Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 601: What did you say? Didn't hear clearly

Song Xiaoshan replied helplessly: "It's not that there is no way, but it will definitely be slower."

Zhao Manfu asked Zhang Yunqing again: "What is your opinion on this matter of settlement?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "My opinion is that the production side should still draw the as-built drawings.

Another thing is, are there no construction drawings for this landscape improvement project yet?

This is a must. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "We have finished all the work, and the design institute has not yet given us the construction drawings.

Could it be that we, the people in the project department, are also required to draw construction drawings?

The key is that the people in our project department don't know how to draw. Do you mean to draw as-built drawings? We can just make changes based on the electronic drawings of construction drawings.

If we were asked to draw construction drawings directly, our project department would definitely have no choice. "

Zhao Manfu asked: "Didn't you say that we asked the design institute to produce construction drawings for us?"

Song Xiaoshan replied: "At that time, the art director Xiang Qi helped contact the design institute, but we still haven't seen the construction drawings."

Zhao Manfu replied: "Mr. Song, please continue to contact Xiang Qi and ask her to contact the design institute to help produce construction drawings."

Song Xiaoshan replied: "I can contact her, but I guess my level is not enough and I may not be able to handle this matter."

Zhao Manfu replied: "It's okay. Just contact me first. After we sort out the situation, we can discuss what to do."

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Okay."

Zhao Manfu asked Zhang Yunqing again: "Based on our current communication situation, this coordination meeting on settlement has no basis for holding a meeting?"

Zhang Yunqing said with a smile: "It can be said that at present, it doesn't matter what we want. This meeting is of little value and will only increase everyone's worries.

It is recommended that Mr. Song and the metal workers discuss it for a period of time. After the metal workers sort out the existing information and have a general situation, we can come over to check the information and then hold a coordination meeting on specific issues.

Only then will it be possible to sort out specific work tasks and assign them to specific people. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Okay.

Regarding the issue of settlement, internal matters will be discussed here.

Mr. Song, if Party A pays 7 million to our company today, do you have any plans to treat Su Xiashan to a meal or something?

By the way, let's talk to him about the settlement we want to handle. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "If the payment comes out, I will definitely treat Su Xiashan to dinner.

You happen to be here today, so join in together. If you want to talk about the settlement, then you’d better call Jin Haoran.

There are two benefits.

One is that he personally listens to the opinions of Party A Su Xiashan on the settlement, so as not to convey it again after we come back and avoid information distortion.

The second is that he doesn't drink, so we can let him be a driver for all of us. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Your idea is consistent with what Yun Qing and I think."

At this moment, Zhang Yunqing's phone rang.

Zhang Yunqing saw that it was the financial teller Zou Fang. After getting through, he said, "Sister Fang, has the invoice been issued?"

"It's ready. I'm about to arrive at the project department. Where are you?"

"I'm in the project department, so I still come to your office to get the invoice, right?"

"Yes, because I want to scan."

After Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with the financial teller Zou Fang, he said: "The invoice is back. I won't chat with you anymore. I'm going to Sister Fang's office to get the replacement invoice, and then send it to Su Xiashan."

Zhao Manfu laughed loudly and said: "Great. Did Su Xiashan say that he will pay immediately after receiving the invoice?"

When Zhang Yunqing heard Zhao Manfu's question, he was already about to leave the door of Zhao Manfu's office. He stopped temporarily and turned around and answered: "Yes, you can wait for the finance department to check whether the account has been received."


Zhang Yunqing quickly came to the door of the financial teller's office, and happened to meet the panting financial teller Zou Fang, who was opening the office door. She looked like she was sweating profusely, and asked hurriedly: "Sister Fang, are you running upstairs?" Of?"

Financial teller Zou Fang breathlessly replied: "In order to issue this five hundred thousand invoice, I ran all the time while walking. I finally rushed to bring you the invoice before get off work." Brought it back."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Stop talking. After scanning, give me the original."

Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone, looked up the phone number of Su Xiashan of Comba Group Construction in the phone address book, dialed it and said, "Mr. Su, I have some good news for you."

"What good news?"

"The invoice for the 500,000 yuan that is owed has been issued and is being scanned by the project department. After the scan is completed, Sister Fang will send you the scanned copy, and I will send you the original.

It will probably take no more than ten minutes to be delivered to your office.

Could you please say hello to your finance person first and ask them to review the payment process later? "

"There won't be many people reviewing it later. As long as we see your original invoice, the company will definitely agree to pay immediately."

"Okay, see you later."

"Wait for you."



Financial cashier Zou Fang scanned the invoice and handed the original to Zhang Yunqing.

After Zhang Yunqing took the original invoice, he said to the financial teller Zou Fang: "Sister Fang, I'm going to deliver the original invoice to Su Xiashan.

I would also like to trouble you to send the scanned copy of the invoice to Su Xiashan from Party A. "

"sure no problem."

Zhang Yunqing drove to the downstairs of Su Xiashan's office with the original invoice of 500,000 yuan. After parking in the parking space, he got out of the car and quickly went to Su Xiashan's office upstairs to hand over the original invoice. Passed it to Su Xiashan.

After Su Xiashan took the invoice, he smiled and said: "Okay, this invoice can finally eliminate the psychological shadow of our little girl in the finance department."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Mr. Su, could you please call your finance department? Tell me that the original invoice has been received.

I urge them to pay our company today.

Our Mr. Zhao has been waiting in the office, waiting for news of this payment. "

Su Xiashan joked: "Your company has a very good spirit in collecting payments.

If I use the energy of collecting money to work on projects, I think I can do any project well. "

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "There is no way, it is almost the end of the year, the company is very short of money, and the company's senior leaders seem to attach great importance to every payment received.

Mr. Zhao and I are waiting to collect your payment, and we have to return to the Nanshan project as soon as possible to collect the payment. "

Su Xiashan smiled and said: "Okay, I won't brag with you anymore.

I'll call the finance department right away. "

I saw Su Xiashan picking up the landline microphone on the table, dialing a series of numbers skillfully, and then the call was connected and he said: "The original invoice for the additional 500,000 yuan from Western Construction has been issued.

What did you say? Didn't hear clearly. "

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