Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 650: Is Tao Ting’s incident exciting?

Seeing Tao Ting's appearance, Zhang Yunqing felt nervous and blurted out: "Mr. Tao, tell me the answer quickly."

Tao Ting said slowly, word by word: "I have approved the first plan and agree to pay your construction unit according to the results of supervision and cost review."

Zhang Yunqing finally showed a satisfied smile, and then remembered another question: "So, Mr. Tao, when can I actually pay for my request?"

Tao Ting replied: "Today we will notify the general contractor Huatie to issue an invoice. Our company's internal payment process will take two or three days. It is expected that the project payment will be paid to Huatie in three days at the earliest. .”

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, thank you Mr. Tao."

Tao Ting asked again: "You come here all day long to urge us, Jingchuang, to pay Huatie. Huatie pays you Western Construction. I guess there is an review process, right?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, Mr. Tao.

We have contacted the company and are issuing invoices to Huati.

Speaking of invoicing, let’s confirm another data issue.

After the meeting, do you agree that the output value of our Western Construction this time is 46 million yuan? "

"Yes, confirm that the output value you completed this time is 46 million yuan."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Tao.

I'm going back to report the good news to the company leaders.

Bye-Bye. "


When Zhang Yunqing talked about this, he asked Zhao Manfu: "Mr. Zhao, do you think my meeting with Tao Ting of Jingchuang Group today is exciting?"

Zhao Manfu said without thinking: "It's exciting, why not exciting.

You also made me nervous during your explanation. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Today, Mr. Tao finally gave us an accurate letter.

If we don't do it quickly, it will probably be difficult to actually receive the money into Western Construction's account. "

After Zhao Manfu said "hmm", he turned around and asked Zhou Wencheng: "Mr. Zhou, did you hear clearly what Mr. Zhang just described?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Listen clearly."

Zhao Manfu asked again: "It seems that Jingchuang's money will soon be transferred to Huatie.

But what are the procedures for collecting money from Huatie now? "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Based on what we know now, the invoice for the 36.064 million yuan collected from China Railway can be issued this afternoon."

Zhao Manfu arranged: "Well, these time points are so tight.

After you get the invoice in the afternoon, you should hand it to Huatie's project manager Yao Peng as soon as possible, and tell him the payment information from Jingchuang.

Please ensure that he initiates our payment process and starts reviewing it within Huatie. "

Zhou Wencheng seemed a little out of sorts and replied, "I'll do my best, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Manfu originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he held back.

Zhang Yunqing said again: "Mr. Zhao, it's this time now, and the company hasn't notified you yet whether it can issue an invoice for payment.

Many suppliers have already called me.

Yu Danzhen receives calls every day asking for money.

It's not an option to continue like this.

I'm always worried about the day when conflict breaks out. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "What's the use of worrying?

Or only if we hurry up and do a good job in collecting payments, can we do a good job in paying people down below.

The most important thing about work this year was money-related matters.

It's all in your department.

You should also brace yourself and don't suffer defeat at this time.

Not a good deal. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay. Otherwise, I will call Lin Yiping from the business department now to urge the issue of payment and invoicing."

Zhao Manfu nodded and agreed.

Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone, looked up Lin Yiping's phone number in the phone address book, dialed it and asked: "Lin Gong, the project department is under a lot of pressure on payment.

Every day, many people come to ask for project funds.

Almost every company is asking the project department, when can invoices be issued?

We have not received any information from you that we can issue invoices, so we have no way to give you a clear answer.

The current situation makes it difficult for the project department to deal with suppliers normally. "

Lin Yiping replied on the phone: "Gong Zhang, please wait a moment, the leaders have been meeting to study these payment-related issues during this time.

As far as I know, it's not that they don't agree with the invoice, but that they can't confirm how much money the company has to pay.

In the past two days, the leaders are still thinking about which project department will collect the project money first, so that they can give priority to the payment.

By the way, how is your collection going? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "We have two project departments here.

One is the Bowan Phase I Landscape Improvement Project Department. The 7 million yuan received from this project has been credited to the company's account.

As for the project department, can we directly notify the next company that invoices can be issued? "

Lin Yiping replied: "The company leaders have been discussing it these days, but it is possible to do this, but they have not said that it must be done.

Besides, for a company as big as ours, your project department has only recovered 7 million yuan. What use can it be used for? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "That project is small, and according to the contract, we can only receive a progress payment of 7 million yuan.

Party A, Jingxin Group, will not be short of our money. "

Lin Yiping asked on the phone: "So how far has your Nanshan project's collection work progressed?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "The Nanshan project's payment collection work has currently confirmed the following matters:

1. Jingchuang Group confirmed that the construction output value of our Western Construction to Huatie was 46 million yuan, and the payment amount to Huatie was 36.8 million yuan.

2. The payment from Jingchuang Group to Huatie is expected to be completed within three days.

3. The estimated amount of payment from Huatie to our company, Western Construction, was 36.064 million yuan.

In the afternoon, I went to the tax bureau to prepay the tax and then provided the invoice to Huatie.

Huatie's project manager Yao Peng has promised to start Huatie's internal payment review process for Western Construction when he gets the 36.064 million yuan invoice issued by us. "

Lin Yiping asked: "Is it possible for Huatie's payment to our company to be reviewed and completed within three days?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "The project manager of our Nanshan project, Mr. Zhou Wencheng, is personally maintaining contact with the Huatie project manager Yao Peng.

According to our plan, after Huatie receives payment from Jingchuang Group, it will have all the conditions to pay our company the next day. "

Lin Yiping replied: "If the Nanshan project can achieve this effect, it would be very good."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "The project department reached the current state after communicating with many parties.

At the same time, the project department also very much hopes to get financial support from the company, otherwise it will make a lot of commitments to complete the project volume when collecting payment, and it will be impossible to complete it in time without money. "

Trillion market value is not a dream

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