Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 731: Target of Tao Wuming Incident

Bai Qingting thought hard about the list of people around her.

In fact, there is a closer person who is from the north. Bai Qingting can't decide whether to bring him in?

I tried to seek Xian Qiuju's opinion and asked Xian Qiuju: "Actually, Qian Zheng is from the north, he should not betray himself.

But Qian Zheng basically did not participate in the management of the company.

If this pulls him in, will it affect his future life? "

Xian Qiuju smiled and said: "If you don't bring him in and help you solve this matter, the bankruptcy of the company will really affect his life in the future."

Xian Qiuju analyzed some of the pros and cons of finding Qian Zhenglai to discuss with Bai Qingting. In the end, Bai Qingting decided to find Qian Zhenglai to help her make plans.

Bai Qingting called Qian Zheng and said, "Brother Zheng, come to Bai Lai Ren Jian Cafe."

Ten minutes later, Qian Zheng came to the private room where Bai Qingting and Xian Qiuju were. He looked at the two people happily and asked Bai Qingting: "Chairman, you usually don't come to me when talking about business. Why are you coming to me now?" Is there a problem?"

Bai Qingting motioned to Xian Qiuju to talk to Qian Zheng.

Xian Qiuju spent a few minutes explaining to Qian Zheng that he needed to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the big brother culture of northerners.

Qian Zheng talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the big brother culture that he understood. He emphasized that the boss in the big brother culture cares about face, and his prestige is also very high in the group.

After Bai Qingting asked some more questions that she needed to know, she asked Qian Zheng to go home first.

Bai Qingting and Xian Qiuju reanalyzed and sorted out the Tao Wuming incident based on the information provided by Qian Zheng.

After thorough analysis and discussion, a relatively comprehensive executable plan was finally arrived at.

Bai Qingting said goodbye to Xian Qiuju happily.

Bai Qingting informed her secretary Bai Qingmeng to arrange for her to be sent to the office building of Western Construction Co., Ltd.

In her office, Bai Qingting asked her secretary to notify the cost center leader Ma Wenxuan.

Bai Qingting asked Ma Wenxuan, the head of the cost center, to propose a plan to investigate the economic situation of the project and make it practical and reliable. At the same time, he asked Ma Wenxuan that this plan must be done by himself, and he could no longer leave it to his assistants. He must keep it strictly confidential and never tell anyone else.

Ma Wenxuan promised to make a preliminary plan before the Lunar New Year.

Bai Qingting summoned Dugu Lingyun, the head of the art center.

Dugu Lingyun, the person in charge of the art center, was assigned the task of formulating an outing inspection plan.

The main purpose is to use the Spring Festival period of 2012 to recruit higher-level executives of the company, such as business department presidents and above, including the person in charge of the art center, the person in charge of the financial center, and other important people in charge of various departments. .

Let Dugu Lingyun and Zhou Nan, the person in charge of human resources, count how many people signed up and make a cost plan.

What to investigate?

Examine well-done and famous landmark projects in various regions of Europe. Dugu Lingyun will provide reference opinions on the specific scope and location of the inspection, and the period can be 7 to 15 days. This time is only tentative. After Dugu Lingyun provides reference opinions, Bai Qingting will be discussed to determine the exact inspection period.

Bai Qingting summoned Chen Nianzhen, the head of the compliance department.

Bai Qingting asked Chen Nianzhen, the head of the compliance department, to report on the performance of the compliance department in 2011.

After Chen Nianzhen hesitated to report for a while, Bai Qingting slapped the table and cursed: "You bitch Chen Nianzhen, I support so many people in your compliance department and spend so much money in a year. You have been the only one in 2011." No compliance issues have been discovered, and now it’s about to be overturned, don’t you know?”

How could Chen Nianzhen not know? Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, seemed to be such a high-level executive, and he often invited him to drink with Chen Nianzhen, and gave him small favors from time to time. However, after one year,

If you had to convert it into money, it wouldn't be much money.

Chen Nianzhen is also an old man. Seeing Bai Qingting getting angry for such an excuse, he thinks that his spring is coming soon.

But you can't look so urgent, you have to look like you're being forced to put it on the shelves.

So, he quickly stood up from his chair, lowered his head and whispered: "Boss Bai, I will work hard this year, and I will work hard this year."

Bai Qingting scolded again: "What's the effort? What's the plan? Come and listen."

The two chatted tacitly, and no one broke through the last layer of window paper.

Bai Qingting was quite satisfied with Chen Nianzhen's oral work plan report. The start-up time was also very fast. Data was collected before the year and action started after the year.

A few days later, Ma Wenxuan, the head of the cost center, came to Bai Qingting to report on her work.

Bai Qingting listened to the project dynamic cost review plan reported by Ma Wenxuan, the head of the cost center.

Ma Wenxuan, the person in charge of the cost center, is responsible for the first business unit, the second business unit, and the fifth business unit. Each business unit sends a project dynamic cost review team.

Of course, because the first business unit completed the largest output value in 2011, six investigation teams were dispatched there. Each team had at least five people including material staff, seedling staff and budget staff, all with at least 10 years of work experience. They have more than 5 years of experience, and some leaders of some groups have 20 years of work experience.

For the second division and the fifth division, an investigation team was dispatched. In fact, the investigation strength of the work investigation teams of the Second and Fifth Business Departments is much smaller. Each business department in each place only sent two people, and their working experience was also students who had only graduated for one or two years.

Bai Qingting was full of praise for this plan. She knew in her heart that the head of the cost center, Ma Wenxuan, had an admirable emotional intelligence.

Then Ma Wenxuan reported the start time and end time of this dynamic cost review.

The start time is the first day after the Lunar New Year, starting from the working hours specified by the state, and the end time is controlled to end within a length of 7 to 15 days.

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Bai Qingting was very satisfied with the time control plan arranged by Ma Wenxuan, and asked Ma Wenxuan to personally focus on the key points, making sure it was clear and accurate. He could not wrongly accuse a good person, but he could not let a bad person go.

The person in charge of the cost center, Ma Wenxuan, patted his chest and promised: "Boss Bai, don't worry, I am absolutely loyal to you, and I will never have any trouble with them during the investigation and review process.

The buddies in the working groups I dispatched are all very upright and clean people. "

Bai Qingting emphasized again that she could only make an investigation report and could not give any opinions on how to deal with it below.

The person in charge of the cost center, Ma Wenxuan, expressed his understanding and left Bai Qingting's office to make more detailed work arrangements.

Dugu Lingyun, the head of the Art Center, and Zhou Nan, the head of the Human Resources Department, came to Bai Qingting to report on the 2012 Spring Festival European Study Group.

The list of the inspection team includes Chairman Bai Qingting, Vice Chairman Qian Zheng, President of the First Business Unit Tao Wuming, President of the Second Business Unit Lei Chun, President of the Fifth Business Unit Song Zhiyuan, Head of the Financial Center Feng Shilan, Human Resources Department of the Human Resources Center Minister Zhou Nan, head of the art center Dugu Lingyun, head of the cost center Ma Wenxuan, director of the compliance department Chen Nianzhen, president of the design institute Gu Zhishu, and general manager of the securities department Wen Pingmin, a total of twelve people.

Bai Qingting made some requests for this personnel list. One is that he needs to bring his secretary Bai Qingmeng with him so that it will be more convenient for her to work.

Another thing is that people on the list of so many personnel, the president of the business unit, the head of the art center, and the president of the design institute are absolutely not allowed to take leave.

Because this inspection is specifically for their production and design, and to improve their overall quality.

Other staff asked Zhou Nan, the Minister of Human Resources, to implement it one by one. If any leave is required, Bai Qingting must ask for leave in person.

Then we discussed and determined the departure time of this European inspection team. The flight was initially scheduled to depart on the evening of the first day of the first lunar month in 2012, and the inspection period was 15 days long.

Bai Qingting always felt a little uneasy somewhere.

After thinking about it, I gave Qian Zheng a call. He said that he had some problems and wanted to communicate with Qian Zheng, which was relatively confidential. It depends on whether he comes to the office or whether he goes home to find Qian Zheng.

Qian Zheng meant that if it was a particularly secret, it would not be appropriate to talk about it in the office. After all, walls have ears. He suggested that Bai Qingting go home and discuss it with him.

Bai Qingting agreed with Qian Zheng's idea.

After Bai Qingting returned home.

Qian Zheng took the initiative to come up and asked: "Tingting, what is it, so secret?"

Bai Qingting gave Qian Zheng a detailed explanation of her worries about the Tao Wuming incident and the arrangements she had made during this period.

Qian Zheng thought that although Bai Qingting's actions seemed flawless, they were actually vulnerable.

Qian Zheng believes that if Bai Qingting's actions are to achieve his goals, Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, must be extremely willing to cooperate. Only then can the desired results be achieved.

Qian Zheng believed that Bai Qingting was too reckless and underestimated human nature's sense of self-protection.

Bai Qingting also expressed that she has been worried that if this matter is not handled well, she is afraid that Western Construction Co., Ltd. will be ruined all of a sudden.

Qian Zheng suggested that Bai Qingting think clearly about the goal of the Tao Wuming incident?

Bai Qingting: "The goal is to let Tao Wuming give up control of the first business unit, and not let himself feel that he has lost control of the company."

Qian Zheng helped Bai Qingting make a full analysis.

He believes that if he wants to achieve Bai Qingting's goal, he must use multi-faceted means and a multi-pronged approach, forcing Tao Wuming to accept the suggestion put forward by Bai Qingting, and he thinks this suggestion is the best one for him. , he might agree.

Bai Qingting felt that when Qian Zheng said this, she felt suddenly enlightened.

Let the facts prove that if Tao Wuming does not give in, does not help himself, and does not follow his own requirements, there will be even greater and more unacceptable serious consequences ahead of him.

Qian Zheng suggested to Bai Qingting that he should be involved in the investigation of the Tao Wuming incident.

Bai Qingting was a little worried that Qian, who usually did not consult on company affairs, was getting involved in this investigation and would cause more people to panic.

Qian Zhengkuan said: "After all, I am the vice chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd., and I am also your husband.

In the face of such a big incident, it should be normal for me to investigate everything.

To create an image for everyone, you are doing your production and marketing well in the front.

If the internal cleaning and cleaning is done, then I must be the one doing this offending thing.

If their employees have no problems themselves, naturally I won't investigate them.

The investigation revealed that there was nothing wrong with him, and it would not harm him.

In fact, these investigations only work on people with problems. He is eager for the company to investigate people without problems. "

Bai Qingting still expressed a little worry.

Qian Zheng explained to Bai Qingting that his original professional ability was to investigate and understand people, and that he could conduct independent investigations in addition to the several investigations that Bai Qingting had already deployed. Without affecting each other, he could confirm each other's investigations. The result comes out.

Bai Qingting thought about it, and finally made up her mind to let Qian Zheng investigate on his own in a secret line, and not tell anyone else the results of the investigation except herself.

Qian Zheng readily agreed.

Zhou Nan, the Minister of Human Resources, called Qian Zheng and invited him to join the European study tour that departed on the first day of the first lunar month of 2012.

Qian Zheng's direct reply was that he couldn't go to his hometown for business, and told Zhou Nan that he would discuss it with the chairman so that she would not have to worry about it anymore.

Bai Qingting observed the things Qian Zheng was handling and felt that they were all relatively appropriate, and her heart was filled with gratitude.

After talking about the serious work matters, Qian Zheng said to Bai Qingting again: "Tingting, my parents are urging me again, saying that they are already in their sixties or close to seventy. If we don't have children, they will They don’t have the ability to bring them to us.”

Bai Qingting said with a smile: "Didn't everyone agree to have a baby during this period? How can I have a baby if you don't work hard?"

Qian Zheng said: "It's rare for you to come back today, otherwise we will work hard again."

Bai Qingting smiled and said, "Okay, okay, you go take a shower first."

Taking advantage of the free period, I quickly took out the medicine and took it.


When Bai Qingting returned to the office of Western Construction Co., Ltd., Zhou Nan, the Minister of Human Resources, came to Bai Qingting again to report on the list of members of the European inspection team.

Several of them were unable to go. One was Vice Chairman Qian Zheng, one was the head of the cost center Ma Wenxuan, and the other was Chen Nianzhen, the director of the compliance department. At least three people have been reduced from the original roster.

Bai Qingting is concerned about whether the business unit presidents and design institute presidents have any different opinions.

Zhou Nan, the Minister of Human Resources, said: "Mr. Tao Wuming, President of the First Business Unit, seems to mean that he has too many things to do. It is best not to go. It is also possible that he will come to ask for leave for you."

This is the key link that Bai Qingting is worried about. If Tao Wuming asks for leave, all the arrangements will be in vain, which is absolutely not allowed.

Bai Qingting thought carefully about how to arrange Zhou Nan from the human resources department to do Tao Wuming's ideological work.

Bai Qingting said: "Zhou Nan, you know that although there are not many people on this inspection, because it is a long distance and it is an international route, the cost of the entire inspection is very high.

It is impossible for our company to organize such activities frequently.

You have to find a way to make it clear to Mr. Tao Wu and Mingtao, and let him put the overall situation first. Don't let your own trivial matters delay the arrangement of this major event.

As for his various projects, he probably wouldn't be messed up just by leaving for a few days during this holiday.

If that would lead to chaos, why would he be the president? right?

Think of ways and ideas to persuade him.

The goal is that he must go, and all business unit presidents cannot take leave.

I have emphasized this to you before, can you do it? "

Zhou Nan, the Minister of Human Resources, rarely received such attention from the chairman. In order to perform better in front of the chairman, he even made a comprehensive promise: "Chairman, don't worry, although I may not be able to do it in terms of human resources." I completely convinced him, but isn’t there Mr. Dugu Lingyun, the person in charge of the art center? I’ll call him too, and we’ll discuss it with Mr. Tao Wuming and Tao together. We must clear this ideological work for him before the Lunar New Year. , told him not to ask for leave."

Bai Qingting showed a satisfied face and smiled: "Okay, you work hard and do Zhou Nan well."

Time flies by and it’s the weekend again.

Bai Qingting invited the presidents of the three business units to her office.

Bai Qingting asked the presidents of the three business units to report on their collections this week.

Tao Wuming, President of the First Business Unit, briefly reported on the collection status of the First Business Unit.

80% of the 200 million yuan increase in the collection quota requested at last weekend's meeting has been implemented, and the remaining 20% ​​may not be completed before the Lunar New Year.

Bai Qingting did not pursue this issue excessively. She just asked Tao Ming to provide support and understanding if the amount of payment required was not enough, so the amount of payment to the counterparty would be reduced accordingly, because without collection, there would be no money to pay the counterparty. .

Tao Wuming said that he had already informed the regional production vice presidents and asked them to personally negotiate with each supplier that owed a lot of money, so that they could overcome it and slightly reduce their payment amount to cope with this New Year difficulty. .

Pay their progress payment, and after the corresponding collection is completed after the year, we will settle it all at once for them.

Bai Qingting routinely praised and praised Tao Wuming for doing a good job, which made her feel relieved.

Lei Chun, president of the second business unit, reported on his collection of payments.

The owner still supports the payment collection work of Western Construction Co., Ltd., and made a request that is not excessive: payment support can be given to 20 million, but after the New Year next year, our famous teacher Dugu Lingyun will always be required to go there in person. They are there to guide the artistic effects for a week, and they need to communicate well with their top leaders.

Lei Chun said that in order to receive the 20 million yuan as soon as possible, he had agreed to the owner's request. Yesterday, the owner sent the 20 million yuan to the company.

Bai Qingting asked Lei Chun to implement the owner's request, but he must discuss the time with Mr. Duhu Lingyun in advance, otherwise he would not be able to arrange the time and offend others, which is unnecessary.

The president of the second business unit explained that he had sought the opinions of the head of the art center, Dugu Lingyun, during the process.

In order to support the collection work of the second business unit, Dugu Lingyun always said that he could work harder and be more tired.

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