Text Chapter 663 Just pick it (updated due to gratitude)

The surrounding women didn't know when to let go of the woman who was dissatisfied with Danzhen calling her aunt.

Yu Danzhen's voice was choked and she shouted with difficulty: "Sister."



Yu Danzhen stretched out her arms and hugged each other.

"I'm sorry, sister.

I really didn't know you were still so young.

I would like to apologize to you for my ignorance.

Sorry, sister. "

"It doesn't matter, sister.

Just make it clear. "

Yu Danzhen wanted to ask, why do you look so old, but for such a simple reason, it should be caused by a reason that everyone knows.

After all, there was no way to ask, so I just sobbed and said: "Sister, I can't help you with anything else.

But today, I will definitely be able to help you all clarify the amount of this salary.

Come on, go back to my office. "

"Okay, sister.

Kindness without saying thanks. "

Yu Danzhen calmed down her emotions slightly, turned and walked back to the office of the Ministry of Commerce, came to her work station, and together with Cui Yong, continued to check the salary of each worker.

In the conference room of the Nanshan Project Department, the three labor team bosses Xia Houyue, Fang Xian, and Bian Zhenjia finally arrived in a hurry.

Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng waited for them for a long time, and finally they arrived.

Zhou Wencheng spoke: "Boss Xia, Boss Fang, Boss Bian.

Hello three bosses.

There are so many workers today, hundreds of them, coming to the project department to ask for wages. Is it your intention to organize it?

Or did they bump into each other accidentally? "

Bian Zhenjia replied graciously: "Mr. Zhou, I am an old labor force member of your Western Construction.

I have never actively organized workers to come to the project department to cause trouble. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the leaders in the company who know me. "

Zhou Wencheng thought to himself, you are awesome, you are afraid that I don’t know that you have connections in the company, and you are deliberately showing off, okay, I will just ask, otherwise if this vanity is not satisfied, I don’t know what will happen. What a moth.

So Zhou Wencheng picked up the teacup next to him, blew the floating matter on the water surface of the teacup several times with his mouth, took a few sips of tea, moistened his throat, and then asked Bian Zhen's house slightly anxiously: "Bian Zhenjia Boss, you know it.

I have not been in the company for a long time and have relatively few interactions with the leaders.

I don’t know which leaders you are familiar with. Why don’t you tell me and I’ll ask again when I have time. "

After listening to what Zhou Wencheng said, Bian Zhenjia felt that it was reasonable and proudly replied: "Mr. Zhou, if you want to inquire, you can ask Mr. Song, the president of the fifth business unit. When he was the project manager, I followed him He does some small labors.

Really, I haven't had any trouble in the past twenty years. "

After listening to Bian Zhenjia's sincere explanation, Zhou Wencheng felt that he could break a gap and help resolve the overall incident.

So he said to Bian Zhenjia: "Boss Bian, I know your situation. Since you have done well in the past, I hope that today you will not lose the good tradition and do your best to support the project department, which is equivalent to Indirectly supporting Mr. Song, the president of our fifth business unit, do you understand?"

Bian Zhenjia stood up, nodded and bowed and replied: "I understand, I understand.

Mr. Zhou, don’t worry.

If you have anything to do, just ask, as long as it can be done, there will be no ambiguity. "

Zhou Wencheng nodded and replied: "Okay, thank you Boss Bian for supporting my work.

You should also think carefully about how to deal with the workers you came to today.

Later we will all discuss a solution that satisfies everyone. "

As soon as Bian Zhenjia sat down, he stood up again and nodded and replied: "It will definitely satisfy Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Wencheng turned to look at Xia Houyue and asked, "Boss Xia, what do your workers think?"

Xia Houyue replied: "Mr. Zhou,

You know my situation.

At that time, you asked me to support the project department's job rush arrangements, but I had no one in hand.

You asked me to think of a way, so I thought of finding people near your construction site.

You see, in the end, we found the current bald leader.

Since this was the first time we cooperated, no one had much trust.

A few days ago, the bald man told me that he would bring workers to the project department to ask for money.

I have been persuading.

As a result, they still brought people here today.

As for what exactly he requested, my opinion is to let the bald man say it himself at this meeting, lest you say in the future that I don't talk about the feelings of brothers. "

Zhou Wencheng nodded and acquiesced to Xia Houyue's explanation.

The bald head had been holding back for a long time, and his mouth was sore. When the opportunity to speak came, he quickly touched his bald head from the forehead to the back of his head a few times. After feeling that the atmosphere was brewing, he raised his voice an octave and said: "Mr. Zhou ,right.

At that time, when Boss Xia came to me to urgently find workers to do the work, he made a good point and said that he would be paid after the work was done.

He slapped his chest so hard that it made the chest muscles swollen. He promised me again and again that he would definitely pay us after the work was done.

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Mr. Zhou, Boss Xia, you also know that work requires a lot of workers. My dozens of workers also imitated Boss Xia and promised to work for fools.

Now that the work is done and there is no more work, but they cannot get paid, the workers will stop working.

They came to my house a week ago and stayed with me. They ate whatever I ate.

Sometimes there is not enough to eat, and the sweet potatoes that our family cooks to feed the pigs are also snatched and eaten by a few of them, who are not awake enough.

My pigs are so hungry that they scream in fright all day long. Do you think it’s okay for them to do this? "

The tense atmosphere in the conference room that had been tense all day was melted by this story about snatching pig food, and everyone burst into laughter.

Others seriously accused the workers of not robbing the pigs of food, saying that this was too inhumane and how could they let the pigs starve.

The bald head continued to explain: "Those scoundrels came to my house and ate several of the chickens, ducks, and geese I fed every day. I ate them all within a week.

After they left, my mother-in-law just quarreled with me, saying what the hell did I do?

Not only did he not make any money, he also made the family restless.

Oh, no, no.

Not restless.

All the chickens, ducks, and geese were killed.

Do you think it is much worse than that, that chicken and dog restlessness? "

Zhou Wencheng said with a smile: "It's much worse than being restless.

Who told you to pick at Sosou every day without inviting everyone to eat? If you had eaten at ordinary times, wouldn’t it have been gone in the past two days, and you wouldn’t have been scolded by your mother-in-law? "

The bald man didn't react. He just felt that something was wrong, so he replied: "Mr. Zhou, how can you say something that makes no sense and make it sound like it makes sense?

I seem to follow your way. "

Zhou Wencheng laughed and said: "Just pick it, just admit it openly.

I'm still trying to find some excuse to cover it up, do you think it's necessary? "

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