Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 594: Respect to Mr. Zhao, thank you for your care

Zhao Manfu said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the metalworkers invited us out for supper, and we also talked about an important matter in the project department.

Let's do this. When the metalworker finishes paying for the bill, remember to ask Song Xiaoshan for reimbursement with the invoice. "

Song Xiaoshan smiled and said: "That's right. The metalworkers remember to ask the boss for the invoice."

Jin Haoran smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. There is no pressure to treat the leaders to a late-night snack."

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "I'm happy tonight. The settlement work has been started normally. Come on, let's have a drink together and be happy."

The four of them had a drink together, but Jin Haoran had tea, and the other three had beer.

Jin Haoran found an opportunity to ask Zhao Manfu for advice: "Mr. Zhao, I have a question to ask you."

"Well, we are all brothers. Metal workers don't need to be so polite. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

"Tell me, what is the standard for promoting an employee in a company?"

"That depends on who is thinking about it."

"don't know."

"I do not know.

You see, take myself as an example.

I used to be the general manager of a family business of which I was one of the shareholders.

Yun Qing knew my employment standards at that time.

Whoever has the ability will be used and promoted, and whoever can truly bring benefits to the company will be valued.

However, now that I have arrived at Western Construction, I am no longer the boss, I am just a professional manager.

If it comes to appropriating employees, I definitely want to be able to appraise the employees under me, and I am not willing to appease the employees under other vice presidents of production.


Because only by promoting my own employees can I better unite my management team. "

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "Mr. Zhao, isn't your statement a typical one in which the butt determines the head?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "In large companies,

Everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own door and doesn't care about the frost on other people's tiles.

It's a matter of affection for others to help you, but it's a duty of others not to help you. "

Jin Haoran smiled and said: “I understand what Mr. Zhao means.

It's just that if our business people want a promotion or salary increase, in addition to the approval of the production leader, they also need the approval of the business manager.

The former Vice President of Production, Mr. Lei, mentioned to me that the matter of promotion and salary increase had never been successful due to various opportunities. "

Zhao Manfu asked: "If you want to really solve the problem, you still need to explain the reasons clearly."

Jin Haoran replied: "To put it in a hundred years' terms, even though I have been working in the company for seven or eight years, I have never achieved anything. There is only hard work, no merit."

Zhao Manfu asked: "Have you never completed a bid? Have you never completed a settlement?"

Jin Haoran smiled awkwardly and said: "I have had bad luck in the past few years. I have been running around with Mr. Lei. Wherever there is a fire, I go to help put out the fire. When the fire is extinguished, the company arranges for new people to come.

Then we went to the next pit.

The company opened dozens of branches. In the end, only the branch owned by Mr. Lei did not cause the company to lose money. The other branches were closed one after another.

In the past two years, it has been transformed into a business department.

Mr. Lei became the vice president of production, and I followed him to the Bowan project.

Unlucky, Party A didn't like Mr. Lei, so he drove him away. Later, another vice president of production came. He didn't finish the job for two months, so he transferred Mr. Zhao to manage us. Now this is the Nanhai area. "

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "You have done so many things, so it doesn't mean you have not contributed to the company."

Jin Haoran smiled and said: "Whatever, Mr. Hua doesn't know what to do.

I'm thinking that if I complete the settlement of the first phase of the Bowen project, I should be promoted and paid.

I personally feel that my working ability as a budgeter is higher than the manager-level budgets of Mr. Kyoto Flowers. At least there is no problem at all. "

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "You can't say this yourself. Yun Qing, you have been working in Kyoto for a period of time. How can you definitely evaluate the level of metalworking?"

Zhang Yunqing put down the chopsticks in his hand and said: "The metal worker is right. The budget clerks under Mr. Hua in Kyoto are all novices. None of them have worked for a few months to one or two years. There is no way they can compete with the metal workers who have more than ten years of work experience." compared to.

Those who make budgets at the managerial level, such as Lin Yiping, who is highly valued by Mr. Hua, her costing skills are obviously not as high as our metalworkers. She just has high emotional intelligence, high talent in dealing with people, is sensible, and knows how to solve problems.

This person is sensible and knows how to get things done. This is not meant to be derogatory, at least it is a more pertinent evaluation.

For example, I once wanted to see an approval form regarding the signing of an internal contract between Ruizhi Group and our company. I wanted to know the situation and see when I could return to Xichuan to work.

I just turned around her copy machine, just to take a peek.

As a result, Lin Yiping generously made an extra copy and handed it to me.

I asked her why she wanted to make a copy and give it to me. She said that this project has always been where you wanted to go, so naturally you wanted to know more about the situation.

Her behavior, at least at the time, moved me.

There was no need for her to be nice to me, but she did it inadvertently, without any adverse impact on the company, and she naturally improved her relationship with her colleagues. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Zhang Yunqing is right, Lin Yiping's advantages in dealing with people, metalworking, Yunqing, you two cannot compare with her in this regard.

You two are purely technical people, as long as the technology is good, it will be fine.

Others will also like you and tolerate you.

Technology is your advantage, your strength, and your foothold. "

Jin Haoran said: "If our emotional intelligence is lower, we will have to be budgeters for the rest of our lives, and won't we be able to get promotions?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "No.

You see, you are the budget clerk now, and Zhang Yunqing is the deputy commercial director.

In terms of level, the difference between you is a few levels, but as for the technical level, I guess it will be a little bit different, but not by much.

Therefore, I think that as long as you adjust the upward settlement of Bowen Phase I to meet the company's gross profit margin assessment, I can definitely recommend to the company that you be promoted to the budget manager. "

Jin Haoran laughed and said: "I was thinking about how to persuade Mr. Zhao so that you could agree to give me a promotion and a salary increase. I didn't expect that Mr. Zhao would be so upright and take the initiative to do so."

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "When dealing with you technical people, I don't have so many twists and turns.

Because being able to speak is not your strong point, as long as you can understand that I am willing to take care of you and follow me to do the job well.

I'm very satisfied. "

Jin Haoran raised his tea cup and clinked it with Zhao Manfu: "To Mr. Zhao, thank you for your care."

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