Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 446: It is possible to die immediately

Jin Haoran replied: "No problem."

The material purchaser continued: "When opening the material bill, please be sure to clearly write down the name, specification and model of the material, the required quantity, the time it needs to be on site, the location where the material will be used, and other information.

And don’t give me duplicate bill of materials, because I think every bill of materials you give me is a requirement for me to purchase materials.

Therefore, all colleagues who open the bill of materials must keep a good record of the bill of materials you have issued. Before handing it over to me for purchase, you must carefully check it with the bill of materials that has been opened before. In this link, be sure to Don't make mistakes.

Mr. Song, that’s all I have to say. "

Song Xiaoshan asked: "Okay, those of you who are issuing the bill of materials, you must strictly follow the opinions of Wang Ming, the person in charge of materials.

Don't make big mistakes, small mistakes are understandable.

But big mistakes are not allowed to happen.

Now let’s ask Yu Shengjie, the person in charge of saplings, to talk about it. "

Yu Shengjie said: "If I want to purchase seedlings here, I need to get the pick-up list for the seedlings today.

Another problem is that the project must leave enough money for the freight for the seedlings. Otherwise, if the seedlings arrive and there is no money to pay for the freight, the truck driver will not let us unload the goods.

Unlike stone, seedlings will not deteriorate if left in the car for a few days.

If the seedlings are not unloaded and planted in the soil in time after arriving at the site, they may die immediately.

Our company will bear the economic losses caused by this situation, and the nursery stock supplier will not be held liable for this kind of negligence. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Your request is reasonable.

Do you now know how much shipping costs you may have to pay?

If you know, we will leave enough. "

"Mr. Song, I haven't seen the seedlings pick-up list yet, how can I know how much the shipping cost is.

Once I get the delivery bill for the seedlings, I can calculate the approximate shipping cost. "

"Okay. Yu Gong, have you finished talking about the seedlings?"

"That's it."

"Okay. Yu Gong has finished speaking. Sister Zou Fang, please tell me your opinion."

“My financial opinion is simple.

After this work rush begins, everyone is probably very busy. You must not just ask me for money. When the money is given to you, what will I do if you don't complete the procedures for me? "

When Zou Fang said this, the venue burst into laughter.

Zou Fang continued to emphasize: "Don't laugh, everyone. When facing money, you must take it seriously. As long as things are not done well, either you are losing money or I am losing money.

As for me, I hope everyone will do their jobs well. You can't lose money, and I can't lose money either.

In the future, there must be written procedures for borrowing money and reimbursement.

It is best to have a signature procedure approved by the leader.

If there is indeed an emergency, the person borrowing the money must first inform the leader. When asking me to borrow money, I will call the project manager for instructions. Only those who agree will be able to borrow, and those who do not agree will definitely not borrow. "

Zhao Dajin raised his hand and asked: "Sister Zou, for example, when I was in Qiongshan City, I suddenly received an order and needed to borrow 10,000 yuan to buy gifts in Qiongshan City.

What should I do? According to your current opinion, should I drive back to the project department first and complete the procedures before I can borrow money again? "

Zou Fang said: "The situation I just mentioned means that when the borrower and I are both in the project department, we must see the written procedures. If the leader is not available at the time, we can agree by phone first and then complete the written procedures. .

The question you mentioned now does not need to be understood mechanically.

There is no need to waste both people and money.

In the situation you mentioned, after you contact me, I will call the project manager to confirm that I can lend you money, and then I will transfer the money to you and make a clear note of the amount.

However, after you return to the project department, you must complete the written loan procedures for me as soon as possible. "

After listening to Zou Fang's explanation, Zhao Dajin expressed his understanding and acceptance.

Song Xiaoshan asked Jin Haoran: "Metalworker, please tell me your opinion."

Jin Haoran shook his head and expressed that he had no objection.

Song Xiaoshan asked Zhang Yunqing: "Mr. Zhang, do you have any guidance?"

Zhang Yunqing said with a smile: "This is a project that rushes for work.

Production and business personnel are requested to cooperate closely and record the situation of working overtime and rushing for work in the form of a visa.

Expenses whose quota cannot be directly calculated, such as small amounts of dismantling, repairs, etc., must also be recorded in the form of a signature, and the visa information must be reported as required by Party A.

Be careful to save relevant on-site photos or video materials.

Every employee can take more photos when he goes to the construction site, maybe they can be used one day.

Since a large number of self-owned workers are used, the metalworkers and production people must communicate clearly every day, and the actual number of workers on site must be clearly counted to avoid the situation of empty wages. "

Song Xiaoshan asked Xiang Qi, the resident art director: "Beautiful Xiang, do you have anything else to tell everyone?"

The resident art director Xiang Qi said: “Then let’s say a few words.

Since there are no construction drawings this time, we have to finish the project first.

Therefore, those who have trouble with production should discuss with me more, and ask me to come and see each place before starting construction. We should discuss more, and we must strive for excellence and improve the artistic effect of the project.

Let me say hello first. We art people are obsessed with planting big trees. We always want to plant them to the state before excavation. Therefore, when planting big trees, I ask all managers to provide cooperative workers and mechanical operations. Hands, we must say hello well, we must listen to our art, and don't do whatever we want to do. "

Song Xiaoshan smiled and asked: "Do you, engineers, hear it clearly?"




Song Xiaoshan smiled and said: "Xiang Damei, don't worry, my brothers on this project are the most united and the most obedient."

The resident art director sneered: "Stop bragging, I believe the most united one a little bit, but I don't dare to believe it completely.

As for the most obedient one, forget it.

Some people are like cow ears, they can't listen to anything they say, and they still go their own way. "

Song Xiaoshan said sternly: "Beauty Xiang, although you laugh at us, it's your fault.

But who makes you a great beauty? Our production brothers, good men don’t fight with women. I forgive you on behalf of everyone.

At the same time, I am here to formally say hello to all the brothers in the project department. Regarding the artistic effects, we have the freedom and right to participate in discussions, but we absolutely have no decision-making power.

The decision-making power of artistic effect must be in the hands of our resident art director Xiang Qi.

No more disobedience to the artistic adjustments made by the resident art director Xiang Qi will be allowed in the future.

Whoever violates will be punished. "

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