Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 592 Letter of Commitment for Balance Invoice

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Metalworker, isn't this something that Mr. Zhao forced our project department to do? There's nothing I can do about it."

Zhao Manfu replied dissatisfied: "Shit, I was also forced by Mr. Song, the president of the business unit.

If he had not issued this order, I would never have thought that my collection work would be so urgent one day that I would not even be able to wait for the time to issue invoices myself. "

Jin Haoran smiled and said: "No matter which one of you forced which one, I will type up the commitment letter and you can review it."

After Jin Haoran finished speaking, he left Zhao Manfu's office.

It took about twenty minutes to write a "Letter of Commitment on Providing an Invoice with the Difference Between the Payment Amount within a Week" and printed three copies.

He took them to Zhao Manfu's office and handed one copy each to Song Xiaoshan, Zhang Yunqing, and Zhao Manfu.

All three people used signature pens to make certain modifications to the report, and all explained it to Jin Haoran.

After Jin Haoran recorded it one by one, he returned to his work station, improved the three people's revision opinions into the electronic document, reprinted a copy, and brought it to Zhao Manfu's office.

After handing the printed copy of the "Letter of Commitment to Provide Invoices with the Difference Between the Payment Amount Within One Week" to Song Xiaoshan, he said: "Mr. Song, take a look at it first. I guess there won't be any big problems. I only printed one copy. After you read it, Show it to Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhao."

Song Xiaoshan took the document, scanned it quickly and said with a smile, "No problem."

Then he handed it to Zhang Yunqing and said, "Mr. Zhang, take a look."

Zhang Yunqing took it and looked at it and said: "There is no problem."

Zhao Manfu took the document from Zhang Yunqing and reviewed it: "Okay, just use this version to seal it. Zhang Yunqing will give it to Su Xiashan in person tomorrow, and explain it to Su Xiashan by the way."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhao."

Then he turned to Jin Haoran and said: "Metalworker, please print two more copies, for a total of three copies. After stamping the project seal, give me two copies. You can keep one copy for the project department."

Jin Haoran replied: "Okay."

After Song Xiaoshan waited for Jin Haoran to leave, he took out his mobile phone, looked up the phone number of the financial teller Zou Fang in the phone address book, dialed it and said, "Come to Mr. Zhao's office now."


A few minutes later, financial cashier Zou Fang came to Zhao Manfu's office, "Mr. Zhao, when did you come back?"

"Just arrived a while ago."

"Mr. Song, why did you call me just now to ask me to come to Mr. Zhao's office?"

"The company is anxious to collect the 7 million yuan from Party A. We have just arranged for Jin Haoran to write a letter of commitment to Party A, "Letter of Commitment on Providing an Invoice with the Difference Between the Payment Amount within a Week."

In this case, Mr. Zhang will take this letter of commitment to Party A tomorrow morning to collect the progress payment of 7 million yuan.

But will your invoice be issued tomorrow? If it can't be opened tomorrow, how soon will it be available? "

"Normally, I receive the express delivery tomorrow morning and the invoice can be issued tomorrow afternoon."

"Have you prepared all the money needed for invoicing?"

"When it's ready, you can use it at any time, and the company's finances will make payments at any time."

"Have you arranged for someone to send you to handle the invoicing matter tomorrow morning?"

"It has been arranged. Zhao Dajin, the garden construction engineer, will send it to me."

"Three leaders, do you have any other questions?"

Zhao Manfu said: "After you issue the invoice tomorrow, send it to Zhang Yunqing immediately, and he will hand it over to Party A's Su Xiashan."

"Okay. If there's nothing else, I'll go back to the office first."

"There's nothing else, just go and do your business."

Jin Haoran came to Zhao Manfu's office with two "Letter of Commitment on Providing Invoices with the Difference Between Payment Amount Within One Week" stamped with the project seal and handed them to Zhang Yunqing.

Zhang Yunqing took a look at the document and said, "That's it."

Jin Haoran said to Zhao Manfu: "Mr. Zhao,

If there is nothing special to do tonight, may I invite the three leaders to have a supper together? "

Zhao Manfu replied: "I have nothing special to do. Ask Mr. Song and Mr. Zhang."

Song Xiaoshan smiled and said: "If you have a late night snack, go and have some late night beer to sober me up."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "The metalworkers are treating guests, there is no reason not to go, what else are you asking?

At most, ask where to eat. "

Jin Haoran smiled and said: "Thank you to the three leaders for giving me face. You can eat barbecue or skewers. This town is not big and it only takes a few minutes to drive."

How about we just choose whichever one we like when we get to town? "

Song Xiaoshan said: "Are you still going to take the leaders to taste the food?

If you encounter a place with bad taste, you will be in trouble.

Forget it, let’s go to the barbecue restaurant we often go to. "

Jin Haoran replied: "Okay. Let's go downstairs.

I'll go downstairs first and drive the car to the door of the project department to pick you up. "

After the four of them arrived at the barbecue restaurant in Bowan Town, Jin Haoran was in charge of ordering.

Zhang Yunqing saw that the barbecue restaurant actually sold coconuts and asked, "How much does this coconut cost?"

"Five yuan each."

"I want to have one. Do you three want to drink this coconut?"

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Drinking coconut can relieve hangover, give me one."

Zhao Manfu replied: "This is the first time I heard that drinking coconut can relieve hangover. Let me give it a try and see if it can cure hangover."

Jin Haoran replied: "I'll have one too, so I don't have to worry about what drinks to order later."

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said to the waiter: "Chop us four larger golden coconuts."

The waiter replied: "Okay. I'll chop it right away."

The waiter chopped off four golden coconuts, chopped the top of each coconut flat with a machete, picked out a hole, inserted a plastic straw, and placed it on the table for the four of them.

Zhang Yunqing took a coconut nearby, took a sip and said, "Well, it tastes good. This coconut tastes good."

Song Xiaoshan chose beer.

Jin Haoran ordered four grilled saury, twelve grilled oysters, twenty skewers of bone and meat, one leek, one eggplant, one edamame, twenty skewers of pork belly, twelve skewers of potato slices, twelve skewers of grilled chicken wings, ten Two skewers of grilled county liver, and one beer chosen by Song Xiaoshan.

Zhao Manfu said: "That's about it. There are so many for dinner, so I probably won't be able to finish them all. It would be a pity if they were wasted."

Jin Haoran replied: "Okay, let's order these first. If it's not enough, we'll order more."

The four of them chatted lively, drank three rounds of wine and had five courses of food.

Seeing that everyone was getting more excited after drinking, Jin Haoran picked up the tea cup and toasted Zhao Manfu with a glass of wine, and said: "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Su from Party A, is reminding us to submit the settlement of Bowan Phase I for review as soon as possible. Come down.

If you submit it now, he can still conduct a comprehensive review.

If the application is submitted next year, I heard that their company will invite a cost consulting company to come, and he will not be able to make the decision like now. "

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