Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 305: Four major problems in job rush

A group of four people went straight to the conference room of the Nanhai Branch of Jingchuang Group. Zhao Manfu nodded apologetically to Wang Pingan, the head of Nanhai Branch of Jingchuang Group, as a greeting, and found a seat to sit down.

Wang Ping'an gently knocked on the conference table and said: "Okay, all the people who must be present for our garden and landscape engineering work rush meeting today have arrived.

We will start the meeting now.

First, let me tell you the reason for holding this special meeting.

The day before yesterday, the leaders of our group company came here to visit the relevant leaders of the owner.

Owner leaders raised some questions about the rush for work, especially those involving landscaping. The leaders of our Jingchuang Group Company had already assured the owner at that time that the current problems of the project must be solved, and no matter how much it cost, we would be able to complete the work on time.

Now let me ask the bosses of the first, second and third bids to tell you one by one what the main difficulties currently are and what kind of help is needed. "

Zhao Manfu waited for Wang Ping'an to finish and said: "I am Zhao Manfu, the production manager of the Nanhai area of ​​Western Construction in the first bid section, and I am here to report on the situation in the first bid section.

The main difficulties currently existing in our bidding section are:

1. The construction design drawings are not perfect. We have raised this issue many times and it has not been completely resolved.

2. Due to the rush for work at the site, the required visa documents were kept being delayed for us to sign, which made it difficult for us to make arrangements. Because the company requires the visa of the applicant, it must be processed accordingly. This matter does not involve much money, but it greatly affects our actual work progress. Hope this can be resolved.

3. There are always some unexpected emergency construction tasks assigned to us. Can we study them as a whole and make centralized arrangements to digest them?

4. The progress payment is not forward-looking. When we asked the company for money to pay the next payment, the company asked us to clarify how much we can get back. According to the current model, we have no idea at all. "

Wang Pingan arranged: "Please ask the design institute to reply to Mr. Zhao's first question."

Someone from the design institute replied: "Our institute is responsible for the design of the entire project. To be honest, for such a large project and having to provide design drawings in such a short time, it is inevitable that there will be some gaps.

If there are still some unresolved issues regarding the construction design drawings, my suggestion is to ask each unit to formulate a written document and send it to the supervisor, general contractor, construction agent unit Jingchuang Group and the contact person of our design institute.

If everyone can meet to discuss, we will discuss it at a meeting. If we can't, we will communicate on the phone first. After negotiating a solution as quickly as possible, we will implement it first, and then complete the complete written procedures. "

After hearing this, Wang Ping'an replied: "I think the design institute's approach can indeed save a lot of time in rushing work compared to the original process of starting work only after formal procedures are completed. Mr. Zhao, what do you think?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "I think this idea of ​​​​the design institute is quite good. But I hope that we can designate a docking person from the design institute for each bid section, otherwise the information feedback cycle will be too long."

The people from the design institute asked back: "Mr. Zhao, everyone in our design institute is rushing to draw pictures. How can there be so many people allocated to connect with each winning bidder? I sorted it out and divided the general contractor and professional subcontractors. According to statistics, there are more than ten units."

Zhao Manfu replied: "The leadership of the design institute is reasonable. The designated contact person I requested did not say that it must be your design institute that requires different people to handle each bid section.

For example, if we bid for three garden landscape bids, you can use one docking person to assign us three bids.

Is this possible? "

The person from the design institute replied: "If you put it like this, it is equivalent to designating docking people according to professional divisions. In this case, the number of docking people will be reduced a lot. I think it is feasible. I will provide it to you after the meeting."

Wang Ping'an arranged: "Okay.

This issue of design is clearly explained. Don't solve it after the meeting. Please ask the design institute to write the name and contact number of the contact person to the person who will make the minutes of this meeting for us. We will write it directly into the minutes of this meeting to facilitate subsequent work arrangements. "

The person from the design institute replied: "Okay. I'll write it right away."

Wang Pingan then arranged: "As for the issue of not signing the on-site visa, please ask Tao Ting, the person in charge of the cost, to answer it."

Tao Ting said: "As for the issue of visas, we at Jingchuang Group did not refuse to sign, but it was because we had agreed at the early stage of the rush to work. If the rush to work is completed, everyone will sign. If the rush to work is not completed, it is impossible to sign. of."

Zhuang Zhiren from the second bid section replied: "Mr. Tao, if you say this, it sounds okay on the surface. I also tried to tell the labor workers and material and machinery suppliers below. They simply They don't accept this argument, they say how much work they do, how much money they charge.

The rush work we are currently arranging, to be honest, we work until after twelve o'clock every night, and we have to go to work at six o'clock the next morning. Both the machinery and the people are a little bit intolerable. The work efficiency during the work rush period is much lower than that during the non-rush work period.

If during the rush to work, everyone does not sign when the situation is clear, then after the rush to work is completed, your owner will be a temporary organization, and their personnel will return to their original units.

What I want to ask is, even if he wants to sign by then, can he still sign?

If we hold a meeting because we really want to understand the problem clearly and truly solve the problem, then I suggest that we all not just speak from our own standpoint. You can try to speak from a middle position. You can also put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

You think of you as us and we think of you.

Then, think about what to do.

I'm sorry, because this has such a huge impact, I'm a little excited, and I ask for your understanding, leaders. "

Wang Ping'an commented: "The purpose of our special meeting is to find and solve problems. I just waited for Mr. Zhao Manfu to wait for a long time to hold this emergency meeting.

I think Mr. Zhuang of the second bidding section just now said it very well.

Tao Ting, please change your thinking and see what you should do if you stand in the middle position. What should you do if you stand in the position of professional subcontracting? "

Tao Ting replied aggrievedly: "Our original approach was because we were afraid that the company would make mistakes, so we did not consider whether their professional subcontracting was acceptable or whether it could be executed well.

If we think from a middle ground, it is work arranged according to our rush for work plan. If the cost has indeed increased, a visa should be issued, and the visa should be issued in a timely manner during the process. "

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