Triplets: Lucky Mommy is a Beautiful Badass

Chapter 480: Qingyao’s decision 5

Zhu Shen gave her Wu's burden, but Wu was too hasty to go home just now, and left the burden on the side of the road. Seeing that the whole family is still here, and no one has been kidnapped, Wu couldn't help but He breathed a sigh of relief, clutching his chest and muttering to himself, "That's good, that's good..."

Qi Yuanxiu scratched his head when he saw that the old lady's trouser legs and clothes were full of mud spots.

After entering the house, Mrs. Wu rested for a while before going into the back room to change clothes. When she came out, she found that the whole family was waiting for her to explain with puzzled eyes. Mrs. Wu didn't say anything. Start gobbling.

after eating.

Mrs. Wu went back to the back room to sleep.

This time and again, the whole family was completely blinded.

The old lady cursed in the main room for a while before she began to give the soles of her grandchildren's shoes.

Wait until three o'clock in the evening.

It was already dark.

Most people in the village went back to their homes to rest.

It seems that the whole Linquan Village is quite quiet.

A black carriage drove into the village slowly and quietly.

Because of the rain, the ground is slightly muddy, so there is no sound when the horse's hooves step on it.

Old Qi's family has naturally fallen asleep.

After hearing the knock on the door, Qi Yuanxiu ignored it, but Mrs. Wu in the back room was as sensitive as a quail, sobered up quickly, got up, looked towards the source of the sound, and turned to wake up the old man.

"Old, old man...there is a knock at the door."

When Wu Shi spoke, her upper and lower teeth couldn't help shaking.

Because she had just been arrested by the National Teacher during the day, she had a deep psychological shadow. That man is a devil!

The one who knocks on the door now will not be the killer of Master Guoshi...

With the group of Sha Qingzhu.

The moon is dark and the wind is high to kill people!

Could it be that the lives of their old Qi's family will be accounted for tonight...

Wu Shi swallowed her saliva, hugged the quilt, and began to sweat coldly, her legs under the quilt couldn't stop shaking.

After the old man Qi felt the strangeness of the old woman, he finally couldn't help sitting up, and lit the oil lamp with a torch.

Under the radiance of the lights, he saw the old woman trembling all over.

"What's the matter?"

"Kill, the killer is coming!!!" Wu Shi hugged her knees, clenched her back molars and said nervously.

Old Man Qi:? ? ?

What are you talking about so nervously this late at night?

Although old man Qi didn't know what was wrong, he hugged Mrs. Wu and hurriedly comforted him, asking if you had a nightmare...

Miss Wu couldn't speak, so she could only hug the old man and start crying.

Qi Yuanxiu got up after a while, cursing and muttering impatiently.

"Who is it, it's late at night, what are you knocking on?"

After getting out of bed with his clothes on, he walked to the front door, opened the door, and saw the figure at the door. Qi Yuanxiu thought he had misread, rubbed his eyes, and confirmed that under the dim moonlight, the person outside the door was indeed Qi Qing. After a while, Qi Yuanxiu jumped up happily.

He dragged Qi Qingyao into the house.


"Mom, look who's back."

Wu was holding the old man and crying, when she heard Qi Yuanxiu's voice, she was stunned for a moment, and wiped away the tears on her face, Qi Yuanxiu shouted happily outside the door, saying that her sister Qi Qingyao had returned.

Old man Qi jokingly said to Mrs. Wu, you dreamed about a killer, no, it's your daughter who came back.

After jumping out of bed, Mrs. Wu ran out the door before she had time to put on her clothes. When she saw that it was indeed Qi Qingyao, she hugged Qi Qingyao in surprise and joy and cried loudly.

Qi Qingyao was dumbfounded by this crying scene.

Without saying a word, he hugged Wu Shi and comforted her for a while.

Old man Qi shrugged and said that she had a nightmare, so don't think about it.

Qi Qingyao let out a sigh.

"Yao, Yaoyao!!" After crying, Mrs. Wu asked with tears and smiles, "Why are you back?"

He dragged Qi Qingyao into the house.

"Come in quickly, sit down and talk."

The rest of the family fell asleep, and Qi Qingyao didn't bother him. He entered the house, sat on the kang, and said to the old man and Mrs. Wu seriously: "Father, mother, don't gossip. I am coming back this time. Come to say goodbye."

Qi Yuanxiu was the first to react and asked, "Farewell, where are you going?"

Old man Qi and Mrs. Wu were also waiting for her answer.

Qi Qingyao supported his forehead and said: "I received the imperial decree, and the emperor asked me to go to Beijing to face the saint."

"Ah!!" Wu couldn't help but exclaimed. She had just heard about it from the national teacher during the day, so it seems he wasn't lying.

"What did you do to make the emperor want to see you?" Old man Qi was incredulous after hearing this.

Qi Qingyao sneered and said: "How could the emperor see me, but I know Sijin. The emperor was afraid of the strength above the grand master, and was afraid that he would not be able to handle it, so he summoned me on purpose. He wanted to see what kind of crooked me I am. Jujube, to be favored by the Grand Master."

Qi Yuanxiu, old man Qi, and Mrs. Wu were all in a daze. The three obviously didn't understand this kind of struggle between courts.

Qi Qingyao said: "Perhaps, if you want to borrow me, you can use Sijin." But the emperor didn't expect that Sijin has disappeared now.

Although old man Qi doesn't understand the emperor's thoughts, as a common man, he also knows a saying: "A companion is like a tiger. The power of heaven is unpredictable."

Qi Yuanxiu pursed his lips and said, "Even if the emperor is a girl, she is still the emperor! She is thinking deeply."

Wu shi didn't know how to speak, and choked out a sentence: "Going to the capital, you must be careful."

"I will be careful." Qi Qingyao said.

"Yaoyao, there is something..." If Qi Qingyao really went to the capital, I'm afraid he won't be able to see it in a short time. If the Master of the State Teacher really finds out something, Wu doesn't want this adopted daughter to have nothing Knowing that, at the risk that Li Ruoxuan might know, she pondered for a moment, with firm eyes, and said: "Old man, Yuan Xiu, you go out first, I have something to say to Yaoyao alone."

After finishing speaking, old man Qi and Qi Yuanxiu were kicked out.

Qi Qingyao was curious.

The old man and Qi Yuanxiu outside the door were also extremely curious.

inside the house.

After closing the door, Mrs. Wu pulled Qi Qingyao to sit on the kang, and then carefully told Qi Qingyao everything about the day.

"He threatened me with the lives of his whole family, and threatened me not to tell you. But your life and death in the capital may be uncertain, so how dare I hide this from you."

After Wu Shi finished speaking, she began to cry again.

Qi Qingyao comforted: "It doesn't matter if he knows."

Shrugging his shoulders, Qi Qingyao calmly said: "Anyway, I don't have any clues about the jade plaque now, if Li Ruoxuan uses his contacts to have clues, it's a good thing."

Wu's only concern is: "Will he really not kill you?"

Qi Qingyao said intriguingly: "If everyone wants to use me to handle Si Jin, then I will be kept." As a chess piece, as a very useful chess piece...then you won't die.

Wu was relieved all of a sudden.

He also explained that Qi Qingyao's matter must be kept a secret, and he had to pretend that he didn't know that the National Teacher knew about it.

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