Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 610: This is a meeting, don’t laugh

About ten minutes later, production manager Xu Kun arrived at the conference room of the Nanshan Project Department. Zhou Wencheng motioned for him to find a seat and sit down.

Zhou Wencheng said to production manager Xu Kun: "Now the company requires us to submit a capital plan that is reduced by at least 30%. We just held a meeting to discuss it, mainly focusing on the amount of material payment and seedling payment. It needs to be lower than the original total payment amount." On the basis of 20 million yuan, the payment amount will be reduced by 1.95 million yuan.

Now it is difficult to determine which company's payment will be reduced during the meeting.

It was originally arranged that the actual output value of each company must be reviewed.

How are the production brothers doing this job now?

When will we be able to work with business, materials, seedlings, and suppliers to check their actual output value for this month? "

The production manager replied: "Our production verification data has been verified. All that is left is to check with the departments and suppliers just mentioned."

"Do you have time to check after this meeting?"

"It's not possible at this time. During the day, things happened at the project site that dragged all our production brothers to the site, and they couldn't do anything without it.

Before I came to the conference room, I was urged to go to the scene to coordinate and solve the problem.

I am responsible for notifying the supplier on site to come to our conference room tonight to check. "

"Okay, I understand.

You go handle the work on site first. "

After Zhou Wencheng lowered his head and discussed with Zhao Manfu in a low voice for a while, Zhao Manfu nodded.

Zhou Wencheng sat up straight and said: "In view of the adjustment of the payment amount in the capital plan, every supplier is very concerned and wants to increase the payment amount.

But our payment limit is definitely not what we need to be able to give.

Therefore, during the process of communicating with suppliers, please take the initiative to introduce the difficulty of the company's collection. We have not received enough payment, which means that we are unable to pay you in full. We would like to remind everyone to contact the company. We will overcome the difficulties together.

Only by jointly complaining in front of Party A and the supervisor and helping the project department recover the project payment as early as possible can the problem of insufficient payment to the supplier be completely solved.

In this process, you can also draw a picture of the suppliers and boldly promise them that as long as they help us advance funds together, we will definitely give priority to working with them in future project cooperation. "

The conference room burst into laughter.

Zhou Wencheng knocked on the table and said: "Everyone, please be serious, this is a meeting, don't laugh."

He couldn't hold it back, burst out laughing and said: "Although I asked you to give the supplier a pat on the back, I am a person who is trustworthy.

As long as I'm in charge here, I will be responsible for the pie I ask you to draw for your suppliers.

I suggest that tonight, everyone must work overtime to check the output value data of each family.

Otherwise, I feel that they will probably ask me for a signed version of the new capital plan tomorrow.

If you don't work overtime tonight, you may not be able to fill out the fund plan tomorrow, and it may even cause conflicts.

Those suppliers are all talented people, and their output values ​​must be clearly verified before he has anything to say.

Otherwise, their reasons for asking for money will be more than we can imagine.

Please remind everyone that when checking, the output value must be completed between the 26th of the previous month and the 25th of the current month to be calculated into this month's output value.

Otherwise, when we check the output value, we do not strictly control the time period, and if we let it go, our capital plan will be even more seriously insufficient.

Did everyone hear this clearly? "

People from all departments agreed in unison: "It's clear."

Zhou Wencheng then arranged: "Everyone, please work overtime. No matter what, you have to work overtime tonight to review the output values ​​of all suppliers."

beep. . . beep. . .

Zhang Yunqing's cell phone has been muted.

It shook.

When he saw that the call was from Lin Yiping, he hurriedly got up and left the conference room to answer the phone and asked: "Engineer Lin, after the leadership meeting, have you come to a conclusion on the fund plan?"

Lin Yiping replied: "Now that it's out, the floating rate in your area is 35%."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "A 35% drop is too much. Can it only go down by 30%?"

Lin Yiping replied: "I am only responsible for informing you and have no right to change the leaders' decision-making opinions."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "With so much going down, it really can't be arranged. If the project department disagrees and needs to appeal to the leader, who should go to which leader of which business department?"

Lin Yiping replied: "I don't know your question. If you have to ask, I suggest you ask your regional president to report to the business unit president, Mr. Song."

"Okay, got it, thanks."



After Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Lin Yiping, he returned to the conference room and said: "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhou, Lin Yiping called just now and said that the results of the leaders' meeting to discuss the fund plan limit have come out."

Zhao Manfu asked: "Is it a 30% drop?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "No, it is a 35% drop."

Zhou Wencheng asked: "Mr. Zhang, please do the math. After the price is reduced by 35%, how much total planned capital will we still have for the Nanshan project?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "After the reduction of 35%, it is equivalent to the declaration amount of 26 million yuan multiplied by (1-35%) equal to 16.9 million yuan."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "That is equivalent to a reduction of 3.1 million yuan from the original actual payment amount of 20 million yuan."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Not only that, because the on-site funds have been increased by 150,000 yuan on the original basis, so the impact of this 150,000 yuan needs to be taken into account."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Then calculate it immediately and see how much of the total amount of materials and seedlings are left."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Assuming that the original data has not changed, the payment amount that has been clarified is as follows:

1. The salary of greening workers is 1.1 million yuan.

2. Mechanical expenses are 1.5 million yuan.

5. The labor team project fund is 2 million yuan.

6. On-site expenses are 400,000 yuan and 150,000 yuan.

The total expenses of these four amounts are 1.1 million yuan, 1.5 million yuan, 2 million yuan, 400,000 yuan, and 150,000 yuan, which is equal to 5.15 million yuan. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Then the total payment for materials and seedlings is 16.9 million yuan minus 5.15 million yuan, which is equal to 11.75 million yuan."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, there are only 11.75 million yuan left at our disposal. If we calculate the downward adjustment ratio, it is equivalent to 1-1175/1500, which is a decrease of 21.7%."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay, I understand."

Then he preached to everyone: "So I ask everyone to be strict and rigorous in reviewing the output value of the next family this time, and absolutely no slack is allowed.

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Try to get this goal by reviewing the production value. "

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