Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 651 I will kill you today

Lin Yiping replied: "I can only listen to what you say. If you really want to get the company's specific support for your project department, I suggest you, Mr. Zhao, find Mr. Hua and Mr. Song to coordinate on your own."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, thank you Lin Gong."



After Zhang Yunqing and Lin Yiping ended the phone call, they reported to Zhao Manfuhui: "The company has not yet made it clear whether it can notify the supplier to issue invoices.

However, it is said that the leaders are discussing in the past few days that it is possible to let the project department that has already received the payment start the work of making the next payment.

We have two current projects, one is that we have completed the collection, and the other is that we may complete the next collection within the next three days. "

After hearing this, Zhao Manfu replied: "Okay, as long as you know the situation.

As the project department, we can't push the company desperately. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, then I'll go back to the office of the Ministry of Commerce."

When Zhang Yunqing returned to the office of the Ministry of Commerce, it was so lively, there were so many people.

Zhang Yunqing called Yu Danzhen to agree and asked, "You Yu, what's going on? There are so many people?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "Mr. Zhang, these are all workers on the project. They are saying that the supplier sent them money. After looking for it for a long time, they have never been able to get the money.

They are now anxious to go home for the New Year, and today they made an appointment to come to our project department of Western Construction to see if we can help them solve the problem. "

At this time, a voice rang out from the crowd: "Finally a leader is here.

Find him quickly, surround him, and don't let him escape. "

"Leader, are you here?"

"Boss, when will you pay me my salary?

We haven't received our salary for a year. "

"Leader, we workers don't trust those contractors. They may run away after getting our money.

We demand that our wages be paid directly to us. "

"Boss, we have no other purpose here, we just want wages."

Zhang Yunqing heard that a group of workers were here. You said something and I said something. It felt a bit confusing, but he had to face it, so he patiently explained to the workers and masters: "Everyone, be quiet and listen to what I have to say.

First of all, it is almost the Chinese New Year and I have not solved everyone’s salary problem. I would like to apologize to you. "

Someone in the group of workers yelled again: "I'm sorry, how much is an apology worth?"

"Just tell me whether you will pay or not, and when will you pay?"

"If you dare not pay me, I will kill you today."

While yelling, some workers rushed in front of Zhang Yunqing, and some workers were helping to restrain the impulsive workers, and even advised: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, we are just here to ask for wages, not to fight.

If you come forward and give me a fight, it is very likely that our salary will not be enough to pay for the decoction. "

Zhang Yunqing thought quickly about how to deal with this group of workers who were about to become angry.

Zhang Yunqing believed that if he was not careful, he might be beaten up by these workers.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yunqing took a deep breath, raised his voice and said, "Please be quiet.

Money must be given.

No matter whose money the difference is, it cannot be the money of your workers and masters. "

Another voice came from the crowd: "That's about right."

"This one is sensible and knows how to give money."

“He knows a thing about hammers, damn, if anyone dares to say no money today, I’ll beat him up.

After working for a year, the Chinese New Year is just a few days away, and they still haven’t paid me, which makes me angry just thinking about it. "

After Zhang Yunqing listened to these nonsense,

My face was red and white, and I felt very uncomfortable, but I could only endure it and didn't dare to get angry. If I got angry, I would really get beaten.

These workers are just waiting for you to get angry, and then they will come up and beat you up when there is a conflict.

At that time, no one knew who had beaten him, and he didn’t know who to look for.

After Zhang Yunqing thought for a while, he said: "Please be quiet, please be quiet."

The noise in the crowd gradually decreased.

Zhang Yunqing said: "I believe that everyone here today wants to truly solve the problem of how to receive wages.

If you want to solve this problem, one thing must be clarified.

How much is the difference in salary between you?

This matter is not clear. How can you ask me to raise money for you? "

Someone else in the crowd said: "What he said makes sense."

"Send me diversity."

"Send me more than 5,000 yuan."

"I'm short of a whole dollar."

Zhang Yunqing added: "If everyone says this, it must be unclear today.

Please listen to my greeting and follow my suggestions.

First, you choose a few leaders who can represent yourself. These leaders are responsible for communicating with me.

I need to know something.

Secondly, it is also very important.

Each of you workers who came are divided into two groups. One group is looking for this person in Danzhen, and the other group is looking for this Li Xixuan.

Ask the two of them to register your names, contact numbers, the amount of wages owed to you, and the name of your contractor, all these important information.

Also, if you have proof that the contractor owes you money, please provide it. We don’t want your originals.

We just need to make a photocopy and keep a record.

I have finished speaking. If you really have different opinions or a better way, you can put it forward for discussion. "

Zhang Yunqing thought a little more this time. He not only put forward his own opinions, but also took the initiative to let everyone express different opinions, and then everyone discussed, which was more conducive to effective communication with this group of people.

A voice rang out from the crowd: “I think both of his suggestions are good.

We can't solve the problem just by making trouble here. "

"Yes, we should elect some workers' representatives, and then let the workers' representatives communicate with the leaders."

"You go and represent us workers."

A voice of rejection came from the crowd: "It's only 5,000 yuan short of me. What kind of representative am I? I can't represent it."

Someone in the crowd made a voice again: "If he doesn't go, you go. Don't you say that the black-hearted foreman is short of you by tens of thousands?"

You go, you go. "

"Just go."

A big, muscular man walked out of the crowd, stood in front of Zhang Yunqing and said, "Leader, did you see that just now a few of my brothers elected me to represent them? Tell me, how do we talk about it?"

Zhang Yunqing glanced at the strong man, pointed to his work station with his finger and said: "Look, that is my desk. You go and sit there for a while. I will wait here for everyone to elect the worker representatives, and then we will Communicate together at my desk.

Do you think it will work? "

The strong man stretched out his hand, patted Zhang Yunqing's shoulder heavily, and then said with a joking smile: "Leader, if you say yes, it will be okay.

I'll sit there and wait for you to see what tricks you can come up with if you don't pay me today. "

Trillion market value is not a dream

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