Triplets: Lucky Mommy is a Beautiful Badass

Chapter 483 Sir, don't be in a daze

Ugly Four Seasons

Qi Qingyao was still sitting in the house in a daze, when suddenly she saw a shadow at the door, which startled her, thinking it was Gongsun She again, the person at the door knocked on the door, Qi Qingyao walked over and asked Who is it? After Lu Yan said it was me, Qi Qingyao breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door.

Lu Yan asked.

"Has everything been packed?"

"Nonsense." Qi Qingyao said angrily.

Lu Yan pointed to the night and said, "Then let's go."

Qi Qingyao was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a confused face: "Why do you sneak out of the city in the middle of the night?"

Lu Yan pursed her lips tightly and said, "Don't tell me you want to leave during the day, so that half of the city will come to see you off?"

"Say farewell... so shameless?" She is from Baishui Town, Qingzhou City. She is considered a local. People in Qingzhou City don't hate her so much. Besides, she has not had any influence on the people. At most, he had trouble with a few upper-class people.

Lu Yan said: "When you were in Qingzhou City, Si Jin by your side killed a great master of the enemy country. On the surface, it seemed a good thing, but in fact, many people only have two words for your current evaluation: disaster. I wish you You should go now."

After Qi Qingyao heard it, he was very angry on the spot: "There are many culprits in Qingzhou City, why only discriminate against me, I want to sue them!"

"There are indeed many culprits, but like you, you are the only one who has a great master by your side!" Lu Yan was shocked by the brain circuit of this little girl, shocked by her innocence, "Think about it, you are a villager!" Those who came down, only entered the city for a few days, and drove away the land snake in Qingzhou City, Miss Jiang, and killed several guards around Han Ruomei of the Han family. A few nobles in the country have gotten involved, and they have a good relationship with me, and they can talk to the master of the country and the master of the first assistant... The thugs around him even killed a great master of the enemy country!"

After hearing his description, Qi Qingyao was speechless for the first time.

That does sound a bit...excessive.

Lu Yan asked: "Tell me, what do people in Qingzhou think of you now?"

Qi Qingyao lowered his head, stroked his chin, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and said, "It's better than a local snake."

"As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not crush a local snake. You are a strong dragon that crushes a local snake." Lu Yan concluded his statement.

Qi Qingyao stuck out his tongue, made a grimace, and then said to hurry up and leave the ink marks.

Then go get your luggage.

Her luggage was nothing more than a few clothes and all the antidotes and silver notes. Those medicines were packed in small bottles and hung on his lower back.

If there are only clothes and bank notes left, the two small burdens will be settled.

Lu Yan looked at her luggage and was a little surprised: "Don't you bring anything else?"

"No need." She had been an undercover informant many times in her previous life, and she was always used to traveling light. The most important thing for modern people is mobile phone key money, so here, the most important thing is money...

Other things are bought in the capital.

Lu Yan: "..."

This "no need" made Lu Yan a little embarrassed. Because this woman doesn't look like a woman, whoever's little girl doesn't have much luggage when she travels far away...

He is a big man, and when he came to Qingzhou City, he would pack a carriage with luggage. When I returned to the capital, there were several large carts of luggage...



The three little guys fell asleep at the moment, Qi Qingyao naturally wouldn't wake them up, and asked someone to carry the three little guys into the carriage covered with bedding, Dong Jing was behind, and packed all the luggage Move to another carriage.

Qi Qingyao carried his wallet and jumped into the carriage.

She glanced at the mighty convoy behind her, frowned, and glanced at Lu Yan who got into the black carriage next to her, thinking, there were dozens of guards and five or six maidservants accompanying her, and seven Eight carriages... It's like moving.

The travel scene of the richest son of Beiliang is different!

Qingzhou City in the middle of the night is relatively quiet.

When the convoy quietly arrived at the gate of the city, they took the documents, and the soldiers guarding the city quickly opened the gate and let the convoy out.

Qi Qingyao kept opening the curtain to look at the night outside the window. From a distance, he could see two carriage teams scattered on both sides of the official road outside the city. Qi Qingyao shouted to the carriage next to him in surprise.

"Why are there still two carriage teams?"

Lu Yan didn't hear her voice at first, Dong Jing rode over and knocked on the window, Lu Yan lifted the curtain, opened the window of the carriage, and said to her: "Let the government office open the city gate late at night, Of course, the documents must be handed in in advance. Lord Shoufu and Master Guoshi are always paying attention to your pawn, so of course they have been waiting for you for a long time."

"What are you waiting for? Waiting to see me off?" These two people should be seeing me off, right?

"Idiot." Lu Yan said: "These two people will definitely go back to the capital with us."

Qi Qingyao: "..."

Lu Yan explained: "You are an important pawn, and Si Jin is not around. The journey back to Beijing is long, even with my Lu family guards, but these two people are very suspicious, afraid that someone will hijack you on the way, and then threaten you." If Jin is used by other countries, it will be troublesome."

She really is a fucking sweet potato!

Oh shit.

No one really sent her off! !

They all use her as a pawn.

Qi Qingyao rolled his eyes as soon as he thought about it: "It seems that this not smooth."

Lu Yan said calmly: "If you think so, even if Sijin is not here, the two of them will not dare to touch you now that His Majesty summons you. With the two of them on this road, the road back to Beijing is absolutely unimpeded."

Qi Qingyao cursed: "I don't want to go with two people who are extremely rich."

After finishing speaking, he lowered the window angrily.

"Indeed." Lu Yan looked at the window she had lowered and pursed her lips. Then, she also slowly lowered the window, and sat alone in the carriage, closing her eyes and muttering: "Seeking skin from a tiger..." I have to be careful.

Li Ruoxuan and Jiang Yegan must both treat her as a chess piece. Qi Qingyao knew this clearly, but after thinking of the words Mr. Gongsun came to remind her, a thought suddenly appeared in her mind.

There are only a few Nine Ranks around her.

To be precise, there are not many Ninth Grades on the mainland... there are very few of them!

Li Ruoxuan and Jiang Yegan are two of them.

These two people have been meeting frequently recently.

Could it be... the one that old man Gongsun said, the person who has broken through, could it be one of these two people?

Could it be Jiang Ye doing it?

At any rate, she and him have a little life-saving kindness.

If he advances to the position of grand master, it will be beneficial to her.

Think about it.

Qi Qingyao was faintly excited. Since Si Jin was not around for the time being, if Jiang Yegan was promoted to Grand Master, then he had to establish a good relationship with him.

Wait for the convoy to reach the vicinity of the official road.

Qi Qingyao called to stop first.

Without waking up the three sleeping sweet little guys, Qi Qingyao jumped out of the carriage, closed the door, and bowed to the people standing on both sides of the road.

"My lord."

"Master Chief Assistant."


Jiang Yegan and Li Ruoxuan were indeed waiting by the roadside.

But no one thought that this arrogant woman would get out of the car to say hello to the two of them when she was leaving today!

Li Ruoxuan raised his brows with joy, glanced at Jiang Yegan, and said: "Just salute to my lord. The one next to him has already resigned, and the emperor has approved it, but he didn't officially announce it in the court. Woolen cloth."

Jiang Ye frowned dryly, and took a hard look at Li Ruoxuan with his eye knife.

The news of Jiang Yeqian's resignation came from Li Ruoxuan's mouth, and Qi Qingyao's ears were filled with a different mood. She said, "Then congratulations, Mr. Shoufu, for retiring early and returning home."

While thinking, could it be that this guy was promoted to a grand master, so he resigned specially!

You know, Jiang Yegan is still very young, only in his twenties, at this age, and he is the chief assistant of a big country, with a position of less than one person and more than ten thousand people, who would resign properly?

Unless you are promoted to a grand master, plan to practice hard, break through the boundaries that old man Gongsun said, and dream of reaching a higher level...

If he is really a great master, at least he can cover himself, right?

Perhaps, he could still persuade him to kill Li Ruoxuan?

Thinking of this, Qi Qingyao couldn't help laughing.

"..." Jiang Yegan was dazed by her sudden congratulations, frowned, and said nothing.

He thought to himself, if he had known that she would be called into the capital, he would not have handed in his resignation letter so early!

"Let's go." Li Ruoxuan interrupted the conversation between the two at the right time, and said directly to Qi Qingyao, "I'll go back to the capital with you."

Qi Qingyao subconsciously asked: "What about Mr. Shoufu?" Can you still get a piece after resigning? She also intends to persuade him to use Jiang Bai instead.

Li Ruoxuan paused, and said, "He, too."

Qi Qingyao saw that Li Ruoxuan spoke from the beginning to the end, and Jiang Yegan didn't say a word, which made her wonder, why did Jiang Bai hate her? Is the leg lame, or the mouth also lame?"

Li Ruoxuan smiled cunningly and said, "I probably hate you, so I don't want to talk."

Qi Qingyao pursed his lips tightly, cast a blank glance at Li Ruoxuan, then glanced at the black armored knights in armor, and said displeasedly: "The little girl was just summoned by His Majesty to go to the capital to face the saint. Look at this I don’t know about the situation, but I thought I was some kind of imperial convict who was about to be escorted back to Beijing.”

"That would be to misunderstand my lord's intention."

Li Ruoxuan had a condescending look on his face, but also a little leisurely.

"I can tell you."

"I received an informant that Mr. Gongsun still hasn't left Qingzhou City."

"That's why so many tiger guards are called in just in case."

"Hasn't he always been interested in your second girl?"

"If Sijin is still there, I don't want to spend a lot of time and money to send Tiger Guards to protect you back to Beijing."


After hearing this, Qi Qingyao's eyes turned black. It was obvious that they wanted to take advantage of her justifiable surveillance, and they said it so grandiosely, as if they were afraid that she would be robbed. Qi Qingyao said with a fake smile: "Then Thank you, Master Guoshi, for your kindness."

Lu Yan didn't know when she got out of the carriage, and when she heard the conversation between the two, she took the initiative to tell her.

"If Mr. Gongsun really didn't leave and planned to attack you, then..."

Pointing to his own, "You take this carriage."

Qi Qingyao looked at the larger carriage, "Isn't this your carriage?"

Lu Yan said: "Its sturdiness is beyond your imagination."

Jiang Yegan also agreed with her to ride in Lu Yan's carriage, and said.

"Young Master Lu's carriage is excellent."

Qi Qingyao let out a sigh.

Jiang Yegan added: "It is said that the upper and lower parts of the carriage are inscribed with special magic circles, and the carriage itself is made of fine steel. Those fine steels are black crystal black iron from Dazhou Iron Furnace City. The craftsman who built this carriage It's called Xiao Gu Chi, and this carriage is one of his masterpieces."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows. The appearance of this carriage is very simple and simple. How did Lord Shoufu know about the magic circle? No one in the Lu family has ever told...

Li Ruoxuan narrowed his eyes and said, "Master Shoufu understands it very well." Some information even he doesn't know...

Jiang Yegan realized that he had talked too much.

He said casually: "If you can't even get the information about Mr. Lu's carriage, then the chief minister of the past few years is indeed in vain."

After a pause, before Li Ruoxuan could interrupt, he said again: "Is it difficult to find information from Zhaixing Pavilion?"

Li Ruoxuan: "..."

It is true that Zhaixing Pavilion provides information, but not all information can be bought...

Before Qi Qingyao got into the car, she asked Dong Jing to bring the three little ones together with the blankets. As soon as she sat down, Lu Yan poked her head in and instructed her.

"If all the doors and windows are closed tightly, the inside will be absolutely sealed, and even the Grand Master will not be able to sense the breathing of several people inside."

so smart? "What about the sound?"

"I can't hear you." Lu Yan said.

Qi Qingyao asked again: "What about you?"

Lu Yan: "I'll just take your carriage."

Qi Qingyao said leisurely: "Your carriage must be more comfortable than mine."

After finishing speaking, close the door, close the window, and get ready to sleep...

Anyway, there are thugs all the way.

It is estimated that these local tyrants have already arranged meals and accommodation, so there is no need to worry about it.

Outside the carriage.

The three men glanced at each other.

Lu Yan got into the carriage before Qi Qingyao with a smile, and then closed the door calmly.

Looking at the dimly lit carriage, he took out a night pearl from his sleeve, and then put it on the mattress to illuminate it.

Although Lu Yan has been a bit reluctant to interact with people recently, it does not mean that he has the courage to stay in this kind of old carriage, which may have been ridden by many people...

He hesitated for a moment before sitting on the soft mattress she had been lying on before, feeling the "temperature" and "smell" around him.

He found that there was a faint medicinal fragrance in the air.

It's because she likes to play with medicinal herbs recently, causing her body to smell of medicinal herbs, and the carriage she often rides in also has her smell...

Of course, it is also possible that this mattress was slept on by her...

When Lu Yan thought that the mattress was moved from her room, her whole body stiffened suddenly, and her face turned red from her neck to her ears.

Sitting up all of a sudden, she put her hands on the mattress silently, her face was very red.

It was clearly spring, and Lu Yan felt the air heat up all of a sudden.

He fanned it with his hand for a while.

Then took a few deep breaths.

What is this, indirectly sleeping in the bed she slept in! How can one sleep tonight!

Wait, even if you change back to the quilt tomorrow, she has already slept on his set of quilt...

Lu Yan suddenly felt ashamed and nervous.

Although he didn't know what he was nervous about.

Obviously that woman is the mother of three children! ! ! Why is it so attractive to him...

It must be the reason why I have only been in contact with this woman recently...

Bad, bad, he was poisoned by this woman.

No, he felt like he was out of breath. Lu Yan suddenly opened the window, facing the moonlight outside, and took a few mouthfuls of fresh air.

Dong Jing was riding a horse beside him, thinking that his son had committed a mistake again, so he rode over in a low voice and said.

"My lord, you gave up the carriage to the young lady, so you should just take one with the young lady."

Hearing this, Lu Yan immediately wiped his face, making sure that no one at night could see his blushing, and then reprimanded him righteously: "Although we marched tonight, we will march during the day from tomorrow and rest at the inn at night. She As a little girl, in broad daylight, what if I stick with me all day and spread my reputation?"

"..." Dong Jing blinked, wanted to say but didn't dare to say it, didn't Miss's reputation have long been gone? There are three children... What's the reputation?



Jiang Yegan and Li Ruoxuan looked at each other for a few more seconds before they each looked away and got into their respective carriages.

When Qi Qingyao and the three little guys woke up, it was already high in the sun.

She felt the speed for a while, and couldn't help feeling, "This carriage is no different from a modern BMW Mercedes-Benz, it is stable and quiet!"

The inner wall of the carriage is also luxuriously and magnificently decorated.

It makes people want to scold! !

Evil rich people.

The interior walls of the carriage are full of night pearls!

The bedding is a tiger skin blanket. On the floor is a wool blanket.

After the three little guys woke up, they rubbed their eyes aggrievedly and said they were hungry...

Qi Qingyao opened the car window, glanced at the sky, and was shocked.

Immediately yelled to the big team hungry! !

Dong Jing came over on horseback, handed her a water bottle and a box of pastries, and told her and the babies to rest their stomachs first, and they would go to the next town soon.

Arriving at the next town is only half an hour later.

After getting off the carriage, Qi Qingyao took a look at the town.

Casually asked: "What is this place?"

Lu Yan who got off the carriage next to him hasn't answered yet.

Leaning on crutches, Jiang Yegan limped over, and immediately said, "It's just a passing town."

Qi Qingyao: "..."

Is this a bad joke?

She asked what town it was.

Turns out he said the passing town...


This is really not kidding me!

The black-armored knights stood up around, but the local people were startled, thinking that some important person was coming, they all dared not approach from a distance, just watched.

After Qi Qingyao and the others entered the inn, they went directly to the guest room and washed up first. The three little guys also washed their faces and brushed their teeth, and they became much more awake.

After taking them to the lobby.

Li Ruoxuan said: "It's time to sit down and eat, and we have to continue on our way after eating."

Qi Qingyao looked around, and found that the other tables were all black-faced tiger guards, and there were no passers-by or guests. She frowned: "Where are the others in the inn?"

Lu Yan said: "This is my family's inn. I have said hello in advance. Today is to entertain me."

Qi Qingyao: "..."


As expected of a rich man.

It is rich and powerful!

A big inn does not accept guests, just to wait for the big boss to patronize...


Could it be that this kind of treatment will be repeated on the way back to Beijing...

Qi Qingyao cursed in his heart that it was extravagant.

But she doesn't know.

It's not that Lu Yan didn't know how to do this in the past, but he rarely did it. This time was different, he had expected that there would be many people returning to Beijing, so he sent Dong Jing to make arrangements in advance.

With the addition of their people, Master Guoshi and Master Shoufu, there are nearly a hundred people in this line. If the inn is not emptied in advance, there will be no room for them.

In addition, there are too many idlers waiting in the inn, and it is easy to mix in various killers...

Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is a safe operation to clear the inn in advance.

Qi Qingyao took the three little guys to sit at a table with Li Ruoxuan, Jiang Yegan, Lu Yan and others. The three little guys knew Li Ruoxuan's identity, so they dared not make any noise. catlike.

Obediently holding the rice bowl and eating.

Qi Qingyao reminded the three little guys while picking up food: "Eat enough, we have to hurry later."

Li Ruoxuan raised his eyes and said, "Don't worry, even if you get hungry on the way, we will bring all kinds of dry food and cakes."


Qi Qingyao didn't make a sound, nor looked at him.

Li Ruoxuan felt that Qi Qingyao was indeed a bit indifferent to him.

Inexplicably, she thought of the situation in which her marriage proposal was rejected and she despised her.

Can't help but say.

"Master Shoufu has already resigned, and he will not accompany you to the palace to face the Holy Spirit after entering Beijing. If you have some brains along the way, you shouldn't flatter me. After entering Beijing, I will I can help you say a few words."

Qi Qingyao said with a half smile but not a smile: "Look at what Master Guoshi said, the emperor summoned me to the palace to meet the saint, but he just wanted to test me and meet me. See what kind of crooked me I am. It's not for kill me."

"You said it yourself, the emperor's goal is Sijin. When I see you, but I don't see Sijin, what do you think she will do?" Li Ruoxuan's voice was almost cold, and his eyes were bottomless. The emperor of our Great Liang is a woman, but she is also an emperor. An emperor who is more capable than me."

Qi Qingyao: "..."

Li Ruoxuan knew that she was afraid, and said with a smile: "So you really don't intend to curry favor with me?"

Jiang Yegan's hand that was clenching the chopsticks gradually turned white, and he really wanted to have a fit, but he held back.

Qi Qingyao asked intriguingly: "You killed my sister's family. Do you still want me to curry favor with you?"

"Although that is the truth, but..." Li Ruoxuan said calmly, "I thought that smart people are very good at adapting to the wind. Oh, no, this word is too realistic. It should be said that smart people are very good at life."

Qi Qingyao showed a mouthful of white teeth with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm not a smart person~~"

Li Ruoxuan said with a dark face: "You still want me to protect you all the way to Beijing. You give me shame every day if you don't guarantee that the emperor will summon you, I will kill you first."

Jiang Yeqian finally couldn't help it and said, "You want to kill her, have you asked my opinion?"

"You have resigned. You are just an ordinary person now. Jiang Yegan." Li Ruoxuan reminded coldly, "Besides, what does it have to do with you if I want to kill her? Could it be that you fell in love with this little widow? ?”

"Fall in love?"

He was sent to the first army again, but Jiang Yegan was mentally prepared this time, his eyes were extremely dark, and he asked directly: "Master Guoshi uses such words to contradict me every day, which always makes me doubt, In fact, the one who fell in love with her must be Master Guoshi. Otherwise, why do you suspect every day that the whole world is a rival in love?"

"You think too much!!"

Inexplicably, Li Ruoxuan felt very irritated by the rhetorical question, threw down the chopsticks and walked out: "I won't eat!"

The nervousness of the three little guys let go after Li Ruoxuan left.

Lu Yan only looked at Li Ruoxuan's half-eaten meal, and whispered, "His appetite is really small."

Qi Qingyao laughed loudly: "The annoying ghost is finally gone. It's really great."

Then he urged the three little guys: "Eat, eat, eat."

Li Ruoxuan walked along the lobby, walked all the way to the courtyard of the inn, saw the thousands of green silk ribbons hanging down, grabbed a wicker, and tore it off.

As Zhu Shen's subordinates, they always eat very fast.

After he finished eating, he quickly followed to the courtyard.

Standing behind Li Ruoxuan for a while, I thought to myself, the master has become more and more in a daze recently.

Zhu Shen said silently: "My lord, why don't you eat and stand here in a daze."

"It's nothing." Li Ruoxuan withdrew his gaze, lowered his head, and looked at the deformed willow branch in his hand.

"The horses of the Tiger Guards have all been fed the concentrated feed, and they have all eaten. They are resting and are waiting to set off at any time," Zhu Shen said.


Li Ruoxuan didn't make a sound.

Still thinking about that.

Jiang Ye just complained about his words.

Who fell in love with that woman... so fucking sick!

Just a widow...

She's still an unruly, stupid woman who doesn't even know who she has slept with...

This is the first chapter of the fourth volume.

So this chapter is extremely long!

Let's go to the capital.

Please ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets!

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