Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 664: Why can’t I get enough oil and salt?

Text Chapter 664 Why can’t I get enough oil and salt? (Thank you for the strong recommendation)

The bald man smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou, I really don't pick. If you don't believe me, just come to my house and I will kill a pig to entertain you."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Forget it, killing a pig is too expensive.

It would be nice if you could kill a chicken to entertain me.

If you call your workers today, I will treat you to a drink tonight. "

When the essential issue came up, the bald man spoke more eloquently: "Mr. Zhou, I am definitely willing to tell them to leave.

But before coming today, those days had already been discussed.

If you don’t believe it, you can go and see it. They brought their mats and quilts with them. If they don’t pay them wages, they won’t be able to leave. "

Zhou Wencheng asked Zhang Yunqing next to him in a low voice: "Is what the bald head said true?"

Zhang Yunqing also replied in a low voice: "There are more than ten or twenty workers, and they brought some mats and quilts with them.

It seems that these people can't be sent away with just words and no money.

Our company must be prepared to pay, otherwise the trouble will continue like this.

It is estimated that the project department office is very busy every day, so don't think about going to work normally. "

Zhou Wencheng nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yunqing continued to whisper to Zhou Wencheng: "At present, it is necessary to check the amount of wages owed to these workers who must get paid before leaving. Only by having a written procedure can they ask the company for a little cash for emergencies. funds.

And in situations like this, I think we should take out the cash and distribute it, and take some photos and videos to keep as a record. This can also prove that we are actively paying the wages of migrant workers. "

Zhou Wencheng nodded and said, "You and the bald man should discuss how to deal with it?"

Zhang Yunqing lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "I don't think you should panic. We already know the bald head's request. It's just that Yu Danzhen hasn't reported the specific amount to us yet.

I think you can tell us about the steel structure owner’s worker and the man with the big gold necklace to see what the situation is.

When I communicate again later, we will discuss and deal with it together, and it will be convenient to report to the company. "

Zhou Wencheng replied softly: "Okay."

Zhou Wencheng picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, spit out the tea stems he accidentally drank, turned to look at the steel structure boss Fang Xian and asked: "Boss Fang, I'm not talking about you, you and the company It is also a strategic cooperation unit that we have cooperated with for many years.

Why can't the issue of workers' wages be solved?

Think about which project you can complete without putting down some money? "

The steel structure boss replied: "Mr. Zhou, you don't know something.

Although I am a strategic partner of the company, I have done a lot of work in the company over the years.

The warranty period of Western Construction Co., Ltd. is always two years, and the warranty rate is as high as 10%.

The entire profit margin of my steel structure is only more than ten percent.

According to your current payment pattern, you often default on my payment.

Over the years, I have roughly calculated that your company has owed me at least 20 million yuan in warranty deposits and progress payments.

Mr. Zhou, how can I, a small stall owner like me, have such a large amount of capital advance capability?

Often the east wall is demolished to make up for the west wall.

To put it bluntly, I have advanced a lot of money to Occidental Construction Co., Ltd.

At this juncture, I have no more money to put into it.

Therefore, when these workers could not get their wages from me, they came to your Nanshan Project Department for money.

I didn't organize the workers to come to you at all. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "I did not investigate whether the workers were deliberately organized to make trouble against me.

I'm thinking that since our Nanshan Project Department of Western Construction hired you to do the work, we will naturally pay you.

But we can’t pay as soon as the work is completed.

You may also have heard about our funding plan from the year before this time.

The company went through many iterations within the company.

Until now, we have not been notified whether we can allow you to issue invoices. "

Fang Xian, the owner of the steel structure, replied: "That's right. In the past, payments were slow before the end of the year, but they always informed us early on how much the invoice would be.

You see, Mr. Zhou, there are only a few days until the Lunar New Year, and the company has not notified our labor team to issue invoices.

When the workers learned the news, they were very angry, so they came to the project department to find you.

Moreover, the only workers on my steel structure side are local workers, and they strongly demand payment today.

There is no such thing as other long-term workers who follow me to press me for wages.

Because they know that as long as I have money, I will give priority to paying the wages of the workers and masters at the end of the year.

If they don’t have money, they will naturally ask me for it but they won’t be able to get it.

This is the trust that comes with years of collaboration.

Now the master workers are not afraid that I will not pay them, but they are afraid that I will not receive your project payment and have no money to pay them. "

Zhou Wencheng asked: "How much salary do you, local laborers, get now?

Have you sorted it out? "

Fang Xian, the boss of the steel structure, replied: "You haven't had time to check yet?

I heard what they said themselves, saying it looked like 50,000 yuan. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "It's tens of thousands of yuan, can't you solve the problem of advance payment now?"

Fang Xian, the boss of the steel structure, replied: "Mr. Zhou, I have already explained it just now.

It’s not a matter of tens of thousands of dollars.

But until now, Western Construction still lags behind me by a lot of money, and I simply don’t have any ability to advance money into it.

If you owe me money for the project, I have no choice but to hold back the workers' money and not pay.

The reason for not paying is that we don't have access to your project funds. Our current situation is that we have no money. "

Zhou Wencheng asked again: "Can you give me a few days of grace? I can tell you that the possibility of getting the money tonight is basically zero."

The worker representative wearing a big gold necklace stopped working after hearing what Zhou Wencheng said, and said angrily: "Mr. Zhou, Mr. Fang, what do you mean?

How do you say it, and how many days of grace do you need?

If I have a few more days of grace, the Spring Festival will be over, and I won't be able to explain to the brothers I brought with me.

No matter what you talk about, anyway, if you don't give me money, we won't leave.

Like the bald master, we live and eat in your business office.

What you eat is what we eat. "

Zhou Wencheng also replied angrily: "Why are you like this? You don't have salt and oil, so I can't explain anything to you.

You said tonight, the finance department is off work, how can we pay you money? "

The worker representative wearing a big gold necklace replied unhappily: “Mr. Zhou, why can’t I get enough oil and salt?

When you originally arranged for people to work for us, you promised to pay us after the work was done. Now that the work is done, are you still justified in not paying us in time?

Can you still educate us in a high-sounding way?

Are you still being unreasonable? "

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