Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 735: The Greatest Hero Tao Wuming

Text Chapter 735 The greatest hero Tao Wuming

Qian was taking Bai Qingting home at the airport.

Because he was too tired from the long journey, Qian Zheng felt sad for Bai Qingting, so he didn't say anything.

He just comforted Bai Qingting and told him not to worry and have a good sleep. When he gets up early the next day, the sun will rise as usual.

Bai Qingting got up early on the morning of the second day and took the initiative to wake Qian Zheng up.

Ask Qian Zheng if he has any ideas to help overcome the difficulties ahead.

Qian Zheng smiled and said, "Ji people have their own destiny. Don't worry. You can go to the company to sort things out first and see what's going on with them? We'll discuss it when we come back."

Bai Qingting: "If these two gangs of grandsons go to make things like this, I will definitely be very angry. 90 may not be able to hold back and want to scold them."

Qian Zheng: "I can't help it, I'll scold you when I need to, and I'll vent when I need to vent."

Bai Qingting woke up suddenly and softened her tone: "Brother Zheng, what if I scold everyone and run away, and I am just a polished commander?"

Qian Zheng smiled and said: "Tingting, you are the chairman of a listed company with a market value of tens of billions. You now have nearly a thousand employees. How could you have such naive ideas?

Don’t even think about which of the people you want to scold has an annual income of less than 1 million. In another place, who would give them such a high salary?

Not only for other reasons, but even for high wages, they cannot just run away. It’s not like you can scold whenever you want, but what if you do?

Besides, they really didn't do well this time.

However, you can't just curse randomly. You must seize the loopholes and the point of his problem before scolding him.

Otherwise it will appear that you are being too unreasonable. In addition to these people, you have to use them all the time. Your goal is only Tao Wuming, and the others are the ones you need to unite with. "

Bai Qingting walked up to Qian Zheng, put her feet up, and kissed Qian Zheng on the forehead: "Thank you, Brother Zheng, I know what to do."

Qian Zheng reached out and touched Bai Qingting's head and said, "Fool. Go to the office quickly, those people are waiting for you in fear."

Bai Qingmeng is already waiting for Bai Qingting downstairs.

"Sister Tingting, where are you going so early today?"

"I said you are a silly girl. You haven't been back to the company for more than ten days. Of course you are going to the company."

Bai Qingmeng stuck out his tongue and made a face: "Oh."

After Bai Qingting arrived at the office.

Bai Qingmeng invited those people whom Bai Qingting told her to come over to her.

The first person to come was Ma Wenxuan, the head of the cost center.

Bai Qingting asked politely at first: "Mr. Ma, could you please report what happened when you went out to investigate this time?"

"Boss Bai, I sent 6 teams out to investigate according to your arrangement, but the whole army was wiped out."

"Damn it, Ma Wenxuan, you are stupid. When will I arrange for you to send 6 investigation teams to investigate?

Do you have any basis?

Isn't that your job?

If you want to check it, you can check it. If you don’t want to check it, don’t check it.

When I was inspecting such beautiful scenic spots in Europe, Tao Wuming came to ask me, what did he mean by sending so many people to investigate? I told him at that time that I didn't know the situation and I didn't arrange anyone to investigate.

Guess what happened? Tao Wuming doesn't appreciate it at all. He completely thinks that I personally arranged for you to investigate. Please tell me, did I personally arrange it for you? "

The person in charge of the cost center, Ma Wenxuan, was stunned for a while after being scolded. However, Ma Wenxuan has a high EQ, high IQ, and quick reaction: "I'm sorry, Boss Bai, I made a mistake. I've been dizzy these past two days." , I always make mistakes, I’m sorry, Boss Bai.

I remembered that although this matter is important, it is within the scope of my job. I always feel that if they do so much production, there will be some problems.

If you don't supervise you and give him a beating, I'm afraid he will turn the world upside down. "

Bai Qingting raised her head and glanced at Ma Wenxuan: "This idea is still acceptable.

I estimate that Mr. Tao Wuming will come to me after he comes back and clarifies the situation. In a situation like this, you may be scolded miserably.

I was thinking that instead of letting you be scolded by Tao Wuming, it would be better for me to scold you. "

Ma Wenxuan, the smart cost center leader, immediately understood that this was the rhythm of taking the blame: "Boss Bai, don't worry, you can scold me all you want, I promise not to talk back.

Let me demonstrate to Mr. Tao Wu and Ming Tao what it means not to fight back when hit or not to retaliate when scolded. "

Bai Qingting instantly became happy and laughed, "I told you, Mr. Ma Wenxuan, we are almost done.

But your work status is really wrong this time. Six groups were sent out and all were wiped out. Why didn't you guard one group? "

The person in charge of the cost center, Ma Wenxuan, nodded and replied: "Boss Bai, you found the crux of the problem right away.

I was the only one who could not be bribed. I inquired about everyone else and found that they spent a lot of money. A group of 6 people cost 100,000 each. The leader of the group paid 500,000. One group spent 1 million. . The six groups spent a total of 6 million.

These people who are sent out have never seen much money. A team leader has only worked for 10 years and can see 500,000. He may think that if you just fire him, he will be like that. He will just take the money. Ran away. "

Bai Qingting asked: "What the hell, have all the 36 people in these 6 groups, 66, run away now?"

Ma Wenxuan, the person in charge of the cost center, laughed and said: "How can you run away by yourself?

If we don't investigate him or deal with him, it won't make him feel unbearable.

How could he run?

Their salaries are not very low either. They all have monthly salaries of tens of thousands, and the monthly salaries of team leaders are more than 20,000. "

Bai Qingting's face was dark: "Tell me, what do you think Ma Wenxuan should do in this situation?"

Ma Wenxuan, head of the cost center, said: “Although these six groups have made mistakes so far, we have not found evidence of his taking bribes.

These are all hearsay and may be true news. Of course, I think the likelihood of true news is relatively high.

It might also be fake news, but regardless of whether it is true or not, there is nothing they can do.

And our current targets are not our own people at all.

Our target should be a certain person. "

Bai Qingting nodded slightly approvingly and signaled Ma Wenxuan to continue.

Ma Wenxuan then analyzed the reasons why all six groups were wiped out.

In addition to the money, there may be some emotional factors as well.

This shows from the side that a certain person has a particularly strong influence there. Many people have made begging calls to these related people, so they can't rely on favors and are lured by large sums of money, so they are all wiped out. .

But it is certainly unrealistic to say that they really have no problems.

There are always one or two group leaders who hesitate in their speech and reveal some information, but this information has no big effect and cannot do anything to others.

Moreover, others have also said that even if a problem is found, it will be terminated only by the person in charge of production in the area.

They will force one person to handle these things alone, which will not cause any harm to any one person, so I am also thinking about this problem, what should I do?

Bai Qingting was shocked. She didn't expect that Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, would take such strict precautions.

A sense of frustration slowly spread in Bai Qingting's heart, as if she saw despair right in front of her.

Bai Qingting thought of Qian Zheng's words, there is only one Tao Wuming as the target, there is only one Tao Wuming, and the others are all people who need to be united.

Bai Qingting asked Ma Wenxuan directly: "Tell me, I must win. Are you willing to be on my side?"

"Boss Bai, I have always been loyal to you. Although the people below are a little betrayed, I really haven't."

"Every bustle in the world is for profit; the turmoil in the world is all for profit. The king of thousands of chariots, the prince of thousands of families, and the king of hundreds of houses are still suffering from poverty, and what is worse is the people who live in households."

“Every bustle in the world is for the sake of coming; the bustle of the world is for the sake of going away.

Chairman Bai, this has been said in ancient books a long time ago, and I understand.

But I don't have any specific requirements. My idea is to just follow you. "

"I won't let your efforts go in vain, and I won't let you guess. I will give you a condition that will never buy you off.

After this matter is completed, the level of the person in charge of your cost center will be raised to the president level, with an annual salary of more than 2 million, plus bonuses and options. When the annual income is good, it can exceed 10 million.

Of course, you can't just focus on the cost center in the future. You have to build several centers for me, such as a material procurement center, a seedling center, and so on.

Of all these various centers, except for the financial center, which you don’t care about, you have to establish and manage all other centers. "

"Follow Boss Bai's arrangements."

"Ma Wenxuan, you must do everything you can to collect evidence, overtly or covertly. No matter what means you use, you must collect it completely. The more complete the better.

You have to remember that there is only one goal.

There is only one purpose, which is to win.

Why? do you know? "

Ma Wenxuan stood up, lowered his head and replied, "Because Boss Bai can't afford to lose."

"Okay, get to work quickly. It turns out those people can't use it, you can think about it yourself, I won't interfere with you.

But you have to find something that can be used, and you have to think carefully about hiring people. "

After secretary Bai Qingmeng saw Ma Wenxuan, the head of the cost center, leaving, he invited Chen Nianzhen, the director of the compliance department, into Bai Qingting's office.

Bai Qingting asked Chen Nianzhen to report.

Chen Nianzhen’s experienced formal report: “Dear Chairman Bai:

Hello! This time I took my assistant to the three production areas of the First Business Department, Mr. Tao Wumingtao, and invited the heads of the three production areas to talk. I also talked with several project managers and business managers, and I have written records. and recording evidence.

A compliance policy publicity meeting was organized at Mr. Dai Xingfu's office in Linji District, with more than 100 participants.

Chairman Bai, I've finished my report. "

Bai Qingting held back her temper and didn't get angry: "I'm talking about Chen Nianzhen, just Tao Wuming, Mr. Tao, he has so many things going on in the First Business Department, but he doesn't have any problems at all?

It's absolutely impossible. If you have a good conscience, have you ever received any reporting materials?

I have received many reports from here. Do you want me to forward them to you? "

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, said with an embarrassed look: "Boss Bai, you know, anyone can write a report letter, and many of them are anonymous. Have you ever received a report letter with your real name?

I haven't received it anyway. "

Bai Qingting said unhappily: "That reporter was stupid, he didn't tell you until you went to investigate?

Did he tell you everything first?

Doesn’t that mean there’s no problem?

If the person being reported finds the information, wouldn't it be easy for him to be retaliated against? "

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, said: "What do you think we should do, Boss Bai?"

Bai Qingting said: "I don't understand how you, a compliant person, can do this?

I want to know what to do, why should I invite you?

Shouldn't you come up with a real and feasible plan for me?

How can someone actually report it instead of just writing a letter? "

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, said: “If we must investigate, we should send a contact person from the Compliance Department to each district and ask him to send out a notice and wait for others to come looking for us.”

Bai Qingting raised her head and rolled her eyes at Chen Ninzhen, the head of the compliance department: "If you do this, Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, is so powerful there. Don't talk about three points, you only have 30 points, he can do it too He sent thirty people to keep an eye on you, and then everyone came up to report it, so he just happened to catch you, and he didn't even bother to bother."

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the compliance department, wiped his sweat and said: "Boss Bai, please bear with me and think about it carefully."

Bai Qingting decided to add some drama to him. If she didn't scare her, she would think that I was a fool and didn't know anything: "Think about it.

I said Chen Nianzhen, you should think about it carefully.

Don’t think that if you quietly go to the bathhouse together, go to the brothels together, quietly give you some delicious food, drink, fun, and give you some money, everything will be fine? No one knows anything. "

Chen Nianzhen quickly defended: "No, no, absolutely nothing. I definitely never took any money."

Bai Qingting said: "Think about it carefully, what is the annual salary I offer you? If you have something to do, you will get that amount of annual salary, and if you have nothing to do, you will get that amount of annual salary.

With so much money, I can keep it open for you until you retire.

Think about it, if you go out and look for a job again, who can give you an annual salary of hundreds of thousands a year?

If you take tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands from others, you will spoil all my affairs worth hundreds of millions.

Chen Nianzhen, do you still want to do it? If you don’t want to do it, you can get out as soon as possible. "

Chen Nianzhen, the head of the Compliance Department, was frightened by Bai Qingting, thinking that Bai Qingting had obtained the evidence that she had accepted bribes. He immediately woke up, stood up, buried his head very low, and whispered to Bai Qingting: "Boss Bai, I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Please Boss Bai, please be merciful, please forgive me, Boss Bai, I will definitely make up for it later."

Bai Qingting didn't expect that she could get angry so easily and cheat something out. She looked at Chen Nianzhen, the director of the compliance department, with a puzzled look, as if to say, you speak for yourself, you still have to pretend to be serious when necessary. of.

Chen Nianzhen, the head of the Compliance Department, raised his head slightly and glanced at Bai Qingting. Seeing that Bai Qingting was silent, he thought she was being forced to speak.

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, continued to report honestly: "Boss Bai, I was bribed by them.

No, no, no, I was just bribed by him.

However, he was not really bribed by them.

They gave me 500,000 and gave me an assistant 50,000.

The assistant didn't dare to ask for the 50,000 yuan. He kept it with me. I didn't ask for the 500,000 yuan that was given to me. I just took it first and kept it for you. You can do whatever you want.

Boss Bai, I understand clearly that no matter whether they give me 50,000, 500,000, or 1 million, he will make the deal in one fell swoop.

There will never be a company that offers me benefits that are many times worse.

And if I do this, it will definitely ruin my reputation.

Boss Bai, if you give me hundreds of thousands every year, at least I can work for another 10 years or so. I will get the salary of several million, and there will be some bonus at the end of the year, and the options will give me a lot.

My job is easy again, what's wrong with that.

Also respected and feared by others.

There is no need for me to go into their muddy waters.

I've been hesitating what to tell you today.

Who would have thought that Boss Bai, you are extremely wise, you have insight into everything, you know everything.

So, I just said it honestly, you guide me and see what to do. "

Bai Qingting was completely fooled now. Damn it, the good guy made 550,000 as soon as he left. Who wouldn't rebel?

If I don't cheat today, he will get away with it. It's really annoying.

Bai Qingting thought for a while and said: "After all, you are the professional when it comes to compliance. Please give me an opinion.

I don’t want to listen to that kind of high-sounding talk, I want that kind of real practical information, practical information, you know? Good stuff that can produce results. "

Chen Nianzhen, the head of the Compliance Department, wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied cautiously: "I know, I know. Boss Bai, you want practical information. Don't worry, I will report to you only the practical information that I have done and no more.

This is the culmination of decades of professional work.

Guaranteed your satisfaction. "

Bai Qingting: "Don't say nonsense, just say something I can understand.

What are you going to do? How did this work? "

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, stood up straight, straightened the hem of his suit, and mustered up the courage to report: "If Boss Bai hadn't bribed us about this matter, we wouldn't have been able to find a flaw. Now this matter has been Once I find out, I can make an appointment with the person who asked me to handle this matter specifically, which is Dai Xingfu, the production director of Linji District."

"Well, what would you say to Dai Xingfu, the production manager of Linji District?"

"Boss Bai, I can pretend to be real, or pretend to be real.

Talk to him with a voice recorder and record the evidence. "

"Record the evidence? Have you forgotten that they gave you a chance when they gave you 550,000 yuan? Have you recorded the evidence?"

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, slapped his head and said: "Yes, Boss Bai, you are so smart, they chose to tell me in the bathhouse pool.

There is really no way to leave evidence. "

"Then your method is unreliable. Think again."

"Boss Bai, there is no 100 reliable way in this world.

The only way is to find a way to get this thing out while he is paralyzed.

Don't they like to drink?

This time I went to drink Taiwanese wine with them and complain to them.

Just talk about me. Boss Bai found out and insisted on firing me.

And I haven't admitted it yet, Boss Bai, you haven't obtained the evidence yet, and you are still enduring it without finally breaking up.

Ask them how to do it?

What if Boss Bai insists on firing me?

Can I follow them?

See what they say and put his words into words. "

"Old and cunning thing! If you can trap them, just trap them. If you can't trap them, you have to make them unstable and have internal disputes. Do you understand?"

Chen Nianzhen, the head of the Compliance Department, wiped his sweat and said repeatedly: "I understand, I understand. Don't worry, Boss Bai. I will definitely handle this matter well this time and will never let you down."

Seeing that Chen Nianzhen, the director of the compliance department, had already explained it to this extent, Bai Qingting felt that it was almost done: "Chen Nianzhen, if you work hard, if you do well, the 550,000 yuan will be your reward, and I will also reward you additionally.

May you have enough to live a happy old age.

Not good at it, huh!

Don't blame me, don't blame me for being cruel, that 550,000 yuan is a stepping stone for you to go to jail.

From now on, the state will cover all your pension for you. "

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, nodded and agreed, "Okay," and then quickly found a reason to leave Bai Qingting's office.

Just after the head of the compliance department left, Bai Qingmeng hurried in and reported: "Sister Tingting, it's not good.

Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, came here angrily and insisted on meeting you in a hurry. I said there was someone else inside and asked him to wait. He asked who was inside, but I didn't dare to answer him. Later, when he saw Chen Nianzhen, the director of the compliance department, coming out, he was cursing and talking nonsense, and he must be plotting against him behind his back.

What should I do if he looks quite angry? Should I let him in? "

Bai Qingting signaled Bai Qingmeng to turn around and said, "Okay, you can go out.

Qing Meng, remember to make a cup of the best black tea for Mr. Tao. He has a bad stomach. "

Bai Qingmeng hurriedly exited Bai Qingting's office and promised, "Okay, I'll be here right away."

After Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, came in, he angrily pulled up a chair and sat down across from Bai Qingting's desk. He said sarcastically: "My boss Bai, the greater the listed market value of the company now, your ranking The bigger the surface.

Now I have to ask for permission from the secretary to enter your office. If the secretary doesn’t agree, why can’t I come in? It's really weird.

Now, I still don’t believe it. Today I broke into the secretary’s office. Boss Bai, tell me how to deal with me. "

Bai Qingting smiled, suppressed her anger, and said to smooth things over: "You are Mr. Tao Wuming, the most powerful president of the first business unit of Tangtang Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Who dares to stop you from coming to my office because of my secretary? I will give you a privilege from now on. You can enter my office anytime you want.

Can the working friendship between us for more than 20 years be ruined just because of a secretary? If you say it’s Mr. Tao, then that’s definitely not possible, right? "

When Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, heard what Bai Qingting said, his tone softened slightly. He took out a cigarette more boldly and lit it with a "pop".

You know, in the past, smoking was never allowed in Bai Qingting's office. This behavior was a naked demonstration. Tao Wuming blew out a smoke ring leisurely, and then said slowly: "Boss Bai, come in as you like." What do you do in your office? What use do I have with this privilege?"

The anger in Bai Qingting's heart surged up. Ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past, trampling the peaceful grassland in Bai Qingting's heart. The green grassland had turned into gray-black mud, bubbling. A fetid swamp.

Bai Qingting wanted to grab Tao Wuming's collar and angrily ask him: "Why the hell are you doing this to me?

Think about it.

More than 20 years ago, I met you on the roadside and recruited you to my company to work with me.

Did you have anything to eat at that time?

Do you have anything to wear?

If you don’t have any good clothes to wear, I’ll buy them for you.

If you don’t have any good shoes, I’ll buy them for you.

You go out to meet clients and don’t have good clothes, so I’ll give you a suit that my boyfriend can’t bear to wear himself.

At that time, weren't you just a pauper?

Now you have been working with me for more than 20 years. Our Western Construction Co., Ltd. has also been listed. Your annual salary in the company is more than 3 million.

The equity given to you is 10 million original shares, one yuan per share, and you haven’t paid for the purchase of these 10 million original shares. I paid it to you, and I didn’t ask you to pay it back. , it’s for you, you know? It's for you.

I checked today's fruit price this morning, and it's already 300 yuan per share. Now the 10 million original shares you own have a market value of at least 3 billion.

What else do you want?

Do you still want me to take control of Western Construction Co., Ltd.?

Do you want to take away everything that I, Bai Qingting, have?

Is it all given to you and you are still not satisfied? What a heartless thing you are.

Why did I blame you for being such a culprit? Why can't I see you clearly in the first place? "

The other rational Bai Qingting desperately told herself in her heart: "Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down.

When angry, the IQ is equal to 0.

When angry, the IQ is equal to 0.

When angry, the IQ is equal to 0.

Bai Qingting, you must calm down. You must know that you are not just doing this for yourself, but there are 1,000 employees waiting for you to take care of you.

You can't be cowardly, you can't collapse, and you can't do it randomly. "

After struggling painfully, Bai Qingting slowly opened her mouth: "Mr. Tao, I'm sorry, Bai Qingmeng made you angry.

That's my sister, it doesn't matter, I'll call her in, you teach her a lesson. "

After Bai Qingting finished speaking, she looked up and saw Bai Qingmeng hurriedly bringing in black tea to Tao Wuming.

Although there were ten thousand reluctances in his heart, he still scolded Bai Qingmeng angrily: "Sister Qingmeng, I said you are stupid.

Tao Wuming, who is Mr. Tao? Tao Wu and Ming Tao have always been the greatest contributors to our Western Construction Co., Ltd. since its establishment and up to now. Without him, our entire Western Construction Co., Ltd. would not be as glorious as it is now.

When Mr. Tao comes in the future, you must not block him anymore. He can come in at any time. You should quickly apologize to Mr. Tao. "

Bai Qingmeng was stunned for a moment. He put the tea in front of Tao Wuming and stood there with his head lowered without saying anything. He was so unwilling to apologize. Why? He didn't say too much to Tao Wuming. Wasn't he just bullying his boss Bai Qingting?

Bai Qingting saw Bai Qingmeng in a daze and said, "Sister Qingmeng, please apologize to Mr. Tao and go out.

I still have many important things to discuss with Mr. Tao. "

Bai Qingmeng mechanically apologized to Tao Wuming and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Tao, you can enter the chairman's office at any time from now on, and I won't stop you.

Sorry, I'm out. You guys chat. "

Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, said "hum" and stopped talking.

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