Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 595 Everyone has their own thoughts

Jin Haoran still looked a little worried and asked: "Mr. Zhao, what do you think will happen if Hua Baibai doesn't agree to my promotion and salary increase?"

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this, we will help you find someone to communicate with you for a hundred years. If it doesn't work, I will help you find Mr. Song, the president of the business unit, to solve the problem."

Jin Haoran smiled and said: "Thank you, Mr. Zhao.

I was thinking that if I had been restricted from getting a salary increase for hundreds of years, there would be no need for me to continue working in Western architecture.

Mr. Hua is targeting me, or Mr. Hua is targeting Lei Bing more accurately.

It is indeed a bit too targeted, and it can be felt everywhere. "

Zhao Manfu said: "I really don't know much about other vice presidents of production, and I don't know much about Hua Baibai.

So I can only listen to what you said about the two of them, but I can't answer the conversation.

What I can make clear to you is that as long as you can do a good job in the settlement of Bowen Phase I, I will definitely make suggestions to the company for your promotion. "

Jin Haoran didn't say anything else, but in his heart he was full of hope for success in getting a promotion and salary increase, but in reality he saw the despair of success. He seemed extremely entangled and could only take one step at a time.

What Zhao Manfu is thinking is, you haven't been successful in promotion and salary increase for various reasons for seven or eight years. Why do you have to wait so hard for me? Why can't we just wait patiently for results before raising them? Wouldn't it be a matter of course by then?

Song Xiaoshan thought, it was an eye-opener to find that promotion and salary increase for leaders could be so simple and crude.

Zhang Yunqing thought, why should we waste the quota of promotion and salary increase on someone who has already made it clear that he wants to leave? I don’t know what Zhao Manfu thinks.

The four people each have their own thoughts.

Finally, Zhao Manfu broke the silence, picked up the wine glass and said: "Everyone has had a drink, so let's disperse early.

There will be another day of tough battle tomorrow during the day. "

After the "cheers", the four people dispersed.

Jin Haoran drove everyone back to the project department, and they rested until dawn.

Zhang Yunqing got up according to the set alarm clock.

After washing up, I went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

Carrying the document "Letter of Commitment on Providing Invoices with the Difference Between the Payment Amount Within One Week", I drove to the parking lot under Su Xiashan's office building.

After checking the time at 9:10, I got off the car and went upstairs with the "Letter of Commitment on Providing an Invoice with the Difference Between the Payment Amount within a Week" and arrived at Party A's Su Xiashan's work station.

Su Xiashan saw Zhang Yunqing coming, greeted him warmly, poured a glass of hot water for Zhang Yunqing, and asked: "Mr. Zhang, when did you get here?"

Zhang Yunqing took the paper cup filled with more than half a cup of hot water and said: "Last night, after having dinner at the Nanshan project, I drove to the Bowan project."

Su Xiashan asked: "Mr. Zhang, what do you want to see me for today?"

Zhang Yunqing handed the document "Letter of Commitment on Providing Invoices with the Difference Between the Payment Amount Within One Week" in his hand to Su Xiashan and said: "This is the progress payment of 7 million that the company leaders want to receive today or tomorrow." , requiring the project department to type a report document.

Please give me some advice, Mr. Su, to see if it can be used. "

Su Xiashan smiled and said: "The documents can be used.

It's just that you promised to provide the invoice within a week. If you fail to provide the invoice by then, it is equivalent to using my credit as an endorsement. If something goes wrong, I may lose my job because of this. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "As for our invoicing situation, I will report it and you will understand. It won't be that serious.

I am fully confident that this commitment letter will be realized.

A prerequisite for issuing an invoice is to obtain a foreign economic certificate.

Now our foreign economic certificate has been processed in Kyoto and is on its way to the Bowan project by express. Based on the experience of past express delivery times, it is estimated that the express delivery will be received this morning.

Last night, I also talked to Zou Fang, the financial cashier of the project department, and confirmed again that she would arrange a special car for her this morning from Zhao Dajin, the garden construction engineer.

Accompany her this morning to go to the tax bureau with the foreign economic certificate she received to pay taxes and issue invoices on her behalf.

If the invoice is issued this morning as soon as possible, it should be able to be issued tomorrow if it is slower.

What we wrote was a letter of commitment, and we were very cautious. We did not dare to issue the invoice within two days. We wrote it for a few days longer because we were afraid that there would be factors that we did not expect that would affect the time for invoicing. "

Su Xiashan smiled and said, "I understand what you said.

Then I will treat this report of yours as a procedure for invoice arrears, and immediately submit the procedure for reporting your progress payment of 7 million to the company. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, thank you Mr. Su."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Su Xiashan said to Zhang Yunqing: "Mr. Zhang, our leaders at the Kyoto headquarters have already begun to review your seven million progress payment declaration procedures.

The leader asked about the "Letter of Commitment on Providing Invoices with the Difference Between the Payment Amount Within One Week", which was clearly explained on QQ.

There is nothing said for this reason yet, which is equivalent to agreeing to handle it this way. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Thank you very much, Mr. Su. Then I still need to stay here until your company pays?"

Su Xiashan replied: "No need, Mr. Zhang.

If you can keep up with me, you might as well go back and make arrangements to ensure that your invoices are issued on time. This is the best way to completely solve the problem. "

Zhang Yunqing thought for a while and said: "Well, then I will go back and report on the current progress payment declaration, and also learn about the progress of this invoicing."

Su Xiashan replied: "Mr. Zhang, walk slowly and say goodbye."


After Zhang Yunqing said goodbye to Su Xiashan, he left Su Xiashan's office, went downstairs and got in the car, and drove back to the Bowan Phase I project department.

He called and asked where Zhao Manfu was and asked him to go to his office.

After Zhang Yunqing arrived at Zhao Manfu's office, he gave Zhao Manfu a detailed report on the situation in Su Xiashan's office.

After Zhao Manfu listened to the report, he picked up his mobile phone, looked up the phone number of Yuan Fang, an executive of Western Construction Co., Ltd., in his phone address book, and dialed it. No one answered the call after ringing for a long time, and the communication system automatically cut off the call.

Zhao Manfu smiled and said, "Mr. Yuan didn't answer the phone. I'll call him later."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Zhao Manfu started to call Yuan Fang, an executive of Western Construction Co., Ltd., but the phone still rang for a long time and no one answered the phone.

Zhang Yunqing asked with a malicious smile: "Did you offend the beautiful leader one day, and they ignored you?"

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