn't spare the time to help."

Zhao Manfu replied: "It seems that you are not stupid, so why did you agree to come back and help them bid, instead of choosing to do your job well in the area?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "What I started to think about was,

This bid, if you win the bid, will definitely be arranged for you to manage, so from the bottom of my heart, I think it is appropriate to help place the bid. "

Zhao Manfu said dissatisfiedly: "Yun Qing, I'm not criticizing you.

You still haven't seen clearly the essential problem here. "

Zhang Yunqing replied curiously: "Oh, then, can you tell me what the essential problem is in this?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "The essential question is that in the workplace, it is okay to help others, but the premise is that you need to do your own job well, and only help others when you have time, energy, and ability. Complete other people’s tasks.”

Zhang Yunqing replied: "In this case, I was indeed hasty in agreeing to help him. Otherwise, if I find another reason and go back to the project department, I won't be able to care about him so much."

Zhao Manfu continued: "Don't be so reckless. Since you have already agreed, don't change it easily. People have to be honest. Think about it, a person promised something an hour ago and regretted it an hour later. This is what happened. If this happens a few more times, people around him will no longer dare to believe him, right?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, I also hate people whose words and deeds are inconsistent. Forget it if you don't agree to others. If you agree to other people's things, you have to do it well and be honest. Even, I think honesty is actually It’s more valuable than money.”

Zhao Manfu replied: "It is good that you can realize the importance of integrity. Once a person is not honest, people around him will gradually alienate him and will not dare to deal with him anymore.

This time, despite reminding you, I did not refuse to go back to the business department and help with things that were not within the scope of my job. It is best that such an incident does not happen again in the future.

If you think about it, how much trouble will this cause? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "What I can think of is that it will affect the project department's payment collection and on-site visa confirmation, which may further affect the project department's progress in rushing to work."

Zhao Manfu said: "These are not the only influences.

People in the project department will not understand why you go back to the business department to help.

I called Zhou Wencheng and Wang Ming just now. Zhou Wencheng had already made it clear that he had to get things done in his project department before he could talk about anything else.

After all, I don't even have the nerve to tell him about your return to the business department to help.

And if you go back to the business department to help, no one will praise you for your good work, and you won't get a bonus.

However, if you do not do well and make any mistakes, the entire responsibility will be yours.

Moreover, looking at the situation now, we are not people who have spent hundreds of years on their line. They are always on guard against us. Of course, they may be preparing to dig a big hole for us at any time. It depends on which day we jump. . "

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