Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 699 Suggestions on Settlement Work

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Zhao Manfu asked: "Then have you put the 182,000 yuan of workers' wages in the capital plan?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It was released. That is, his amount of 182,000 yuan was within the payment limit of Xia Houyue's capital plan for this payment.

Haven't they already paid Xiahouyue's migrant workers 182,000 yuan in wages?

Then, according to the capital plan, the current payment amount of Xia Houyue's company is, for example, 300,000 yuan. What Xia Houyue will get in the future will be 30-18.2 = 118,000 yuan.

That's the idea. "

Zhao Manfu said: "Okay, as long as you figure it out yourself.

Since the funding plan hasn't been finalized yet, shouldn't it be up to you to find your vertical leader?

Get this funding plan down.

Otherwise, the three of us would never think about going back to celebrate the New Year normally. Who can bear this?


Everyone at home is urging me, saying that I want to ask when I will go back to celebrate the New Year. What day should I book my flight tickets?

In the current situation, there is no way to answer these questions? "

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "Yes, which family is not in this situation.

Who can answer these questions?

I guess it ended up being the three of us.

Go last anyway.

You have to guard them. If you can't pay the money for this pair, you can't just run away. "

Zhao Manfu said: “We cannot sit still and wait for death.

As for you, you can have a brief chat this afternoon. You can call them in front of us in our office to coordinate this matter when the three of us are there.

Let’s get this funding plan as soon as possible, otherwise our work on this project will be really difficult.

What you should also pay attention to is that here is not only the Nanshan project, but also a project called Bowen Phase I Landscape Improvement Project.

You should also be involved in the capital plan over there. "

Zhang Yunqing said: "Oh, don't worry, Mr. Zhao.

After I asked the question about the Nanshan project, I asked the person who worked on the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project.

You have to ask anyway.

If I wanted to ask about this matter, I would have to call Mr. Hua Hundred Years Flower. It's just that this flower is not very good, he always does things like that. Alas, if you don't do these serious things well, other things will become very annoying. "

"There's nothing you can do about it if you're annoyed. If you're annoyed, you still have to find him and contact him.

If you don't find him, you can do it yourself. You can't do it yourself, right? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, I can't do it myself. I have to call and communicate with Mr. Hua Baibaihua to see what he means. If you should trouble him, you should trouble him, otherwise this matter will not be solved." .”

"Well, apart from the payment you mentioned, are there any other big things you faced this year?"

"Years ago, the big business matters that I faced are gone.

The progress has been completed and the project payment has been recovered.

Then, for next year's plan, the production engineering volume must be taken out, and our business can estimate an estimated output value.

I guess Jingchuang Group will ask us for this.

How much more work is planned next year, how much work should be done on which day, and how much work should be done in which month? I estimate that we need to have such a progress plan and output value.

Otherwise, we can arrange the production to come up with estimated data first, and when others come to rush us, we will not have time to process it.

And maybe internal meetings of the company also need this kind of data. "

Zhao Manfu said: "Yes, yes.

What you said is correct.

If we had a little bit of time in advance and anticipated it, we could plan it out.

At that time, whether it is the company that wants data or Party A wants data.

We can come up with data at any time, and we have the confidence in our hearts.

This proposal is better, is it still too late? "

Zhang Yunqing said: "I guess it's a shame. As far as I know, some of the production managers have booked flights home. They are nervously preparing to go home. There are only 10 days until New Year's Eve. It’s coming.”

Zhao Manfu said: "Then the only way to say this is to say this meaning, and then implement it after the New Year?"

Zhang Yunqing said: "That should be the case. First, let each employee know what to do? What to prepare?

Well, it will start smoothly next year. "

Zhao Manfu nodded and said, "That makes sense."

Zhang Yunqing continued: "There is another suggestion, which is a preliminary idea."

Zhao Manfu said: "Well, okay. Come and let us listen."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Our project settlement work, according to the original routine, is to complete the project, then slowly collect the information, organize the information, and draw the as-built drawings.

In this case, it will take at least half a year.

A project as big as the Nanshan project, worth hundreds of millions, may not be completed in half a year.

And once the project is completed, production management personnel are constantly being transferred.

Basically, by the end, many things will naturally become unclear.

Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence of these adverse factors and avoid affecting the normal completion settlement of the project.

I have a proposal about settlement work. Is it suitable? "

Zhao Manfu said: "It doesn't matter. Just tell us. Let's all listen."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Can we ask everyone to sort out the corresponding internal industry information and the corresponding visa forms and complete the relevant signature procedures?

Includes a drawing of the as-built drawing above, which has been modified and improved.

These are all in accordance with the standards of the as-built drawings. Every time a partition is completed, the as-built drawings of that partition are modified.

If this is completed in the middle process, the corresponding on-site management engineer will also be there.

There are some obvious benefits to his altered image.

One is to have people, which solves the problem of drawings without people due to staff transfer after completion.

The second is that he knows some relevant information, otherwise you would have to find new people to make these as-built drawings, or after a personnel change, the new person who draws the as-built drawings will not know some of the changed information.

The effort it takes may be several times longer than the time it takes for the group of people who know the information now to make this as-built drawing, and the drawing will be inaccurate and prone to errors.

Um, so, I mean, I want to do some preparations for completion and settlement in advance.

Assuming that we can achieve the step I just mentioned, then once the project is completed, within a week after the completion drawings are released, we can summarize the completion settlements of the partitions that have been accumulated there, and complete the completion of the entire project. Check the settlement again.

In the past, every time a partition was completed, our business would be given a drawing of the partition, so that our business could calculate the project volume of the partition, and prepare the settlement according to the pricing rules agreed in the contract. If there were any inaccuracies, Where appropriate, production and business people can discuss and adjust together.

If such an ideal state is achieved, once the as-built drawing is completed, I can guarantee that within one week of the completion of the as-built drawing, the business owner can submit the settlement statement to Party A for review.

In this way, the settlement cycle of one of our engineering projects can be greatly shortened.

Make sure that the settlement and collection time of our project can be advanced, at least half a year in advance.

This has a huge impact on a company.

Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhou, do you think this is possible? "

After listening to Zhang Yunqing's suggestion, Zhou Wencheng thought for a while and said: "This matter is easier said than done.

No one has done this before.

But I think I can give it a try. "

Zhao Manfu said: “It is difficult to do this.

When I was running a private company, it was the settlement situation that Zhang Yunqing mentioned.

After finishing a job, I spent half a year and still couldn't settle the bill.

It was not easy to compile the settlement, but there was either a lack of money here or a lack of money there.

Now, aren't we here as professional managers working for the boss?

We can also use this Nanshan project to conduct technical tests on settlement work.

Then we can arrange it like this to see if we can achieve the wonderful effect Zhang Yunqing mentioned.

If it is effective, we can promote it within a certain range in the future.

One is that it can be promoted within the company.

The second one is that we have friends who own engineering companies, and we can promote these technologies to them.

This matter is a very, very beneficial help for a construction company in terms of cash flow.

And it is completely done without increasing the cost. It can even be said without exaggeration that not only the cost is not increased, but also the cost is reduced, and the settlement work is done more perfectly. "

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "Mr. Zhao, is this suggestion really that good?

When you said that, I felt a little embarrassed. "

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "What's wrong with this? Good advice is good advice.

Mr. Zhou, we all keep this in mind.

Since the beginning of the new year, I will take advantage of the meeting to explain it to all the project department staff, so that everyone can unify their thinking and eliminate resistance.

Once the time is right, Zhang Yunqing's settlement work suggestions will be implemented.

We don't have to wait long, on this project we will be able to see what the benefits of doing this are. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Manfu asked Zhang Yunqing: "It's almost time now.

Are you calling Hua Bai now to talk about the funding plan? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, then I will make the call on the speaker phone and everyone will listen."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone, looked up Hua Baibai's phone number in the phone address book, dialed it and asked: "Mr. Hua, there are only ten days left before New Year's Eve. We have two projects in the Nanhai area. All the collection work has been completed.

The Bowan Phase I landscape improvement project has recovered RMB 7 million in progress payments, and the Nanshan project has recovered RMB 34.868 million in engineering payments.

The two items in the capital plan below were also reported to the company. One reported was 4.58 million yuan, and the other reported was 34.868 million yuan.

But there is a problem. So far, the project department has not been notified whether the next company can issue invoices.

There are so many people coming to the project department every day to ask for wages. Yesterday there were more than two people, and the day before yesterday there were more than one.

I heard that many labor team bosses are coming to the project department this afternoon.

Mr. Hua, look at the current work of our project department, how should we carry out it?

When migrant workers and labor team bosses ask when payment will be made, how should we answer? "

The person in charge of the Commerce Department of the Fifth Business Unit, Hua Baibai, answered Zhang Yunqing on the phone: "How you answer is a matter for your project department.

You ask me, do you need me to do your work? "

Zhang Yunqing was very angry when he heard Hua Baibai's answer: "Mr. Hua, if you want to say that, I will tell the workers and the labor team boss that the current fund plan has not been approved, so the payment cannot be made.

And this is the truth. Look, is there any problem? "

The person in charge of the Commerce Department of the Fifth Business Unit, Hua Baibai, answered on the phone: "If there is a problem, why is there no problem?"

Zhang Yunqing asked patiently: "What's the problem? Mr. Hua?"

The person in charge of the Commerce Department of the Fifth Business Unit, Hu Baibai, replied: "It cannot be said that the fund plan did not approve the non-payment, but that we have to find a more appropriate reason."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Now there is no suitable reason not to pay.

A few days ago, we could say that we had not received the corresponding project funds, but now the project funds from both project departments have been recovered, especially the 7 million yuan project funds for the first phase of the Bowan landscape improvement project, which has been recovered for many days. .

There are even some workers spreading rumors that Western Construction Co., Ltd. does not pay them wages after receiving the money, and it seems that it wants to blackmail their money.

I heard that some workers have already joined forces and are preparing to come to the Nanshan Project Department to collectively ask for wages.

Mr. Hua, if we don’t take the initiative to start the payment work.

I estimate that in a day or two at most, the project department will be in chaos again. "

The person in charge of the Commerce Department of the Fifth Business Unit, Hu Baibai, replied: "The company's current capital plan has indeed not been approved. The project department must resist if it can withstand it, and it must resist if it can't."

Zhang Yunqing said angrily: "Mr. Hua, aren't you talking nonsense?

How can there be any point in resisting the workers and refusing to pay?

Do you want to come to the front line and face the workers yourself? "

Zhao Manfu watched from the side and knew that Zhang Yunqing's communication skills were still a little poor.

Zhou Wencheng also didn't like communicating with Hua Baibai and disliked this person.

It seems that I still need to communicate with Hua Baiyi.

So he said to Zhang Yunqing: "Hush, let me tell you."

Zhao Manfu rotated the microphone of Zhang Yunqing's cell phone, which was placed on the coffee table, and turned it toward him. He spoke into the phone: "Hello, Mr. Hua, I am Zhao Manfu, the production manager of the Nanhai area."

"Mr. Zhao, hello."

"Mr. Hua, I have been listening to Yun Qing's phone call with you.

I see you two are about to start a fight.

Therefore, I am going to communicate with you. "

"There's no quarrel. What I'm talking about is the actual situation, and Yun Qing is talking about the actual situation. It's just that they each stand from different angles and consider issues differently. It's normal for there to be some deviations in ideological understanding."

"Hahahaha, Mr. Hua, it is a rare good leader to be so generous."

"Mr. Zhao, you have given me a reward."

"Mr. Hua, I want to discuss something with you."

"you say."

"Although the company has not fully approved the funding schedules for these two projects, has it not proposed any revisions?"

"There was no suggestion for revision."


Under this special situation, after the labor team and workers came to the project department this afternoon, I wanted to hold a meeting to explain the situation to everyone.

Let everyone understand that every company has its own difficulties.

Then, formally notify them that they can pay the invoice according to the current payment amount in the fund schedule reported by us. "

"If they issue an invoice, what if the company leaders change the payment amount when they sign it at the end?"

“This problem is the point of contradiction. I think we can tell each of our suppliers during the meeting that the existence of this pre-invoicing may result in the project payment received being less than the amount of the invoice issued.

As long as the suppliers have no objections and are willing to take the risk, does the company not have to ask anything about it? "

Hua Baibai, the person in charge of the Commerce Department of the Fifth Business Unit, replied: "That should be the truth."

"Then the two of us have agreed. The two project departments here, one is the Bowan Phase I Landscape Improvement Project and the other is the Nanshan Project, will start notifying everyone to issue invoices this afternoon.

The project department can also arrange to prepare their payment orders internally. "

The person in charge of the Commerce Department of the Fifth Business Unit, Hua Baibai, replied helplessly on the phone: "If you think there is no problem in doing this and can ensure that the supplier agrees, then you can do it."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Hua.

Mr. Hua, do you have any other instructions? "

"No more. Mr. Zhao, bye."


After Zhao Manfu ended the phone call with Hua Baibai, he handed the phone to Zhang Yunqing and proudly said to Zhang Yunqing: "Yunqing, look at it, the same thing, the same request.

You said it would take hundreds of years to quarrel with others.

If you analyze it again, what did I say? It took people a hundred years to agree. Although it seemed a little helpless, didn't they agree in the end? "

Zhang Yunqing thought to himself, spending a hundred years like this is just bullying people.

Not on the front line of production, I don’t know how difficult it is to deal with workers.

I don’t know if I should support the labor team in requesting project funds.

I only know that from the perspective of my own management position, I make sure that I don't make any mistakes.

I don’t understand the suppliers. If workers get into trouble and cause big problems, does that mean they didn’t make any mistakes?

Zhang Yunqing replied disdainfully: "I am his direct subordinate, you are his parallel department, and the level may be slightly higher than him.

He typically bullies the weak and fears the strong, and flatters those above and bullies those below.

What else is there to analyze? "

Zhou Wencheng was about to drink tea, and when he was teased by the conversation between the two, he spat out the tea with a puff, spraying dirty tea all over the surface of the coffee table.

Zhang Yunqing asked Zhou Wencheng: "Mr. Zhou, why are you so excited?"

Zhou Wencheng smiled and waved his hands, stood up quickly, rushed to the bathroom, coughed and vomited for a while.

Zhou Wencheng washed his hands and face, then walked out and silently cleaned the coffee table that he had just stained.

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