Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 703 Don’t you have to take responsibility?

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Zhao Manfu asked doubtfully: "Is the treatment by the company different?

What does it mean?

Please explain.

I was so confused. "

The nursery stock purchaser replied: “Some project departments do this, and when they go back they find the company has money, so they pay, and no one says anything.

However, some project departments do this, and they happen to encounter a situation where the company has no money for a few days, and they keep urging the company to pay.

I was hurried and gave a full report of criticism. What I said was that I didn't know how to understand the company's difficulties.

Ha ha ha ha!

Are you saying that people who laugh don’t laugh at people? "

Zhao Manfu rolled his eyes at Yu Shengjie and said, "What the hell, what kind of joke are you making? It's not funny at all.

Look, who is smiling except you? "

Seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie said: “I just introduced the situation to a few leaders.

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

And laugh a little.

Ha ha ha ha. "

Zhao Manfu glanced at Yu Danzhen and said, "You Yu, please tell me.

What should we do in this current situation? "

Yu Danzhen said: "Since the family elder Yu has said that there is a precedent for this, we should inform everyone today to start issuing invoices.

Otherwise, it may really anger those subordinates.

Especially the labor force, which involves too many workers.

It’s really something you can’t afford to offend. "

Zhao Manfu nodded and asked production manager Xu Kun: "Manager Xu, tell me, are you under any pressure now?

what to do? "

Production manager Xu Kun sat up straight, puffed out his chest, and said: "Mr. Zhao, if you want me to say something, I will inform everyone that the invoice is ready.

I also listened carefully during the meeting today.

Most people expressed this meaning, but not so clearly.

Whether you pay or not is not the most important thing. You have to let us issue an invoice to you first and go through the payment procedures. When you have money, pay a little.

If you don’t have money, they understand that you can just wait.

Most people don't say they have to pay off the money on a certain day.

And what some people also make clear is that if they are asked to issue invoices now, they can still issue invoices. If they wait a few days, their invoicing employees will go home for the New Year holiday.

By then they won't even be able to issue invoices, let alone receive money. "

Zhao Manfu stretched out his right hand to give production manager Xu Kun a thumbs up and praised: "He is indeed Mr. Zhou's right-hand man. He not only speaks clearly, but also lives clearly."

After Zhao Manfu praised production manager Xu Kun, he looked at project manager Zhou Wencheng and said: "Tell me your opinions.

Mr. Zhou, you are the project manager of this project, and you have to come up with your practical opinions. "

Zhou Wencheng sighed and said: "I think our Nanshan project is good enough.

No matter what, we gave the company several million yuan.

And in today's meeting, everyone saw that we are still under great pressure to pay.

You see, those who have workers, if they don’t get paid, they will organize the workers to cause trouble.

If you look at those people who work on machinery, they are usually easy to talk to. But during the Chinese New Year, if they don’t pay the money, they won’t do it.

Those with excavators should block the door, and those with loaders should also block the door.

It's even more ridiculous to have a crane.

There is also a hanging fee at the east gate, which is 100 yuan per trip.

It costs 200 yuan for one person to enter and exit a round trip.

You said, if we don't solve the payment problem for them quickly, do you think this construction site can still be like a normal construction site?

Anyway, I think it's quite uncertain.

I personally think that the current situation of the Nanshan Project Department is to grab jobs and be worthy of the company and Party A.

The project money was recovered again.

This is definitely worthy of the company.

But who can do the first two things well?

In addition to relying on our managers here to do some mental work and make appropriate deployment and coordination of organizational management work, we also rely more on the various types of bosses who are complaining and complaining to us in the conference room today. Full support.

Materials are provided by them on an emergency basis.

The workers were brought in on an emergency basis.

Machinery was provided by them on an emergency basis.

Without their ability, cooperation and hard work, our Nanshan project would not have achieved such good results today.

Including Xia Houyue's labor team, people who may not know it still hate their team.

However, Zhang Yunqing and Zhang were always together throughout the process and witnessed with their own eyes the difficulties and obstacles in the collection process yesterday.

If we hadn't been lucky enough to meet Xia Houyue's team to collect money together, anyone else would have come back bruised and swollen yesterday, not to mention not receiving a penny. It may even become a joke for others. "

Zhao Manfu glanced at Zhou Wencheng and said: "Half a hour is almost here. Hurry up and talk about the key points. There are two people behind you who want to speak."

Zhou Wencheng nodded and said: "Mr. Zhao, what I just said may seem like nonsense on the surface, but in fact it is not.

What I want to express is that our project department must be worthy of the company, of Party A, and of everyone who helps us secure work.

Our project department should take a key attitude at this critical stage of payment.

I suggest that we can announce it at the conference later and let everyone issue invoices immediately. Whoever's original invoice arrives first will go through the payment procedures first.

There is another small matter. When the person who was short of 4,500 yuan mentioned that matter at the conference, no matter how I heard it, it seemed that he was deliberately trying to shame us, so I just arranged for the financial person to pay him. "

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "You can just decide the small things yourself. Let me remind you, no matter how small the amount is, you still need to invoice."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Oh, then we can only ask him to issue an invoice first and then pay."

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "Okay.

Have you finished speaking? "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "That's it. I have no other comments."

Zhao Manfu looked at Zhang Yunqing and said, "Yunqing, tell me what you think."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Everyone has made it very clear before, and time is quite tight now. If we are late, it may cause misunderstandings.

Let me talk about our suggestions for handling the current situation:

1. It was publicly announced at the meeting that after the meeting each household would ask Yu Danzhen for the amount of the invoice.

2. Let me emphasize that the company's capital plan has not been fully approved to the project department. This is done by the project department at the risk of their careers in order to solve everyone's payment problems.

It is very likely that the actual payment will be less than the amount notified as invoiced.

Units that have objections to this can choose to issue invoices after the company formally notifies them.

We promise that no matter which company it is, as long as the company that did not pay a penny a year ago still exists, the door of our project department will always be open to everyone and there will be people at all times.

Our project department is confident and determined to resolve everyone's payments. Please trust the project department and advance the payment work this year in an orderly manner under the unified coordination of the project department.

Mr. Zhao, that’s all I have to say. "

Zhao Manfu laughed loudly and said: "Originally I wanted to summarize it, so there is no need to summarize it. Zhang Yunqing, you have already summarized it better.

My opinion is that when we go to the conference room now, Zhang Yunqing will announce this opinion.

Then I will say two more words to encourage everyone and increase their confidence.

If you still have any questions, let's see who can answer them.

Zhou Wencheng still presided over the meeting. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay. Let's go, everyone goes to the conference room."

Zhao Manfu walked in front, followed by six people. If you look carefully, you can still see that Zhao Manfu is walking with full confidence at this time.

There is already a hint of stumbling when walking.

A group of seven people arrived at the conference room and sat down one after another.

Zhou Wencheng glanced at the seats at the conference table and found that some people had not come in, so he arranged for the production manager Xu Kun to say: "You go outside and inform everyone to return to the conference room as soon as possible for the meeting."

Production manager Xu Kun nodded and agreed: "Okay."

When I walked out of the conference room, I saw that there were still people in groups of three or three forming a dragon gate formation.

Then he raised his volume by an octave and shouted loudly: "Bosses, the meeting is about to begin! The meeting is about to begin!"

Some people's ears are not very good. Whether they pretend not to hear or really don't hear, the production manager will approach them and remind them face to face: "The leaders are already here. Please go to the conference room for a meeting immediately."

A few minutes later, all the people who were supposed to participate in the meeting were politely invited to sit down in the conference room by production manager Xu Kun.

When Zhou Wencheng saw that everyone had arrived, he cleared his throat habitually and said: "After understanding everyone's demands through the meeting today, we held an internal meeting. After full discussion and evaluation, we have now made some progress. A resolution was issued that satisfied the needs of most people.

Now let us all use warm applause to warmly welcome Mr. Zhang Yunqing, the commercial director of Nanhai District of Western Construction Co., Ltd., to make an announcement to us. "

After finishing speaking, Zhou Wencheng took the lead in applauding.

The people at Occidental Construction Co. applauded.

A handful of vendors applauded.

As a result, the applause in the conference room of Nuo University was scattered here and there. It did not have the flavor of warm applause at all. It could be understood as taunting applause.

Others were talking quietly.

"As soon as we come up, we should applaud."

"That's right, shameless."

"What the hell, you don't pay and you still want applause."

"I'm not used to that problem."

"This applause! Haha, it tastes good!"

“This is the voice of the people.”

"Don't think there's nothing you can do about it."

"If you keep doing it blindly, you will never be finished!"

"It rhymes quite a bit."

"Of course, I am a contractor poet."

"Poet, I think you are more like a wet person."

"You don't understand. You have read three hundred poems of the Tang Dynasty by heart, and you can recite them even if you don't know how to compose them."

Zhou Wencheng was a little unhappy when he heard that there were always people chatting in this meeting. He patted the conference table and said: "Please be quiet, everyone. Please be quiet."

Now that the resolution results of the meeting have come out, I would like to ask Mr. Zhang Yunqing to announce them to everyone.

How can we make an announcement when everyone is making noise all the time? "

After Zhou Wencheng intervened in the conference room, Zhang Yunqing chose a time point with less noise to cut in and said: "Thank you very much for putting forward your ideas and demands in the previous meeting.

We met internally to fully analyze and study everyone's ideas and demands. Based on the company's current status, our relevant managers in the Nanhai area made the following opinions on the current payment issues of the Nanshan Project Department:

1. Now I officially announce that after the meeting, each company will directly contact Yu Danzhen to ask for the payment amount in our final report to the company's capital plan, which will be used as the amount for everyone to issue a collection invoice to our company, Western Construction Co., Ltd. "

At this time, crazy and extremely warm applause burst out spontaneously in the conference room, floating in the sky above the conference room and lasting for a long time.

Everyone was extremely excited after hearing the news.

The whispers that had just been suppressed came out again.

"Are you happy?"

"Happy. Of course I'm happy."

"The reason why we keep watch is because we want to issue invoices."

“It’s not just about invoicing.

After the invoice is issued, the payment process starts. "

"This project has already been paid. If we can issue invoices, our collection will most likely be stable."

"It's stable, nine out of ten. If you cancel your eight or nine, it's one hundred percent stable."

"Such a benign project can finally operate in a truly benign manner."

"As long as you pay, I will provide more materials next year."

"That is, I will try to use my excavator to dig twice more in the coming year."

“Now I finally see hope for workers’ wages.”

"That's it, I can finally tell the workers confidently that they can collect payment."

“Now we have a real way to explain things to the workers.”

"I tell you, you still think too simply."

"The work of collecting money and issuing invoices are just the first step in a long journey of thousands of miles. There is still a long way to go."

"How do you know so much?"

"I have been working for Western Construction Co., Ltd. for 20 to 30 years. How do you think I know so much?"

"Awesome, as soon as Western Construction Co., Ltd. was established, did you join us?"

"It's not that early, but it's not that far off."

"Hey, I wonder if we are too happy too soon."

"Stop talking, listen, what did Mr. Zhang say next?"

"That's right, maybe there's another big hole dug for us waiting for us to jump out of?"

"Dig another hole and get him."

"Don't take us for fools."

Zhou Wencheng did not stop the whispers this time. He knew that it was not easy for everyone to hear this good news, and this good news may not be so easy to realize. After all, there is still no clear instruction from the company leaders. There is a certain risk.

Zhang Yunqing waited until everyone had finished the discussion, and after voluntarily calming the conference room, he continued: "I just said the first point, and everyone is very happy.

Now let me tell you about the second item that needs to be emphasized:

Let me emphasize that the capital plan of our Western Construction Co., Ltd. has not been fully approved by the project department, but only verbally agreed.

The first decision was made by the project department at the risk of career penalties in order to solve the payment issue that everyone was very concerned about.

Because of this, it is very likely that the actual payment amount will be less than the invoice amount notified to you to invoice to Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Please note that for units that have opinions on this approach, think it is risky, and are unwilling to accept this risk, you can choose to wait. When?

Just wait until Western Construction Co., Ltd. officially notifies the project department which version of the fund plan can be used to issue invoices, and then you can issue a collection invoice with an accurate amount and provide it to the relevant invoice collection personnel of our Ministry of Commerce. That's it.

Here, we solemnly promise everyone: No matter which unit it is, as long as the unit that has not paid a penny a year ago still exists, the door of our project department will always be open to everyone, and there will be people at all times. We are always available to communicate with you on how to solve payment problems.

Our project department is fully confident and determined to resolve each company's payments.

Please trust the project department and proceed with the payment work this year in an orderly manner under the unified coordination of the project department.

Don't organize unfriendly activities that could easily create tension between the two parties.

If there is any discrepancy in understanding, we can always communicate and discuss it, and we can always solve it through discussion.

I'm done.

thank you all. "

The conference room burst into applause again.

After the applause gradually subsided, Zhou Wencheng spoke: "What President Zhang announced just now, you can feel from the enthusiasm of the applause that this resolution is correct and has been recognized by everyone.

If you still have questions about this, you can ask questions on the spot to avoid any unfriendly questions during the execution after the meeting.

Please note that I don’t like units and individuals who mess up after the meeting even if they don’t talk about it at the meeting.

If anyone is discovered by me and likes to do something that affects unity and friendship, I have no objection to paying your project fee in a lump sum. "

While Zhou Wencheng was speaking, some people raised their hands.

After Zhou Wencheng finished speaking, he pointed his palm at the first person who raised his hand: "If you have any questions, please tell me."


Mr. Zhou, we first asked about payment within two to three days, but there was no direct reply to us.

How to solve this problem. "

Zhou Wencheng glanced at the person who asked the question, then glanced at Zhang Yunqing, and said: "This question will be answered by Mr. Zhang Yunqing, the commercial manager of our Nanhai area."

As soon as Zhou Wencheng finished speaking, Zhang Yunqing answered: "The question raised by this person, in fact, it is difficult for us to promise you whether to pay you in two days or three days."

Questioner: "Why? Mr. Zhang, do you still want to avoid such a simple question?

Don't you have to be responsible at all? "

Zhang Yunqing was not very happy when he heard the other party's question. He wanted to combat the other party's arrogance but also be able to be reasonable and well-founded.

Otherwise, irritating the other party at this critical time point will easily lead to fierce conflicts.

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