Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 705: Don’t let the water go

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Zhou Wencheng replied politely: "You can invite guests at any time.

Mr. Song, you can come at any time, and I can invite you at any time. "

Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the first phase of the landscape improvement project in Bowen, asked: "Mr. Zhou, please share your experience. How did your Nanshan project solve the payment problem?"

Zhou Wencheng sighed and replied: "It's just a little action, it doesn't really solve the problem."

Song Xiaoshan, project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, replied: “I’m very curious.

According to the company's regulations, only after obtaining the company's approved capital plan can the suppliers be formally notified to issue invoices, and then the next payment work can be started.

This matter has not been resolved during this period. The suppliers come to me every day to ask for money.

It also made me very anxious. For this reason, I went to Jin Haoran to learn more about the company's payment rules.

A breakthrough has never been found.

Mr. Zhou, how did you break through this obstacle? "

Zhou Wencheng replied: “The barrier has not been broken yet.

It's just that I don't control it as well as you do.

There are a lot of workers here who come to make trouble every day. Yesterday, the number of workers who came to collect wages reached more than 200.

All the supplier bosses came this afternoon.

Our Nanshan project is now forced to agree and let everyone issue invoices in advance according to the reported fund plan data.

The risk here is that the capital plan has not been fully approved, and the company may lower the payment amount for each company.

However, if we are not allowed to issue invoices to start the payment process, some labor teams and machinery owners will not agree at all. They will give us two or three days at most to respond. If their payment problems are not solved, they will They will block the entrance and exit gates of the construction site.

And it is not ruled out that more extreme things will be done.

The construction funds of more than 30 million yuan for our project were fully recovered to the company's account yesterday.

If there is a fierce conflict over payment, it will be extremely detrimental to the project department and the company.

Therefore, with the support of Mr. Zhao and Mr. Zhang, the project department took advantage of the opportunity when all the suppliers were here to hold a meeting to let the suppliers express their demands.

Finally, there was an internal meeting to discuss and the decision was made to allow them to issue invoices and start the payment process immediately.

There's just a risk here. "

Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, asked cautiously: "Mr. Zhou, what are the risks?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "The biggest risk lies with the project manager."

Song Xiaoshan, project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, asked: “I still don’t understand what risks are involved in project managers.”

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Both Mr. Zhao and Mr. Zhang agreed with us on this matter.

However, it was not Mr. Zhao who announced this resolution for the Nanshan Project, but Mr. Zhang.

Think about it, if the company approves or acquiesces, does it mean there are no problems? "

Song Xiaoshan, project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, replied: "Yes."

Zhou Wencheng continued to ask: "If the company thinks there is a problem and thinks that the project department's approach is inappropriate and illegal, and it has to find someone to take responsibility, then who should bear the responsibility?"

Song Xiaoshan, project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, replied: "In any case, the project manager is the first person responsible for the project department, and the project manager will definitely not be able to escape."

Zhou Wencheng said: "Yes, there is such a powerful connection.

There is no need to take credit.

If you want to take the blame, it will probably take more than one or two bites. "

Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the first phase of the Bowen landscape improvement project, replied: “Didn’t you say that the resolution was announced by Mr. Zhang?

Mr. Zhang always has to take some responsibilities, right? "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "It's useless.

Before adopting this resolution, Mr. Zhao clearly emphasized that the project manager’s opinion is very important.

The project manager is required to come up with practical solutions.

And have you not notified your suppliers that they can issue invoices yet? "

Song Xiaoshan, project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, replied: “We just weren’t notified.

Then there was a supplier from your side, and they called me to ask questions.

It’s so hard for me to handle now. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "In fact, if this matter is based on the personal interests of the project manager, it is best not to violate the company's regulations.

Because if something happens, it must be your own responsibility. "

Song Xiaoshan, project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, replied: "Okay, I listen to you and ignore this matter for the time being."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Come here early and I'll treat you to dinner."

Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the first phase of the landscape improvement project in Bowan, replied: “Okay, otherwise I will come over tonight.

I can't make it in time for dinner.

Let me treat you to a midnight snack. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay. Make a call when we get there."

"OK Bye Bye."


After finishing the phone call with Zhou Wencheng, Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, fell into thinking.

The Nanshan project and the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project are both part of the Nanhai area.

Now the supplier of the Nanshan project has notified that invoices can be issued and payment can be started.

If the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project has not informed the supplier that payment can be initiated based on the invoice, how should the supplier respond to the inquiry?

Cao Shenggen, the largest supplier of seedlings at present, has called and requested to start the payment work with reference to the Nanshan project.

If Cao Shenggen's request is agreed to, the responsibility for this violation will inevitably be placed on the project manager himself, just like Zhou Wencheng.

If you don't agree to Cao Shenggen's request, are you rejecting him directly? Or reject him politely? Or are you looking for some valid reason to delay?

It is also true that Cao Shenggen helped the project department advance funds to purchase seedlings. Without his advance funds, the construction progress of the project department would not have been so smooth. Maybe the project had already failed, so you don’t have to worry about it yourself. It's about payment. Perhaps the company has already changed the project manager due to pressure, or it may have chosen to withdraw from the Bowen Phase I project directly.

Hey, let's call Zhang Yunqing again to see if there is any difference between his explanation and Zhou Wencheng's.

Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the first phase of the Bowen Landscape Improvement Project, picked up his mobile phone and found the phone number of Zhang Yunqing, the commercial manager of the Nanhai area, in the phone address book. After getting through, he asked: "Mr. Zhang, do you have time? I want to ask you a question. ?”

Zhang Yunqing replied on the phone: "Mr. Song, I have time.

What happened, you said.

Don't be too polite. "

Song Xiaoshan, project manager of the first phase of the Bowen Landscape Improvement Project, asked: "I heard that the Nanshan project has now solved the payment problem. Are you notifying the supplier that invoices can be issued?"


“Then how did they do the Nanshan project?

As the business leader of the area, the Nanshan project is under your control.

But my Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project is also under your control.

Mr. Zhang, why do I feel like you don’t have a bowl of water to keep your balance? "

"Mr. Song, this matter is not about me drinking a bowl of water.

It's because the situation here is special. Zhou Wencheng brought me and Mr. Zhao, as well as the business and seedling procurement people from the project department to discuss it together.

We also held a coordination meeting with all the suppliers in the project department who still have outstanding debts.

Finally, a collective decision was made through comprehensive discussion. "

"You mean, that was not a decision made by one person, but a decision jointly made by a team after discussion?"

"Yes, Mr. Song, that's what I mean."

"Then why didn't you and Mr. Zhao take the initiative to come to me to publicize how this matter was handled, and why did the landscape improvement project of the first phase of Bowan Project here also follow the same example?"

"You may need to ask Mr. Zhao about his reasons.

Because I don’t know and I haven’t asked.

My reason is very clear. As long as the project manager can withstand this pressure, it is best not to choose illegal methods to handle matters in the project department.

Because this will inevitably leave a bad stain on the project manager's career, which is not conducive to the project manager's own personal development.

Of course, if the project manager wants to make relevant suggestions in order to quickly and effectively solve the problem of payment difficulties on the project, as long as it is not too outrageous, in principle I will support it. "

Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the first phase of Bowen Landscape Improvement Project, replied on the phone: "I understand, thank you Mr. Zhang."

"You're welcome. Bye."


Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, waited for Zhang Yunqing to hang up the phone, then thought carefully for a while, then went downstairs and drove away from the project department towards the Nanshan project department.

Cao Shenggen, a seedling supplier, had been waiting for a call from Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the Bowan Phase I landscape improvement project for a long time, but without even waiting, he took the initiative to call Song Xiaoshan: "Mr. Song.

Has your vigorous and resolute work style changed into a dragging one? "

Song Xiaoshan, project manager of the first phase of the landscape improvement project in Bowen, replied: "Boss Cao, why do you say that?"

Cao Shenggen, a seedling supplier, replied: “In the past, when we were scrambling for work on projects, you always kept your word.

Be brave and decisive in doing things, crisp and neat, never procrastinate.

Why did he change his appearance as soon as it was time to pay me? He was hesitant and timid in doing things.

The Nanshan Project Department is doing this now, why can't you just do it and notify me to issue an invoice together?

I watched the interest on the loan sharks I borrowed keep rising every day. The rise made my heart beat with fear. I often woke up from nightmares in the middle of the night.

Mr. Song, you can't say that after I finish the work for you, you won't help me when I pay.

That would kill people. "

Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the first phase of the Bowan landscape improvement project, comforted the seedling supplier Cao Shenggen on the phone and said: "Boss Cao, your support for me was the greatest during the implementation of the project, and I have never forgotten it.

Don't worry, I'm also thinking of a solution.

Don't worry, I will take the initiative to contact you after I think of a solution. "

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen replied: "New Year's Eve is about ten days away. My dear Mr. Song, how can we still have time to hesitate?"

Song Xiaoshan, project manager of the Bowen Phase I landscape improvement project, replied: "I know, don't worry.

Give me a little more time, I'm trying to figure it out. "

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen replied helplessly: "Okay, I'll wait for your news.

It must be done as soon as possible. "

"Oh, I see.

Bye-Bye. "


Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen and others, Song Xiaoshan, the project manager of the first phase of Bowan Landscape Improvement Project, hung up the phone and said to Yu Shengjie, the seedling purchaser sitting next to him: "Mr. Yu, Mr. Song is not as upright now as he is rushing to work. .

The Nanshan Project Department can agree to the suppliers issuing invoices, but Mr. Song just won't let go.

Do you think you are worried about others? "

Seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie replied: "Mr. Song didn't let go?"

Cao Shenggen, a seedling supplier, replied: “Yes, there is no letting go.

I guess I'm still hesitating. "

Seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie replied: "Maybe it's not hesitation, but weighing." Then he quietly winked and signaled Cao Shenggen to find Zhao Manfu.

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen understood, stood up, walked to Zhao Manfu's desk, pulled up a chair and sat down.

He said in a complaining manner: "Mr. Zhao, I asked you to find Mr. Song and Mr. Zhang.

I just found Mr. Song.

I also told him about the Nanshan project.

I hope he can handle my payment problem according to the method here.

As a result, he has been hesitant until now.

Can you help arrange for him to notify us directly to issue an invoice and start the payment process for us? "

Zhao Manfu raised his head and glanced at the seedling supplier Cao Shenggen and said: "Boss Cao, Song Xiaoshan is the project manager of the first phase of the Bowan landscape improvement project.

If he doesn't let go, there's nothing I can do.

It's impossible for me to forcefully suppress him or force him to do that.

You see, Zhou Wencheng, the project manager of the Nanshan project, is responsible and responsible. He is willing to bear the huge pressure of violating company regulations in order to solve your payment problem, and agrees to you to issue an invoice first and start the payment process.

This kind of thing, to put it bluntly, is something big or small. "

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen replied: "Mr. Zhao, I know.

But who is not at risk?

Didn’t I also pay a lot in order to do a good job in supplying seedlings to the project department?

When I was beaten in the face and pretended to be a fat man to help the project department, you were all praising me, Old Cao, for doing a good job.

It's only been a few days.

When it comes time to pay, each one of you just wants to protect your own position, regardless of the life or death of the supplier we helped in the first place.

How do you expect us to deal with you guys in the future? "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Boss Cao, you don't have to worry.

No matter what happens, things will always be solved.

You can now choose to find Zhang Yunqing first.

Let’s take a look at Mr. Zhang’s opinion.

Find a suitable time tomorrow to find Song Xiaoshan.

Discuss it carefully.

I have just joined the company not long ago, and I haven’t even done any work on the bench.

How can I choose to force the project manager to do something stupid like this?

Maybe if I do that, not only will it not help you, but it may also cause a lot of trouble.

Boss Cao, please understand. "

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen replied: "Mr. Zhao, don't you want to force me to be like those labor team bosses and organize workers to cause trouble?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "Absolutely not, Boss Cao, don't worry.

The matter will be resolved, just wait patiently.

You should talk to Zhang Yunqing first. "

Seedling supplier Cao Shenggen replied: "Okay. Then I will go find Mr. Zhang Yunqing now."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and called Yu Shengjie, the seedling purchaser: "Mr. Yu, let's go, take me to find Mr. Zhang Yunqing."

Seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie stood up and greeted Zhao Manfu: "Mr. Zhao, then I will accompany Boss Cao to talk to Mr. Zhang."

"Okay, you should also pay attention to the way you communicate."

Seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie made an "Ok" gesture and followed the seedling supplier Cao Shenggen, leaving Zhao Manfu's office and walking towards the office of the Ministry of Commerce.

The two came to Zhang Yunqing's workstation, and seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie opened his mouth to say hello: "Mr. Zhang, are you busy?

Boss Cao Shenggen of seedling supplier Cao Shenggen has something to do and wants to come to you for a discussion. "

Zhang Yunqing sat at the workstation, looked up at the seedling supplier Cao Shenggen, and then greeted the two of them: "Lao Yu, Boss Cao, sit down first, and then we'll talk later."

Then he called out to Li Xixuan: "Xiao Li, give Caiyu and Boss Cao a glass of water."

Li Xixuan responded: "Okay."

After Zhang Yunqing made arrangements, he put down what he was doing, closed his laptop, opened the notebook on his left, and asked Cao Shenggen, "Boss Cao, what do you think?

What are you looking for for me? "

Cao Shenggen, the seedling supplier, did not beat around the bush and said directly: "Mr. Zhang, today I have obtained the invoice amount for the seedling progress payment of the Nanshan project from Yu Danzhen, and it has been arranged for invoicing.

It is expected that the original invoice will be sent to Mr. Yu from the project department tomorrow.

In this case, can Mr. Yu make my payment slip and submit it to the leaders for review? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, since we have decided to do this, you must also cooperate and issue the invoices quickly."

Cao Shenggen, a seedling supplier, replied: "The fastest is to get the original invoice tomorrow. It can't be any faster."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay."

Then he turned to look at the seedling purchaser Yu Shengjie and said: "Lao Yu, as soon as Boss Cao receives the original invoice, we must make his payment order immediately, and then sign the signature procedures to Mr. Zhao Manfu and Mr. Zhao as soon as possible. Express delivery to Kyoto headquarters.

Also note that you will have to arrange time every day to track the review progress of the payment orders for which you are the initiator. "

Seedling procurement Yu Shengjie replied: "There is definitely no problem here.

I can even prepare his payment slip in advance, and then just wait for the invoice to arrive and then attach it and send it by courier. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Lao Yu, it would be better if you could make the payment order in advance.

But you know, this approach is a bit ahead of its time.

Therefore, before looking for someone to sign, you must make sure that all the procedures are complete and checked clearly. In particular, the original invoice must be attached and no leakage can be allowed. "

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