Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 362: A 0-mile embankment collapsed in an ant nest

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Zhao Manfu asked calmly: "Yu Gong, can you tell me why Zhang Yunqing didn't sign?"

Yu Shengjie replied: "Mr. Zhang is still worried about the expensive frangipani tree."

Zhao Manfu asked Zhang Yunqing again: "Is this the reason?"

"For this reason, Mr. Zhao, the supplementary contract signed by Yu Gong now will bring a loss of 1.5 million to the company."

"Is the amount Yun Qing said correct? Yu Gong."

"Mr. Zhao, what Mr. Zhang said is neither right nor wrong."

"You have set a trap for me. Yu Gong, first tell me why Yun Qing is right?"

"Mr. Zhao, I say that Mr. Zhang is right because the so-called 1.5 million more expensive figure is calculated using the purchase cost unit prices of the second and third bids."

"Okay, let's talk about it. What Yun Qing said is wrong? What's the reason?"

"The reason why Mr. Zhang is wrong is that each unit has its own procurement channel. Our plumeria flowers are indeed more expensive than those of the second and third standards, but we also have some products like sugar palm, king coconut, etc. Variety, the procurement cost is much lower than the second and third bids.

If we judge it all together, our procurement cost is actually lower than that of the second and third bids.

Therefore, whether the procurement cost is correct or not must be viewed comprehensively and comprehensively, rather than just focusing on one point.

Take this plumeria flower as an example. I also asked why the purchase unit price of the second bid was so low.

They happened to have a nursery whose land lease was about to expire.

If the seedlings in this kind of nursery cannot be sold for money before the expiration date, all the seedlings will be taken back by the original land owner without compensation.

Therefore, the second-priced plumeria flowers are very cheap to buy.

However, good things like the second bid are hard to come by.

It just so happened that the second bid met, but we didn't.

It's that simple.

Now the project is rushing for work again. If we are just signing the contract and it takes a long time, and the speed of supply of seedlings is affected, the responsibility cannot be placed on my head. "

"Yu Gong, I understand what you said, and I understand it.

Yun Qing, did you understand what Yu Gong said? "

"I understand."

"Then do you understand?"

"What am I to understand?

Yu Gong said that he had asked Er Biao.

Didn't you say you asked about the three standards? "

"Yu Gong, I haven't asked Sanbiao. Have you asked?"

"Mr. Zhao, of course I asked about such a big cost difference."

"What was the result of your question?"

"The result of my inquiry was that the third bid was also purchased at market price, and the price was basically the same as the purchase price of the second bid."

"Is there a big difference between the quality of the three-standard seedlings and our Yugong procurement?"

"Mr. Zhao, the seedlings are all planted on the construction site. I can't see the difference. Think about it, the supervisor and Party A are all the same people. If the difference is too big, they will naturally ask the person who supplied the seedlings with poor quality to make adjustments. For seedlings.”

"You have a point.

Have you asked about the second bid? "

"I asked Mr. Zhuang about the second bid.

There is no such thing as a nursery whose land lease is about to expire.

I am good at this matter. I asked Mr. Zhuang of Erbiao carefully.

Mr. Zhuang also remembers it very clearly. Why?

Because when purchasing this variety, Mr. Zhuang personally went to the nursery that supplied plumeria.

The land lease for that nursery will expire in ten years, so there is no need to rush to sell out all the seedlings immediately. "

"Okay, Yun Qing, I understand.

Then you said that in the current situation, the project is urgently looking for seedlings because of the rush for work, what should we do? "

“This matter is easy to handle, it’s just a matter of interests.

As long as Yu Gong brings this Cao Shenggen to talk to him,

Let him negotiate the higher cost, and I can sign immediately. "

"Yu Gong, have you talked to Cao Shenggen? Has he agreed to lower the price?"

"Mr. Zhao, if Cao Shenggen agrees to reduce the price, I will not go through the supplementary contract signing and approval process according to the original purchase price standard.

I also worked hard and talked with him for more than a week. People knew that we were anxious to get jobs, so they were not worried at all that we would not sign a contract for him.

Cao Shenggen also made it clear to me that the supply of seedlings in his current contract has been completed, and some have even exceeded the supply.

If we don't sign a supplementary contract for him, he will refuse to supply more seedlings.

You two leaders should discuss whether you should sign this contract or not.

I should go to the site to accept the seedlings that arrived today. The seedling supplier has urged me many times. "

After Yu Shengjie finished speaking, he left Zhao Manfu's office angrily.

After Zhao Manfu closed the office door, he carefully discussed with Zhang Yunqing what to do about this matter.

Zhang Yunqing analyzed that in fact, this matter is very simple. If you have already bought something that is expensive, you will not be held accountable. It is a relief. But if you want to sign a new contract for purchase, you should not buy something that is expensive again. Doing so will definitely damage the company's interests.

Zhang Yunqing found it difficult to understand Shengjie's stubbornness.

Zhang Yunqing suggested that he could seek the opinion of Hua Baiwen in Kyoto to see if Hua Baiwen would agree with Yu Shengjie's decision to buy the frangipani at a high price.

Zhao Manfu did not agree with Zhang Yunqing's behavior of going to Hua Baibai for advice.

Zhao Manfu believes that such a problem should be solved through discussion within the area.

Zhao Manfu believed that he and Zhang Yunqing had just joined the company and were not suitable to offend the seedling procurement system controlled by Boss Bai's brother Bai Jianwen.

Zhang Yunqing believes that no matter who controls which line, as long as it damages the company's interests, it should not be allowed, especially when it damages the company's major interests.

Otherwise, in the future, other systems or people will follow suit. If it develops like this, the company's interests will not be protected, and one day the company will perish.

Because there is an old saying that "a dike of a thousand miles breaks in an ant nest", which has long been there to warn us.

Zhao Manfu disagreed with Zhang Yunqing's understanding and approach, thinking that Zhang Yunqing was unfounded and magnified some minor problems.

Zhao Manfu believes that even if the seedlings are expensive to buy, for the company's boss Bai, it is just that the meat is rotten and still in the pot, and there is no big loss. As professional managers, there is no need for us to be so mechanical and desperate. Boss Bai checks in.

Because if you do this, you will definitely offend a lot of people and incur attacks from many overt and covert people, which is not conducive to your development in the company.

Zhang Yunqing and Zhao Manfu ultimately disagreed. Zhang Yunqing proposed that if the gross profit margin of the final project could not be achieved, the overpriced 1.5 million cost must be deducted. Zhao Manfu agreed.

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