Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 292: Fund shortage problem

Remember in one second【】

After Zhang Yunqing finished communicating with Li Xixuan, he remembered that Huatie's cost manager Qin Wenhao was urging for invoices, so he took out his mobile phone, found the phone number of financial cashier Tang Ying in the phone address book, dialed her and said: "Tang Ying, Manager Qin from the general contractor was urging me to get invoices from the three of us this morning.

He said that if he couldn't get the original invoice, it would be impossible for his company's finance department to pay us the progress payment.

I promised him that if the invoice was delivered to the designated recipient at the Huatie headquarters, I would report it to him in time.

How is your invoice going now? "

Tang Ying answered anxiously on the phone: "Mr. Zhang, the invoice matter has not progressed yet. I have just arrived at the financial leader and am going to ask the leader to help me coordinate the stamping of the special financial seal."

Zhang Yunqing replied on the phone: "Okay, then after your invoice is sorted out, just tell me in time. You go about it first."

After Tang Ying heard Zhang Yunqing hung up the phone, she put the phone away and said to Tang Yulan from Finance: "Sister Tang, look at this matter of invoice stamping, the project department was so anxious that I came to you, Zhang I’m always calling to ask for the results.”

Tang Yulan took the invoice handed over by Tang Ying and said: "I was originally responsible for stamping the invoice, but I have more things on my hands now and I can't handle it. You are in a hurry, so I There is a seal application form here, please fill it out yourself."

Tang Ying took the stamp application form handed over by Tang Yulan and replied: "Okay, Sister Tang, I'll fill it out first. If you don't understand anything, you need to help guide me."

Tang Yulan replied: "No problem. Just fill it out first."

Tang Ying took a few minutes to fill out the seal application form and handed it to Tang Yulan and said, "Sister Tang, I've finished filling it out. Please help me review it."

Tang Yulan took the form and browsed it quickly before saying: "The type of seal needs to be filled in with a special financial seal. There is no other problem. You can also sign your name here for the seal applicant and give it to me."

After Tang Ying signed her name, she handed the seal application form to Tang Yulan. Tang Yulan also signed her name to the seal applicant, then handed the seal application form to Tang Ying and arranged: " Please go find Ma Jing, deputy financial manager, and Xue Xue, deputy financial director, to sign.

After the signature is completed, you can go to the company's stamping specialist Meng Yaqing to get it stamped.

After stamping, remember to come to my place. "

Tang Ying replied: "Okay,

I will now go to the leaders to sign. "

Tang Ying searched for a long time in the large finance office and found the workstation of Ma Jing, the deputy financial manager: "Hello, Manager Ma, I am Tang Ying, the cashier of the Nanshan project. I have something to worry about that requires a special financial seal. You sign for review.”

After Tang Ying finished speaking, he handed the stamp application form and the invoices that needed to be stamped to Ma Jing, the deputy financial manager.

Deputy Finance Manager Ma Jing took the seal application form and looked at it carefully, asked Tang Ying a few more detailed questions and then signed her name.

In order to avoid having to find people all over the office, Tang Ying asked the deputy financial manager Ma Jing for advice: "Manager Ma, please ask if I still need to go to the deputy financial director Xue Xue to sign?"

Ma Jing, deputy financial manager, replied: "Yes. Do you know where her office is?"

Tang Ying replied sheepishly: "I have been in the project department for a long time, and the workstations of the leaders at the headquarters have changed a lot. I need to trouble you to tell you where Mr. Xue's office is."

Deputy Finance Manager Ma Jing turned around and pointed in one direction and said, "Did you see that the closed door from my desk to the fourth desk is Mr. Xue's office door?"

Tang Ying replied: "Okay, thank you, Manager Ma. I'll go find Mr. Xue to sign it now."

After Tang Ying finished speaking, she walked to the office of Xue Xue, deputy director of finance. After arriving at the door of the office, Tang Ying knocked politely and gently three times, but there was no response.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Tang Ying knocked on the door three more times, but there was still no response.

At this time, the person at the work station at the door happened to return to his work station. Tang Ying walked over and asked, "Can I ask where Mr. Xue Xue went? Do you know?"

The man replied cautiously: "Who are you and what do you want from her?"

Tang Ying quickly handed the stamp application form and invoices to the person, and then said: "I am the cashier of the Nanshan project, my name is Tang Ying. I am always looking for Xue because this batch of invoices urgently needs a special financial seal, and she needs her signature."

The man looked at the materials handed over by Tang Ying and replied: "When I came here in the morning, I heard from Mr. Xue that there were a lot of meetings this morning.

If no one answers the door now, it's probably time to go to a meeting.

But I don’t know which conference room it is in.

You'd better give her a call.

On the sign is her phone number. "

Tang Ying saved the phone number on the brand into her mobile phone and said with a smile: "You are so meticulous in your work, and you even made a special brand."

The man smiled and said: "There is no way, sometimes a good person comes here one day and asks for the phone number.

As long as it is confirmed that it is the person who can give the number, it is necessary to find the number for everyone. Although this kind of thing is small, it is very time-consuming.

So I was forced to come up with this idea. "

Tang Ying smiled and praised: "You are so smart."

After finishing speaking, Tang Ying tried to call Deputy Financial Director Xue Xue's phone number, but did not get through.

Tang Ying chose to call the project manager Zhou Wencheng for help: "Mr. Zhou, I need to find Xue Xue, deputy director of finance, to sign before I can stamp my name on the invoice."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Our company’s special financial seal.

She is probably in a meeting now. I asked for her phone number, but I couldn't get through.

Can you help me get in touch to help? "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay, please wait a moment."

After a while, Zhou Wencheng called Tang Ying and arranged: "Mr. Xue happens to be having a meeting in the conference room No. 3 of our fifth business department. She promised that you should go to her to sign immediately. "

Tang Ying replied on the phone: "Okay. I'll go right away."

After Tang Ying waited for Zhou Wencheng to hang up the phone, she took the stamp application form and quickly walked to the No. 3 conference room of the fifth business department. When she arrived at the door of the conference room, she raised the stamp application form in her hand when she saw Xue Xue.

Xue Xue motioned for her to enter the conference room.

After Tang Ying entered the conference room, she handed the seal application form to Xue Xue. While signing it, Xue Xue asked: "This invoice is needed so urgently, when can we get the money back?"

Tang Ying replied: "What I heard from the leaders on the project is that the general contractor Huatie leaders promised that payment can be made upon seeing the original invoice."

Xue Xue said to Song Zhiyuan, the president of the fifth business unit who was sitting in the conference room: "Mr. Song, the shortage of funds we are discussing now, if the 20 million yuan for the Nanshan project can be paid back within these two days, it will be completely solved." solved.

Let's see how we can arrange it to ensure that the 20 million progress payment can be recovered quickly. "

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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