Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 755: Major changes in the Bowan Project

Text Chapter 755 Major changes in the Bowen project (please vote for recommendation)

Zhang Yunqing woke up early in the morning and when he came to his workstation in the office of the Ministry of Commerce, he received a call from Zhao Manfu: "Yunqing, late last night, Mr. Hua called me to inform me that he had arranged for Wang Ming, a material purchaser, to be transferred to the Xishan area of ​​​​Tan Yutang. "

"Oh, then I'll come to your office to discuss it."


Zhang Yunqing arrived at Zhao Manfu's office and discussed: "Mr. Zhao, in this case, who will be arranged to take over the material procurement work of Wang Ming?"

Zhao Manfu smiled and said: "This is your business, shouldn't you have an opinion first before telling me?"

Zhang Yunqing: "Then my opinion is to temporarily transfer the budget to Jin Haoran over there. But, but."

Zhao Manfu: "It's just what? I'm just afraid that people won't accept it, right?"

Zhang Yunqing nodded silently.

Zhao Manfu joked: "When I wanted to drive others away, I was so anxious to push them away. Now that they are really driven away, no one will pick up, right?

There is nothing to be afraid of if no one picks you up. You can go and pick it up yourself. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, this is the worst case scenario.

But what I think is that we should put forward some recruitment plans early.

The Bowen project will also need to recruit at least one budget clerk and one materials clerk.

What do you think? "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Okay, please communicate with the human resources and see how this situation can be rectified."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay.

I actually have an apprentice, should I hire him as a budget clerk? "

Zhao Manfu: "How are you doing?"

Zhang Yunqing: "He is honest and serious."

Zhao Manfu asked: "Can you prepare these budgets for our company?"

Zhang Yunqing: "Yes, I have done computer calculations for housing construction, and have done all these things like making lists and controlling prices.

After coming to our company, all you need to do is familiarize yourself with some of the company's rules and regulations. "

Zhao Manfu: "Then contact the human resources and see how we can bring him in."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, I still need to discuss it with the other party to see if they agree."

Zhao Manfu: "Okay, as long as you think there is no problem."

After Zhang Yunqing left Zhao Manfu's office, he found a secluded place and called Zhao Guixiang: "Guixiang, are you okay in Xichuan now?"

"Gong Zhang, it went well."

"I think that what you are doing now is not a long-term solution. Although it is of some small benefit to me, it may not be good for your future development.

I would like to introduce you to work at Western Construction Co., Ltd. Are you interested? "

"Where are you going?"

"If you come, you'd better work with me and work as an estimator on a construction project in the Nanhai area."

"Is the project big?"

"It's not big, it's estimated to be between 50 million and 100 million."

"What about the diplomas and qualifications that his company requires?

Do I meet the requirements? "

"I originally asked. According to human resources, your situation is a bit uncertain.

But if you are willing to come, ask Mr. Zhao Manfu and Mr. Zhao to agree to recommend it, and I guess the manpower will acquiesce. "

"Then, Gong Zhang, it's up to you.

If it goes well, I'll come. "

"Okay, if that's the case, I've discussed the matter with Western Construction Co., Ltd. here.

I still need to come back and check with the original cost consulting company about the matters you handled.

During this period, you should consciously take on fewer projects entrusted by Party A. "

"Okay, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Yunqing called Li Wenwen from the human resources department again: "Engineer Li, Wang Ming, our material clerk for the Bowan project, needs to be transferred to the Xishan area. Do you know what the procedures are?"

"I have sent the job transfer procedures to Wang Ming. After he fills out the form, he will ask the recipient to sign, then ask the project manager to sign, ask you to sign, and ask the area production leader to sign, and then he will be transferred out of your area.


"Can you send me this job transfer form?

It is also convenient for me to arrange the subsequent work. "

"Okay, I will send you the offline file on QQ after the phone call is over."



In this case, there will be no material technicians in our area for the time being.

We still need to recruit a materials person, what should we do? "

"Just submit the talent recruitment demand list."


Jin Haoran, the estimator of our Bowan project, will definitely be transferred to work for Mr. Lei Bin in the future. This matter has been talked about for a long time.

We still need to recruit a budget clerk here, otherwise there will be no budget clerk after Jin Haoran leaves. "

"Gong Zhang, just mention the talent recruitment requirements list together."


Isn’t it currently in the process of dividing business units?

Should we look to you for this recruitment matter, or should we look to someone else? "

"Gong Zhang, until you receive confirmation from the company, you should give me your recruitment needs."


If I have someone to recommend, how can I give it to you? "

"Send me the contact number of his resume, and I will contact him. You will conduct an interview. Once successful, you can apply for the job."

"Okay, but as for the time to join, it probably won't be that fast. It will take a month or two of buffer time."

"Okay, anyway, you have reserves. If we discuss it first, we may be able to make it in time for the handover."

“Okay, Gong Li.

Does this resume just need a fixed company template format? "

"No need, he first found a random template and filled it out for me to see. Once it's ready, when going through the company entry procedures, just fill in and sign our company's format form."

Zhang Yunqing called Zhao Guixiang and asked him to prepare his resume before sending it to him.

Zhang Yunqing returned to Zhao Manfu's office and reported to Zhao Manfu that Zhao Guixiang was willing to work as an estimator for the company's Bowen project, and that HR Li Wenwen had agreed to recommend Zhao Guixiang. He would wait for the interview to see the result.

He also mentioned by the way that Human Resources Li Wenwen had already sent the job transfer form to Wang Ming of Material Purchasing, and invited Zhao Manfu to come to the Bowen Project to have a look.

Zhao Manfu readily agreed.

Zhang Yunqing returned to the office, printed out a copy of the job transfer form sent by Li Wenwen, put it in his computer bag, and told Yu Danzhen and Li Xixuan that he was going to Bowan and would stay for a day or two before returning to the Nanshan project.

Yu Danzhen also asked about when the work handover will be carried out.

Zhang Yunqing could only reply that he would have to wait a little longer, and Hua Hundred Years had yet to give a clear reply.

Yu Danzhen looked unhappy, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

Zhang Yunqing has no choice. This problem cannot be solved for the time being. It is very likely that the final work handover will fall on him again.

After Zhang Yunqing packed his luggage and put it in the trunk of the car, he was about to call Zhao Manfu when he saw him dragging his suitcase and humming a tune.

After the two were ready, Zhang Yunqing drove off to the Bowen project.

There is a highway between these two projects. The key point is that the highway here does not charge fees and there are no toll stations. This is a point that makes both Zhang Yunqing and Zhao Manfu quite satisfied.

Running on such a highway is not only fast, but also convenient.

It eliminates the payment link and reduces a lot of traffic jam factors.

Basically, I have never encountered traffic jams on the highway in the Nanhai area.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly and the wind was gentle.

Spring is here, and various plants on the roadside have sprouted new buds and grown green leaves, creating a thriving scene.

The countless coconut trees on the roadside highlight the unique style of the Nanhai area.

Zhang Yunqing has been thinking about what would happen if a car passed by and was hit by a suddenly falling coconut.

The answer given by the locals is that it is impossible.

The coconut is not easy to cut with a knife, so how can it fall naturally?

Zhang Yunqing discussed with Zhao Manfu again the handover of material procurement work on the road.

It took more than an hour's drive and arrived quickly.

After Zhang Yunqing and Zhao Manfu took their luggage to their dormitories and settled down, they came to Zhao Manfu's office in the Bowen Project together.

Zhao Manfu first notified the project manager Song Xiaoshan.

Inquire about the recent work on the Bowen project.

Song Xiaoshan reported on the main situation of the Bowen project.

What Su Xiashan was worried about about the cost of the Bowan Project of the Comba Group a few years ago has turned into reality. The headquarters sent the cost manager Zheng Feng, who is now Su Xiashan’s superior, and also hired a cost consultant from the Comba Group. Company, I heard that the person in charge is a woman, but I haven’t seen her yet.

This resulted in the original settlement review work of the Bowen Phase I project being completely stopped. It was necessary to wait for people from the Cost Consulting Company of Comba Group to come in before the review could start normally.

In other words, the settlement review work of the Bowen Phase I project has completely lost the opportunity for Su Xiashan to review and decide alone.

Zhang Yunqing asked: "With so many major changes, why didn't Jin Haoran tell me about them?"

Song Xiaoshan replied: "How can he tell you?

I have been going to Party A's office every day during this period, and I have never heard of this situation.

Today, people have already arrived, and Su Xiashan took the initiative to tell me. "

Zhang Yunqing smiled and expressed his understanding.

Zhao Manfu talked about the serious price problem with the stainless steel purchased by Wang Ming in the Nanshan project. The Nanhai District had decided not to use him. He was originally prepared to fire Wang Ming, but Hua Baibai disagreed and asked to be transferred.

Come today to arrange the work handover procedures.

Zhang Yunqing also expressed his intention to ask budget clerk Jin Haoran to temporarily take over the material procurement work.

At the same time, we need to start the talent recruitment work for the Bowen project. We need to recruit a material clerk and a budget clerk.

Song Xiaoshan said that this belongs to the personnel arrangement of the commercial department and he has no different opinions.

Zhang Yunqing called and invited Jin Haoran to Zhao Manfu's office.

Zhang Yunqing arranged: "Metalworker, now the material procurement Wang Ming needs to be transferred out of our Nanhai area. Currently, there is no suitable manpower to take over his material work.

I have already communicated with the human resources in the business department, and they can help us recruit new materials and budgeters.

In this case, if you are transferred to General Lei Bing in the future, there will be fewer obstacles.

Now we need to temporarily arrange for you to take over the work of material procurement Wang Ming.

The handover can be done today. "

Budget manager Jin Haoran replied: "Mr. Zhang, I have a lot of things on my hands right now.

I'm afraid I'm too busy.

Also, Wang Ming, the material purchaser, does a great job. He is the only material purchaser in our area. Why did we agree to transfer him? "

Zhang Yunqing smiled bitterly and said: "Originally, I planned to protect Wang Ming's reputation as much as possible.

But if I don't explain your question clearly, I'm afraid those of us who agreed to transfer the name of the king will be misunderstood a lot.

In a steel structure production and installation contract for the Nanshan project, material procurement Wang Ming set the cost price, which was originally 38 yuan per meter, at 380 yuan per meter, causing an economic loss of more than 200,000 yuan to the company.

Moreover, the loss cannot be rectified now, so I found the next supplier, but the second supplier refused to accept the loss and refused to reduce the wrong unit price in the contract.

After we found out, we contacted Wang Ming, who was very unwilling to give a positive explanation and had a very bad attitude.

After many days of back and forth communication, the result that took a hundred years to agree to last night was to transfer Wang Ming.

My opinion on Wang Ming is to expel him.

Do you think such a royal name should remain in our Bowen Project Department? "

Budget director Jin Haoran replied: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I didn't know there was such a situation.

If I had known, I would not have raised this issue.

I also think there is no need to keep such a person around.

But after I took over, I asked the leaders to find the person who purchased the materials as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the settlement work in my hands will be really overwhelming. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "This is no problem, you are just responsible for temporarily taking over his work and transferring the ERP authority to you.

I will recruit new people to take over this material procurement work as soon as possible. "

Zhang Yunqing greeted Zhao Manfu and said, "Mr. Zhao, how about I take the metalworker to find the material purchasing king now and let them take over the work."

Zhao Manfu nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Metalworker, do you know where the material procurement office is?"

Jin Haoran replied: "Of course I know this, I will take you with me."

Jin Haoran took Zhang Yunqing to the material procurement Wang Ming's office. When he knocked on the door, no one answered.

Jin Haoran opened the office door and saw that there was no one there.

Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone and called Wang Ming, the material purchaser, and said, "Mr. Wang, where are you? Where are you?"

Wang Ming, the material purchaser, lied and said, "I'm in the office."

Zhang Yunqing: "Why didn't I see you in the office?"

"Are you in our office?

Mr. Zhang, you must have deceived me on purpose. "

"Why did I lie to you?

where exactly are you. "

"In my office, you tell me what you want to do.

You have never been to my office and you actually said you were in my office.

Hey, Mr. Zhang, you are going to any lengths to punish me. "

"Wang Ming, please be careful when speaking.

It’s true that I haven’t been to your office since you were transferred to Bowen Project.

But that doesn't mean I can't find your office.

You talk to the metalworker Jin Haoran next to me and confirm the situation first. "

“Hello, Mr. Wang, I’m Jin Haoran.

I brought Mr. Zhang to your office to find you.

Where have you been wandering? Come back quickly, the leader is waiting for you.

After finishing my work, I have to go back to the Nanshan project. "

"Metalworker, Mr. Zhang is not a good person at all. He is trying to mess with me. Should I give him a good look?"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Jin Haoran handed the phone to Zhang Yunqing and said, "Mr. Zhang, Wang Ming's attitude is indeed not very good.

It seems like people don't want to talk to you.

This handover will definitely not be possible today, so he took the initiative to hang up the phone on us.

He just said that you were teasing him and didn't say anything else. "

Zhang Yunqing felt like water was dripping from his face, and replied: "I understand, you can go back to your office first.

We have taken care of the rest, and you will hand it over when you need to step forward. "

Zhang Yunqing came to Zhao Manfu's office and explained the actual situation of the phone call with Wang Ming, a material purchaser.

Zhao Manfu asked: "What do you want me to do?"

Zhang Yunqing: "I would like to ask you or Song Xiaoshan to inform him to come back quickly to handle the work handover. Listening to the noise coming from the phone, he must have gone somewhere to have fun."

Song Xiaoshan replied from the side: "Mr. Zhang, I know that this king's name is not a good one. He must know what to inform him in this situation.

I have seen a lot of thorns on the head, but this is the only one like him who dares to thorn anyone no matter what the circumstances.

You must let me go and don't let me go find him.

Maybe he can also tell that you and I are working together to punish him. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay, Mr. Song, if you don't want to help find this thorn, forget it."

Then he glanced at Zhao Manfu, who looked unhappy and said, "Don't cause this trouble to me again.

As long as I can coordinate for you to achieve transfer.

However, I can give you an idea. "

Zhang Yunqing said anxiously: "Mr. Zhao, don't be so unreasonable. I'm so anxious that you are still here watching the joke."

Zhao Manfu replied: "I'm not kidding you, it's just that someone like Wang Ming is a thorn in the side, especially at this particularly sensitive moment. I dare say that anyone in our area who goes to him will be full of hostility." Give you a slap in the face."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Then, Mr. Zhao, what's your clever trick? Come on, tell me. I'm really in a hurry, and there's nothing I can do about this naughty king's name."

Zhao Manfu replied: "There is one person he dare not offend."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "A hundred years?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "Yes, but if it takes a hundred years, you will definitely not be able to ask him to help you with this matter. Right?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, then who should I contact?"

Zhao Manfu asked: "If you think about it again, who else can take care of him?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Lei Zhao can also control him."

Zhao Manfu replied: "This person will not help you at this stage."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, then who can help me?"

Zhao Manfu asked: "Do I still need to give you some tips?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Li Wenwen, who still has the manpower, can control him. This person can control everyone, but can her words be effective?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "Li Wenwen seems to have shallow interests with him, but in fact she has the deepest interests. If the project department no longer wants this person.

If you want to transfer him to work elsewhere, can he do it if Li Wenwen doesn't agree? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I definitely can't do it. By the way, I'll call Li Wenwen quickly.

See if it has any effect? "

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