Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 653: As expected, 1 thing reduces 1 thing

The strong man stood up on the chair excitedly, pointed at the workers and masters around him and cursed viciously: "You idiots, since you elected me to negotiate with the project department of Western Construction about wages, you will give me Shut your crow mouth.

I'll say it when I ask you to talk, otherwise I won't do it, and whoever of you can do it will get it. "

When the strong man was squealing, the production manager Xu Kun came over, pointed at the strong man and cursed: "Liu Xiaosan'er, you are so ridiculous, aren't you?

Come on, get out of here right away, talk about it if you have something to do, and don’t mess around here if you don’t have something to do.

This is where the Western Construction Project Management Department calculates money. We all have to behave ourselves when we come here. Why do you come here to show off your authority? "

Zhang Yunqing saw that in this world, everything is falling. The strong man who was so aggressive just now immediately said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, you are here, don't be angry.

I'm here to ask for my salary. Is it still wrong? "

Then he quietly got off the chair, sat on the chair obediently, and waited for Xu Kun.

Production manager Xu Kun came over, grabbed a chair, mixed it on the ground twice before sitting down angrily, then looked at the strong man and said: "I told you a long time ago, don't use such extreme methods." There is a way to ask for money, and there is something easy to talk about and discuss.

Let me ask you, have you got the money now? "

The strong man spread his hands and replied helplessly: "I want the hammer money."

Production manager Xu Kun replied: "It's okay if I don't get the money, but the way you communicate about asking for money is wrong.

Don't talk easily now. I'll help you communicate with Mr. Zhang, the commercial manager of our Nanhai area.

When I need you to speak, speak again.

Did you know? "

The strong man replied: "I understand, Mr. Xu."

Production manager Xu Kun looked up at Zhang Yunqing and asked: "Mr. Zhang, as you can see, there are so many workers coming to ask for wages, and it is definitely impossible not to pay them.

But how to give, how much to give and how little to give? Does the company have a clear statement? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Manager Xu, so many workers came to ask for wages today, which is an emergency for us.

Because I have been at the center of this incident, except for calling the project manager Zhou Wencheng, I have not had time to contact anyone else. "

Zhang Yunqing paused and then raised his head and glanced around in front of him and continued: "My own understanding is that if you want to pay these workers, as long as their debts are true, there will definitely be no problem.

However, this must have a prerequisite.

That is, who hired these workers, what specific work they did, what was their salary, and have they been confirmed?

Whether these workers and bosses took the money but did not pay them wages, or whether they did not receive our project funds, resulting in not paying them workers' wages, these things need to be clarified.

I have now arranged for the workers to select some worker representatives to communicate with us about specific payments. This strong man is one of the representatives elected by the workers.

There should also be some workers' representatives selected.

We will call all these worker representatives together later to see what their demands are. "

Production manager Xu Kun replied: "Okay, I understand.

Mr. Zhang, let me help find these negotiators.

You are responsible for communicating with these elected worker representatives to explain how wages are paid. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, thank you. Manager Xu will discuss it with the workers and select the workers' representatives as soon as possible.

Then the two of us discussed it with the workers' representatives.


Manager Xu, please take a photo of the negotiation scene between me and the foremen and send it to me later. I guess I still need to explain this matter to the relevant leaders of the company. "

Production manager Xu Kun replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, I understand."

Production manager Xu Kun stood up from his chair and shouted loudly: "Master workers, please be quiet.

Now the workers in each team should elect a worker representative, come here, and together with the strong men, discuss with Mr. Zhang of our company about paying your wages.

Please do it quickly. "

Several more people came over one after another, one was bald, one was wearing a big gold necklace, a short woman, plus a strong man, and one was a representative of four workers.

Production manager Xu Kun asked: “Your workers’ representatives have been selected, are these four people the only one you have now?

Dear workers, take a look and see if there is anything you missed. "

Several people among the workers replied: "No, just these four workers."

Production manager Xu Kun said to Zhang Yunqing: "Mr. Zhang, a total of four worker representatives have been selected, and they are all here now.

It's better that you chair the meeting and see how it's sorted out. "

Zhang Yunqing sat up straight, faced everyone, and said calmly: "So many workers and masters are here to guard and watch, so I won't talk nonsense.

On behalf of the company, I can assure you that workers’ wages will be paid to you, please rest assured.

Please rest assured. "

There was a burst of applause among the workers. Some shouted "yes", some said "ok", some shouted "I want it", and some asked "When can I get the money? I want to get the money today and come back tomorrow." Home."

Zhang Yunqing knew that there was nothing he could do at this time, and it was like this. He was talking so much that it was difficult to calm down.

So he continued: "Before paying your money, I definitely need to figure out how much money you have, right?"

The four worker representatives all nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yunqing continued: "The names, ID numbers, phone numbers, and amounts of wages owed to workers who were registered with you today were all unilaterally stated by you.

We are currently unable to directly confirm the authenticity of the amount of wages owed to you.

So, I want to deal with it in two categories.

The amount of wages owed in Category I has been confirmed by our labor supplier of Western Construction, but it has indeed not been paid to you. I will ask Production Manager Xu Kun to help us call our labor supplier for confirmation of this matter later.

Of course, if the person in charge of these related labor suppliers is the best here, we can invite him to come to the office of our Ministry of Commerce and confirm his arrears in front of the workers and masters. "

“Another type of wage arrears was confirmed by our labor supplier of Western Construction.

We don’t dare to pay this part of the salary. What if our supplier doesn’t approve it after we pay it?

Since everyone knows that they come to me to ask for money, there must be no problem for me to coordinate the company to pay workers' wages.

But everyone must work together to help me find a way, otherwise, the company will not be able to pay these wages. "

Trillion market value is not a dream

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