Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 630: Changing the locks in the purchasing office

The production manager replied: "The first method doesn't cost money, Mr. Zhou, just forget it if you don't like it.

The second method is to find a lock changer and replace the lock cores and keys of the locks related to the king's name, including the locks of the information cabinets.

Lest he use the key in his hand to go back to the project department to cause damage. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "This method is feasible. You can arrange for someone to handle it immediately."

Zhou Wencheng added: "Find someone to guard this place until the lock is successfully changed."

The production manager replied Xu Kun: "Okay."

Zhou Wencheng said to Zhang Yunqing and Yu Danzhen: "When the people Xu Kun has sent to guard this place arrive, you can return to the office of the Ministry of Commerce.

I also made an appointment with someone to do something, so I'll go out first. "

Zhou Wencheng left the purchasing office.

Liu Liguo, the water and electricity engineer arranged by production manager Xu Kun, quickly arrived at the purchasing office. Zhang Yunqing watched Xu Kun make arrangements for Liu Liguo to guard the office and change the relevant locks, and then took Yu Danzhen back to the office of the Ministry of Commerce.

Zhang Yunqing called Yu Danzhen and Li Xixuan to his desk for necessary communication.

Zhang Yunqing said: "Xiao Li, the work tasks of several of us in the Commerce Department have become a little heavier.

The reason is that the material procurement Wang Ming has now been officially transferred from the Nanshan Project Department, and his corresponding work is formally required to be handed over to Yu Danzhen.

During the actual handover, Wang Ming did not cooperate at all, so taking over this job will be a severe test for us in the Ministry of Commerce. "

Li Xixuan replied: "I heard someone making a fuss, but I didn't expect that it was Wang Ming who was making trouble."

Zhang Yunqing explained: "Yes, now that this matter has broken out, the project manager has felt that he has lost basic control over the project department, so he requested that Wang Ming be transferred.

Zhou Wencheng expressed to Mr. Zhao some of the reasons why Wang Ming must leave:

1. Wang Ming’s lack of work ability is the evaluation of most people on the project.

2. This time, Wang Ming maliciously collided with the project manager for the benefit of the next family. He insisted on insisting on his wrong opinions on the preparation of the capital plan and forcibly exceeded the payment progress percentage agreed in the contract without listening to anyone's dissuasion. This problem is very serious.

If it is not dealt with promptly and seriously, I am afraid that others will follow suit, and the management of the project department will become a mess. "

Zhang Yunqing continued: "So, this period of time may require Yu Gong and Xiaoli. You should allocate your time more rationally and cooperate with the project department to take over the material procurement work.

Zhou Wencheng's original intention was to arrange for financial cashier Tang Ying to cooperate in handling the ERP entry problem of materials before the new material buyer arrived.

You should also take this opportunity to learn more.

In the specific work process, if you encounter any difficulties or troubles, you should come to me immediately. Don't be embarrassed. Don't put the matter in your own hands and slowly explore it. This will affect the work efficiency and may affect the normal operation of the project department. . "

Li Xixuan replied: "Mr. Zhang, Sister Yu, if you can arrange anything for me, just arrange it.

Anyway, I'm in the project department and can't go anywhere to play, so I have no problem taking extra time off from get off work. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Thank you for Xiaoli's support for the work of the project department."

Then he said to Danzhen: "Yu Gong, don't put too much burden on your heart. His work content after material procurement was just mentioned in the purchasing office. It is nothing more than receiving goods and confirming output value." , warehouse-in orders, warehouse-out orders, ERP entry, payment, settlement, etc.

These contents are usually the main work of the Ministry of Commerce, but the forms are different.

Our business also involves lists, fixed price packages, information price applications, etc.

Relatively speaking, the work with materials is even simpler. "

Yu Danzhen smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang, after you said that, I felt a lot more relaxed."

Zhang Yunqing continued: "For you, you may not recognize some of the materials when you receive them.

One solution to this problem is to learn more material knowledge online.

The second one is about materials you don’t know clearly at the scene, so don’t talk and just listen.

The more you listen and see, the more you will understand.

Understand? "

Yu Danzhen replied: "Understood."

Zhang Yunqing said: "For the following materials, Xu Kun will arrange for you to contact their suppliers.

You need to get to know the person first, and once you become familiar with them, you will gradually be able to straighten things out.

However, to give you two a shot, it is very possible that the so-called arrangement of a new material buyer to come to the Nanshan Project Department was just a casual talk.


One is that people recruited in Kyoto are now required to work in the Nanhai area, and most people will not agree.

The second is that this project no longer involves the more complicated matters of material procurement, bidding, and bidding. There is only some finishing work left, and there is no need to arrange for a full-time material procurement personnel to come over.

Therefore, you must cheer up, pay attention to this matter, and build up the confidence that you must do this well. "

Yu Danzhen replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, Xiaoli and I will do our best to do this well.

So when can we go to the financial cashier to talk about the ERP entry of this material? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Zhou Wencheng was in a hurry just now to go out to do something, and he probably didn't have time to arrange this matter for Tang Ying, the financial cashier.

When working with materials, it is recommended that you start by familiarizing yourself with the supplier's contract.

If Mr. Zhou Wencheng hasn't had time to arrange for Tang Ying, the financial cashier, to handle the ERP entry problem tomorrow, you can find a suitable way to proactively communicate with Tang Ying and ask for advice. "

Yu Danzhen replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, I will pay attention to taking over this material work according to your suggested time."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Has the company notified you of the amount of funds allocated in this funding plan?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "I haven't received the call yet."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Then you wait for me for a moment, and I will call to confirm it. The closer this is to the Lunar New Year, the more panicked everyone will be."

Zhang Yunqing picked up the mobile phone placed on the desk, found Lin Yiping's phone number in the phone address book, dialed and asked: "Lin Gong, has the company decided on the payment amount for this capital plan?

Is it possible to give the Nanhai area more payment quota? "

Lin Yiping replied on the phone: "Gong Zhang, Mr. Hua just gave me an explanation and asked me to inform you.

I was about to call you when your call came. "

Zhang Yunqing smiled awkwardly and said: "What a coincidence, Lin Gong, can you please tell me what the result will be?"

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