Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 258: Striving for understanding from the construction unit

Zhang Yunqing didn't understand Zhao Manfu's answer, so he asked, "Why isn't it necessarily true?"

Zhao Manfu knew Zhang Yunqing's impatience, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, listen to me and explain the reasons slowly.

You said that business people may not get a good rest during their work for a long time. I understand and recognize this.

But when you say that the work of business staff is more tiring than that of production staff, I don’t think that’s necessarily true.

From just one point, we can make a clear distinction. "

Zhang Yunqing asked curiously: "One point can make the difference. Which point is it?"

Zhao Manfu collected his thoughts and replied seriously: "I think the most important issue is the intensity of working outdoors.

If you look at the production staff, project manager Zhou Wencheng, production manager Xu Kun, landscaping engineer Cui Yong, garden construction engineer Wan Cong, water and electricity engineer Liu Liguo, and measurement engineer Lin Jun, each of them spends a lot of time working at the outdoor construction site every day. It's quite long, and my clothes are often soaked with sweat, and my face is covered with white salt.

Especially the measurement engineer Lin Jun. Look at his skin color due to being exposed to the sun for a long time outdoors. Have you ever seen anyone darker than him? "

Zhang Yunqing replied unconvinced: "Why is there no more? The skin color of African blacks is darker than his."

Zhao Manfu criticized: "Your cross-race comparison is nothing.

So my understanding is that people in production are tired, people in business are tired, and as long as we work in the project department, have you ever seen anyone who is not tired? It's just that the tiredness is different, and the time intensity is indeed slightly different. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Mr. Zhao, you can really speak. I have nothing else to do and am going to track the progress of some work."

Zhao Manfu replied: "Well, you go ahead."

Zhang Yunqing returned to the office of the Ministry of Commerce and found Li Xixuan to understand the situation: "Xiao Li, have the engineers from Modu Yichai come here?"

Li Xixuan replied: "Yes, I'm here. I've already met them once, but they have just taken over the work here, and there are only one or two people here, so they are not busy at all."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "When was the last time you met their people?"

Li Xixuan replied: "A few days ago. What, do you want to go there?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Well, you take me to meet them and strengthen communication."

Li Xixuan replied: "Yes, it's not far anyway. We will work in a board room provided by the general contractor. We can go and have a look now."

After finishing speaking, Li Xixuan took Zhang Yunqing to the office of the cost consulting unit.

After the two arrived at the office of the cost consulting unit, Li Xixuan said to a woman: "Hello, Mr. Ding. Mr. Zhang, the commercial manager of our Nanhai area, heard that you were coming and asked me to bring you here to visit you."

Zhang Yunqing came to Ding Qiaohe, handed out his business card with both hands and said: "Hello, Mr. Ding, I am the commercial manager of the Nanhai District of Oriental Construction Co., Ltd., my surname is Zhang and my first name is Hongfei. Please take care of me in the future, Mr. Ding." .”

Ding Qiaohe smiled and pulled up two chairs and said to them: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li, please sit down."

After the two sat down, Ding Qiaohe asked with a smile: "When Xiao Li came to see me last time, she mentioned that her leader went to Kyoto on a temporary urgent mission. Mr. Zhang went to Kyoto, when did he come back?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and replied: "Mr. Ding, I just returned to the Nanshan Project Department last night. After I asked Xiao Li this morning that you have arrived at the Nanshan Project Department, Ding, I quickly asked her to bring me over to talk with you. You meet."

Ding Qiaohe smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, why are you coming to me in such a hurry?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "I came to see Mr. Ding just to find out when the bid clearance report we submitted will be reviewed and released to us."

Ding Qiaohe replied: "I am here now to contact the construction party and our company's cost department, and try to clear up the construction party's work tasks.

It is necessary to collect all relevant electronic documents, and then ask the company leaders to arrange a specific cost team to provide cost consulting services. "

Zhang Yunqing asked: "In that case, we don't know when our clearance report can start to be reviewed?"

Ding Qiaohe replied: "At least today, these things are still being arranged and have not been fully clarified. I hope you can understand and wait a few more days."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "There is no problem in waiting a few days, but we still need to trouble Ding Gong to say hello to the builder. Don't affect the review progress of our progress payment application just because the bid clearance report has not been reviewed."

Ding Qiaohe replied: "The review of the progress payment is also arranged by our company. I remember that it was reported yesterday. Our company may be the first to handle this work. The construction party has already said hello and said that this progress payment The review work is currently the most urgent task, otherwise the construction unit will not receive the project payment in time and it will be difficult to truly rush for the work."

Zhang Yunqing felt confident after hearing Ding Qiaohe's answer. At least the progress payment had been declared normally, and he still asked with concern: "Ding, Mr. Ding, I would also like to ask how many days it will take for the review of the progress payment to be completed?" "

Ding Qiaohe replied: "Our company has arranged for more than ten people to calculate and verify the price. According to the work plan, it is expected to take ten days."

After hearing this, Zhang Yunqing replied: "Ten days is so long. In this case, I'm afraid that the review of the project funds will not be timely."

Ding Qiaohe asked: "Gong Zhang, how many years have you been doing cost work?"

Zhang Yunqing asked confusedly: "It's been more than ten years, Mr. Ding, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Ding Qiaohe smiled and replied: "Mr. Zhang, you have been doing cost work for more than ten years. Naturally, you know that for such a large-scale project, it is the first time for our cost consulting company to review it. There is no basic data for reference. That’s why we arranged for more than ten people to do this work. But it’s still not something that can be completed in three or two days. It should take seven or eight days to complete the compilation and one or two days to review it. It should be completely normal. Right? ?”

Zhang Yunqing replied sheepishly: "Yes, yes, Mr. Ding, I only considered that we were in a hurry to collect the payment, and did not fully consider the reasonable time arrangement of the cost consultation work, which made you laugh."

Ding Qiaohe replied: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, as long as we communicate more, support each other, and have enough mutual understanding, there will be no problems that cannot be solved.

Regarding the restriction on progress payment review application that you are worried about, our cost consulting company will also report the situation to the construction unit objectively, strive for the construction unit's understanding, and get them to agree to pay your progress payment as soon as possible. "

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