Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 612 The worries of suppliers

Zhang Yunqing continued his analysis: "I suggest that we make two preparations. We should write a report to the company to explain clearly the reasons for the planned capital limit of this project. There is no way to reduce it any further.

The second is assuming that the company requires that the payment amount be reduced by 35%, then we need to choose which units have the payment amount reduced and how to do a good job in thinking about the relevant suppliers. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Zhang Yunqing, you can call Song Xiaoshan and Jin Haoran now to explain the current status of this fund plan, and then ask for their opinions. If you have any opinions, call and communicate feedback at any time.

At the same time, I also emphasize that after correcting their verified and accurate output value data, they will send an updated version of the capital plan. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and walked out of Zhao Manfu's office.

He took out his mobile phone, looked up Song Xiaoshan's phone number in the phone address book, dialed it and said, "Mr. Song, the company has already given feedback on the capital plan.

Mr. Zhao on our side is organizing him, me, Wang Ming, and Yu Shengjie to discuss how to deal with the problem.

Mr. Zhao arranged for me to call you and Jin Haoran to discuss it. Is it convenient for you to find Jin Haoran and listen to the phone together now? "

"It's convenient. I'll find Jin Hao and call you back."


Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Song Xiaoshan and stood in the aisle, looking into the distance, thinking about how to solve this problem satisfactorily. He thought that matters in this large company were also quite difficult.

A few minutes later, Song Xiaoshan called back and said: "Mr. Zhang, I am calling you on the speakerphone I am using with Jin Haoran.

If there is something, you can say it now. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay.

Mr. Song, metal worker.

Today, I had two phone calls with Lin Yiping.

The first time was to give us a vaccination, telling us that the payment amount in our financial plan may be reduced by 20 to 30%. "

Song Xiaoshan looked incredulous and asked: "Mr. Zhang, with such a huge reduction, our project department simply cannot arrange it."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Mr. Song, don't be anxious.

Then our Nanshan project organized a meeting to prepare and adjust the new funding plan at a discount of 30%.

But the meeting is not over yet.

Then I received another call from Lin Yiping, telling me that our downward adjustment ratio was not 20 to 30 percent, but 35 percent.

We are now meeting here to discuss the funding schedule for the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project.

I haven't thought of a better way yet.

The first and most important task is for production, business, and suppliers to clearly check the true output value without moisture for this month. The requirement is that there should be results tonight. The reason is that it is very likely that tomorrow the company will ask us for a new capital plan.

Another thing to consider is to be prepared:

The first is to draft a report to the company to explain the special circumstances of our project, explain clearly why every amount of money should be paid, and strive not to drop it by 35%. Although the possibility of success is relatively small, it is still recommended to try hard.

The second is to press the 35% floating requirement and see how we can move downwards, then calculate the payment amount, form a new fund plan, work with suppliers one by one, gain their understanding, and promise to solve it for them after the beginning of the new year. Payment matters.

Mr. Song, Metal Worker, this is what we are discussing in a meeting, and there is no conclusion yet.

I need you to think about it again.

Come up with ideas. "

Song Xiaoshan said on the phone: "Mr. Zhang, I think the opinion you discussed at the meeting is quite sufficient.

Here's how I think about it:

I will draft the report.

To check the project quantity and output value, the metalworker and Zhao Dajin, Wang Bin, and Zhou Qingchun arranged for the supplier to check in person.

Tighter the level of production value review.

Then form a new capital plan, and then adjust the payment amount of each company depending on the situation.

If we think of other things, we will contact you again. "


Jin Haoran said: "Mr. Zhang, my work takes a lot of time. When Mr. Song's report documents are ready, I will scan them for you. You can help contact the company to communicate and explain, is that okay?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes. President Song will just contact me then."

"Mr. Zhang, is there anything else?"

"No more. Bye."


After Zhang Yunqing ended his phone call with Song Xiaoshan and Jin Haoran, he returned to Zhao Manfu's office.

Zhao Manfu asked: "Have Mr. Song and the metal workers put forward any constructive suggestions?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "The time is too short, I may not have time to react.

They promised that if they came up with a better idea, they would call us to discuss it again.

The result now is:

1. They immediately arranged to continue to strictly review the project volume and output value, and then discussed how to adjust the plan after forming a new funding schedule.

2. Song Xiaoshan drafted a report to the company, striving to prevent the planned funding limit for the Bowan Phase I landscape improvement project from falling by another 35%. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Okay, while you were on the phone, the three of us discussed it again. I feel that this is the method you are talking about now, and there is no better method.

Then break up the meeting and let everyone do their own thing.

If you think of a good idea, contact us immediately to discuss. "

The vast majority of staff and suppliers of the Nanshan Project and the Qiongshan Boyan Phase I Landscape Improvement Project have entered into intense work volume review and output value review.

Every supplier who had verified their output value came to Zhang Yunqing's office as a token of appreciation, exchanged a few words, and expressed clearly how difficult they were and how they had helped the company overcome the difficulties. They hoped that the company would deal with their capital plan before the Lunar New Year. When doing business, everyone should be treated equally and not treat others favorably, which expresses the suppliers' concern not about the shortage but about the inequality.

Zhang Yunqing received each of them in a friendly manner and explained them properly, hoping that both parties could understand each other and overcome the difficulties together.

And he expressed that he would not allow serious uneven payments to occur.

Zhang Yunqing found an opportunity to sit in Zhao Manfu's office for a while.

Chatting: "Mr. Zhao, aren't all the suppliers coming to check the project volume and output value one after another today?

After checking the data, many suppliers chose to come to my office to communicate with me.

Their general meaning is that they understand and accept that the company's payment amount is insufficient and they cannot pay them progress payments in full as stipulated in the contract.

But we hope that we will treat them equally and not discriminate. We should not let some people get everything and some people not get a penny at all.

In this situation, the materials, seedlings, labor teams, and machinery teams are all responding to this situation.

Especially the material is more serious. "

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