Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 697: Can’t refute everyone’s face

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Zhou Wencheng smiled happily and said: "Okay, Mr. Zhao, I will immediately notify the group that we will have a lively dinner tonight."

Then he asked Zhao Manfu: "What are we going to have for dinner tonight? Should we have Chinese food, hot pot or barbecue?"

Zhao Manfu rolled his eyes at Zhou Wencheng and said, "I think so many people haven't had dinner yet, so as long as they don't eat barbecue, I think it doesn't matter.

As long as everyone is happy.

You can let the few brothers who are usually more active to discuss it, or you can decide it yourself. "

"Well, there are more than ten people like this.

Otherwise, let's have hot pot.

If we put together a few large tables, we should be able to seat one at a time. Do you think it's okay?

Mr. Zhao. "

"That being said, it's okay, just make your decision.

The arrangements have been made, let me tell you, let’s go when it’s time to go.

There are a few people who don’t drink and drive better. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "It will take about 4 cars. I'll find 4 people who don't drink and let them drive."

Then, Zhou Wencheng sent a message in the QQ group to notify: "Celebrate the successful collection tonight!

All members of the project department (including chefs) are asked to gather in the parking lot of the project department after receiving the notice. They are expected to leave in ten minutes. Old place for hot pot.

Ask production manager Xu Kun to count the number of people, organize vehicles, and leave colleagues who don’t drink to drive to serve everyone.

Please reply! "

The QQ group immediately became lively.

"Wow, the collection was successful!"

“There’s also hot pot to eat.”

Everyone is very happy to receive such notification information.

After a while, everyone sent out the received messages in the group.

Ten minutes later, fifteen people in four cars gathered downstairs. After every car was almost full, they set off.

Zhou Wencheng called in advance and reserved a table. After arriving, production manager Xu Kun and financial cashier Tang Ying took the initiative to take orders for everyone.

Since I came at a good time, well, there were not too many customers in the hot pot restaurant, and the food was served pretty quickly.

Lettuce is taken directly and it is quite fast.

The mandarin duck pot bottom came, and the waiter started to light it.

The drinks are coming.

It's all ready later.

Zhou Wencheng clapped his hands and said excitedly: "Everyone, be quiet and have a celebratory drink today. We warmly welcome Mr. Zhao to give us a speech."

Everyone at the table applauded vigorously, and the applause lasted for a long time.

Even Zhao Manfu, who is usually thick-skinned, felt that the applause lasted too long.

I had to step in to stop it.

Zhao Manfu was so happy that his face burst into laughter.

Zhao Manfu slowly stretched out his hands diagonally upward.

Then use the tips of the palms of both hands to press downwards.

Everyone's palms were already red, and to be honest, it still hurt a bit.

The applause stopped as soon as it was good, and the applause stopped abruptly with Zhao Manfu's gestural downward movement.

Zhao Manfu rubbed his hands happily and said with a peach blossom look on his face: "Brothers and sisters, good evening."

Everyone replied in unison: "Good leader!"

Zhao Manfu continued: "I don't have the habit of talking while eating. Just eat, and everyone should eat well, drink well, and be happy.

But I am particularly happy today, since everyone asked me to say a few words.

I can't refute everyone's face, can I? Let’s make an exception for this. "

Someone in the crowd was muttering very quietly.

"Ouch, so fake."

"We made an exception last time."

"An exception this time?"

"As an honest person, when have you never made an exception and said a few words?"

"Do you know why you eat hot pot?"

"have no idea."

"The hot pot is not cold, it is always open."

"Oh, I can't tell, you're not only stuffy, but also stuffy.

It also has a little bit of humor. "

"Climb, I am the humorous one, and you are the boring one."

Zhao Manfu knew that someone was whispering, but he didn't stop it.

After all, this is not a formal meeting, but a celebration, as long as everyone is happy.

Nothing else matters.

Zhao Manfu picked up the wine glass and continued: "Brothers:

He who drinks, fill up your wine.

Those who drink, refill their drinks.

Tea drinkers, fill up the tea.

Today is a day worth celebrating for our Nanshan Project Department.

Today, Mr. Zhou Wencheng and Mr. Zhang Yunqing took a huge risk, accompanied by Xia Houyue and Bald Brother, to go to Jingchuang Group to receive 36.8 million yuan of project progress payment into the account of Huatie Group.

Then, I stayed in the office of Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie Group for most of the day, and received Huatie's money of 34.868 million to the account of our Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Two transactions of more than 30 million were collected on the same day.

This has never happened to me in the history of my career.

In my life experience, I have never received a single project payment of more than 10 million yuan.

This time, it happened twice in a row on the same day.

This is a special occasion worth celebrating.

It is also something that I am particularly proud of.

Song Zhiyuan, president of the business unit, also specially praised the unity spirit and working ability of our Nanshan project department.

He also asked me to have a celebratory drink with everyone so that everyone can be happy.


There is a rush for work during this time.

Everyone is working very hard.

The intensity of collection work these days is also very high.

The psychological pressure is also very high.

The payment was successful today!

We can finally rest assured!

The big rock that has been worrying me has finally fallen to the ground!

We all need to have a good meal today.

Everyone will not return until they are drunk.

Come on, I'm really happy.

Come on, brothers, have a drink. "

Everyone cheered and shouted in unison: "Do it!"

Zhao Manfu greeted everyone: "Let's eat some food first and make some snacks.

There are some things that need to be blanched and cooked, so you can put them down first. "

He glanced at Zhou Wencheng and Zhang Yunqing and asked, "There are still two more cups, you two can bring them."

Zhang Yunqing said: "President Zhou should mention it first."

Zhou Wencheng said with a smile: "Well, you pick up the second cup and I'll pick up the third cup.

After three cups, we launched into a free assault. "

In order to liven up the atmosphere, Zhou Wencheng called on everyone to applaud: "Welcome to Mr. Zhang for the second cup."

The sparse applause witnessed the extent to which business people are not welcome.

Zhang Yunqing knew that this formality was necessary, so he could only follow the process, picked up the wine glass in front of him and said: "The success of today's collection work is worthy of celebration.

But the results don't just come from this day.

There was a rush for work in the previous construction, and the efforts put in on-site were reflected in the approval of the project quantities reported in our progress review. Without the efforts of on-site production, there would not be such a great success today.

The success of this collection involved every employee present.

Without active business communication, there will be no ideal and timely data.

Without the purchasing guarantee of purchasing personnel, rush for work will become a waste of money.

Without the hard work and support of financial personnel, large invoices cannot be provided in a timely manner.

Therefore, the success of this payment collection is not the success of a few individuals, but the collective success of the entire Nanshan Project Department.

It is a concentrated appearance and manifestation of the unity, courage and strategy, and extraordinary combat power of the Nanshan Project Department team.

For this reason, I am very honored to propose that we drink this cup together and look forward to a better tomorrow.

Dry! "

Everyone was praised and felt happy in their hearts. They stood up, clinked glasses with each other, and drank the second glass happily.

Zhou Wencheng said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang spoke very well just now, and I felt a lot of pressure all of a sudden.

Please hurry up and grab some food.

Let me think about it and bring up the third cup. "

"Mr. Zhou is so humble!"

"Excessive humility is pride!"

"Just wait, Mr. Zhou's words should also be exciting."

"What you said seems to be true?"

"Don't you expect it to be true?"

"No, it will definitely be exciting."

"That's pretty much it."

"Eat more. Even the food on the table won't be able to stop your little mouths."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Wencheng observed everyone carefully, and after basically grabbing something to eat, he slowly raised his wine glass and said: "Dear leaders and colleagues, in this moment of celebration, the beautiful words have been forgotten by those in front of me. The two leaders finished speaking.

I don't have the ability to add anything more.

Here, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone.

Thanks to my production team brothers for their hard work.

Thank you for the timely supply and quality assurance of the seedling purchase.

Thank you for your careful attention to finance.

Thanks to Business for working overtime every day.

Thanks to the back-of-house chef for the delicious meal.

Thanks to the leaders of the Nanhai area for their long-term guidance.

I solemnly say to you:

Thanks! "

After finishing speaking, Zhou Wencheng picked up the wine glass in front of him, stood up, and clinked glasses with everyone.

After clinking glasses, he stood up straight and stared at everyone with his eyes, a trace of tears inadvertently dripping from the corners of his eyes, shining brightly under the light.

This is a different kind of scene.

Zhou Wencheng slightly raised his voice and shouted: "Cheers!"

Everyone echoed and shouted "Cheers" one after another.

After everyone sat down, Zhou Wencheng said: "Now let's start the free attack activities. If you have a good drinker, use wine to make circles.

Drinkers use their drinks to make circles.

Remember to pay more respect to the district leaders.

Promotion and salary increase are not a dream. "

Zhao Manfu made a clockwise circle, and Zhang Yunqing continued to make circles after Zhao Manfu's clockwise circle.

Zhou Wencheng made counterclockwise circles.

Others also started to circle.

Colleagues who finished the circle started point-to-point attacks.

The key targets of the attack were Zhao Manfu, Zhang Yunqing, and Zhou Wencheng.

Zhao Manfu drank this beer very well. He felt that he could drink it all the time. At most, he would run more frequently when he ran to the toilet later, but he would not be drunk and would be sober.

Zhang Yunqing, on the other hand, is not good at drinking beer. He claims to drink one bottle, which is three glasses of beer. After three glasses, when he knows that he is not good enough, he will take the initiative to explain the situation and ask to drink less. Everyone in the project department understands this situation, so no one mind.

Zhou Wencheng's drinking capacity is not as good as Zhao Manfu's. He will get drunk no matter what he drinks. When he is drunk, he may run around. When he wakes up the next day, he often forgets where he parked his car the day before and takes a long time to find it. Sometimes you park your car illegally and get called by the traffic police, only then do you know where to pick up your car.

In Zhou Wencheng's situation, naturally he couldn't remember where he went or what he played the next day. He was even nicknamed "Xiao Wu". When drinking, he was always known as the "Xiao Wu" general.

Of course, Zhang Yunqing has always wondered whether Zhou Wencheng's problem was a real problem or a made-up problem to cover up.

Although I am curious, there is no way to confirm it and there is no way.

Everyone drank until after eleven o'clock in the evening and were basically drunk.

The driver took the girl back to the project department.

Others followed Zhou Wencheng to his old karaoke house.

Zhao Manfu ordered the first song "Beautiful Myth".

As soon as the voice of "Unlock Me, the Most Mysterious Waiting" came out, it felt very similar to the original singer. Everyone couldn't help but applaud. They had to praise, Zhao Manfu's singing voice is really beautiful.

"Finally I hold you in my arms again, my heart trembles"

As the song enters the scene, the exquisite beauty next to Zhao Manfu dances along with the MV picture, which is quite suitable for the meaning of the lyrics.

The crowd cheered again and screamed.

The red light on Zhao Manfu's plump and rosy face shone brightly, as if it was going to blind everyone's eyes.

His fat left hand seemed to be equipped with AI, knowing where to wander without using his brain.

It looks like a two-threaded robot, but it is flexible and flexible in front of the big screen.

Everyone turned a blind eye and cheered and screamed to their heart's content.

Someone else whispered: “Scream quickly.

Hurry up.

I heard that barking vigorously can help you wake up early. "

At the end of the song, the chorus between Zhao Manfu and the beautiful woman won the applause of the whole hall.

Satisfied, he returned to his seat in the middle of the sofa and continued to interpret the beautiful fairy tale with the beautiful woman.

Zhang Yunqing doesn't like singing and can't sing, so he didn't request any songs.

But Zhou Wencheng clicked.

"Friends" is the second song, and Zhang Yunqing is invited to sing it together.

Zhou Wencheng sang the beginning.

"All these years alone

The wind and rain will pass


Zhou Wencheng's unique singing voice with a hint of vicissitudes of life has won the admiration and envy of everyone.

Before the lyrics flashed, Zhou Wencheng said into the microphone: "A song of friends is dedicated to everyone, Mr. Zhang, let's sing together."

Zhou Wencheng and Zhang Yunqing each took a microphone and floated out two completely different singing choruses: "Friends walk together for life."

Those days are no more

One sentence for a lifetime

A glass of wine for a lifetime of love

Friends are never lonely

Call me friend and you will understand

There are still injuries and pain

If you still have to go, I will still be there.”

The two people were shoulder to shoulder, each putting his left hand on the other's left shoulder, lovingly singing along to the subtitles on the MV, performing the affectionate show of friendship.

The concert ended at three o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Manfu insisted on accompanying his beauty to the stage, but she didn't agree. Zhou Wencheng had no choice but to ask the manager of the song venue to help coordinate.

Finally, an agreement was reached, and Zhou Wen paid the money and left.

He also helped Zhao Manfu find a five-star hotel and booked a deluxe single room. He went to the front desk to help Zhao Manfu complete the check-in procedures and then left.

From this day on, Zhou Wencheng started a long career as a pimp, and he would become the famous Pimp Zhou in the future. This nickname was not earned for nothing.

It was already afternoon when everyone woke up the next morning.

Many people came in the morning, asking for payment from the leaders of the project department.

The managers of the project department helped explain that the payment to the top has been received, and the payment to the bottom will definitely start. Last night, the leaders drank until three o'clock in the morning. They were all drunk. There was nothing they could do. Wait. wait.

Suppliers from all walks of life also knew that this was good news. They were just prepared to learn about the news. Unexpectedly, they actually saw the hope that payment could be made immediately.

Everyone expressed their understanding, said it should be done, and expressed their wish to come early in the afternoon to wait for the project department leader.

The morning passed peacefully.

There is a small episode that needs to be mentioned.

Zhao Manfu called Zhou Wencheng after twelve o'clock in the morning and asked him to drive over to pick him up.

Zhou Wencheng could only get up in a panic, wash up, and then drive to the five-star hotel where Zhao Manfu was staying to pick him up.

Zhou Wencheng came to the door of Zhao Manfu's hotel room and knocked gently three times.

The door opened. What surprised Zhou Wencheng was that the person who opened the door was not Zhao Manfu.

It was the exquisite beauty that Zhao Manfu liked who sang last night.

Zhou Wencheng was stunned for a second, then walked sideways into Zhao Manfu's room and said, "Mr. Zhao, when are you leaving?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "Don't panic."

At this time, the exquisite beauty walked up to Zhou Wencheng and extended her right hand to him, with the palm facing upward.

Then he said in a weak voice: "Bring it here."

Zhou Wencheng was confused and asked in confusion: "What do you want? Do I owe you anything?"

When the exquisite beauty heard Zhou Wencheng's attitude, she thought she had been deceived. Her face that had been smiling just now turned dark and she said, "Of course it's bad, bring it.

Give me 5,000 yuan. "

Zhou Wencheng understood instantly that he wanted to collect money.

But it’s wrong to think about it. I remember that I bought the bill and paid for it when I asked the manager of the music venue for help last night. Besides, how can anyone go to a music venue to pay and still owe money? I haven’t done this before.

Said: "That's not right.

I paid for it last night.

Why pay again? "

The exquisite beauty said displeasedly: "You paid yesterday.

But not enough was paid.

After coming, this fat brother increased the dosage again.

Look at the dark circles under my eyes. "

Zhou Wencheng was still confused and asked: "Oh Yue, he does have dark circles under his eyes, and there are two dark circles under his eyes.

Is it 2,500 yuan for one dark circle under your eyes and 5,000 yuan for two dark circles?

When will the market situation in the South China Sea turn into a black eye and charges will be charged?

Why didn't I know?

How about you give me some popular science? "

The delicate beauty put a wicked smile on her lips, pursed her thin pink lips for five seconds, then opened her mouth gently and said: "It turns out that this fat brother didn't let me say anything. He said he only needed to ask you for something." Just 5,000 yuan.

curiosity kills the cat.

Since you insist on asking for the bottom line, I might as well tell you.

However, I hope you won't regret it after listening to it. "

How could Zhou Wencheng bear such provocation, he blurted out: "I have never regretted it in my life.

Just say it, I'm not afraid. "

Although Zhou Wencheng also vaguely guessed some possible reasons, this is 5,000 yuan, and his own money does not come from the strong wind. He should spend what should be spent and what should not be spent. He should also find ways to save what should be saved. ah.

How could the other party get an extra 5,000 yuan just by saying a word?

Not unjust? Zhou Wencheng asked himself in his heart, and then replied, "It's so unfair."

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