Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 294 When can payment be made?

Remember in one second【】

After saying hello to Lin Yiping, Tang Ying left the Western Construction headquarters building. After going downstairs, she waited for a taxi on the side of the road. By the way, she called Zhou Wencheng to report the current invoice situation, so that Zhou Wencheng would not worry there.

It took Tang Ying about two hours to get to the headquarters of Huatie in a taxi. There was too much traffic on the road. The time of the trip was not controlled at all. There were many areas like a huge parking lot, and the vehicles on the road Unable to move forward for a long time.

After Tang Ying delivered the invoices for the three bids to the recipient designated by Yao Peng of Huatie, she simply said goodbye and left the headquarters of Huatie.

Tang Ying called Zhou Wencheng and said, "Mr. Zhou, I just sent all the invoices from the three companies to the recipients designated by Mr. Yao. Is there anything wrong with me?"

Zhou Wencheng promised on the phone: "Nothing will happen."

Tang Ying asked again: "Mr. Zhou, I haven't been back to my home in Kyoto for a long time. I want to go home to see my parents and rest for a few days. Do you think that's okay?"

Zhou Wencheng hesitated for a while and then replied: "Okay, if there is any trouble with this collection, we can arrange for you to help run the relevant procedures."

Tang Ying happily agreed on the phone: "Okay, if there is anything that requires me to come out and run for a while, please ask the leader to arrange it at any time. Thank you, Mr. Zhou. Bye."

After Zhou Wencheng ended the phone call with Tang Ying, he called Yao Peng to report: "Mr. Yao, just now Xiao Tang, the cashier of my project department, has handed over the original invoices for the three garden landscape bid sections to your designated The recipient of the invoice.

Please ask, when can the project progress payment be transferred to our company's account? "

Yao Peng promised on the phone: "Our project department has submitted the progress payment process of the three of you on the system and has reviewed the finance. If you need to urge me further, please give me the information from the project department. Please contact the cost manager Qin Wenhao. Under normal circumstances, he will urge you. If you really can’t push it, just contact me in time."

Zhou Wencheng agreed: "Okay, Mr. Yao, I will contact your manager Qin immediately. Bye."

After Zhou Wencheng waited for Yao Peng to hang up the phone, he thought for a while. After all, he was not very familiar with Huatie's cost manager Tan Wenhao, so he asked Zhang Yunqingyun to contact him. So he found Zhang Yunqing's phone number in the address book and dialed it. Said: "Mr. Zhang, are you busy?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I'm not busy, I'm waiting for your call."

Zhou Wencheng laughed and said: "It's too fake.

There is something I need you to contact. "

Zhang Yunqing said politely on the phone: "Whatever happens, you can arrange it."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "In terms of collection of project progress payments, Zhao Manfu always calls me every half hour to ask about the progress, which makes me very upset and stressed.

Tang Ying called me just now and reported the situation. The original invoices from our three companies have been delivered to the recipient designated by Huatie Project Manager Mr. Yao.

So I called Mr. Yao and wanted to collect the project progress payment.

But Mr. Yao said to find another person first. "

Zhang Yunqing asked on the phone: "Have you made it clear which person you are looking for?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "I told you to go to his cost manager Qin Wenhao first, and if you can't figure it out, go to Mr. Yao for help and coordination."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "If you want to find Qin Wenhao, I can find him here. When I sent the "Fixed Asset Investment Management Regulations" document to Manager Qin this morning, I asked when our progress payment would be given to us. Manager Qin explained When the invoice arrived, we immediately called him and he went to their company headquarters to help us collect the project progress payment."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Oh, there is such a good thing. Then please call Tan Wenhao and explain the current situation."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay. I will go find him right away."

After Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Zhou Wencheng, he quickly left his office and walked to the office of Huatie's cost manager Qin Wenhao.

When he was about to arrive at Huatie's project department, he saw Tan Wenhao's car driving out. Zhang Yunqing quickly waved to Tan Wenhao and said hello: "Manager Qin, I have something to do with you. Can I just delay for a minute or two?"

Tan Wenhao parked the car next to Zhang Yunqing and asked, "A minute or two, no problem. Tell me what's the matter."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Xiao Tang, the cashier of our project, has sent the original invoices from the three companies to the invoice recipient designated by Mr. Yao.

Mr. Zhou called your Mr. Yao, and Mr. Yao said that if I want to press for this payment, I should contact you first.

Manager Qin, look, could you please find a convenient time to help me with the reminder? "

After hearing what Zhang Yunqing expressed, Tan Wenhao simply agreed: "No problem. I will call the company headquarters right away."

After finishing speaking, Qin Wenhao took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number, turned on the speakerphone and asked: "Now people from the three garden landscaping units are looking for me, saying that their original invoices have been handed over to the company headquarters. I just wanted to ask when I can send them the money."

A female voice on the phone promised: "I have received the original invoice. I am looking for our financial manager to sign it. The payment is expected to be made today at the earliest and tomorrow morning at the latest."

Qin Wenhao replied: "Okay, please help and keep an eye on it, because it is a project that rushes for work. Party A of our company is also watching the payment of these funds and requires that these professional subcontracting units must be paid as soon as possible. Bye .”

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After Qin Wenhao ended the phone call, he said to Zhang Yunqing: "You heard the company's reply, so don't worry now."

Zhang Yunqing happily agreed: "Don't worry, I will report the situation to the leader. Thank you, Manager Qin, for your help. I wasted your time, you go first. "

Tan Wenhao asked: "Okay. Do you want to give you a ride?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I only have a few steps to go. I can just walk back to the project department. I can't waste your time anymore. Goodbye."

Tan Wenhao also said "bye", stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

As Zhang Yunqing walked to the project department office, he took out his phone and called Zhou Wencheng and said, "Mr. Zhou, the time is so tight. As soon as I arrived at Tan Wenhao's project department, I met him about to leave the project department. "

Zhou Wencheng asked: "What a coincidence. Have you told him the situation?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I told Manager Qin, and Manager Qin used a speaker phone to call their company's headquarters in front of me. He said they were looking for their financial director to sign, and it is expected that the payment from the three of us will be the fastest. It’s today, or tomorrow morning at the latest.”

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay, I understand. When you return to the project department, go and report the situation to General Zhao Manfu. It is inconvenient for me to be outside."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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