Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 415 Why is it so fast this time?

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After Zhang Yunqing heard what Zhao Manfu said, he was also thinking about what he needed to do to contact Feng Shilan, the person in charge of the financial center.

Zhang Yunqing thought of some possibilities and analyzed Zhao Manfu: "Mr. Zhao, you called Mr. Feng at least three times.

I just observed that the first two calls were hung up quickly.

The third time, I ignored you and didn't answer your call.

I'm wondering if this is the case:

Mr. Feng is not familiar with you and does not have your number, so when you called the first two calls, she was busy with something and thought it was an unfamiliar harassing call, so she hung up on you.

If you call your third phone number and there is no answer for a long time, there are several possibilities:

First, I didn’t bring my mobile phone, and the human and machine were separated.

Second, I didn’t hang up on you and muted the phone for you. You can ring for as long as you like.

The third is to judge that this is not a harassing call, but I really don’t have time to answer your call. "

Zhao Man scratched his chin and said, "What you said makes sense.

In this case, all I can do is send her a text message. "

So Zhao Manfu sent a text message to Feng Shilan:

Dear Mr. Feng:


I am Zhao Manfu, the production manager of the Nanhai area of ​​the fifth division of Western Construction.

There is now an "Emergency Report on the Nanshan Project's Request for the Payment of Special Funds of NT$350,000" led by Lin Yiping and lined up at the door of your office, waiting for your approval. Xiaolin said that it would take about two hours to reach her in a normal queue.

Since the matter is very urgent, the Nanshan Project Department wants to get the money as soon as possible and spend it today to facilitate the appraisal inspection organized by the Audit Bureau tomorrow.

Therefore, I would like to apply to you to jump in line and give priority to the "Emergency Report on the Nanshan Project Requesting the Payment of Special Funds of 350,000 Yuan" brought by Lin Yiping.

Is it appropriate?

Please instructions!

Sincerely, Zhao Manfu

Soon Zhao Manfu received a text message reply from Feng Shilan, the head of the financial center: "

urgent matter,

You can come in first. "

Zhao Manfu replied again:

Thanks to Mr. Feng for his support, Xiao Lin will come in soon.

Zhao Manfu arranged for Zhang Yunqing: "Inform Lin Gong that he can enter President Feng Shilan's office immediately."

Zhang Yunqing called Lin Yiping and said, "Mr. Lin, Mr. Zhao contacted Mr. Feng Shilan, and Mr. Feng asked you to enter her office immediately."

Lin Yiping asked hesitantly: "Really? But you have to be clear. There are many people queuing up in front, and everyone says their business is urgent. If it's not right, I will be repaired badly."

“It’s really possible to enter.

If you are worried about the information being biased, I will call Mr. Zhao and you can communicate with him? "

"Okay, please give Mr. Zhao the phone number, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Yunqing handed the mobile phone to Zhao Manfu: "Forest engineer needs to confirm the information with you again."

After Zhao Manfu took the phone over: "Lin Gong, this is Zhao Manfu."

"Hello, Mr. Zhao. How did you contact Feng Shilan to confirm?"

"I called Mr. Feng three times, but he didn't get through."

"Oh, then why did Mr. Zhang just say that I can go to Mr. Feng?"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Oh, Mr. Zhao, go on."

"The phone couldn't be reached, so I had to send a text message and tell her that you had to wait two hours at the door of her office to sign.

I applied to Mr. Feng to jump in and requested that priority be given to the "Emergency Report on the Nanshan Project Requesting the Payment of Special Funds of RMB 350,000" that you brought.

He also explained that he wanted to get the money today and spend it to facilitate the appraisal inspection work tomorrow. "


"General Feng Shilan's text message reply is, let me read it to you:

For urgent matters, the comma can come first and the period comes first. "

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Zhao, thank you for your coordination.

I'll knock on the door right away. "

"You're welcome, thank you for your hard work."

After Lin Yiping hung up the phone on Zhang Yunqing, she came to Feng Shilan's office door and knocked on the door, "Dong dong dong."

Feng Shilan's voice came from the door: "Please come in."

After hearing the sound, Lin Yiping pushed open the door of the office, turned around and closed the door. She strode to Feng Shilan's desk and handed the document "Emergency Report on the Nanshan Project's Request for Payment of Special Funds of 350,000 Yuan" to Feng Shilan. She apologized. : "I'm sorry, Mr. Feng, the project department is pressing for this report very urgently.

Please review and approve it. "

"Well, Mr. Zhao has already sent me a text message to explain.

Xiaolin, you don’t need to explain again, I will sign immediately.

Then after you leave my office, ask Xue Xue, deputy director of finance, to help you find the cashier and handle the payment quickly. "

"Okay. Thank you Mr. Feng."

The problem of Feng Shilan's signature was resolved within two minutes.

Lin Yiping took the "Emergency Report on the Nanshan Project's Request for the Payment of Special Funds of 350,000 Yuan" approved by Feng Shilan to Xue Xue, the deputy director of finance, and told Feng Shilan that she had arranged for her to help with quick payment.

Xue Xue asked Lin Yiping to go to the financial teller with the document "Emergency Report on the Nanshan Project Requesting the Payment of Special Funds of 350,000 Yuan".

After Xue Xue's explanation, the financial teller took the report document and glanced at it briefly, then immediately processed the payment.

After Lin Yiping saw that everything was done, she took the report document and returned to her work station.

I called Zhang Yunqing on the way: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhao is the best. I entered Mr. Feng's office, and in less than two minutes, Mr. Feng signed the report."

"Oh, forest worker, when will the money be paid? What I am anxious for is money, not just the approval of the report."

"Don't be impatient.

Mr. Feng asked me to ask Xue Xue, deputy director of finance, to help complete the quick payment.

Xue Xue took me to find the financial teller. The financial teller paid 350,000 yuan to the account of Tang Ying, the financial teller of your Nanshan project department, in front of me. "

"Oh, then this speed is fine, great.

Thanks to Lin Gong.

I will report the good news to Mr. Zhao immediately. "

"You're welcome, bye."


After Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Lin Yiping, he reported to Zhao Manfuhui: "Mr. Zhao, the good news is here."

"Say it."

"Lin Yiping called just now and said that the special funds of 350,000 yuan have been transferred to the account of Tang Ying, the financial cashier of the Nanshan Project."

"Okay, got it.

When Zhou Wencheng arrives later, ask him to arrange to withdraw the cash. "

Zhou Wencheng happened to arrive at the door of Zhao Manfu's office at this time, and asked without hearing clearly: "Mr. Zhao, you just said you would withdraw cash? What do you mean? Where can I withdraw cash?"

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "During the time you left, I have worked hard to get the 350,000 we applied for from the company, and I have already transferred the money to the project cashier Tang Ying."

Zhou Wencheng showed a surprised expression and said: "Didn't you say that our company's work efficiency is not high? Why is it so fast this time?"

Zhao Manfu laughed and said: "Whether the efficiency of doing things is high or not, it depends on the number of people, right?"

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