Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 564: There must be a way for a car to reach the mountain

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After Zhao Manfu affirmed Song Xiaoshan's opinion, he asked everyone to complete and sign the fund plan and hand it over to Jin Haoran, the project estimator of Bowan. Jin Haoran was responsible for sending the fund plan to Lin Yiping of the business department and was responsible for subsequent communication work.

Zhao Manfu asked Wang Ming and Yu Shengjie, the material purchasers, to return to the Nanshan project together on the spot.

Seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie explained: "Mr. Zhao, after I return to the Nanshan project to handle the capital plan, I may have to go out to pick out seedlings at any time, so you and Mr. Zhang should drive one car, and Wang Ming and I should drive one." Drive back to the Nanshan project."

Zhao Manfu immediately agreed, but required that he must return to the Nanshan Project Department in time and no longer delay. Yu Shengjie said that he drives faster and would normally arrive at the Nanshan project department before Zhao Manfu and the others.

After Zhao Manfu finished handling these matters, he asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Zhang Yunqing raised his hand and said: "Mr. Zhao, the foreign economic certificates and invoices for the payment of our Bowan project have not been fully implemented yet."

Zhao Manfu said to Song Xiaoshan: "This matter of foreign economic certificates and invoices, Mr. Song, please personally keep an eye on the financial cashier Zou Fang. You know, Zhang Yunqing and I are going to the Nanshan Project Department soon, and Zhang Yunqing doesn't have time to keep an eye on this." Something happened.

You must give me a reply within today's time frame. No matter how far it goes, I want to understand the situation.

Don't make mistakes in this link. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Manfu looked around everyone again and asked, "Is there anything important to say?"

After asking, after waiting for two or three minutes, no one asked any new questions, and then announced: "The meeting is adjourned."

Everyone left the conference room and went about their own business.

Zhang Yunqing said to Zhao Manfu: "Mr. Zhao, when should we gather downstairs and set off?"

Zhao Manfu raised his hand and looked at the watch on his left hand, and said: "Half an hour is enough for me, what about you?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "That's about right. I'll be waiting for you at the project department in half an hour."


Zhang Yunqing returned to his dormitory,

Quickly pack away your laptop, power cord, mouse, mobile phone charging cable and other essential items. Pack your clothes and put them in the suitcase next to the table.

He took his computer bag and suitcase to the rear of the car, put them in the trunk, drove to the entrance of the Bowan project department, and quietly waited for Zhao Manfu to come downstairs.

Half an hour later, Zhao Manfu came to the rear of the car with his suitcase. Zhang Yunqing opened the suitcase and helped Zhao Manfu put the suitcase into the trunk of the car.

After the two got in the car, Zhang Yunqing drove off and drove smoothly to the Nanshan Project Department.

The sun was shining brightly along the way.

Blue sky and white clouds.

Everything you see is green, with almost no bare soil visible.

Zhang Yunqing said: "Mr. Zhao, look at this Nanhai area, it's amazing. All the land is basically covered with green vegetation. Unlike places like ours, there are some mountains that don't grow many plants."

Zhao Manfu said: "This place has a lot of rain and good sunshine. The key is that it also has a lot of soil. There are no bare mountains and the vegetation grows very well.

And the climate is not bad. It’s winter, and there are often days of more than 20 degrees Celsius.

It can be said that this large area is a paradise for winter. "

Zhang Yunqing said: "Yes, the key is that on such a large island, there is no industry and no pollution at all."

Zhao Manfu said: “I heard that it is not that there is no industry, but that there was industry in the past, but later the development direction of the South China Sea was changed and adjusted, so the industry on the island was cancelled.

Just a year or two before we came to work here, the last cement factory on the island was closed down.

Not only is the natural environment good here, but the man-made environment is also good. People now know how to protect and care for the environment.

We just saw the beautiful South China Sea Island today. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes.

However, this island still has a flaw. "

"What's the flaw?"

“It’s inconvenient to come and go.

You see, those of us who work on projects here usually have to wait until it’s almost the Lunar New Year before we can leave.

At that time, air tickets were difficult to buy and expensive.

In this case, the travel costs of our project department here will be much higher than elsewhere.

Other project departments can choose to take trains, drive cars, and only choose to fly if they are particularly far away.

It's better for us here, we have no choice but to take a plane. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "What can we do?

Just treat it as a business trip here.

The higher the travel expenses, the higher the cost, and the company didn't say not to spend it. "

“Can all employees’ air tickets be reimbursed?”

“This issue was briefly discussed with the company’s leaders.

The opinions of the leaders are that they cannot be claimed in normal times. As long as the travel expenses are permitted in accordance with company regulations, in the special case of our Nanhai Island, we can choose to use airplanes as transportation. "

“There are more than ten people in each project, and the round-trip air tickets cost at least more than 3,000 yuan, which is basically 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

The travel expenses for us to go home to the company are also terrifyingly high. "

"Don't worry about this, just spend it.

Just do your job well and earn more money for the company.

Isn’t it possible to earn back the extra air ticket fees? "

"Haha, when you say that, it doesn't seem like you won't be able to earn back the air ticket fee."

Zhang Yunqing asked again: "Mr. Zhao, we agreed to pay in full for the seedlings purchased.

I always feel that there is no such solution. "


“This time’s capital plan before the end of the year, so many project departments in the company must be short of money as a whole.

Although we may have recovered the project funds for the first phase of the Bowan project, for such a large company, it may be a drop in the bucket and cannot solve any problems at all. "

“This is possible, but what can we do?

You can only work hard to do the job you are doing well and take it one step at a time. "

"I have another idea.

Our capital plan for the first phase of the Bowan project reported to the company was 5.662 million yuan.

Basically everything is paid in full.

Basically, there is no saying whether 70% or 80% of the progress payment should be paid.

You said that the company will require us to reduce the overall price by 50% or 40%. How can we adjust the funding plan for the first phase of the Bowan project?

Which one should not be paid? "

“We won’t discuss such annoying things with him now.

If the discussion is not good, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. "

"There must be a way for a car to reach the mountain."

The two of them drove and chatted on the road. Although they were not very happy, they finally drove the car to the Nanshan Project Department.

After everyone took their luggage to their dormitories and put them away, they agreed to meet at Zhao Manfu's office.

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