The bullshit that Mr. Shi has boasted must be corrected immediately.

Because he had already received the call, Bai Qingmeng informed him to meet with Chairman Bai as soon as possible.

Because of the long journey, Shi Youyou called the driver.

After arriving in Kyoto city, Shi Youyou didn't want his driver to know where he was, so he asked the driver to find a hotel to stay.

He drove away by himself.

Through the introduction of secretary Bai Qingmeng, Shi Youyou successfully met Bai Qingting, chairman of Oriental Construction Co., Ltd.

Shi Youyou, head of production in Ningliao District, chatted with Bai Qingting, chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd. for a while.

Finally, he took the initiative to talk about the topic.

"Chairman Bai, last time you reminded me about the certificate of investment.

Alas, what you said was too obscure and profound. I didn't even realize what it meant at the time. Later, I went to ask others for advice. "

"Mr. Shi, after asking for advice, how do you understand it?"

"Boss Bai, my understanding is that everyone should live in peace.

You and Mr. Tao have had a working relationship for the past 20 years.

Several of our regional production managers have been with Mr. Tao for about 10 years. "

"I know, I have talked to Mr. Tao many times. Mr. Tao has also taken the initiative to talk to me many times.

However, there has been no consensus on peaceful coexistence.

He is always struggling. "

Shi Youyou, head of production in Ningliao District, had a long talk with Bai Qingting.

Tell everything that both parties are concerned about and worried about.

Friends Shi realized that Tao Wuming was certain that the president of the first business unit would never be able to sit still.

There is an obsession in my heart, and I still think that I am the most qualified to be the president of the first business unit, and I think that I can replace Tao Wuming's position.

Weighing it over and over in my mind,

Finally decided to tell Bai Qingting.

Shi Youyou took out a few folded copies of copy paper from his handbag and handed them to Bai Qingting with a solemn expression.

Bai Qingting looked at it carefully.

The top one is the bank statements of Ningliao Mingyou Construction Co., Ltd. in the past year.

All income is paid by Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Bai Qingting did a simple calculation in silence and found that the total amount of money sent by Western Construction Co., Ltd. to Ningliao Mingyou Construction Co., Ltd. was 20 million.

In the last few lines, Bai Qingting suddenly discovered that Tao Wuming was the payee and received 12 million.

Bai Qingting then looked back and saw the share agreement of Ningliao Mingyou Construction Co., Ltd.

It clearly states that Shi Youyou holds 30% of the shares and Tao Wuming holds 70% of the shares. The legal person's name is neither Shi nor Tao.

Bai Qingting: "Mr. Shi, I've read the information. You'd better take the initiative to explain it."

Shi Youyou, the head of production in Ningliao District, pulled the hem of his suit, pulled the tie of his suit, twisted his neck, and sighed: "Boss Bai, after I give you this information, there is no turning back." .”

"I know, don't worry, don't have any worries."

"The registered name of this company is Ningliao Mingyou Construction Co., Ltd. There are two shareholders, Shi Youyou accounts for 30% and Tao Wuming accounts for 70%. The legal person is my wife, so my surname is neither Shi nor Tao.

This time, when you returned from an inspection trip to Europe, Mr. Tao Wu Mingtao arranged for all the seals and seals of this company to be received in his hands. These materials were prepared when I reconciled the accounts before. At that time, I had an extra eye and kept a backup.

Otherwise, the words are still unfounded until now. "

"I saw that the total calls from Western Construction Co., Ltd. and Ningliao Mingyou Construction Co., Ltd. were close to 20 million, right?"

"It was 20 million. After receiving the payment, according to Tao Wuming's request, 12 million was directly transferred to his personal account."

"Can you tell me in what name the 20 million yuan from Xifeng Construction Co., Ltd. was paid?"

"Yes, as long as we have this information, we will know after checking the contract signed between the company and him. This is a mountain leather stone purchase contract."

"What's the trick with this contract?"

"The fishiness of this contract would probably not have been discovered if insiders hadn't been aware of the situation."

"Oh, what's going on?"

“His mountain leather purchase contract is the same as the listed quantity of 10,000 cubic meters, but there is no difference in quantity.

But the actual purchase volume is not that large, so the remaining 8 million is basically the real cost, and the extra 12 million is the profit. "

"Mr. Shi, according to what you said, all 12 million yuan was taken away by Tao Wuming. Then 30% of the 12 million yuan profit should be given to you, but the 3.6 million yuan was not given to you. Is this what you mean?"

"Yes, so in fact, although he is the boss, he does not care about the interests of our younger brothers, he only cares about himself.

From this perspective, on the surface, I recognized him as the boss, but on the inside I was still a little unhappy, but there was nothing I could do about it. "

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Shi.

Let me ask you another question. The contract between Western Construction Co., Ltd. and Lin Liangmingyou Construction Co., Ltd. is for the company to be Western Construction Co., Ltd.? "

"If you make money, the gross profit margin of this item is about 35%."

"Then you know, Mr. Tao is a very capable person. His words are equivalent to not harming the interests of the company, but of course he has harmed your interests.

If I talk to him about this, he may not admit it at all.

Do you have any other information that is more detrimental to him? "

Bai Qingting's questions and worries were both expected and unexpected by Shi Youyi.

Friend Shi replied: "Boss Bai, I always think this information is the most reliable.

If Mr. Tao can't do anything about this, it will be very difficult to deal with.

Well, let's do this. I'll go back and think about it and collect it.

Let's see if there's anything more detrimental to him, okay? "


Shi Youyou left Bai Qingting's office.

After getting off the office building of Western Construction Co., Ltd., I called Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit.

The two agreed on a time and place to meet.

Friends Shi knew that if he did not give Tao Wuming a clear explanation for what he was doing now, it would definitely be unbearable for him once Tao Wuming found out about it.

So I simply chose to confess proactively.

There was still a last glimmer of hope in Shi Youming's heart, hoping that Tao Wuming would give in under Bai Qingting's current pressure and allow him to take advantage of the situation.

In the study room of Tao Wuming's home.

As soon as Mr. Shi entered, he knelt down to Tao Wuming with tears streaming down his face.

Tao Wuming was also startled, and quickly stepped forward and pulled Shi Youyou up alive and cursed: "Tmd, what are you doing?

Now you know you regret it, kneeling is useless.

You give me a seat and sit down.

If there is anything we two brothers can talk about. "

Friends Shi's eyes were full of tears and he cried softly: "Brother, I'm sorry for you."

"Sorry, I?

Then tell me, how many times have you done something sorry for me? "

"Brother, just once, just once today, just once today, I took the initiative to find Boss Bai."

"Friend Shi, you are my little brother. If you secretly meet my boss without telling me, does that count as sorry for me? Can it be counted once?"

"Yes, whatever the big brother says, it will be calculated."

"You stupid coward, if I ask you, just tell me how to calculate.

Then let me ask you, did you go see Boss Bai alone a few days ago? "

Friend Shi slapped his head and pretended to suddenly realize. He knew that Tao Wuming had great supernatural powers. Since he had already asked, there was probably some way to get the information. Instead of keeping it secret, it was better to explain it honestly. There was still one missing person in his heart. Feeling guilty: "Boss is wise, and Boss's news is really powerful.

I didn't mean to hide it. I thought it was Boss Bai who took the initiative to find me that time. It doesn't count. Since the boss said it should be counted, then let's count it.

I don’t know what she was going to say to me, and I really didn’t say anything to him that time. "

"Good morning, my friend Shi.

You're already here, but you still want to go around in circles with me, right? "

Shi Youyou and Tao Wuming had in-depth communication and exchanges.

Friend Shi persuaded Tao Wuming to give up the position of President of the First Business Unit under the current situation. In this case, Bai Qingting also promised to move Tao Wuming's position up. Then the best result is that Friend Shi might get The replacement of the position of president of the first business unit also had a close result, that is, the original production heads of the three regions were promoted to vice presidents of the business unit, and they still managed their own affairs.

In this case, these projects are still in the hands of our own people, and some of the tail parts that have not been completed can still be improved.

If the struggle continues like this and forces Bai Qingting to send more project managers and business managers to replace personnel starting from the middle level, some of the things buried in the front will be gradually discovered, and the problems will be more and more complicated. .

In addition, because Tao Wuming owns too much equity, it is impossible to choose to have a particularly tense relationship with Western Construction Co., Ltd., and it is impossible to drag the company's stock down. This is the bottom line that both parties must adhere to.

Tao Wuming means that he understands this truth, but he is unwilling to do so.

Friend Shi said: "There is a piece of ancient prose. I have been unable to understand many things recently, so I have to read more books and memorize it.

Boss, think about it carefully when you are free.

I will recite it to you now:

When the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden; when the cunning rabbit dies, the lackeys are cooked. The King of Yue was a man with a long neck and a beak, so he could share adversity with him, but he could not share happiness with him. Why don't you go? "

Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, teased Shi Youyou: "Oh, hey, he's such a rough guy, but he's still trying to be polite."

"Boss, I feel like this text was written for this moment in time for those of us."

Friends Shi left Tao Wuming's home with a sense of sadness.

When Bai Qingting returned home, Qian Zheng came up to greet Bai Qingting as usual.

Bai Qingting told Qian Zheng what she had experienced in the company office one day.

Particular mention was made of the certificate of nomination brought by Shi Youyou, the head of production in the Ningliao area. He explained clearly to Qian Zheng the 20 million incident involving Ningliao Mingyou Construction Co., Ltd.

Qian Zheng's suggestion was that Bai Qingting could make an appointment with Tao Wuming to talk about Ningliao Mingyou Construction Co., Ltd. at work.

Although this is not particularly fatal to him, it does not need to be particularly fatal.

If Tao Wu knew the difficulty and retreated, the matter would be over. There is no need to tell Tao Wuming about the other problems that have been dug up, as long as the goal is achieved.

Bai Qingting asked Qian Zheng how the secret investigation was going?

Qian Zheng explained that it would take another two or three days, and asked Bai Qingting to push ahead normally. If he was really unsure, he would use the information he had investigated through secret lines.

Because Qian Zheng knew his secret line, the information discovered during the investigation would definitely be enough to put others in jail, but this was not their goal.

They don't want it to end in a dead end.

According to their daily routine, Bai Qingting and Qian Zheng discussed having children again.

Office of Bai Qingting, Chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Bai Qingting arranged for her secretary Bai Qingmeng to notify Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, to come over.

The two exchanged polite greetings.

He entered into an intense war of words again.

When Bai Qingting got angry, she threw the petition submitted by her friend Shi to Tao Wuming.

He cursed: “Look, look.

This is a good thing you did, and you said righteously that you have no problem, no problem.

Is this 20 million thing considered a problem?

Does it take 200 million or 20 billion to be a problem? "

Tao Wuhan, president of the first business unit, picked up the information thrown by Bai Qingting. When he saw that the company name was Ningliao Mingyou Construction Co., Ltd., he was confused and stood there in a daze.

Tao Wuming cursed in his heart, my bastard friend Shi, you bastard will have no friends in the future, and all your friends will die.

You don't have good intentions in choosing this fucking last name.

Even when I came to my house yesterday, I didn't even tell me about this matter. I was caught off guard by Bai Qingting's behavior today.

See how I deal with you when I come back.

But the most important thing now is to think about how to face Bai Qingting.

Tao Wuming carefully turned over the information that Bai Qingting had thrown over him, and again and again, taking a little time, and his face was ashen.

Bai Qingting is not in a hurry and will see how you perform.

Tao Wuming finally finished reading the information slowly.

Tao Wuming recalled what the Ningliao Mingyou Construction Co., Ltd. had done specifically, and it seemed that it only did a mountain skin stone.

Tao Wuming recalled that at that time, because the amount of the project he was facing was the same as the amount of work he was facing, he had to find someone to help him.

Tao Wuming couldn't help laughing, feeling so smart.

He smiled and said to Bai Qingting: "Boss Bai, what do you think this is?"

Bai Qingting said angrily: "Tao Wuming, Tao Wuming, your face is thicker than that of the Great Wall, right?

Such clear information has been produced, but you still ask me what the problem is?

Doesn't this prove that you embezzled 12 million yuan? "

Tao Wuming replied: "I said, Boss Bai, why are you so naive? If you want to embezzle 12 million yuan, can I pay it directly to my card?"

When you ask this question, is your IQ online? "

Bai Qingting was so angry that she slapped the table: "Well, Tao Wuming, please explain it clearly to me. If you can't explain it clearly, see how I deal with you."

Tao Wuming chuckled and said: "Chairman Bai, I remember reporting this to you at the time. I said that the amount of their mountain skin stone project is really stuck on us. We need to increase the amount to whatever amount it is." , and then how much is the approximate amount, we expect to pay some fees to others. I told you this matter, don't you have no impression at all, don't you want to admit it now? "

Bai Qingting patted her head, feeling something like this vaguely in her head, thinking that the ball was over now.

But we can’t give up so easily. If tmd wants to get out 12 million in one go, will I not be impressed?

I haven't changed to such a generous level yet.

Bai Qingting calmed down and asked slowly: "I told you, Mr. Tao, don't use this to make a fool of yourself. This is 12 million. Did you tell me what you were going to use it for? Tell me. Have you spent such a large amount? Now tell me how you used the 12 million?"

Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, saw that Bai Qingting finally remembered that she had said something about this matter, and he felt a little confident and said: "I am a business unit president. I will tell you the meaning and direction of this matter." Just take a moment and that's it.

You see, when we go out to look for other people to do things now, we haven’t asked you to sign this, right? It’s all decided by the president of the business unit.

I have given this to others, do you want to ask them one by one?

If necessary, I can make a list for you, okay?

Bai Qingting smiled and said: "I didn't sign. If anyone wants to tell me that this kind of special funding exceeds 500,000 yuan, I won't sign. If I don't remember it, I won't recognize it."

Tao Wuming knew that this matter had been hidden from the public and he had made it clear to him.

Now it was Bai Qingting's turn to figure it out, so she stood up and said, "Boss Bai, I will make it clear to you today about the 12 million.

If you want a list today, I will write it to you.

If you want it today, if you want it another day, I might not be able to remember who it is for. "

Bai Qingting slapped the table and cursed loudly: "Fuck, you know how to take advantage of loopholes. Who doesn't know that you are taking advantage of loopholes? How dare you swear? Do you dare to swear to God? Do you dare to swear poison?"

Tao Wuming, the president of the first business unit, laughed and said: "Boss Bai, we are all senior executives of listed companies, not ordinary executives with an annual salary of one million. Don't do such vulgar things, such as swearing and swearing, What’s the point? Huh? I’m leaving and bye.”

After Tao Wuming left the office, Bai Qingting was so angry that she pushed all the information on the table under the large desk with a loud bang. Damn, the bastard Tao Wuming is so annoying. He is cheating me like this. This 12 million is just like this. He was brought out so blatantly, and he was so helpless that he was so irritating, so irritating.

"Going crazy!" Bai Qingting roared at the top of her lungs.

The secretary Bai Qingmeng was so frightened that she ran in quickly and was about to comfort Bai Qingting.

He saw Bai Qingting gesturing for her to go out.

Bai Qingmeng left quickly and called Qian Zheng, asking him to come quickly.

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