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Nanhai Area Nanshan Project Department, Zhao Manfu’s Office.

Zhang Yunqing came to Zhao Manfu's office with the "Notice on the Implementation of KPI Assessment for All Employees" and a series of attachments that had just been downloaded and printed from the intranet, in triplicate.

Project manager Zhou Wencheng was already waiting there, boiling water to make tea.

Zhang Yunqing asked to drink boiled water. He was not used to drinking green tea and would get stomachache for no reason.

The three of them each carefully read the "Notice on the Implementation of KPI Assessment for All Employees" and a series of attachments.

After the three of them read it, they all looked confused and felt like they didn't understand it.

As a last resort, this was a document officially released by Western Construction Co., Ltd., and it was a form document that everyone was required to fill in. I had to re-read it two or three times.

Zhou Wencheng scolded: "Isn't he just an engineer?

Isn't it a waste of time to prepare these useless forms all day long?

In addition, these forms must be filled out by every employee.

The three of us here are now leaders. I have watched it three or four times anyway.

I don't understand how to fill it out.

Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhang, you two leaders, please give me some advice on how to fill it out. "

Zhao Manfu was more steady and coughed a few times: "Well, I'm still researching, you can discuss it with Yun Qing for a while first.

Let's see how to fill it out, and then we'll discuss it.

Don't panic, don't be hasty. "

Zhou Wencheng glanced at Zhang Yunqing and said, "Mr. Zhang, why are you still doing this?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, I have never done this KPI before.

I checked online and found that KPI is not forcibly determined and issued by superiors, nor is it formulated by the position itself. Its formulation process is completed by the participation of superiors and employees, and it is a reflection of the consensus reached by both parties.

It is not a tool for pressing down,

It is the common understanding of the job performance requirements of the relevant personnel in the organization.

The full English name of KPI is KeyPerformanceIndicator.

KPI translated into Chinese is called key performance indicator.

It is a target-based quantitative management indicator that measures process performance by setting, sampling, calculating, and analyzing key parameters at the input and output ends of an organization's internal processes. It is a tool for decomposing an enterprise's strategic goals into operable work goals. , is the basis of enterprise performance management.

KPI can be the department head clarifying the main responsibilities of the department, and based on this, clarifying the performance measurement indicators of department personnel.

Establishing a clear and feasible KPI system is the key to good performance management.

Key performance indicators are quantitative indicators used to measure staff performance and are an important part of performance plans.

The KPI method conforms to an important management principle - the "Twenty-Eight Principle".

In the value creation process of an enterprise, there is an "80% 20%" rule, that is, 20% of the key personnel create 80% of the enterprise's value; and the "28 principle" also applies to every employee, that is, 80% % of work tasks are completed by 20% of key behaviors.

Therefore, it is necessary to seize 20% of the key behaviors, analyze and measure them, so as to grasp the focus of performance evaluation. "

Zhou Wencheng took a sip of tea and said, "I say your business people are annoying, but you usually refuse to accept it and say that I have serious prejudice against your business people.

Mr. Zhao, let’s judge.

I asked how to fill in this form?

Zhang Yunqing, Mr. Zhang, told me so much when he had nothing to do after he was full.

It's not like he learned some crooked theories somewhere. "

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "When I heard it, I thought what he said was pretty good.

Where did you get so much knowledge? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "You just heard it, but you still insist on asking for the source?

Let me ask you a question. When you spend money, have you ever asked which banknote printing factory printed the money you are about to use? "

Zhou Wencheng smiled and said, "Aren't you deliberately trying to make excuses?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "I just made a metaphor. If what I said is wrong, you can just pretend that I didn't say it."

Zhao Manfu put down the information in his hand and said: "Don't tell me, this form is full of blanks, and it was sent to us without even filling in an example."

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "These people, who are mostly manpower, treat us as guinea pigs."

Zhou Wencheng replied: "By the way, this is issued by the human resources department. Please call the human resources department immediately and ask for advice. Maybe there is a solution."

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "We can bet that our business department's manpower must not be fully understood yet."

Zhou Wencheng: "Why are you so sure?"

Zhang Yunqing: "Because the document issued is vague and unclear, and naturally it is something that no one fully understands.

If my prediction is correct, this time it is equivalent to sending a draft to everyone for comments.

Everyone must have a lot of various opinions and ideas, and then they collect them, blend them together, and then give everyone a template content specified by the company.

At that time, it is truly a content that all of us can fill in. "

Zhou Wencheng: "So much is all my own speculation.

If you make a call and ask, you won't miss a piece of meat, right? "

Zhang Yunqing: "If I have to fight, I'll use the hands-free method. Let's all listen and see what the people in charge will say to us."

Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone and made a hands-free call to Li Wenwen from the human resources department and asked: "Gong Li, I have a question for you."

"Gong Zhang, what's the problem?"

"The company just issued the "Notice on the Implementation of KPI Assessment for All Employees" and a series of attachments. Have you seen it?"

"I saw it, what's wrong?"

“We have several colleagues here in the Nanhai area and we studied it together.

I feel like I don’t understand it, how should I fill it in?

Did the company's issuing department provide you with a sample form to fill out? "

"Gong Zhang, this matter just came out.

I just finished reading the document.

Anyway, I don’t know if there is a sample form until now. "

"Oh, that's how it is.

Could you please go find the department that issued the document and ask how to fill in these complicated forms? It would be best if you could provide a sample form first. "

"Okay, I'll call you back after I've made it clear."

Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with HR Li Wenwen.

He looked at Zhou Wencheng and Zhao Manfu: "How about it, Mr. Zhou, Li Wenwen from Human Resources didn't know how to fill it out. If you had made a bet just now, you would definitely lose."

Zhou Wencheng: "What should we do now?"

Zhang Yunqing: "According to my understanding, it is best for us to ask every employee to download this form file and study it. We can discuss it with each other. Everyone fills it in according to their own understanding, but every employee must submit it to his or her superior." The leader will discuss whether the content of the filled-in form is appropriate.

In this case, no matter what we do, everyone can always fill out a form and submit it to the company first.

The company says it's right and it's best if we agree. If we don't agree, just let us change it.

Otherwise, this work seems to be difficult to start at present. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Okay, I agree with Mr. Zhang's opinion.

Mr. Zhao, what do you think? "

Zhao Manfu: "Let's follow Zhang Yunqing's advice first."

Zhou Wencheng posted a notice in the QQ work group: "Notice: All formal employees of the Nanshan Project Department are asked to go to the company intranet to download the "Notice on the Implementation of KPI Assessment for All Employees" and a series of attachments, and discuss with their superiors how to fill it out. , the time requirement is to complete and submit the spreadsheet file to the project production manager Xu Kun within one week.”

Zhao Manfu sent a notice to Song Xiaoshan on QQ that Zhou Wencheng had sent in the QQ work group, and called Song Xiaoshan to ask him to send such a notice to the Bowan project.

Zhou Wencheng asked Zhang Yunqing: "Has the matter of material procurement Wang Ming been resolved?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It's a very simple question. I asked Hua Baiyun, and Hua Baiyun said he was afraid that I had made a mistake.

Let me find Lei Zhao, the person in charge of materials, to help review.

I sent the contract and construction drawings of the stainless steel railings for the disabled ramp to Lei Zhao, the material manager, and clearly told him that the unit price of the 50 stainless steel pipe should not be 380 yuan per meter, but 38 yuan per meter.

During this period, I called Lei Zhao every day to ask about the situation.

He always gave me excuses and never gave me a clear result. "

Zhou Wencheng asked: "If your calculation is definitely correct, do you still need him to confirm it?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Of course they need to confirm.

I have already brought it up to Hua Baibai, because this serious mistake was made by Wang Ming in material procurement, and I requested that Wang Ming be fired. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "So, now I have spent hundreds of years to protect the king's name from being expelled, and let Lei Zhao, the person in charge of materials, help block this thunder."

Zhang Yunqing laughed and said: "Hahahaha, how could you possibly stop such an obvious mistake?

Anyway, if he wants to solve this mine blocking issue from the level of settling accounts, he has to communicate with me, and it will definitely not be solved.

The mistake was clearly made. "

Zhou Wencheng: "Then if you urge Lei Zhao for material procurement again, just say I am urging him. How will he answer you?"

Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone and made a hands-free call to Lei Zhao, the person in charge of materials: "Mr. Lei, this is Zhang Yunqing from Nanhai District.

Today, Nanshan project manager Zhou Wencheng asked Wang Ming about material procurement again. He demanded that the serious deviation in the unit price of the stainless steel railings for the disabled ramp must be rectified as soon as possible.

Because this matter involves the payment issue faced by the stainless steel railing manufacturer of the disabled ramp. "

Lei Zhao, the person in charge of material procurement, replied on the phone: "Gong Zhang, I checked that his calculations are correct.

It works out to 380 yuan per meter. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, Mr. Lei, you can say that.

Do you have any calculation formula?

Can you send it to me for a look? "

Lei Zhao: "I just counted it casually and threw it away."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Okay.

Mr. Lei, you said your calculation formula was thrown away.

I also admitted it.

However, I also calculated my calculation formula for the price of 38 yuan per meter and sent you a photo.

Have you checked and found out if there is anything wrong with my calculation formula?

If there is anything wrong, please tell me. If there is nothing wrong, please tell Mr. Hua.

The opinion of our Nanhai District is to fire the material procurement king.

This mistake was his, and he has to take responsibility for it. "

Lei Zhao said: "Zhang Gong, if you have to spare others, please spare them.

Besides, it’s not up to you to decide whether to fire someone or not.

Even the Nanhai area you mentioned is not something you can represent.

That's what Mr. Zhao can represent, right? "

Zhang Yunqing: "Mr. Lei, you are right, I have no right to expel Wang Ming.

Then I will always have the right to suggest that the king be expelled, right? "

Lei Zhao: "I don't know about this."

Zhang Yunqing: "Mr. Lei, you have to remember that if this king cannot be fired, the Nanhai District will definitely not use him. If you think someone like him is available, please quickly find a way to transfer him away."

Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Lei Zhao, the person in charge of materials.

He raised his head and looked at Nanshan Project Manager Zhou Wencheng: "Mr. Zhou, the communication today is relatively smooth.

In the past, communication was to just find a reason to hang up the phone.

You heard that the calculation formula he calculated was to throw it away. If he could really calculate 380 yuan per meter, could he throw it away?

Why didn't he call me right away, show me the calculations, and then scold me?

I asked him to review my calculation formula, but he never answered the question directly on the phone.

If you talk about things here and there, just go to other places. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "I understand, it seems that the original contract price must be wrong.

Mr. Zhao, Wang Ming cannot be fired in such a serious situation?

There is also a hammer head in this Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Everyone keeps cooking like this all day long, and within a few seconds, the company has been overturned? "

Zhao Manfu replied helplessly: "I think job transfer is the easiest to implement. After all, our rights in the area are still relatively small.

The power of appointment and dismissal of personnel is controlled by the business department, and the people in the business system are within the jurisdiction of Hua Hundred Years.

If he doesn't agree to be dismissed as king, it will probably be difficult for us to do so.

You can't just find someone to fight with Hua Hundred Years every day just for the sake of this king's name.

We are not such a mess in the workplace. "

After Lei Zhao, the person in charge of materials, ended his phone call with Zhang Yunqing, he knew that it was not an option to drag this matter on like this.

I came to Hua Baibai's office and made a detailed report to Hua Baibai on the fact that Zhang Yunqing had been calling him every day during the recent period to urge the Nanshan Project to verify the stainless steel railings for the disabled ramp and the incorrect price of 50 stainless steel tube handrails.

He also put forward his own suggestions: "Mr. Hua, this Zhang Yunqing's spirit is really good.

I have been obsessed with this matter.

Today we also made it clear that if we do not agree with their dismissal of Wang Ming, let us quickly transfer Wang Ming. Anyway, it is impossible for them to use Wang Ming in the Nanhai area anymore.

I can't stand the rhythm of him calling me every day.

The key is indeed that the unit price of our contract is wrong, and there is no way to answer it from a technical level.

So, my suggestion is, Mr. Hua, you should call Mr. Zhao Manfu and Mr. Zhao to discuss this matter.

Let everyone stop pursuing it. We should transfer that Wang Ming away. If we don't transfer him, they will definitely not be able to work. "

After Hua Baibai lowered his head and thought for a while, he said to Lei Zhao: "Okay, I understand. You go and do your work. I will handle this matter."

Just as Zhao Manfu, Zhou Wencheng, and Zhang Yunqing were discussing the Wang Ming incident, Hua Baibai called Zhao Manfu.

Zhao Manfu put his hand on his mouth and hissed, and said softly: "Hua Baihun's phone, please don't say anything."

Zhao Manfu pressed the connect button on his cell phone, and Hua Baibai's voice came from the receiver: "Mr. Zhao has something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter? Mr. Hua, please tell me."

"Lei Zhao came to me just now and told me that Zhang Yunqing called him every day, just talking about the king's name.

I also took a look at his contract. The contract amount is only several hundred thousand, how big a deal is it? Is it necessary to pursue it this way? "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Mr. Hua, if it's normal and he wants to be held accountable, he can be fired.

When Zhang Yunqing proposed to fire him, I didn't express any objection. It was a reasonable request. "

After spending a hundred years listening to Zhao Manfu answer him on the phone, I knew that communicating with Zhao Manfu like this was meaningless and would only make the quarrel between the two people worse.

So I spent a hundred years to put it another way: "Mr. Zhao, your two project departments currently don't have a material person, so don't you need a material person?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "Of course we need material workers, but we don't need material workers like Wang Ming who cost the company so much money.

If we can just find someone to do it and do the material clerk's job, we won't lose so much. In addition to the new material clerk, you can also find a company to recruit again. "

Hua Baibai replied speechlessly: "Okay, so what you mean is that you can agree to transfer Wang Ming away from your area."

Zhao Manfu replied: "It would be better if Mr. Hua had a suitable place to transfer him."

Hua Baibai replied: "Okay, then you wait for me to contact you and I will get back to you in the next two days."

After Zhao Manfu waited for Hua Baiyin to hang up the phone, he said to Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng: "Look, Hua Baiyin called me, and it was pretty much what I expected.

It is simply impossible for us to agree to expel this royal name. "

Zhang Yunqing: "Oh, it's normal to disagree with your dismissal of Wang Ming.

After all, who originally said it, I remembered it was Yu Shengjie.

Yu Shengjie specifically said that this person is a person who has spent hundreds of years.

We now need to find Hua Baihun again. Of course he does not agree with you firing his own people. "

Zhou Wencheng: "Mr. Zhao must not be lenient at all this time.

If the business units are divided and he doesn't transfer his people quickly, then he will have to wait until the business units are completely divided. If he can't control us, we will directly fire Wang Ming for him. .

So now he must find a way to transfer people away quickly. "

Zhao Manfu smiled and pointed at Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng and said: "Hua Baibai has not dealt with either of you very well. After the business division is divided, he must know that you two are going to attack Wang Ming.

When Hua Baiyuan called me today, it was obvious that he was lying down and could not be as tough as before. "

Zhou Wencheng: "Mr. Zhao, what does lying down mean?"

Zhao Manfu chuckled and explained: "Oh, lying down is roughly equivalent to the northern meaning of giving in."

Zhou Wencheng felt that he understood.

It was relatively late that night, and Zhao Manfu received a call from Hua Baibai: "Mr. Zhao, we will arrange for Wang Ming, the material purchaser, to be transferred to Tan Yutang's Xishan area tomorrow."

Zhao Manfu replied: "Okay, I'll ask Zhang Yunqing to arrange for someone to take over his work."

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