Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 321: Can you make it clearer?

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Mr. Zhuang and I will prepare the application form for the second bid of seedlings by tomorrow night at the latest. I want you to come to my office in the project department at 9:30 the day after tomorrow to discuss it. Your time is suitable. No?"

You Linfei complained on the phone: "Mr. Zhang, mine is not finished yet."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I haven't finished mine yet, but I will definitely finish it tonight. Mr. Zhuang promises to finish it tomorrow night. What's your situation now?"

You Linfei replied: "In this case, my pressure will be less. I will also ask my colleagues here to work overtime. Just go to your office to discuss it at the time you said."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, bye."

After Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with You Linfei, he called Zhuang Zhiren again to confirm: "I just called Mr. You, and he went to my office to discuss the seedling price declaration form at the time we originally told him. .”

Zhuang Zhiren replied: "Okay. Let me confirm the meeting information again. Should I come to your office in the project department at 9:30 am the day after tomorrow?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, this is the time and place."

Zhuang Zhiren replied: "Okay, see you the day after tomorrow in the morning. Bye."

After Zhang Yunqing and others ended their phone call with Zhuang Zhiren, they came to Zhao Manfu's office.

Zhao Manfu asked Zhang Yunqing: "What, you are done with your work, can you rest?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "No, tonight I still need Danzhen and Yu Shengjie to prepare the seedling price declaration form and show it to me. Only after passing the test can I get off work."

Zhao Manfu asked: "You are so nervous. Do you have any time to meet with Mr. Zhuang and Mr. You to discuss?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Before I come to your office, I have made an appointment with Mr. Zhuang and Mr. You at my office at 9:30 the day after tomorrow to discuss the seedling price declaration form."

Zhao Manfu replied: "Then why are you so panicked that the results will come out tonight? It won't be too late to come out tomorrow."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Of course that won't work. Yu Shengjie wants to finish this matter quickly so that he can go out and scold Miao tomorrow."

Zhao Manfu said: "Okay. Thank you for your hard work. Has there been any progress in other work?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It is expected that there will be some progress on the output value next month."

Zhao Manfu asked: "What is this? Can you explain it more clearly?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "There has been some progress, and a key step has been taken now. Xu Kun from the production department is communicating with Li Xixuan from the business department about what projects will be completed next month. There are pictures and text descriptions, but they are not very accurate.

The two of them were passing through the office of the Ministry of Commerce one by one.

After that, Li Xixuan can provide the expected amount of work to be completed within one to two days.

Yu Danzhen will spend another one or two days calculating the expected output value next month. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "In that case, the results of the estimated completed output value will be available in two days at the earliest and four days at the latest."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, Mr. Zhao, your addition skills are good, but you didn't calculate guai."

Zhao Manfu pretended to be angry and cursed: "Climb aside, I can even calculate one plus one, two plus two. You look down on others too much."

Zhang Yunqing laughed and prepared to leave.

Zhao Manfu asked: "Where are you going in such a panic?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I have to go back to the office and wait for Shuangyu to get the seedling price declaration form for me to review."

Zhao Manfu replied: "Okay, then you go and do your work first. When you're done, call me and I'll treat you to a midnight snack."

Zhang Yunqing said with a smile: "If you still eat midnight snacks, you won't be afraid of gaining weight."

Zhao Manfu replied: "I'm not afraid of gaining weight, I'm afraid of not having anything to eat."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It tastes good, but it's different."

Zhao Manfu lazily put his pen on the desk and said, "Hey, I don't know which one will eat more by then."

Zhang Yunqing returned to the business office after making a joke.

When passing by Li Xixuan's desk, she asked, "Xiao Li, have you finished checking what you checked with Xu Kun?"

Li Xixuan replied: "Manager Xu just finished checking and left."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay. Thank you for your hard work.

Has Yu Danzhen not returned to the office yet? "

Li Xixuan replied: "I haven't come back yet."

Zhang Yunqing arranged: "Oh, then you can help me ask on QQ, when can they prepare the seedling price declaration form for me tonight?"

Li Xixuan replied: "Okay, I'll ask right away."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay. You will have to work overtime later to extract the engineering quantity data."

Li Xixuan replied: "I have to work overtime."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Mr. Zhao said that he will treat everyone to a late-night snack after they finish working overtime. Why don't you go with us then?"

Li Xixuan replied: "What do you want for midnight snack?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "This place, after it gets late, is usually a barbecue stall, and there is nothing special."

Li Xixuan replied: "Barbecue is good, I haven't had barbecue for a long time."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, then you can work overtime and wait for a while, and go when everyone is free."

Li Xixuan replied: "Okay. But maybe we can't wait too long."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Why?"

Li Xixuan happily replied: "Because, Shuang Yu two of you have replied to me, and they are printing their adjusted documents and will send them to you for review immediately.

When you say that everyone is empty, does that mean that they will be empty once they finish their work? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "You are right, that's what it means."

Li Xixuan said: "Shuang Yu said they wanted to have barbecue together."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "You tell them that they can go early if they finish early. Otherwise, if Mr. Zhao falls asleep and we finish the work, no one will invite us."

Li Xixuan added: "Sister Yu said that the material purchasing king heard about it and asked to go."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It's okay, just tell them and we can go together."

Li Xixuan replied: "Okay, I have already told Sister Yu."

When Zhang Yunqing returned to his desk and sat down, he saw Yu Danzhen and Yu Shengjie coming in with information.

No, there was also a material purchasing king named after him.

Zhang Yunqing asked Wang Mingdao: "Why have you finished the price declaration form for your materials?"

Material procurement Wang Ming replied: "It's not finished yet, it's being done, and it won't be finished until tomorrow at the earliest.

I went to the supervisor and construction agency this afternoon to get samples of my materials, and they said they couldn't be scattered like this. "

Zhang Yunqing asked: "If we can't break up, what do they want to do?"

Material procurement Wang Ming replied: "They want me to install those samples on a display board, and put the name of the material under each sample."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "This request is simple, have you done it?"

Wang Ming replied: "It can't be done until tomorrow."

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