Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 659 Agree to pay us wages

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After Zhang Yunqing finished speaking, he looked at Hu Yaomei and said: "Then the second major question remains, Sister Hu.

Just because we in Western Construction paid money to your workers does not mean that we should no longer pay money to Zheng Hui who came to you to work.

This issue needs to be discussed and understood.

Let everyone speak freely. "

Zhou Wencheng said: “When Sister Hu’s workers receive our wages, they must indicate what work each worker did.

Can this be done? "

Hu Yaomei replied: "This can be done. Each of my workers will write down what work they do every day in a small book.

I check the number of working days, and I check it day by day.

Every worker remembers what he did. "

Cui Yong said: "You also need to indicate on your payslip that Zheng Hui came to you to do these jobs."

Hu Yaomei replied: "There is no problem with this. We just need to write it clearly."

Zhang Yunqing said: "I have a suggestion, but I feel it is inappropriate, but I haven't thought of a better way."

Zhou Wencheng glanced at Zhang Yunqing and then at Hu Yaomei and then said: "Mr. Zhang, what do you think? Even if it's wrong, I think Sister Hu can understand it. If it's not right, just find another way."

Zhang Yunqing thought for a while and said in a more serious and embarrassed manner: "Sister Hu, when your workers sign their pay slips, can you please indicate that it is because Zheng Hui, who is looking for work for you, cannot be contacted, please ask us Western Construction will pay the salary based on your unilateral calculation. If we check with Zheng Hui clearly in the future, assuming there is an overpayment, you promise to unconditionally refund the overpayment to us."

Hu Yaomei smiled and replied: "We have no problem with this intention and promise.

But our cultural level is not good and we are not very good at writing. Could you please arrange to write one for us and read it to us. If there is no problem, we will sign it. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "That's okay.

There is also a more extreme situation, that is, Zheng Hui does not admit that you should be paid wages, so the dispute is between you and Zheng Hui.

Zheng Hui will ask us for our salary again. If a lawsuit starts, we will probably have to pay him.

If this situation occurs, you need to promise to provide a full refund to our Western Construction Company now.

You have to continue to ask Zheng Hui for your salary.

Can you understand this? "

Hu Yaomei smiled bitterly and said: "If we encounter Zheng Hui's helplessness, will it be us workers who suffer the consequences?

Could it be that you, as a construction unit, hired such an untrustworthy contractor, and you, Western Construction, just stood by and watched the joke? "

Speaking of excitement, Hu Yaomei kept slapping the conference table with her hands, a few tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes, and her anger, dissatisfaction, and helplessness were reflected on her face.

Seeing this, Zhou Wencheng quickly comforted him: "Sister Hu, don't worry.

Aren't we also in the process of discussing it?

Besides, if you don't write such a commitment, the company will probably not be willing to pay you.

If you write such a commitment, you can at least guarantee that you will receive the salary of 450,000 yuan before the Lunar New Year.

These workers and masters can celebrate the New Year in peace and contentment. "

Hu Yaomei said: "Mr. Zhou, we assume that we have written such an unreasonable promise to you.

Then that shameless Zheng Hui insisted on asking your company for money. Your company must make us refund based on this promise.

What to do then? "

Zhou Wencheng reminded: "Sister Hu, now you and Zheng Hui can't reach an agreement, not because you can't reach an agreement in person, but because you haven't met at all, right?"


"Let me ask you, if you meet, can you ask him to issue a salary bill between you and me?"


"Then, if Zheng Hui comes forward to cause trouble for our Western Architecture,

Can you guys contact Zheng Hui naturally?

Then you can get the written basis for how much salary Zheng Hui owes you? "

"Yes, Mr. Zhou, you are really smart.

In that case, I dared to sign the promise together with the workers that Mr. Zhang asked me to write. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, can you please trouble Cui Yong to take Sister Hu to Yu Danzhen, and write a worker's commitment letter for everyone to sign what we just said, and at the same time, give the revised workers' wage list Print it out and ask the master workers and Sister Hu to sign it?"

Zhou Wencheng smiled and said: "How long has this happened? Why are you so polite?

Cui Yong, take Sister Hu to Yu Danzhen immediately and follow Mr. Zhang’s advice.

In this case, Sister Hu's workers can retreat, and they don't have to work here with us. "

Greening engineer Cui Yong replied: "Okay. Mr. Zhou.

I'll go right away.

Let's go, Sister Hu, let's go find Yu Danzhen again. "

Cui Yong took Hu Yaomei to the office of the Ministry of Commerce, found Yu Danzhen, and told Yu Danzhen his opinions.

Yu Danzhen spent more than ten minutes to form a letter of commitment for workers to receive wages and a detailed form document of workers' wages.

I printed a copy and gave it to Cui Yong.

Cui Yong and Hu Yaomei returned to the conference room of the Nanshan Project Department with a letter of commitment for workers to receive wages and a detailed form of workers' wages, and handed the documents to Zhang Yunqing for review.

After Zhang Yunqing read it carefully, he put forward some suggestions for revision and made appropriate written modifications. After explaining it to Cui Yong, he gave it to Zhou Wencheng for review.

Zhou Wencheng glanced briefly and then said to Cui Yong: "I have no objection. You can go to Yu Danzhen to revise it again and then submit it to Mr. Zhang for review."

Cui Yong replied: "Okay."

Xiao ran to the office of the Ministry of Commerce and found Yu Danzhen to explain. Yu Danzhen improved Zhang Yunqing's revision opinions into a letter of commitment for workers to receive wages. She printed it out and carefully checked it with the manual draft. After discovering some errors, she revised and improved it again. Print it and give it to Cui Yong.

Cui Yong thanked him and left the office of the Ministry of Commerce, returned to the conference room of the Nanshan Project Department, and handed the documents to Zhang Yunqing for inspection.

Zhang Yunqing looked at it and said there was no problem, and then arranged for Cui Yong and Hu Yaomei: "Okay, you can go and greet the workers now, explain clearly, ask everyone to sign and fingerprint, and leave the originals." Yu Danzhen's place.

In this case, the matter of Sister Hu and this group of people will be resolved today.

All that remains is for the company to arrange a day for payment.

We will help urge the company to pay wages as soon as possible. "

Cui Yong and Hu Yaomei came to the office of the Ministry of Commerce. After a brief communication with Yu Danzhen, they discussed and confirmed that Hu Yaomei would announce today's processing results to the workers on the spot.

Hu Yaomei cleared her throat and spoke with sufficient energy: "Brothers and sisters, today through the efforts of Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Cui and Mr. Yu from the Nanshan Project Department, we finally agreed to coordinate for us on the lunar calendar. Pay us years ago. Pay us directly.”

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