Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 727: This fresh autumn chrysanthemum is very powerful

Bai Qingting used perseverance to hold up her tired body, and with a hoarse voice, she finally concluded her speech: "Although today's meeting was held at short notice because of my sudden idea, it was still a success. Thanks to all the business departments, President and everyone who came up to participate in the discussion.

At today's meeting, many people received their new work tasks. Please sort them out carefully after the meeting and complete them according to that time point. Because the completion of these tasks this time will affect whether we have a good Spring Festival in 2012 and our output value in 2012.

Thanks to the core members from all over the country!

You have worked hard!

Now I declare the meeting adjourned! "

When Bai Qingting returned home under the care of her secretary Bai Qingmeng, it was already past 2 a.m.

Qian Zheng had already rested and was very tired.

In order to avoid affecting Qian Zheng's rest and to get things done, he had no choice but to send a short message to Qian Zheng: "Brother Zheng: Please contact Xian Qiuju and come to the company office to find me at 2 p.m. on January 15, 2012. .


Bai Qingting lay on the bed after washing, wanting to rest as early as possible.

But there are too many things in my head, and it is always difficult to sleep.

The scene of the meeting during the day was like a movie, turning over and over in Bai Qingting's head.

I can't sleep no matter what.

If you think about it carefully, Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, is smart and capable, and he manages his subordinates well. He has a core group of hundreds of people under him and more than 600 general subordinates.

Various rumors about Tao Wuming were flying everywhere, and only the core members of Tao Wuming's First Business Department were in the best mental state during the meeting.

The company's total output value in 2011 only reached 2 billion.

The first business unit completed RMB 1.6 billion, accounting for 80% of the entire company's output value in 2011.

How can we not let rumors fly all over the sky? This is also a certain result.

What if Tao Wuming of the First Business Department had second thoughts and wanted to set up a new company on his own?

If that time comes, will it take away its own employee resources, engineering resources, and customer resources? If that is the case, it will be an unbearable pain.

The key is that Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, is a unique boss in the minds of the employees of their first business unit. His prestige should be higher than the boss's prestige among those employees.

Bai Qingting thought of "Historical Records: Biography of the Marquis of Huaiyin": I heard that those who bravely shock their masters are in danger, but those who have made great contributions to the world will not be rewarded.

The master is shocked by his high achievements.

The current Tao Wuming is in such a situation, his great achievements shock the master.

The more Bai Qingting thought about it, the scarier it became, and the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became.

Tao Wuming is his brother who has been working with him for more than 20 years when he started his own business.

Bai Qingting could not believe that Tao Wuming would betray her one day.

If that day comes, I will definitely feel very uncomfortable.

It must be something he didn't do well, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Tao Wuming couldn't think clearly about Tao Wuming's matter for a while, so he might as well discuss it with Brother Zheng during the day, and then consult Xian Qiuju, an expert in the management field, before talking about it.

Bai Qingting, who was tossing and turning, temporarily let go of Tao Wuming.

Thinking about the work ability and overall quality of Lei Chun, the president of the second business unit.

He should be the worst among the three business unit presidents.

But he is the most considerate and loyal person. He does whatever he is told and has extremely strong execution ability.

In the absence of a better candidate, Lei Chun should be a better choice.

Think again about Song Zhiyuan, the president of the fifth business unit.

This person is capable and thoughtful. His overall quality is relatively high. Although he is a little worse than Tao Wuming, he is still very good and will not follow what others say.

If Song Zhiyuan is left to do many things, the results he gets will often exceed his imagination. He is a cadre with strong execution ability and thoughtful ideas.

The person in charge of the cost center, Ma Wenxuan, is handsome. He comes from a large central enterprise. He has solid cost knowledge, a good degree of loyalty, and strong logical reasoning ability. This person should be put to good use.

Zhou Nan, the head of the human resources department, has average work ability and complains about difficulties in recruiting people. It is still necessary to re-implement a person in charge of the human resources department at the appropriate time.

Feng Shilan, the person in charge of the financial center, has excellent professional skills and a good memory. If you need data quickly, this person is not bad.

Wen Pingmin, the general manager of the securities department, is not only strong in work ability, but also has a relatively rich network of contacts in the securities circle. The real money a company makes after it goes public still depends on the securities department to do more work. The money they earn in one month's work may be more than the profit earned by an engineering company in a year, and they don't have to worry about collection. And there are only a few people, unlike projects that often involve hundreds or thousands of people and are extremely costly.

Bai Qingting's net worth has quadrupled since the listing of Western Construction Co., Ltd. when its market value rose from tens of billions to a peak of 40 billion. It gives the impression that the speed of making money in this capital market is much faster and much easier than the speed of making money in engineering.

Whoever doesn't want to make easy money in this world is a fool. Bai Qingting thinks that she is not stupid either, and she also wants to make some quick money in the capital market.

This matter still depends on Wen Pingmin, the general manager of the securities department, to provide a plan. When I am free, I have to discuss it with him.

After thinking about all these key figures, Bai Qingting finally fell asleep in a daze.

Qian is waking up in the morning.

The winter sun shines lazily through the window.

Gives people an infinitely better feeling.

After Qian Zheng finished washing, he picked up his phone and flipped through it, and found the text message sent by Bai Qingting.

After opening it and reading it, I walked out of the bedroom.

I made a call to Xian Qiuju.

We talked about the situation and made an appointment at a time and place to meet.

Qian Zheng happily drove to where Xian Qiuju lived.

Xian Qiuju was unwilling to bring money to where she lived.

The reason is that there are too many people and it is inconvenient.

Qian Zheng knew that he still had a lot of time.

So I asked Xian Qiuju for her opinion, or find a five-star hotel, open a suite and sit down to discuss it.

Qian Zheng was originally joking.

What I didn't expect was.

Xian Qiuju actually nodded in agreement after thinking for more than 10 seconds.

Qian Zheng felt ecstatic in his heart.

Invite Xuan Qiuju to get on the bus.

The familiar Qian Zheng found the best five-star hotel nearby in the shortest possible time.

Pay the money and get the room card.

The two of them tacitly understood each other and came to the opened room one after another.

Surprisingly, Qian Zheng was not in a hurry.

He even politely asked Xuan Qiuju to sit down.

Qian Zheng asked: "How are you doing during this period?"

Xian Qiuju briefly introduced her situation.

By the way, I told Qian Zheng that he had never had a boyfriend since the last incident.

Qian Zheng thought she was worried, so he comforted her to let go of the past.

Live your current life well.

With a choked voice, Xian Qiuju explained to Qian Zheng her special situation of being short of money.

After hearing this, Qian Zheng agreed to help solve the financial situation and asked you how much you want.

Xian Qiuju’s answer was that she didn’t know how much it would cost, that was up to the hospital.

How do you know?

As he spoke, he started sobbing again.

Qian Zheng hurriedly comforted Xian Qiuju. As long as the problem that money can solve is not a problem for him now, he can help her solve it first.

Xian Qiuju joked: "Well, Brother Qian. Why am I so embarrassed? I can't repay you."

Qian Zheng also joked: "You can repay him with your own body."

The two had another fight.


After a long time, Xian Qiuju got up and took a bath.

He also praised Qian Zheng very much and praised him for being as brave as before.

Qian Zheng was embarrassed to say that.

Qian Zheng expressed that Western Construction Co., Ltd. is expected to ask Xian Qiuju to be a long-term corporate management strategic consultant in the future.

At the same time, it also explained whether this matter would succeed or not. She would need to meet with her wife Bai Qingting at two o'clock in the afternoon and conquer Bai Qingting with her superb management level and ability. Only then would she be able to succeed.

If successful, the annual salary that year will be at least 2 million.

Let Xian Qiuju not be soft-hearted and be ruthless when asking for money.

Xian Qiuju felt a little uneasy, thinking that the consulting fee might be about 200,000 yuan a year, which was relatively high. The consulting fees he consulted with other large companies did not exceed 300,000 yuan a year.

Xian Qiuju has always been worried that asking for 2 million a year is too harsh, and will it cost all the money that was easily earned. After all, this is just a part-time job, and it is much more than what others can earn in a year full-time.

Qian Zheng comforted Xian Qiuju, explaining that knowledge is priceless. Sometimes if you give her an idea to solve a problem, it may be worth more than 10 million or more than 100 million. Now his wife is worth tens of billions. If he asks for less money, he is afraid that his wife will feel uneasy and go back to someone who wants a higher price.

Xian Qiuju still expressed concern, saying that she did not dare to raise the price because an annual salary of 2 million was too high.

Qian Zheng thought about it and said, let’s just say this, you won’t mention the price, and she asked me to negotiate with you anyway. Then I will go back and discuss the price with her, and tell you how much it costs to sign the contract, and you can sign it. It's over.

When Xian Qiuju heard what Qian Zheng said, she was moved to tears again.

Qian Zheng comforted her for a long time, and Xian Qiuju's mood finally calmed down.

Qian Zheng asked Xian Qiuju when will she get married?

Xian Qiuju expressed her feelings towards Qian Zheng, saying that she never wanted to get married again in this life, and if she wanted to, she would always follow Qian Zheng, without asking for fame, status, or anything else.

Qian Zheng was stunned for a moment.

What Qian Zheng was worried about was that if his wife found out about this, she would be in trouble.

What Xian Qiuju means is that if you pay attention to it, it shouldn't be a big problem. Anyway, the chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd. is so busy. When will she find out about these things?

Qian Zheng's courage gradually grew. Then I felt that I couldn't come to this five-star hotel every time I went on a date. Not to mention spending money, it was not safe. It would be easy to find out my ID information.

So I discussed with Xian Qiuju that if I negotiated the company's management consulting contract, I would use the management consulting fee to buy a house outside. I could ask the company to pay some advance payment, for example, 50%. RMB 10,000 is enough to buy a three-bedroom house.

From now on, there will be a small cozy house where the two of them go on dates.

Xian Qiuju was very happy after hearing this arrangement.

The business is over.

Qian Zheng got close to the beautiful Xian Qiuju again. The considerate Xian Qiuju cooperated with Qian Zheng and closed her charming eyes...

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the office of Chairman Bai Qingting of Western Construction Co., Ltd.

After Qian Zheng brought Xian Qiuju to Bai Qingting's office, he motioned for the two of them to chat and then left the office.

Bai Qingting told Xian Qiuju one by one the questions she was thinking about.

After Xian Qiuju understood it, she first explained some theoretical knowledge of business management to Bai Qingting.

Then he analyzed the situation of each person Bai Qingting talked about and put forward reasonable solutions.

After hearing this, Bai Qingting felt suddenly enlightened, and all her worries seemed to disappear.

Bai Qingting expressed the need for Xian Qiuju to be the long-term management strategic consultant of Western Construction Co., Ltd. The specific cost will be discussed between her husband Qian Zheng and Xian Qiuju, and then the contract will be signed.

Xian Qiuju also looked very happy and politely shook hands with Bai Qingting to say goodbye.

After Qian Zheng saw Xian Qiuju coming out, he quickly went up quietly and asked, "How is it?"

Xian Qiuju gave a normal smile: "Okay, I'll discuss the price with you later. When?"

Qian Zheng smiled knowingly and said, "Wait for me for a moment. I'll ask what my wife is telling you."

Bai Qingting called Qian Zheng into her office and said, "Brother Zheng, this Xian Qiuju is very powerful. He came to talk to me for so many hours today and helped analyze and solve all the things I was struggling with during this time. And Several feasible options were also provided for me to choose from.

You need to negotiate the cooperation contract with him in person, and then keep it confidential from the employees of the company. At most, only the person who pays the money knows about it.

From now on, I don’t need to bring her to the office for meetings. We can just find a long-term and convenient place outside. "

Qian Zheng: "Then if you want to meet her often, I think you should let her take care of you. After all, your time is not easy to arrange. Well, there are some better cafes near our home. When I get there, Go check it out and choose a place where you can easily book a private room.”

Bai Qingting: "Okay, you can take care of these things."

Qian Zheng: "Tingting, how will he pay for this cooperation?"

Bai Qingting: "Brother Zheng, what do you think?"

Qian Zheng: "Tingting, you know I don't understand this business matter.

What's more, it's such a complicated recruitment of a top talent. I don't know how much it will cost. If you pay too much, we can't stand it. If you pay too little, they won't do it. "

Bai Qingting: "How much is this person worth? It depends on how much value she can create for our company.

How much value do you think she can bring to the company? "

Qian Zheng continued to pretend to be naive and said: "Tingting, how do I know this? It's better for you to give me an accurate estimate. I'll go and talk about it. It's up to you whether it's successful or not."

Bai Qingting: "Brother Zheng, you can't do this. This matter must succeed and cannot fail. If it fails, the price is not enough at most. Just add a little more."

I just asked you how much value she helped create for the company today, but you didn't answer me.

It can be said that the problem she helped me solve today is worth more than 300 million.

The company will continue to grow and develop in the future. If she can have such a great effect every year, her value will be priceless.

It depends on how much we are willing to pay. Anyway, I think an annual salary of between 10,000 and 10,000 yuan is acceptable to me.

There is a condition attached.

That is, she must conduct in-depth research on the contents of all our company's management systems, such as our bonus system, the company's management structure and organization, etc. She must conduct in-depth research with me.

Then, it is best to give me a written report on the company's management every month. You have to explain it clearly to me verbally.

Then if I want to ask her a question, I can ask it at any time, no matter it is 2 o'clock in the morning or 2 o'clock in the morning or any time in the morning, you just tell her that I can ask it anytime and anywhere.

I would like to recommend this reading app that I am using recently. It has many book sources and a complete range of books!

She is not in Kyoto and can make phone calls when she cannot meet in person. This is an additional condition for her, and she must do it, because I may have new questions at any time and need her answers. "

Qian Zheng: "Okay Tingting, I understand. Let me go talk to him. What you are saying now is that the information about her cooperation with the company should be kept confidential. She cannot come to the company. So, what about the information and the situation? How does she know?"

Bai Qingting rolled her eyes at Qian Zheng: "Brother Zheng, you are such a smart person, why are you confused at this time?

After you have discussed the situation with him, contact her in a single line.

The most she can do is meet with me.

If she comes up with this report, she will definitely tell you what information you need to know, ask her to make a list for you, and then explain it to you verbally.

You go to the relevant departments and personnel of the company to get the information you need.

As the vice chairman of the company now, who dares not to give you any information you want? "

Qian Zheng's face looked a little embarrassed and he replied: "Tingting, I understand, then I'll go talk to her and send her back just in time."

Bai Qingting: "Okay."

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