Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 384 Tacit Understanding

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "That's for sure, in fact Mr. Tang doesn't have any special requirements.

I understand that there must be basic respect. When you come under Mr. Tang's jurisdiction, you should find an appropriate time to visit. "

Su Xiashan asked mysteriously: "Do you know?

This time, the "Landscape Improvement Plan for the First Phase of the Bowen Project" was never thought of requiring you to do the construction.

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I’m just saying that your design is great and I want you to come up with a plan.

The construction team has already been identified. "

Zhao Manfu pretended not to know and asked: "Oh, Su Gong, can you tell me which construction team it is?"

Su Xiashan waved his hand and said: "The matter is over, forget it, leave him alone.

I have reminded your manager Song a long time ago to make preparations in advance.

And this transformation is very important.

There are several different voices in the company's management.

Therefore, the effect of your landscape improvement must be guaranteed.

Otherwise, it is very likely to affect your ability to undertake the second phase of the garden landscape project. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Okay.

We will definitely do our best.

For more complicated matters such as contracts, price recognition, progress payments, and settlements, we have to worry about Su Gongduo's support. "

Su Xiashan replied: "My position is low and my abilities are limited.

I'm sure I'll help you.

I can't guarantee how effective it will be. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "I can't thank you enough for helping us.

How can I come here and ask for any guarantee?

Su Gong, don't worry, I'm not so shameless. "

Su Xiashan raised his glass and drank a glass of beer with Zhao Manfu: "You are serious, Mr. Zhao."

Zhang Yunqing took the initiative to make a toast to get acquainted with the people in this circle. Apart from some polite words, there was no more communication.

But you can observe and think silently.

I drank several beers that night, more than ten bottles per person. Except for Jin Haoran who didn't drink, he basically met the requirement of not getting drunk or returning home.

Song Xiaoshan notified two more people from the project department to come over and help drive away.

Song Xiaoshan, Xiang Qi, and Jin Haoran opened the "Bowan Project Phase I Landscape Improvement Plan" and studied it carefully. After checking the budgeted project quantity of 10 million yuan, they needed to reduce the project quantity by 800,000 yuan to reach the supplementary contract of 9.2 million yuan. After discussing the requirements for two hours, we were still in a dilemma and could not meet the target requirements.

So Song Xiaoshan, Xiang Qi, and Jin Haoran came to Zhao Manfu to discuss, and Zhao Manfu notified Zhang Yunqing to attend the meeting.

Zhang Yunqing made a suggestion: "Our current budget of 10 million yuan is actually a tentative estimate of the project quantity, because your plan cannot calculate the project quantity.

In this case, which project quantity is more or less is actually in the hands of our art director Xiang Qi.

It's just that Xiang Qi needs to balance the trade-off issue based on our gross profit margin on the premise that the landscape effect is better.

I think that at the current stage of signing this supplementary contract, we can retain as many budget items as possible, that is, do not delete existing budget items.

If you anticipate projects that may occur in the future now, try to list them in the budget of the supplementary contract now. "

Jin Haoran replied: "What bad idea did you come up with?

We now want to reduce the cost, and your current opinions will lead to an increase in the cost.

Did you know? "

Zhang Yunqing rolled his eyes at Jin Haoran and said, "If you don't interrupt and let others finish their words, the problem you are raising now will not arise.

You have all been working hard all morning, and now you come to us for discussion.

Can't you just quietly listen to what others have to say? "

Song Xiaoshan said: "Mr. Zhang, don't talk about useless things.

If you have any opinions, please tell me.

We are all very anxious now.

As you know, Su Gong asked us face to face last night to come up with our opinions on the adjustment of the project volume this morning. "

Zhang Yunqing felt angry but had no way to break out: "Okay. Let's continue with the suggestions I just gave.

The amount we can reduce can reduce the amount of each budget item. Of course, if it is a project with a high gross profit margin, we should not reduce its amount? If there is a loss-making project? It can be deleted directly with Xiang Qi's consent. .

According to this principle, if you try a few more times, I don't think it will affect your future construction drawings? It will also not seriously affect the coverage of this supplementary contract budget. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "I heard something a little confusing? Metalworker? Please help translate."

Jin Haoran replied angrily: "Boss, you didn't understand, and I didn't understand either. Isn't this normal?"

Zhao Manfu couldn't stand it anymore: "Everyone should unite as one, talk about things at work, and don't deal with work matters with personal emotions.

This time I will translate it for you? This will not be allowed in the future.

Otherwise I can scold you to death. "

"If you don't believe it? You can try it now to see if my scolding is good enough."

"The opinion Zhang Yunqing mentioned just now is:

1. If you want to delete a list item that is losing money, there must be a prerequisite for this. Xiang Qi needs to judge from an artistic point of view? Delete it only if it can be deleted.

2. The amount of each remaining list item is reduced to some extent, in order to reduce the budget by 800,000 yuan.

3. The three of you want to study possible construction projects in the future, and they are not in the current budget? You can list a budget item in it, and the project quantity can be 1, so that it has no impact on the total price at all. .

To facilitate future settlement.

4. The principle to follow when reducing the project quantity is that if the gross profit margin is high, reduce it less or not reduce it; if the gross profit margin is low, you can reduce it more. "

"Yun Qing, are the contents I translated correct?"

"Mr. Zhao, your translation is better. I have this idea, but the expression is not as clear as what you said."

Song Xiaoshan gave Zhao Manfu a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Zhao, you are awesome. Why didn't I hear this from Mr. Zhang's description?"

Zhao Manfu: “That’s because of language communication problems.

One is that Yun Qing's Mandarin is not very standard, which inevitably leads to ambiguity.

The second is that what he said is relatively concise and reflects the thinking of a budget officer.

The reason why you didn't understand it, but I did, is because we have had many interactions before.

They know very well how they usually handle things when they encounter them, and they can often know the general meaning of the other party with just one mouthful.

In this case, you can also understand that Yun Qing and I have a relatively high degree of tacit understanding.

You don’t have to finish the words, you may have already understood what the second half means after you only said half of it.

This is a typical exchange and communication problem. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Okay, I know what to do.

Xiang Qi, do you understand? "

"I understand, Mr. Song."

"Metalworker, do you understand the opinions of Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhao?"

Jin Haoran looked embarrassed and lowered his head and replied: "I understand."

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