Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 741: This may be a trap

Text Chapter 741 This may be a trap

Bai Qingting's hard day's work was over. When she got home, she briefly chatted with Qian Zheng about the struggles in the company over the past few days.

When talking about the business manager who took the initiative to report, Qian Zheng seemed particularly cautious.

I deliberately asked the business manager how many years he had been with Tao Wuming and whether there was any estrangement before.

Through her own recollections, Bai Qingting found out that the business manager was the only one who was recruited in the second or third year when Tao Wuming came to Western Construction Co., Ltd. She couldn't remember the specific number of years. , I have followed Tao Wuming for at least ten years, and I have never heard of any conflicts.

Qian Zheng told Bai Qingting very cautiously: "This may be a trap."

This made Bai Qingting feel inexplicable, and her eyes were full of desire for solutions.

Qian Zheng analyzed for Bai Qingting that if the information reported by the merchant manager about Tao Wuming was true, it must be well-founded and the results could be verified: "With your current evidence, you can find out that there is something wrong with Tao Wuming." Will the results come?"

Bai Qingting carefully recalled her experiences during this period and replied: "I couldn't find anything. I just heard from the business manager that Tao Wuming had a problem."

Qian Zheng then analyzed that if a business manager who had been with Tao Wuming for more than ten years could not do it even if Tao Wuming was asked to follow him well and go to the company to report him, then Tao Wuming would not be able to do it either. It is impossible to develop a business department into the largest business department of Western Construction Co., Ltd. and manage more than 600 people. It is even less likely that you will feel threatened all the time.

Bai Qingting blinked: "Then, why?"

Qian Zheng: "Why? The only possibility is to divert your attention."

Bai Qingting: "Then wouldn't he, the business manager, be harmed by him?"

Qian Zheng: "How can it be so easy to harm this business manager? Once he achieves his goal of diverting attention, your company will pursue him. Tao Wuming will help him find any excuse to excuse him.

It doesn't matter if we don't pursue it. "

Bai Qingting angrily slapped the table and stood up, cursing: "Damn it, this Tao Wuming is so disgusting."

Qian Zheng advised Bai Qingting to calm down. Getting angry can only make people have zero IQ and will not help.

Qian Zheng suggested that Bai Qingting think carefully about what is abnormal during this period, and all abnormal things must be extra careful.

Bai Qingting nodded, agreeing to Qian Zheng's suggestion.

Bai Qingting and Qian Zheng carefully analyzed some major events in the company, including the main communication and consultation content with Xian Qiuju in the future.

We are discussing how to reform the entire company's management system after the Tao Wuming incident is resolved, so that there can no longer be a second or third Tao Wuming dominated by one company.

The night was getting deeper and Bai Qingting was getting tired. Qian Zheng knew that there were still some things that needed to be worked overtime.


When I sleep in spring, I don't realize the dawn, and I can hear the singing of birds everywhere.

The night comes wind and rain, Whispering Colour.

Qian Zheng's investigation is in full swing.

The investigation by Ma Wenxuan, the person in charge of the cost center, revealed that Jiang Taigong was fishing and waiting for those willing to take the bait.

The head of the Compliance Department, Chen Nianzhen, was conducting an intensive investigation to verify the clues provided by the business manager one by one.

A few days later, the office of Bai Qingting, chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, reported: "After almost a week of investigation, Chairman Bai found that the content reported by the business manager who reported Tao Wuming last time did not have any substantive content, and the investigation could not reveal any specific corruption of Tao Wuming** any solid evidence."

Bai Qingting remembered Qian Zheng telling herself that this might be a trap.

But why didn’t Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, know it was a trap when he was in this vortex?

Could it be that her husband Qian Zheng was born with a talent for solving crimes?

Or is it that Chen Nianzhen, the director of the compliance department, and Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, are too involved.

Bai Qingting fell into confusion.

After Bai Qingting listened to Chen Nianzhen, the head of the Compliance Department, finished his report, she raised her head and looked into his eyes: "Chen Nianzhen, have you done your job well? There are so many things and so many rumors, but none of them are true?

Or have you always had an inexplicable relationship with that Tao Wuming?

Or are you saying that the benefits Tao Wuming gave you are too generous?

Or is it that your work ability is very poor and you can't investigate anything?

Do you know that if this continues, I will be under great pressure every day? "

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, stood up, lowered his head and reported carefully: "Chairman Bai, please calm down.

I understand this incident, and Tao Wuming was fully prepared.

No matter what, my compliance department will investigate openly. At least now it has the effect of deterring and deterring those crooked elements.

Now we have been receiving some intermittent reports related to the project, and one of them mentioned that the business manager who came to report Tao Wuming to us was the person least likely to betray Tao Wuming.

Regardless of financial interests or personal feelings, Tao Wuming was extremely friendly to this business manager.

Therefore, our apparent investigation is actually unreliable, but it must be investigated.

I understand that with Tao Wuming's arrangement this time, the business manager is at least a deceiver.

However, I also want to use this as a cover-up to make him think that I am trapped in this trap. When the results of his investigation come out, I'm sure everyone will be fine, but I also took this opportunity to collect more reporting information.

Boss Bai, for the sake of personal safety of our two investigators, I had no choice but to adopt a plan that matched the enemy's advantage.

Those reporting letters were not false this time, at least not entirely.

If you are willing to take a look, I can bring it to you now. "

Bai Qingting's face finally turned gloomy and she said, "Your work has made me worried now. If you have any, bring them to me quickly and I'll take a look first.

I just say a few words all day long, and yet I get deceived by you all over the place. What has become of me? "

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, quickly left Bai Qingting's office to get those reporting letters.

Bai Qingting arranged for Bai Qingmeng to call Qian Zheng and ask him to come to her office quickly.

Qian Zheng arrived at Bai Qingting's office and asked, "Tingting, why are you so anxious to come to me?"

Bai Qingting pointed to the report letter placed in a file box on the desktop and said to Qian Zheng: "This time about the business manager who reported Tao Wuming, it was indeed a trap.

Chen Nianzhen, the director of the Compliance Department, told me just now.

However, he also went to investigate him in a good manner.

I took advantage of this opportunity to investigate and collected a bunch of reporting letters. I just took a look at them, and they said they have noses and eyes.

Do you think it works? "

Qian Zheng nodded, took out the report letters and quickly reviewed them one by one, and found some information that he was interested in. So she said to Bai Qingting: "Tingting, please arrange to make a set of copies of this report letter for me. I will go back and study it."

Bai Qingting asked Bai Qingmeng to make a copy of the report letter in person and gave a copy to Qian Zheng.

Qian Zheng said tentatively: "Tingting, did you only give so many reporting letters to the compliance department? Did Ma Wenxuan, the person in charge of the cost center, read it to him?"

Bai Qingting smiled bitterly and said: "I just learned about this report letter. I haven't decided yet whether I should show it to Ma Wenxuan and let him investigate."

Qian Zheng was sitting on the chair opposite Bai Qingting and suggested more formally: "Tingting, I suggest you ask Ma Wenxuan to hurry up and come to you to read it in person. You can bring a record book.

But don't let him make copies, so that he can write down the information he is interested in, and then he can investigate quickly and find the key points to investigate. Don't conduct a general investigation, as that will definitely lead to no results. "

Bai Qingting agreed: "Okay."

Then he asked Qian Zheng more worriedly: "Brother Zheng, do you think that what Lao Tao did will divert our attention and wipe his butt clean, so that we can't find any problems? "

Qian Zheng smiled and said: "How can such a big thing be wiped clean? There are always traces of large amounts of money coming and going.

Don't worry, just use your normal means to check, and I'll do the rest. "

Bai Qingting asked her secretary to notify Ma Wenxuan, the head of the cost center, to come over.

Qian Zheng quickly left Bai Qingting's office and quickly implemented his most hidden line of investigation.

The person in charge of the cost center, Ma Wenxuan, came, and Bai Qingting followed Qian Zheng's suggestion and made arrangements for Ma Wenxuan.

Ma Wenxuan went through the report letters on Bai Qingting's desk one by one, spending almost several hours, copying some of the more important information, and then said to Bai Qingting: "Chairman Bai, this information is very important.

I will lead another group here, maybe 10 people, instead of 6 groups with 36 people like last time.

This ensures that others cannot buy these people off, and only then can the relevant dynamic cost data be truly investigated and returned clearly. "

Bai Qingting emphasized to Ma Wenxuan again: "Mr. Ma, remember, you are the future president of the cost center. Oh no, you are the president of each center except the financial center. You can think of a name for yourself.

Mr. Ma, please don’t let me live up to my expectations of you again. "

The person in charge of the cost center, Ma Wenxuan, personally selected 10 people this time. Each of them did a unified ideological work, showing that no matter what, it was impossible to accept bribes from others. Ensure that the investigation can be carried out truly. Everyone also voluntarily signed a confidentiality commitment letter to ensure that a true investigation was conducted for the benefit of the company. If there was any violation, they would voluntarily resign. The name was signed and the fingerprint was pressed.

At the beginning, the production leaders of the three areas were still the same, and they sent people to spend money to smooth things over.

It's just that this time, the dynamic cost investigation team led by Ma Wenxuan personally has been investigating Tao Wuming's first business department for 5 days, and still no one has solved it. No one has collected their money, and no one has. People are willing to reveal some reliable information to them.

They carefully checked the cost information of the project department and the corresponding personnel and machine information on site.

According to the report from the person in charge of production below, there are already many problems that cannot match the data and have been brought to the surface.

Now Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, couldn't sit still and took the initiative to visit Bai Qingting, the chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd.

"Boss Bai, you from the cost center are investigating again, and the compliance department is also constantly investigating. What is your purpose? Can we have a talk?"

"We can talk. I have always been in favor of talking to you. But I can't see sincerity from you. One after another, they are all traps prepared for me."

"Boss Bai, I don't think you can figure out the reason if you continue your investigation.

Aren't you afraid that I will break the jar? "

"Mr. Tao, I still believe you when you say that others have broken the jar.

You are a smart person. Think about it, you now own 10 million original shares of Western Construction Co., Ltd., and the current stock price is still 300 yuan per share. How much market value do you have? You have 3 billion.

If you insist on crashing the stock price of Xifeng Construction Co., Ltd. regardless of your feelings, for example, it will become worthless, my loss may be tens of billions, many times more than yours.

But don’t forget that you also have 3 billion, and you can’t keep your 3 billion.

Yes or no?

I'm not the only one who has suffered losses, is that what you mean?

Mr. Tao. "

"I'm not afraid, Boss Bai. Your losses will always be many times greater than mine."

"Mr. Tao, whether you are afraid or not is your business.

We have been working together for over 20 years.

You know my character. I founded this company myself, and I can't possibly hand it over to anyone.

If it really comes to the point where there is absolutely nothing we can do, I am not afraid of letting this company go through the necessary pain, and I will not be able to choose who to hand it over to.

I hope you can understand my determination on this matter. "

"Boss Bai, we have worked together for more than 20 years. You understand my situation, and I naturally understand yours.

We all believe that what the other person says is the truth and not a lie.

Then tell me, can we still have a basis for reconciliation in our current state? "

"What I want is absolute control over Western Construction Co., Ltd. As long as you don't interfere in this, everything can be reconciled."

Tao Wuming, president of the first business unit, believes that he still needs to struggle a little longer. After all, the company has not found any major problems with him and cannot easily do anything to him.

What's more important is that during this period, I have made so much effort and struggle, and I am unwilling to give up and surrender directly.

Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit who had made up his mind, said to Bai Qingting: "Boss Bai, let's take a walk slowly. Looking at the final development trend, I also need to think again.

I also want to do my best to end it peacefully. "

Bai Qingting emphasized: "Mr. Tao, no matter what you think, there is one thing you must make clear. This Western Construction Co., Ltd. is originally mine, not yours."

Tao Wuming, president of the first business unit, did not answer and left Bai Qingting's office in a depressed mood.

Due to the particularity of the engineering industry, these major internal affairs issues must be resolved before the soil thaws.

Otherwise, the internal fighting in the First Business Department will definitely lead to the failure of the owner's instructions to be conveyed normally, and the losses to Western Construction Co., Ltd. will be particularly huge.

Anxious Bai Qingting decided to increase the pressure and speed up the progress.

Arranged for secretary Bai Qingmeng to call Duan Peng, the production manager in Longhei District, and Dai Xingfu, the production manager in Linji District, to make appointments to meet at the company.

Duan Peng, the production manager of Longhei District, came, and Bai Qingting also tried to promote Duan Peng to the vice president of the first business unit. However, Duan Peng gave a satisfactory answer, saying that his overall quality was not suitable, and he was still too tired just to be the person in charge of production in the area. So I have no desire to go up there.

I just want to quietly be the person in charge of production in the area, just do things well for the company and provide good services.

Of course, he must have expressed his gratitude to Bai Qingting, and tactfully rejected the job temptation offered by Bai Qingting.

Dai Xingfu, the production director of Linji District, is different from Duan Peng.

He chose to accept the temptation of Bai Qingting's position.

He also asked when he could start work, which seemed very urgent.

Bai Qingting's answer was also very artistic: "How fast this is depends on how fast you are."

Dai Xingfu, the production manager of Linji District, believes that the matter needs to be clarified: "Boss Bai, if you are willing to promote me to the vice president of the first business unit, do I need to make any specific preparations?"

After Bai Qingting heard this question, she thought for a few seconds and answered simply: "Well, Mr. Dai, don't pretend to be confused because you understand.

You know that during this period, Tao Wuming was not very happy with the company, and he made various preparations.

You have to know that he is your boss, and I am Tao Wuming’s boss.

If you can't go against his will, then he can't go against mine.

This is a very normal principle.

Why, he just can't figure it out?

I think you can convince him. Once you convince him, as long as he agrees to promote you to vice president, I will promote you to vice president.

I actually told him this, but he didn't agree at the time. "

Dai Xingfu, the production manager of Linji District, said: "Then this is easy. We can go back to do Boss Tao's ideological work."

Bai Qingting replied: "Okay, if you finish his ideological work, I will promote you to the vice president of the first business unit."

Dai Xingfu, the production manager of Linji District, said: "Boss Bai, I thought that if this thing could be done so easily, you wouldn't bother to find me anymore.

If this quarrel continues, Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, will definitely be moved. Then the position of president of the first business unit will be vacant. Then what is the use of being a vice president? "

Bai Qingting was willing to give up. She didn't have to agree to how things would develop in the future. She said, "Okay, you just need to discuss with Tao Wuming. He doesn't need to be the president of the first business unit. Then I will let him." You can be the president of the first business unit.

I can also promote Mr. Tao Wu and Ming Tao to a higher level, so that you will have less pressure. "

Dai Xingfu, the head of production in Linji District, said: "No matter what means we use, as long as it is reasonable and legal, is it okay?"

Bai Qingting: "Yes, in principle, these are all internal matters of the company. Let's talk about it and discuss it. Don't make it public. The bottom line is that it doesn't affect the company's stock price.

Otherwise, it will become a tragic situation with nothing. "

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