Text Chapter 756 Silver Code (please vote for recommendation)

Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone and called Li Wenwen: "Hello, Mr. Li.

I have now come to the Bowan Project Department from the Nanshan Project Department.

Prepare to arrange the work handover between Wang Ming, the material purchaser, and Jin Haoran, the budget manager.

I went to his office and found no one, but when I called him, he lied and said he was in the office.

I now need to notify him to come back quickly to handle the work handover. After I supervise their handover, I need to return to the Nanshan Project Department to handle things there.

Look, could you please formally notify him to return to the Bowen Project Department as soon as possible to handle the handover of work? "

Li Wenwen replied: "Is this person so ridiculous?

If it's like what you said, he probably won't be able to stay long even if he goes to the Xishan area.

I'll call him immediately. "

"Okay, thanks!"

More than ten minutes later, Li Wenwen called and told Zhang Yunqing that the material procurement Wang Ming had promised to rush back to the project department as soon as possible that day to handle the handover.

"It's true that one thing brings another thing down." Zhao Manfu said slowly after learning the news.

When Wang Mingdi, the material purchaser, rushed back to the project department as soon as possible, it was already past eight o'clock that night.

Zhang Yunqing took Jin Haoran, the budget manager, to the office of Wang Ming, the material purchaser. Wang Ming said the handover, but he did not say anything about the actual situation. It was exactly the same as the handover at the Nanshan Project Department Office, where the information was in the cabinet.

Let the budget manager Jin Haoran sign on his job transfer form.

Budget director Jin Haoran also signed helplessly.

In this way, the material purchasing Wang Ming left the Nanhai area and embarked on a journey to the Xishan area.

One day, Zhang Yunqing received a call from Jia Xuesong, the commercial manager of the Xishan project: "Hello, Mr. Zhang."

"What's the matter, Cedar?"

"We have transferred a material purchasing king here. Did I hear that he was transferred from you?"


"How is this person?"

"so so."

"In general, why don't you keep it and use it?"

“What I can tell you is we are actually short of people here.

For other things, just observe slowly.

It’s not convenient for me to say too much. "

"Okay, thanks."

Zhao Manfu asked Zhang Yunqing to contact Zheng Feng, the new cost manager of Party A of the Bowen Project.

Zhang Yunqing went there for a week to invite Zheng Feng, but Zheng Feng did not accept the invitation and did not agree to have private contact with people from these construction units.

As a last resort, Zhao Manfu had to make an appointment with Su Xiashan to learn about Zheng Feng's situation.

What Su Xiashan means is that this Zheng Feng is a new recruit of the company. He has not even touched the fire door yet. Of course, he is very timid and does not dare to contact any construction unit.

It is possible to contact him only after he is almost familiar with the situation.

During this period of time, there is little meaning in contacting Zheng Feng. First, no one else dares to come out. Second, even if they come out, it is impossible to tell the truth.

Zhang Yunqing asked Su Xiashan to find out how to review the subsequent settlement.

Su Xiashan complained about Zhang Yunqing and others.

The main meaning is that the response speed is too slow. Now the Jingxin Group has established a cost consulting company. The business of this cost consulting company is their own projects.

The key thing is that it is now stipulated that the settlement review of all projects must pass the review of the Cost Consulting Company of Comba Group.

One of the more troublesome things here is that the person in charge of this cost consulting company is not under the leadership of the real estate company, but directly under the management of the chairman of Jingxin Group.

Therefore, the real estate company actually has some different opinions on this arrangement.

However, it can only be executed.

After Zhao Manfu returned to the project department, he summoned all the staff of the project department for a special settlement meeting to review the progress of the settlement process of the first phase of Bowan.

The progress of the as-built drawings is not ideal,

Manpower was re-arranged to the site to check the as-built drawings in different areas and make appropriate modifications.

The visa form still has some imperfect signatures, and Song Xiaoshan is responsible for completing the signature procedures.

The settlement documents declared by the suppliers have been collected, and the budget manager Jin Haoran is already reviewing them one by one.

The meeting set a goal of matching the settlement and striving to reach the level where the settlement can be formally declared within one month.

They jointly set an audit target for the settlement, and strived to complete the audit within two months by Jin Haoran and the production staff. If there is no objection to the review by Zhang Yunqing, it will be reported to the business department for review and confirmation.

The project manager urged the Bowan project to recruit material and budget personnel at the meeting.

Zhang Yunqing explained the progress of the recruitment of budget personnel. The resumes of recommended personnel have been sent to Li Wenwen of human resources. They need to wait for interviews and communication with Li Wenwen before further arrangements can be made. Based on the actual situation, the probability of successful application is still very high.

There has been no significant progress in the recruitment of materials personnel.

After the Bowen project was arranged and came to an end, Zhao Manfu and Zhang Yunqing drove back to the Nanshan project department.

The Nanshan Project Department is working in full swing again.

Since Zhao Manfu was personally interviewed by Bai Qingting, he has been particularly concerned about the progress of the project department. He goes to the project department's construction site every day to inspect the situation and solve some practical difficulties on site.

Seeing that it is the end of the month again, the upper output value needs to be declared, and the lower output value needs to be reviewed and entered into the ERP. It is the time for the project department to hire people.

It is also one of the sources of Yu Danzhen's irritability.

As the end of the month approaches, Yu Danzhen has to symbolically look for Zhang Yunqing every day and ask for work handover.

Zhang Yunqing has been unable to find the person he wanted for Hua Baiyun, so he also called Li Wenwen and Hua Baiyun every day to ask for someone.

Hua Baibai repeatedly emphasized training people and asked him to persist for another two weeks.

Yu Danzhen: "Mr. Zhang, if you want to arrange for someone to handle the handover, just do it.

If not, I will leave tomorrow.

From now on, if the new guy needs to go through a handover, let him come to me wherever I am. "

Zhang Yunqing went to Zhou Wencheng and Zhao Manfu to discuss Yu Danzhen's affairs.

The two people's opinions were surprisingly consistent, saying that this was Zhang Yunqing's own matter and he could handle it himself.

Zhang Yunqing called Li Wenwen from Human Resources: "Gong Li, what's going on with the new Song Chunfeng?

Yu Danzhen has given me an ultimatum. If I don't arrange for someone to handle the handover today, she won't come tomorrow. "

"Gong Zhang, I really can't help with this matter and this situation.

Specifically, please contact Mr. Hua Baihunhua. "

Zhang Yunqing called Hua Baiyun again to report Yu Danzhen's request for immediate handover. Hua Baiyun asked Zhang Yunqing to find a way to overcome it on his own. Song Chunfeng must be trained by the business department before he can be released.

After Zhang Yunqing found a circle of people, he still couldn't solve the actual problem.

So he came to Li Xixuan to discuss: "Xiao Li, Yu Danzhen told me today that she will not come again tomorrow.

Why don't you please do the work in her hands first and the information next?

After a new business manager comes, gradually hand it over and focus on your budget work. "

Li Xixuan replied: "Yes, Mr. Zhang.

I reported to you some time ago that Sister Yu did not do much actual work during this period, and a large number of things that took a lot of time were basically left in my hands. "

Zhang Yunqing invited Yu Danzhen over: "Yu Gong, let's do this.

You call Li Wenwen from Human Resources, she knows about you.

Just ask her for your resignation paperwork.

If you want to arrive later, you should temporarily hand over the work and materials in your hand to Xiao Li in accordance with the company's unified requirements.

It's just, you know this particular situation that we have.

Xiao Li can only take over temporarily. If there is new business in the future, he may call you from time to time to ask for advice.

I also hope that you can keep communication open within two or three months. "

Yu Danzhen replied: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I won't change my mobile phone number for at least half a year."

"Thank you to Yu Gong for your support." Zhang Yunqing nodded, "Then you go and work and try to make a good handover today."

A few days later, the Southwest Business Unit had already recruited Zhao Hong, the new business director of the business unit, and Tian Tian, ​​the budget officer.

First, he looked for Zhang Yunqing according to the company's requirements, and then put forward various new requirements based on his own understanding of the company's requirements.

It can fully reflect the three things a new official should do when he takes office.

Burn people on fire.

The business people in the Nanhai area were very worried.

We are talking about one area, but the only relevant business personnel currently are Zhang Yunqing, Li Xixuan, Jin Haoran, and Yu Shengjie.

There is already a serious shortage of business personnel.

Zhou Nan, the Minister of Human Resources, was invited to Bai Qingting's office again by Bai Qingmeng.

Bai Qingting: "Mr. Zhou, Zhang Feng, the second-in-command of Dawan Group, Wan Qing, the president of Kewan Group, and Yin Dian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group.

How did you go about contacting and meeting? "

Zhou Nan: "Chairman Bai, Zhang Feng, the second-in-command of Dawan Group, has not found the right person to contact him yet.

Wan Qing, the president of Kewan Group, got in touch.

But they didn't give me a chance at all, and they didn't even give us any time to meet. "

"What about Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group?" Bai Qingting's face was already very ugly.

"Chairman, this person also made an appointment. He said it because he was afraid that I would make fun of him.

I hope you, the director, can communicate with him on the phone first.

Then arrange a time to meet. "

"Then give me his phone number." Bai Qingting showed a little smile on her face.

Zhou Nan handed Bai Qingting the business card of Yin Dian, president of the Kyoto Real Estate Development Group.

Bai Qingting called the number on Yin Dian's business card, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group: "Hello, Mr. Yin.

I am Bai Qingting, chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd.

I have always heard from friends that you have a unique approach to real estate development, especially tourism real estate.

I also want to make achievements in this area, but I have never had the right opportunity.

I hope we can have the opportunity to meet, chat and look for cooperation opportunities together. "

Yindian, President of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group: "Hello, Boss Bai.

I've been in Xichuan Metropolis recently, and there's been a lot going on.

It is expected that I may go to Kyoto next weekend. "

"Mr. Yin, I know you are very busy.

I can't wait another week.

If you are in Xichuan City, I can actually come.

Can you arrange to meet at an earlier time? "

Yindian, President of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group: "Chairman Bai, I was originally planning to come to Kyoto to visit you.

If you are willing to deign to come to Xichuan, I am free after four o'clock every afternoon. "

"That's great. It's not easy to choose a day, so let's do it today.

Give me the name of a hotel where I can meet you.

I'm coming to find you. "Bai Qingting said happily.

Yindian, President of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group: "Boss Bai, let's go to the Capital Hotel. It's a five-star hotel. It's in the most prosperous area of ​​the capital. It's also the first five-star hotel in the capital, and the service is good.

I'll treat you there tonight and I'll treat you to dinner.

After you have booked your flight number, tell me and I will find a way to pick you up at the airport. "

Bai Qingting: "Okay, I will ask secretary Bai Qingmeng to send the information to you."

After Bai Qingting ended her phone call with Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, she told Zhou Nan, the minister of human resources: "Give Qingmeng the phone number of Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, and ask her to come to me immediately. .”

Zhou Nan left Bai Qingting's office, gave the phone number of Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, to Bai Qingmeng outside the door, and asked her to find the chairman quickly because she had a new task.

Bai Qingmeng walked to Bai Qingting's desk before asking.

Bai Qingting has already made arrangements: "Book a flight that can reach the Capital Hotel in Xichuan City before four o'clock this afternoon.

You go with me.

Send the booked flight information to Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group. Did Zhou Nan give you the phone number just now? "

Bai Qingmeng: "Okay, Sister Tingting, I'll book the tickets right away.

Zhou Nan has already given me the phone number of Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group. "

Bai Qingmeng called the booking agency, and the flight information he received seemed to be in a hurry. He needed to leave immediately. After asking Bai Qingting for permission, he immediately booked the flight.

The driver was arranged to quickly deliver the two of them to Terminal 2 of Kyoto Airport.

Since Bai Qingting was a first-class customer, it was convenient for the two of them to catch up with the boarding time smoothly.

The flight the two took landed at Xichuan Capital Airport on time.

After turning on the phone, Bai Qingmeng received a text message from Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, and called back to explain the situation.

Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, personally came to the exit of the airport's arrival hall and greeted Bai Qingting and his party holding a sign saying 'Bai Qingting'.

Bai Qingting stepped forward and shook hands with Yin Dian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group: "I'm really embarrassed to have Mr. Yin greet him personally."

Yindian, President of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group: "Welcome Chairman Bai to come to the capital to guide our work."

"Mr. Yin said on the phone that he would not be free until four in the afternoon. How could I ask you to pick me up in advance?

I originally thought you could just arrange for a driver to pick me up. "

Yindian, President of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group: "Chairman Bai, since such an important leader like you came to the capital to meet with me in person, naturally I must come to greet you in person.

In addition, asking the driver to pick you up will not be conducive to our secret contact. "

Bai Qingting: "Mr. Yin is very thoughtful."

Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, took the two of them to the Capital Hotel and settled them down, then went to the private room of the restaurant on the first floor.

Bai Qingmeng chose to wait for service at any time after dining in the lobby.

There were only two people in the private room, Bai Qingting and Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group.

Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, quickly finished his order and ordered a bottle of red wine after consulting Bai Qingting.

"Welcome Chairman Bai to the capital!"


"Chairman Bai, the industry you are in is not very close to the tourism real estate industry I am in.

Are you looking for me because you want to do tourism real estate? "

“Mr. Banker, I actually don’t understand tourism real estate.

It’s just that your reputation in the industry is too loud.

Therefore, I would like to communicate with you to see if there is any possibility of cooperation between you and our company.

What I pursue is win-win cooperation and I won’t embarrass you. "

"Chairman Bai, tourism real estate refers to all real estate projects that are built on the rich tourism resources in the surrounding area and are different from traditional residential projects and integrate tourism, leisure, vacation, and residence. They can be called tourism real estate.

What I am currently working on is one of the recreational projects that provides tourists with children to do parent-child activities.

With an investment of about three billion, it can be done. "

“Three billion can be done, so that’s not a big deal.

Our current market value of Western Construction Co., Ltd. reached over 60 billion at its peak. My husband and I own 80% of the company’s equity, which is equivalent to owning 48 billion.

So, if it can be done with a few billion, I will be more confident. "

"Chairman Bai, how do you want to cooperate with me?

What kind of support do I need to provide? "

"First of all, I need you to work full-time in my Western Construction Co., Ltd. as a senior executive.

As for whether to do ordinary real estate development or tourism real estate development, I haven't decided yet.

However, you are a professional in these.

Therefore, I think that I am just providing a big idea and idea. Specific methods and cooperation models still need to be provided by professionals like you. Then we will discuss it and after everyone agrees, we can arrange and implement it. "

The two talked about it until dawn the next day.

The final conclusion was that Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, proposed to resign from his original employer. After success, he went to work full-time at Western Construction Co., Ltd.

This news alone will send Occidental Construction Co., Ltd.'s stock market up by at least two daily limits.

Calculated based on the current stock price of 260 yuan per share, it is equivalent to 260*1.1*1.1-260=54.6 yuan per share.

Then the market value of the stocks owned by Bai Qingting will increase by 5.46*200 million shares*80%=8.736 billion.

The temptation Bai Qingting threw to Yindian, the president of the Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, was to give Yindian 1 million equity as long as he worked for Western Construction Co., Ltd. for three years, regardless of Yindian's performance in the future. According to the market price at the time, it was 260 million, and the annual The annual salary is 5 million yuan, and the bonus is calculated separately according to the company's rules and regulations.

Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, expressed his willingness to cooperate with Western Construction Co., Ltd., but he needs to go back to discuss with his family and the boss of the original unit. After all, he is also a senior executive at the original unit, so if he wants to leave, he needs to discuss it carefully. .

Bai Qingting expressed her understanding and support, and the two parties agreed to take one month as the deadline to discuss it carefully.

He also made a request to Yindian, the president of Kyoto Real Estate Development Group, hoping that he would carefully consider his own advantages, and then combine them with the advantages of Western Construction Co., Ltd. to see what he can do after coming to work in the company to increase the company's income. source, and then open up a more ideal way to make money.

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