Jin Haoran replied: "The purchase price of Baisha is 400 yuan per cubic meter. If we purchase 100 cubic meters, the total price is 40,000 yuan. Half of it must be paid in advance and must be paid on site."

"Okay, then your financial requirement for Baisha is 40,000 yuan, not 20,000 yuan as an advance payment.

If there are other similar situations, can you tell us more? "

"The railings are professionally subcontracted, and I asked about the situation. The total length is 400 meters, and the price is 500 yuan per meter, totaling 200,000 yuan. It requires 50% advance payment, 90% payment after completion, and payment after the one-year warranty expires."

"Okay, then your funding requirement for this railing is 100,000 yuan."

"The initial plan for shipping the seedlings is 300,000 yuan, which must be paid in cash to the project department."

"Okay. Three hundred thousand for the seedlings. Is there any more?"

"I still need to discuss the purchase amount of stone, mosaic, cement, etc. with the material and production department."

"You can go discuss it quickly. By the way, let me tell Song Xiaoshan that the report document he is planning to report to the company must clearly reflect the amount of tens of thousands of yuan in cash that needs to be applied for support from the company."

"Okay, I'll go find Manager Song to discuss it now."

After Jin Haoran left.

Zhang Yunqing asked Zhao Manfu: "Mr. Zhao, after their capital plan comes out, I estimate that the amount the company will need to pay first will not be too small.

Does the company have the money to pay? "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Whether there is money is a question that the company should consider. For our area, it is to assist the project department to report the true situation to the company.

In other words, if we have money, we will do it. If we don’t pay, no one will do it for us.

So, you don't have to worry about this.

Just review their capital plan to make sure the logic is correct.

Read carefully the report they will send to the company later to see if the reasons and purpose are clearly stated. "

"Okay, then I'll wait in your office for a while.

Let’s take a look at it together when they send in the report documents and new funding plan. "


"Mr. Zhao, the pricing status of the Nanshan project is not very clear right now. I would like to ask if you can."

"You can call and ask first."


Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone and found the phone number of Tao Ting, the cost manager of Jingchuang Group, in the phone address book. After dialing the number, he asked: "Mr. Tao, the last time I reported to you about the pricing issue of our Nanshan project, I asked you to Your Mr. Wang will help coordinate the Audit Bureau. Do you still have any impressions?"


"So are the results out now?"

"The results are out."

When Zhang Yunqing heard this, he silently set his phone to hands-free mode and placed it on Zhao Manfu's desk with the microphone facing him.

He continued to ask: "Then please tell us the good news, Mr. Tao, okay?"

“I can tell you the news.

You can judge for yourself whether it is good news or not. "

"OK, all right."

"Mr. Wang recently found Director Li of the Audit Bureau.

The information fed back by Director Li is the price you got. She has not seen it yet and has not passed the normal inquiry.

Therefore, there is no problem that the price given by the Audit Bureau is too low, which affects the rush for work on your project.

Director Li has also promised that he will not give you a price that is considered a loss, so that you can rest assured to grab the job.

After Mr. Wang’s efforts, Bureau Li reluctantly agreed that you three garden construction units could choose to send a representative to Bureau Li to report your pricing issues.

At the same time, it also promised to speed up the price recognition process. "

"Okay, I know.

I will report it to the leaders. Thank you Mr. Tao.

Bye-Bye. "


After Tao Ting hung up the phone, Zhang Yunqing looked at Zhao Manfu: "Mr. Zhao, how do you feel about the valuation work of the Nanshan project?"

"It's a bit difficult. It seems that your original suggestion is somewhat correct.

Why doesn’t Director Li recognize the price given by Engineer Li now? "

"Doesn't she admit that the prices that Mr. Li gave us are a good thing? After all, those prices are too low.

In addition, our project is a work-rush project, so it is normal for the cost to increase to a certain extent.

Director Li's answer to Mr. Wang gave us an opportunity to report to her.

And what I understand is that we must go to her as soon as possible to report the price recognition. "

"Is it okay to report? But you can't report empty-handed every time."

"That's for sure.

Our three organizations have said before that the chosen representative is you.

Take a look? What should we do? Should we make an appointment with Mr. Zhuang and Mr. You to discuss this? "

"We can make an appointment. You call Mr. Zhuang and Mr. You and make an appointment to discuss it in my office of the Nanshan project at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Inform Zhou Wencheng to participate in this discussion."


Zhang Yunqing picked up the mobile phone, found Zhuang Zhiren's phone number in the phone address book, dialed the number and asked: "Mr. Zhuang, go to the office of Mr. Zhao of the Nanshan Project Department at 9:30 tomorrow morning for a meeting to discuss the appraisal work. Question. Do you have time?”

"Yes, I will attend on time."

Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Zhuang Zhiren, found You Linfei's phone number in the phone address book, dialed the number and asked: "Mr. You, go to the office of Mr. Zhao of the Nanshan Project Department at 9:30 tomorrow morning for a meeting to discuss the relationship. It’s a matter of appraising the work. Do you have time?”

"I'll attend on time if I have time."

Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with You Linfei, found Zhou Wencheng's phone number in the phone address book, dialed the number and asked: "Mr. Zhou, go to the office of Mr. Zhao of the Nanshan Project Department at 9:30 tomorrow morning for a meeting to discuss the solution. I have a question about the appraisal work. Do you have time?"

“If I have time, I will attend on time.

So will you come back tonight or tomorrow morning? "

"Mr. Zhao didn't tell you this. I'll ask you questions later and tell you."

“Having a meeting at such an early time, I suggest you return to the Nanshan Project Department early after handling the Bowen Project matters tonight.

If the time is right, I can also invite you to have barbecue and brag. "

"Yes, this is a good idea. I will report your invitation to Mr. Zhao later."

After Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Zhou Wencheng, he reported the situation to Zhao Manfu, and all three of them were able to attend the discussion meeting on time.

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"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhou also invited you to go back to the Nanshan Project Department early tonight. He invited you to have barbecue and chat. He said he missed you a little after not seeing you for a few days."

"What does he want from me? It's not like what he said."

"His original intention was to treat you to barbecue. I just added a little oil and a little vinegar."

“It’s okay to have barbecue.

You have to urge Jin Haoran and Song Xiaoshan to quickly print out the work rush report and prepare the capital plan for the supplementary contract of the Bowan Phase I project. Only then will we be able to leave today. Things on his side are urgent and cannot be delayed. "

"I'll go to their office right away and press them again."

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