Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 682: Is that still something humans do?

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Zhou Wencheng glanced at Zhang Yunqing and said, "Do we really have no other choice?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled bitterly and said: "Looking at the posture of these four workers, it is absolutely impossible for us to get rid of them all, unless we use force to solve the problem."

Zhou Wencheng said: “If the problem could be solved by using force, it would have been solved long ago.

Think about it, it is a reality that we owe people money now. Not only do we not pay them, but we also want to beat them. Is that still a human thing?

If you want to do it, you can do it, right?

I can't do it anyway. "

Zhang Yunqing curled his lips and said, "Mr. Zhou, you think too highly of me.

Even if I want to do it, I am only one person and do not have the strength.

What's more, I understand these migrant workers relatively well.

They work hard outside all year round.

The whole family hopes to get their wages early and have a good harvest.

It's not easy.

Why don't you pay your wages to others during the Chinese New Year?

Especially those who want to steal the money of migrant workers are even more shameful. "

Zhou Wencheng laughed and said: "I didn't expect that you usually annoy the production people.

He really thinks about migrant workers. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Of course.

I am a farmer myself.

I just studied for two days before doing this project cost work.

What's more, I also have relatives working on construction sites.

I always meet Laizi who doesn't want to pay his wages.

In fact, I really hate these scoundrels.

Therefore, when I am doing these tasks, I naturally do not want to become a scoundrel in the eyes of migrant workers.

I think from the bottom of my heart that I should take care of their wages as soon as possible.

Most of them just can't speak, so their speech is a bit difficult to hear.

However, they actually shed blood and sweat and got the job done.

It's the end of the year, and it's absolutely necessary to get paid. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay, then it will be easier for us to have unified thoughts on this matter.

I also want to pay my wages to Xia Houyue as soon as possible.

I think I promised them when I asked them to help the project department that I would be paid after the work was done.

Come on, let's go find Mr. Li and discuss what we should do in the morning? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, let's go.

You go ahead. "

Zhou Wencheng smiled and said: "You're welcome, you are a vertical leader, you should be in the front."

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "There are two of us, one is the production line and the other is the business line.

Our company's matrix management is independent of each other.

Where does vertical leadership come from between us? Hammer leadership is almost the same.

You are the head of the project department, and the main conflicts are concentrated on you.

You go ahead, no need to be polite. "

Zhou Wencheng laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, okay.

What a hammer leader.

Then I will lead the way.

Ha ha. "

After finishing speaking, Zhou Wencheng walked forward, followed by Zhang Yunqing and left the office.

The four master workers didn't say anything and just followed silently.

When he arrived at the door of Zhao Manfu's office, Zhang Yunqing turned around and said to the four workers: "Masters, we need to report to the leader on some of today's main tasks. It is inconvenient for you to be here. Please wait outside."

A worker said: "Hammer, you guys have too much to do all day long."

Another worker said: "It's not impossible for us to wait outside. If there is a door inside you and the ball is lost, where will we find you?"

Zhou Wencheng turned around and said: "This office only has this door, there are no doors in other places.

If you don't believe it, send someone in to take a look. It doesn't matter, our time is very tight.

If we don't do a good job today, your wages will probably be very difficult. "

The curly-haired worker who spoke first said, "Okay, then I'll go in and take a look."

The curly-haired worker walked in and saw Zhao Manfu, with a bulging belly, standing in front of his desk.

So he asked rudely: "Boss, didn't you say so coaxingly last night that your Western Construction Company is not short of money, so why don't you pay us today?"

We have stayed up all night, can you pay us immediately so that so many of our brothers can go back to sleep early? "

Zhao Manfu was a little smarter this time and replied: "Oh, look, I have invited Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhou here, and I am preparing to discuss how to achieve fast and good payment within the company's rules and regulations. You workers and masters pay for it."

The curly-haired worker rolled his eyes at Zhao Manfu and asked unconvincingly: "Are you telling the truth and you didn't lie to me?"

In order to make the workers feel more at ease this time, Zhao Manfu swore and swore: "I will lie to you if your whole family is dead."

The curly-haired worker smiled and said, "Okay, for a leader like you, I will trust you just once."

Zhao Manfu smiled and said, "Believe me, I will definitely not lie to you."

The curly-haired worker asked again: "Boss, is this the only door in and out of your office? Are there other entrances and exits?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "This office is not big, there is only one door, and the rest are windows.

Why do you ask? "

The curly-haired worker preached: “We four workers are responsible for tracking your two liar leaders.

Because when they entered your office, they no longer asked the four of us to follow them.

We are afraid that they will be naughty and run away after entering your office. "

Zhao Manfu said: "Wait a minute, why do you call them two liar leaders.

I think they are quite reliable in what they say and do. "

The curly hair worker replied: "It's reliable, maybe it's just reliable for you.

When dealing with our workers, we must clean up some undesirable things.

They only say they will give money, but in fact they don’t give any money.

That’s why I call them led by liars. "

After Zhao Manfu heard this, he didn't want to explain anything anymore and said "Oh" several times.

The curly hair worker master said again: "The two of them will come out of the gate later, and we will follow them.

If they escape from here, whether through the window or through other channels, we will have no way to track them.

We just have to twist you.

Unless you run away too.

Huh, forget it, I'll call some more brothers and guard your windows so that you can't escape even if you want to. "

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "Okay, then please go out and make arrangements first. We have a meeting in a hurry here, and they have to go out to handle very important things."

The curler replied: "Okay, I'll go out right away."

After the curly-haired worker walked out of Zhao Manfu's office, he immediately called the bald worker representative to report: "Bald brother, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Zhang came to Mr. Zhao's office to discuss matters.

We were not allowed to watch from inside, and we were only allowed to watch at the door of the office.

I'm afraid they'll escape through the window. Do you think we should arrange for a few brothers to come downstairs and guard their windows until they get up? "

The representative of the bald workers replied: "If you want to guard, I will arrange it immediately.

We can't let them take advantage of this, or we'll be in trouble if they escape.

You guys should guard the door, arrange for one person to go downstairs immediately and look into the windows at the back. "

The curler replied: "Arrange it immediately."

Zhang Yunqing, Zhou Wencheng, and Zhao Manfu were sitting on the sofa beside the coffee table.

Zhou Wencheng reported again to Zhao Manfu what he had discussed with Zhang Yunqing, and asked Zhao Manfu to give instructions on how to arrange the division of work for the three people this morning.

Zhao Manfu said: “This division of labor is very simple.

I am responsible for going to the company leaders to get today’s wages of 182,000 yuan, and then pay them to the workers.

You two are responsible for delivering the 36.064 million yuan invoice to Huatie, and ask them to initiate their internal review of our payment process.

Then, you have to go to the office of Jingchuang Group non-stop to find Tao Ting.

Tell them the fact that the workers are already causing trouble, and ask them to give us real support with the fastest payment. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhang and I will definitely implement these arrangements of yours.

The trouble now is that there are four tails following us.

We discussed it for a long time, but we couldn't avoid the suspicion that we were taking the initiative to lead the workers to make trouble and demand payment for the project. "

After Zhao Manfu listened to Zhou Wencheng's question, his eyes kept rolling and he was thinking rapidly, recalling his previous cases of dealing with the wages of migrant workers in the past few decades.

A few minutes later, he raised his head, his eyes lit up, and explained this to Zhou Wencheng and Zhang Yunqing.

Zhou Wencheng and Zhang Yunqing were heard nodding their heads repeatedly and exclaiming: "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

Ginger is still spicy. "

Zhao Manfu laughed loudly and said: "Okay, hurry up and find Huatie Group and Jingchuang Group."

Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng stood up and walked out of Zhao Manfu's office.

He was immediately surrounded by two other workers led by the curling worker.

The curling worker asked: "Hey, you guys are quite efficient today.

It was discussed so quickly.

When exactly will we be paid? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "To ask you for money, Mr. Zhao who was in the office just now is responsible for contacting the leadership of the Western Construction Co., Ltd.'s headquarters in Kyoto.

Mr. Zhou and I are going to find Huatie and Jingchuang. "

The curly-haired worker said: "It's up to you to go wherever you go. Anyway, we brothers have spotted you two and will follow you."

Zhang Yunqing said: "It's okay to follow, and no one will tell you not to follow.

But, master, can you not block our way?

If you block us like this, you will only waste everyone's time even more. "

The curly-haired worker picked his head and cheerfully cleared the way: "Let's go, let's go, you go first.

I don't believe it. If you don't pay, you can run away. "

Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng didn't answer their words, and walked forward in silence.

First, I went to the production office to find Xu Kun and asked: "Xu Kun, have you printed the photos I asked you to print for me?"

Production manager Xu Kun immediately took out a stack of photos and replied: "Mr. Zhou, there is something wrong with the printer, so printing takes a little longer than originally planned.

This is a newly printed photo, take a look.

I'm about to send it to your office. "

Zhou Wencheng took the photos handed over by production manager Xu Kun, looked through the color photos carefully, nodded and replied: "Well, not bad, these photos you took are quite contagious.

Print another color photo and give it to Mr. Zhao Manfu. Maybe he will use it if he asks the company for wages today. "

Production manager Xu Kun replied: "Mr. Zhou, the color inkjet printer has run out of ink and cannot print color photos.

You think you can just print a black photo and give it to Mr. Zhao, okay? "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Why don't you usually arrange to buy more colored ink?

When you are in a hurry, you lose control. "

Production manager Xu Kun replied awkwardly: "Don't we always advocate saving on-site expenses? I guess it's almost the Chinese New Year, so I won't be able to print colorful things.

So it's my fault that I didn't agree to buy colored ink. "

Zhou Wencheng asked: "Is it okay to just say it was wrong?"

Production manager Xu Kun asked: "What should we do? Do we have to buy another one?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Look at your potential.

Normally, the company requires everyone to save on-site expenses, which is correct and no problem.

But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to spend on-site expenses.

If you don’t even dare to buy an ink cartridge now, what else do you dare to do?

Believe it or not, I will kick you downstairs?

Do you believe it or not? "

Production manager Xu Kun wiped the sweat from his forehead and apologized fearfully: "I believe it. I believe it.

Mr. Zhou, I was wrong. I will buy it right away and print it for Mr. Zhao. Isn’t that okay? "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Whether it works or not is your own business, you have to decide.

Mr. Zhang and I are leaving. "

Production manager Xu Kun finally relaxed a little, with a little smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, walk slowly.

Mr. Zhang, walk slowly. "

When Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng walked down the stairs, they met the bald worker representative and Xia Houyue.

Xia Houyue asked: "Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhang, where are you going?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "I'm going to the China Railway Project Department soon."

The representative of the bald workers shouted: "It doesn't matter where you go, we will follow you."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "You just have to follow, no one will tell you not to follow.

Just don't talk nonsense, let alone make trouble.

Units like Huatie have nothing to do with your specific workers. "

The bald worker representative replied: "If you don't speak, don't speak. As long as you can get money, you can be mute for a day."

Zhou Wencheng and Zhang Yunqing went downstairs, and Zhou Wencheng drove to the project department of Huatie.

After parking in the parking lot, Zhou Wencheng and Zhang Yunqing got off the car and walked upstairs to the office of Yao Peng, project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project.

Seeing that Yao Peng's office door was closed, Zhou Wencheng knocked gently and shouted: "Mr. Yao, Mr. Yao."

Yao Peng's voice came from the office: "Please come in."

Zhou Wencheng pushed the door open, sat down opposite Yao Peng's desk and said, "Mr. Yao, this is Zhang Yunqing, the business manager of our company's Nanhai area, Mr. Zhang."

Yao Peng stood up, stretched out his hand to shake hands with Zhang Yunqing and said, "Welcome, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Yunqing replied politely: "Mr. Yao, I'm sorry.

I'm going to cause you trouble today. "

As soon as Yao Peng sat down, he heard what Zhang Yunqing said and looked at Zhou Wencheng in confusion for explanation.

Zhou Wencheng hurriedly told Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, about the situation where more than a hundred workers came to the project department yesterday to cause trouble in the project department, and dozens of them had to get their wages before they could leave the project department.

Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, smiled and said: "Mr. Zhou, don't you just want to urge me to pay you earlier.

There is no need to use this kind of excuse to explain to me. I have not been doing engineering for only one or two years. I still know a lot about how workers ask for money. "

Zhang Yunqing answered from the side: "Mr. Yao, it's true.

They arranged for two workers to keep watch over the two of us overnight.

What they were clamoring for was that as long as they didn't get paid, they would keep a close eye on Mr. Zhou and me.

We felt so scared that we ran away.

If you don't believe it.

You can take a look outside your office door to see if there is a worker-boss car parked next to Mr. Zhou's white car.

Their car was strengthened today and there were five people in it today.

What it basically means is that wherever we drive, they have a dedicated driver to follow us.

After arriving at the destination, they had workers follow me and Mr. Zhou.

The purpose is to prevent the two of us from cheating and not paying our wages so that they can choose to run away. "

Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, smiled and said, "According to what you said, shouldn't they come up and follow me all the way to my office?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "They have always wanted to follow us. It was me and Mr. Zhou who argued with each other for a long time before they reluctantly agreed to wait for us downstairs."

Yao Peng, project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, replied: "If what you say is true, it is a sign of danger.

Your Western Construction Co., Ltd. is also a listed company after all.

If you pay him his wages twice, won't there be so many things to worry about?

What's the difference in wages between them? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "This family is following closely, only 182,000 yuan behind them.

There are still three families who have not come, one is short of 5, one is short of 750,000 yuan, and one is short of 450,000 yuan. "

Yao Peng, project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, asked: "Then how many jobs are there between these four companies?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Mr. Yao, if the four families are added together, the labor gap will be 1.432 million yuan.

But this is not all the wages. Some workers have not come to us. Without statistics, we don’t know the total number. "

Yao Peng, project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, replied: “Okay, I understand.

I'll go out and take a look right away.

Please wait for me for a moment. "

Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, walked out of his office and stood in the aisle at the door to look downstairs.

The situation is indeed consistent with what Zhang Yunqing described.

There were five people smoking, chatting, and playing around Zhou Wencheng's car. From time to time, they would say disgusting curse words, which was very unpleasant to hear.

The color on the face of Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, gradually turned from red to black. He thought that if this situation continued, it would soon seriously affect him. What a bad luck.

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