Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 563: Let yourself go and grow yourself

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Jin Haoran printed out the adjusted capital plan, brought it to the conference room, and gave another copy to everyone.

Zhang Yunqing saw that the capital plan this time reflected an output value of 8.75 million yuan, a planned collection of 7 million yuan, and a tax of 240,000 yuan.

Let’s compare the cost data: greening labor workers’ wages are 500,000 yuan, seedling procurement is 3.9 million yuan, ecological railings are 260,000 yuan, sporadic materials are 240,000 yuan, material fees are 600,000 yuan, machinery fees are 200,000 yuan, and on-site expenses are 100,000 yuan, totaling 5.8 million yuan.

The following payment amount: 500,000 yuan for greening labor workers' wages, 3.9 million yuan for seedling purchase, 182,000 yuan for ecological railings, 240,000 yuan for sporadic materials, 540,000 yuan for material fees, 200,000 yuan for machinery, and 100,000 yuan for on-site expenses. Total 5.662 million yuan.

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Metalworker, after the capital plan is finalized, how much is the positive cash flow of the project department?"

Jin Haoran replied: "If calculated according to the same caliber as the gross profit margin assessment, if the collection of 7 million yuan is successful, after payment according to this version of the capital plan we have negotiated, the positive cash flow of the first phase of the Bowan Landscape Improvement Project will be It is 7 million minus the 5.662 million yuan paid to the next party, which equals 1.338 million yuan."

Zhang Yunqing said: "What if the tax is deducted?"

Jin Haoran replied: "The tax is expected to be 240,000 yuan. After deduction, there will still be a positive cash flow of 1.338 million yuan - 240,000 yuan = 1.098 million yuan."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, if you put it that way, it seems that there are good reasons to ensure full payment for the seedlings."

Zhang Yunqing looked up at the material purchase and asked: "Wang Ming, do you have any different opinions on the funding plan for the Bowan Phase I landscape improvement project that you are seeing now?"

Material procurement Wang Ming replied: "Mr. Zhang, I have no objection."

After Zhang Yunqing said "Okay", he looked up at the seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie and asked: "Yu Gong, do you have any different opinions on the funding plan for the Bowan Phase I landscape improvement project you are seeing now?" What’s your opinion?”

Seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, as long as you agree to pay in full, I have no objection."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay."

Then he turned to the project manager Song Xiaoshan and asked: "Mr. Song, what do you think of the funding plan for the Bowan Phase I landscape improvement project that you see now?

Do you have any suggestions for modification or improvement? "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Mr. Zhang, I have no objection. I am very satisfied that the funding plan for the first phase of the Bowan Landscape Improvement Project can be prepared so quickly today.

Moreover, the data has been discussed by everyone, and I agree with the current version. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, Mr. Song."

Zhang Yunqing pondered for a while and then asked Zhao Manfu for advice: "Mr. Zhao, I just asked everyone's opinions in person, and they basically agreed with the current version of the funding plan.

Please ask Mr. Zhao to tell me if I can sign. "

After listening to Zhang Yunqing's expression, Zhao Manfu said: "Everyone knows that the output value data in this capital plan is partly estimated.

Therefore, Mr. Song’s main task is to do ideological work for relevant suppliers, tell them that our company’s money is ready, and ask them to work quickly. We must ensure that our Bowan Group is completed before the Lunar New Year. All work on the landscape improvement project has been completed.

You can also tell them clearly that if the project is not completed, whoever does not complete the project should not expect to get a penny. Tell them that this is a rigid rule of the leadership and also a strict requirement of our Party A. , there are no conditions to talk about. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Mr. Zhao, don't worry.

I know the stakes of this matter, and I am 100% sure to complete the tasks assigned by you, Mr. Zhao. "

Zhao Manfu said: "Your statement is very good.

I like.

Mr. Song, let me remind you here in front of everyone.

As a person like me, I don’t like having to arrange every little thing for the project manager, and you don’t want to have to arrange every little thing for the production staff below.

What I hope is that the project manager is in charge of everything in the project department, including production progress, quality, safety, artistic effects, gross profit margin assessment, upper output value, upper payment, upper acceptance, upper settlement, and lower The output value, payment to the subordinate, acceptance to the subordinate, settlement to the subordinate, etc., everything in the project department, including the eating and drinking of the project department personnel, all of these are within the scope of the project manager's management.

If there is any problem, I will definitely go to the project manager first. I will not go directly to anyone below the project manager.

What I hope is to ensure that the project manager has absolute authority in the project department. Of course, this authority is based on the authority permitted by the company's rules and regulations, rather than being willful and arbitrary.

The project manager has the right to decide whether to use or not use all personnel below the project manager, so the project manager should let go and manage the project boldly.

Remember that the success of this project is due to your project manager's contribution, and others cannot take it away from you. The bad thing is also due to your project manager's incompetence, and others cannot take it away from you.

I hope that the project manager responsibility system can be thoroughly implemented in the area I am in charge of.

If the project manager feels that your rights are not enough, you can discuss it with me in advance. As long as I have the rights, I can delegate them to you.

Mr. Song, do you think I have clearly stated the main job responsibilities of the project manager? Do you have any different opinions? "

Song Xiaoshan looked relatively excited and said: "Mr. Zhao, the main job responsibilities of the project manager you just stated have been very clearly stated in vernacular.

I have no different opinions.

At the same time I would like to say two things. "

Zhao Manfu smiled and nodded, signaling Song Xiaoshan to continue.

Song Xiaoshan continued: "I also worked as a project manager in the previous company, but the people above the project manager, who are similar to our production leaders, grasp the power very tightly.

Including when I came to this project department, there were at least two production managers in front of me, and they also grasped this right very tightly.

I remember that I spent 5,000 yuan on a piece of tea, but I didn’t tell me in advance. As a result, they refused to reimburse me at all costs. This matter was completely resolved after Mr. Zhao came.

Here I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Zhao for fully authorizing and delegating power to our project manager, so that we can have more confidence and courage to manage everything in the project department, not just on-site management.

If it is just the management of the site, he is actually not the real project manager, but the production manager of the project, and he does not need to be so lenient.

Thanks to Mr. Zhao for giving our project manager an opportunity to let himself go and grow. I will definitely do my best to complete the tasks assigned by the leader. "

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