Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 714 Fresh Autumn Chrysanthemum

"Trillion market capitalization is not a dream ()"

Qian Zheng: "Tingting, I don't understand this professional matter.

If you say it's hard to handle, then it's hard to handle. "

Bai Qingting: "I'm not saying it's difficult to handle.

This matter is like the old saying, when yellow mud falls into the crotch - it becomes shit even if it is not shit.

It's impossible to tell whether it was corrupted by people below, or whether it was just that much.

Only the parties involved know this kind of thing.

If there is a strict investigation, it is definitely possible that good people may have been wronged.

In addition, the company has a large amount of holiday fees and gift-giving expenses every year. If we really drag them out, they may bite us back and tell you some things that are on the edge of the law in the business operation process. come out.

It is very likely to hurt many people, and the impact will be relatively large. Of course, it will also hurt the company very much.

You know this. "

Qian Zheng: "Yes, of course I understand."

Bai Qingting: "Brother Zheng, what I'm worried about now is that Tao Wuming's family is the only one in power. I can actually understand all the gossip you got back from asking about it.

However, when it really reached my ears, I felt scared again.

I am a woman. I started a startup company, and now the company has 800 or 900 people.

There are almost 200 people in the core layer.

Not to mention that I recognize every employee. Even among these core-level managers, I only know about a hundred people at most, which accounts for about 50%.

I don’t think it’s possible to control this person’s heart if it’s all about conscience. What exactly are they doing underneath?

The bigger the company, the more vulnerabilities it has.

The management of our Western Construction Co., Ltd. is still too backward, and we must find a way to solve this problem. "

Qian Zheng: "I met a beautiful professor from Kyoto University who stayed at the school for further development. She is a postdoctoral fellow in business management at Kyoto University.

She has studied the management models of the top 10 famous enterprises in our country and is well versed in the advantages and disadvantages of enterprise management models. I think she should be able to help you. "

Bai Qingting: "When can I bring it to you?"

Qian Zheng: "You want to talk to her in person?"

Bai Qingting: "Well, I need urgent advice to learn the business management model.

I need to choose a model that suits me. "

Qian Zheng: "Then I'll ask her out."

Bai Qingting: "Call now?"

Qian Zheng: "Okay."

Qian Zheng took out his mobile phone and successfully dialed Xian Qiuju, a postdoctoral fellow in business management: "Hello, Dr. Xian, I'm sorry to bother you so late."

The lukewarm voice of Xian Qiuju, a postdoctoral fellow in business management, came over the phone: "Who are you?"

Qian Zheng: "I am Qian Zheng, vice chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd., you have no memory."

When Xian Qiuju heard Qian Zheng's self-introduction, she fell into painful memories.

It turns out that more than a year ago, Xian Qiuju was suddenly diagnosed with breast cancer because her mother was in urgent need of surgery and possibly chemotherapy. At that time, she was still studying for a postdoctoral degree and had not graduated.

The hospital told him to prepare at least 200,000 yuan for treatment. This was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for a senior intellectual who came from the countryside with no financial foundation.

In desperation, she accidentally found an underground organization and auctioned off her right to the first night to pay for her mother's breast cancer treatment.

The winner of this auction is the vice chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd., Qian Zheng, who is calling himself late at night.

A somewhat naughty, handsome, and very valuable man.

Xian Qiuju secretly calculated that the man announced on the Internet owned 15% of the shares of Oriental Construction Co., Ltd., 30 million shares, and when the peak value was 200 yuan per share, his net worth peaked at 6 billion yuan.

Xian Qiuju originally hated this man for hurting herself in such an immoral way.

I once quietly put his phone number on the blacklist.

However, during this period, Xian Qiuju's mother's condition showed signs of relapse, and she quietly removed Qian Zheng's phone number from the blacklist.

In my heart, I silently hoped that Qian Zheng would call me.

Xian Qiuju is not a woman who does not love herself. On the contrary, she has a strong sense of chastity. She has never made a new boyfriend since she had a romantic relationship with Qian Zheng.

I force myself to devote myself to scientific research on business management every day, and it turns out to be a blessing in disguise. I have built myself into one of the top 25 female leaders in business management in China.

Qian Zheng: "Hey, Dr. Xian, are you listening?"

Seeing that there was no response from the phone receiver for a long time, Qian Zheng continued to speak and reminded.

Qian Zheng was also itching to establish contact with Xian Qiuju through normal contact as soon as possible.

Qian Zheng felt that everything about Xian Qiuju touched him, such as her beauty, purity, innocence, filial piety, etc., and she actually had a vague longing for Xian Qiuju that she shouldn't have in the first place.

Today I finally found a normal opportunity, so I have to fight for it and seize it.

Xian Qiuju was reminded by Qian Zheng's phone call and was pulled back from her memories. She replied softly: "Vice Chairman Qian, it's so late at night. If you call me, aren't you afraid that your wife will check?"

Qian Zheng smiled and said: "Dr. Xian, my wife asked you to call you.

Do you want to have a word with her? "

Xian Qiuju found that she felt a little sour, but she agreed: "Okay."

Bai Qingting, who was kept in the dark, took the mobile phone handed over by Qian Zheng: "Hello, Dr. Xian.

I am Qian Zheng’s lover, Bai Qingting, the chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd. "

Xian Qiuju's heart skipped a beat on the phone. She couldn't tell what she was feeling, so she just forced herself to answer: "Hello, Chairman Bai.

I've heard your name for a long time.

It's an honor to receive a call from you personally. "

Bai Qingting corrected her: "My husband called you. I just used his phone to talk to you."

Xian Qiuju replied feeling slightly embarrassed: "Yes, Chairman Bai, you are right.

What do you find me for? "

Bai Qingting: "My husband introduced me that you are a postdoctoral fellow in business management at Kyoto University. You are a professor at the school. You have studied the management models of the top 10 famous enterprises in my country and are proficient in the advantages and disadvantages of enterprise management models."

Xian Qiuju: "It makes Chairman Bai laugh, basically what your husband said is true.

It’s just that the word proficient should not be taken seriously. No matter how proficient a business management researcher is in business management, he will not be as proficient as your real entrepreneurs.

Only theory without practice is a castle in the air.

Can't be taken seriously. "

Bai Qingting: "Dr. Xian, you are too modest when you say this. You must know that sometimes being too modest is equal to pride."

Xian Qiuju: "Chairman Bai, you are so good at talking. I admire you so much."

Bai Qingting: "Thank you.

I have something to do with business management and would like to ask you for advice.

Of course it is not a free consultation.

Let's try working together for a year first.

If we both feel happy working together, we can cooperate for a long time and sign a contract every year.

Regarding the specific remuneration, I entrust my lover Qian to discuss it with you when you are free.

But before that, I need to meet and chat with you once.

Dr. Xian, what time is convenient for you? "

Xian Qiuju felt that happiness came a bit suddenly, and couldn't help but said a little excitedly: "My time is easy to arrange, it depends on Chairman Bai, when is convenient for you.

I'll make do with your time. "

Bai Qingting is quite satisfied with Xian Qiuju's quick response and emotional intelligence: "Tomorrow is Saturday, and I will hold a full-day meeting with the company's core employees tomorrow, and I may ask everyone to brainstorm on the company's management.

The day after tomorrow is Sunday. I usually have meetings late in the evening and can't get up in the morning.

Let's find a place to meet and chat at two o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. "

Xian Qiuju: "Okay, just follow Chairman Bai's schedule, two o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow."

Bai Qingting: "I'll let Qian Zheng decide the specific location and inform you in advance."

Xian Qiuju: "Okay, Chairman Bai."

Bai Qingting: "Okay. See you the day after tomorrow."

Bai Qingting returned the phone to Qian Zheng.

After Qian Zheng took the phone, Xian Qiuju had already hung up the phone.

Qian Zheng: "Honey, you agreed on a time but not a place?"

Bai Qingting: "I'll tell you where to find a place tomorrow night. I can't decide today."

Qian Zheng: "Okay, wife.

I have something to discuss with you. "

Bai Qingting: "What's the matter, husband, tell me."

Qian Zheng: "My mother is urging us.

He said that while they are still able to take care of him, let us give birth to a grandson as soon as possible for them and the old couple to play with.

They feel too alone now. "

Bai Qingting: "Old worker, my mother is also urging me.

You say you don’t work hard, how can you give birth? "

Qian Zheng: “My wife is so beautiful, how could I not work hard.

How about working overtime tonight? "

Bai Qingting turned over and hugged Qian Zheng's neck: "Work overtime, work overtime, whoever is afraid of whom."

There is poetry to prove it:

Meng Haoran in Tang Dynasty

"Spring Dawn"

I sleep in spring without waking up,

Birds singing is heard everywhere.

The sound of wind and rain at night,

How many flowers have fallen?

Bai Qingting's personal secretary Bai Qingmeng took Bai Qingting to the office building of Western Construction Co., Ltd. with a full-time driver according to the traffic conditions the next morning.

When Bai Qingting entered the door of the large conference room with high heels and high spirits, the sharp-eyed executives took the lead in applauding.

In an instant, there was overwhelming applause.

Bai Qingting enjoyed the applause.

I sang silently in my heart: When I heard the applause, I felt infinite emotion in my heart, how much youth is gone...

He walked to the center of the podium with a little excitement.

Wait quietly for everyone to calm down.

Bai Qingting: "Dear core members, hello everyone!"

A uniform voice sounded in the venue: "Hello, boss!"

Do you believe that no one has trained or arranged this?

Hypocrisy, vanity, flattery, and flattery have all gracefully entered the hall of elegance of Western Construction Co., Ltd.

It looks so fashionable and relevant.

In order to pursue their own personal interests, regardless of whether it is right or not, some people may bring bad atmosphere to the entire Western Construction Co., Ltd., make the company more bureaucratic, and lead the company to decline. .

It doesn't matter, as long as you are recognized by the boss at this moment and get actual benefits, nothing else matters.

Live in the present and live well in the present. This is the secret book and treasure book for making a fortune that some people have read the books of sages and realized on their own.

A little bit like the Sunflower Book, if you want to practice magical skills, you will swing your sword from the palace.

Sooner or later, he will be invincible in the East. The male voice and female appearance are really beautiful.

Bai Qingting: "Dear core members:


I'm glad you can go home today! "

Thunderous applause rang out, as if every core member sitting in the conference room had returned home.

When Bai Qingting spoke above, it was like a patriarch speaking, not like the chairman of a company.

The word "go home" instantly shortens the psychological distance between employees and their bosses.

The hardships I endured, the fatigue I endured, the scoldings I suffered, the madness I made, and the mistakes I made were all released, tolerated, and understood in this moment.

Home is a harbor where you can dock.

Home is a place where you can rest peacefully when you are tired, tired or sleepy.

Home is a place where people feel safe and comfortable, a small world that belongs to themselves, their wives and children. No matter when you feel wronged, sad, lost or tired, there will be people who love you here to comfort you, encourage you and spur you on. You have no disguise, the you at home is the most real you. At any time, home is the place where you can relax, act coquettishly, and be naughty.

Home is not only a heavy burden, but also a responsibility; home is the sincere treatment of each other. It is the best station in life for the long journey of growing old together, and it is the paradise of our lives.

Home is a whip that forces you to earn money desperately, making you work endlessly for him.

When night falls, the engineering workers who have been running around all day, shouldering the heavy pressure of their careers, drag their exhausted bodies and step into the door to light the lights. Seeing your own lamp and light, whether it is a dim and easy-to-extinguish oil lamp, an erratic candle, or a bright and ever-extinguishing colorful electric lamp, can give people a sense of security, a happy mood, and a warm feeling. Soothe.

Home should be in a house, big or small, well-decorated or simple. After nightfall, the doors and windows are safely locked, and my loved ones have fallen asleep healthily and peacefully. They are nestled in the quilt, wearing pajamas that smell like sunshine. The bed is very soft and comfortable. You won’t have insomnia, just close your eyes and the sky will light up naturally.

Home is a place without nightmares.

When you are hungry, you can have hot meals and dishes that suit your taste best. Of course, sometimes you may quarrel with your loved ones, and sometimes you may get tired of your loved ones’ nagging. After all, home is the safest and happiest place in the world, full of happiness.

Don't mention family matters to an engineer who has been traveling and working hard for many years.

If you mention it accidentally, no matter he is a strong man or she is a weak little girl, they may burst into tears instantly.

I cry heartlessly and you are not allowed to comfort me.

Maybe he and the others thought of their grandfather at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their grandmother at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their father at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their mothers at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their lovers at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their eldest son at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their eldest daughter at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their second son at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their second daughter at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their grandfather at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their grandma at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their uncle at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their aunt at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their uncle at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their aunt at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their uncle at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their aunt at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their aunt at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their uncle at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their aunt at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their uncle at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their brother at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their younger brother at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their sister at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their sister at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their cousin at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their cousin at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their cousin at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their cousin at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their cousin at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their cousin at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their cousin at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their cousin at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their grandchildren at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their granddaughter at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their nephew at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their niece at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their nephew at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their niece at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their sister-in-law at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their younger siblings at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their brother-in-law at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their brother-in-law at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their brother-in-law at this moment.

Maybe he and the others remembered their childhood at this moment.

Maybe he and the others remembered their first love at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their comrades at this moment.

Maybe he and the others were thinking of their elementary school classmates at this moment.

Maybe he and the others were thinking of their junior high school classmates at this moment.

Maybe he and the others were thinking of their high school classmates at this moment.

Maybe he and the others thought of their own gods and goddesses at this moment.

Maybe at this moment, he and the others thought of their enemies who hated them so much that they gritted their teeth.

The word "go home" inspired the core members in the venue, the softest, most immature and fragile parts of their hearts.

The applause in the venue lasted for a long time.

Bai Qingting cried, and tears flowed out unsatisfactorily.

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