Triplets: Lucky Mommy is a Beautiful Badass

Chapter 497 The Assassinated National Preceptor 2

The guests at the inn felt their scalps go numb just by looking at the Tiger Guards standing around. However, there was no other inn nearby, so they did not dare to leave. However, they all cursed in their hearts at this level. The guards... What are the origins of this group of people!

Usually there are people staying in this inn at night, and there are always guests drinking, eating and chatting in the lobby, but tonight, at 2:00, the entire lobby on the first floor of the inn was completely empty... The guests all went back to their rooms, and it was quiet. Like a chicken "going to bed".

When Qi Qingyao woke up, it was already daylight, and the three little ones were well asleep. Erniu said she wanted to get up to pee, so Qi Qingyao asked her to finish peeing in the chamber pot, and the three babies fell asleep alone. They couldn't stand it any longer, and everyone was clamoring to get up.

After getting dressed, Qi Qingyao opened the window and took a look at the sky outside. The sun was rising, which looked very good.

"Nothing happened along the way. We might be able to reach the capital safely."

Li Ruoxuan called her to his room to eat breakfast together. After breakfast, Qi Qingyao asked Dong Jing to look at the children. She went downstairs to the backyard to go to the latrine. As soon as she came downstairs, she saw Li Ruoxuan following behind her, like a Like a follower.

"What are you doing?" Qi Qingyao suddenly turned around and looked at him warily.

"Nothing to do." Li Ruoxuan said seriously.

"Then you follow me..." Qi Qingyao asked suspiciously.

"You think I want to follow you?" Li Ruoxuan said.

Qi Qingyao said with a dark face: "You followed the girl to the latrine. Are you a pervert?"

Li Ruoxuan pointed at the people around him who were also just getting up, "Idiot! Didn't you see so many people around you? If there weren't too many people waiting for you, would I be willing to follow you?"

"..." Could it be that he followed her to protect her? Qi Qingyao murmured in a low voice: "Then you can send others to follow me." Is it necessary to follow her to the latrine?

Li Ruoxuan said expressionlessly: "There are ninth-level masters following us nearby. They didn't take action last night. We don't know when they will take action."


Ninth grade?

Didn’t you say Gongsun She? He is the great master. How could another ninth-grade person appear... Besides, there is no village or shop nearby... maybe he is a wanderer sleeping in the wilderness?

Although Qi Qingyao was suspicious, he didn't say anything.

After arriving in the backyard, I went up to the latrine and felt refreshed when I came out. However, the second after I came out of the latrine, I saw a man waiting at the door of the latrine. It felt so weird...

Qi Qingyao glanced at the Tiger Guards around the inn wall and thought, even if there were ninth-grade tiger guards, wouldn't it be possible for so many tiger guards to stop a ninth-grade intruder? joke!

Qi Qingyao shook her head and was about to move forward. Suddenly, her heart beat wildly, like an invisible palpitation covering her whole body, making her dizzy. She subconsciously squatted down.

at the same time.

She was pushed away and rolled around on the ground.

Qi Qingyao hit the wall on one side, and Huwei quickly reacted...

Qi Qingyao was a little dazed by the collision. After he reacted in a daze, he asked, "What's going on?"

While he was talking, he saw an arrow shot into Li Ruoxuan's shoulder. The arrow was inserted deeply into his shoulder.

Tiger Guard roared.

"There is an assassin!!"

Zhu Shen had already rushed out of the lobby, shouting: "Protect Miss Qi!!"

Li Ruoxuan covered his left shoulder, glanced at a distant place, and said to Zhu Shen and Qi Qingyao: "You guys go in first."

Zhu Shen: "Sir!!"

Li Ruoxuan motioned to him to go in first.

Zhu Shen could only grit his teeth and said: "Protect your lord!!"

Several tiger guards surrounded Li Ruoxuan in the center. Li Ruoxuan then remembered that he had just pushed Qi Qingyao down and caused her to roll in a circle on the ground. He looked at the injury on his shoulder and asked Zhu Shen across a group of tiger guards: "What happened to her?" Like? Is something okay?"

Qi Qingyao walked towards the lobby and said to Li Ruoxuan angrily.

"Mind yourself first."

The tiger guard and Li Ruoxuan waited for a while, but before the assassin appeared, Li Ruoxuan told the tiger guard to disperse. He walked all the way to the lobby with his hands on his shoulders.

Jiang Yeqian looked at the injured Li Ruoxuan, frowning and saying nothing. If he were a great master, there was no reason why he couldn't stop an arrow... Could it be a cruel trick?

Zhu Shen yelled after Li Ruoxuan entered the lobby.

"Master National Preceptor is injured!! Hurry up and find the doctor!"

Other guests in the lobby suddenly said:…………

What! !

That man with the eyepatch is the National Preceptor! !

Then, then...are this group of people the National Preceptor and some important figures returning to the capital?

As a commoner and a person in the world, of course I have heard rumors about the ruthless Imperial Master in Beiliang. I didn’t expect that someone would assassinate the Imperial Master today!

Who is it!

are you crazy?

If he were caught, his whole family would definitely be cut into pieces.



As guests staying at the inn together, would they be suspected of being related to the assassins...

These passing guests suddenly thought to themselves that they had to leave quickly!

What if I get killed by these guards later!

Lu Yan frowned and looked at the injured Li Ruoxuan. Thinking of Qi Qingyao's words before, he frowned and thought, a great master can't stop an arrow, you're kidding me! Besides, if Li Ruoxuan were really a great master, he would definitely be able to sense the assassin nearby...

So there is no reason why he would be assassinated!

Could it be that this is really a cruel trick...

After Zhu Shen finished shouting, Qi Qingyao said helplessly: "I am the doctor." One code after another, if she doesn't save him now, it will be tantamount to revenge, but the fact is, even if she doesn't save him, he Can't die either. Just an arrow wound on the shoulder...

However, how could he be injured? This guy should be a great master. Is it a cruel trick? According to her and Lu Yan's previous analysis, he was now wary of Gongsun She's sneak attack! And this arrow was probably shot from the ninth grade in his mouth.

Ninth grade... arrow? Could it be that he was the ninth-grade archer who assassinated her last time?

The other party came to assassinate her, so Li Ruoxuan pushed her aside, causing himself to be injured...

Zhu Shen quickly helped Li Ruoxuan, who had pale lips, to Qi Qingyao, and said sincerely: "Our master is protecting the injured girl. Please try your best to save our master."

Qi Qingyao said: "Send him back to the room first, and then the others will wait where they are. We won't leave this morning for the time being."

She seemed to be the one giving orders. After speaking, she ignored the captain of the Tiger Guard...

The squad leader blinked, a little confused, and subconsciously looked at Jiang Yeqian, who was still using a cane.

After all, Jiang Yeqian was the former Chief Assistant... He nodded slightly.

The Tiger Guards expressed their understanding and stepped up patrols around the inn.

After Zhu Shen helped Li Ruoxuan into the room, Qi Qingyao looked at Li Ruoxuan who was lying on the bed, his face pale and his lips pale and his forehead covered with fine sweat.

He said coldly.

"Don't pretend to be dead!"

Li Ruoxuan opened his eyes, licked his dry lips, covered his shoulders and said, "After all, I saved you, why don't you pull out the arrow quickly? Are you going to hurt me to death?"

"..." He really assassinated her?

Qi Qingyao hesitated for a while, "For the sake of saving me." She would still need him when she returned to Beijing, otherwise if Gongsun She made a sneak attack and tried to snatch Erniu away, she would not be able to do it...

Qi Qingyao weighed it.

Ask Zhu Shen to get the medicine box from the carriage.

"The arrow is very deep, please bear with it a little." Before Qi Qingyao was about to pull out the arrow, he tore the clothes off his shoulders and glanced at the depth of the wound. Qi Qingyao was silent for a while and shouted towards the door of the room: "Jiang ...Lord Chief Assistant! Come here for a moment."

Jiang Yeqian walked in slowly.

Qi Qingyao moved away and motioned Jiang Yegan to sit down, "You, pull out the arrow for him."

Jiang Yeqian glanced coldly at the scheming guy on the bed, "Why should I help him?" Nalan Jie was the one who assassinated him, but it turned out that he really knew how to take credit and directly said that he saved her... Niang Xipi's, really So thoughtful!

"I owe him a life." Qi Qingyao scratched his head and said, "The last time the archer assassinated me, Lu Yan helped me stop him. This time, he came to assassinate me again, and the Imperial Master saved my dog. Life... you also owe me a lot. So, pull out the arrow for him."

Jiang Yegan said calmly: "You don't have long hands."

Qi Qingyao said calmly: "I'm too weak, I'm afraid I won't be able to pull it out, and it will cause heavy bleeding."

"..." Jiang Yegan took a deep breath, put the crutch aside, then gritted his teeth and shouted: "Li Ruoxuan!!"

While the arrow was being pulled out.


Li Ruoxuan also spat out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Yegan turned a blind eye to the blood flowing from his shoulder, threw the arrow aside, and wiped his hands with a white handkerchief.

Then Shi Shiran stood up and left.

Qi Qingyao found something wrong with Li Ruoxuan's wound. He checked the arrow first, and then said with black lines on his head: "The arrow has been pulled out. The arrow is poisonous, colorless and odorless. It is a poison similar to Ruanjin Powder, and there is no antidote." . You've been out of luck lately. I'll bandage it for you, and you can have a good sleep today."

After saying that, he applied the medicine and bandage neatly.

Then Li Ruoxuan stood up with support on his shoulders and said: "Tell Zhu Shen to organize the team and set off in a quarter of an hour."

Qi Qingyao said: "Your wound is very deep. You need to rest for at least half a day."

Li Ruoxuan's face was ashen and he said: "I have been injured. This injury cannot be luck. If there is a pause, the other party will judge that I am not in good condition now and may sneak into your room to assassinate you later."

Qi Qingyao: "..."

Li Ruoxuan glanced at the arrow and said: "Together the last time and this time, if it is really Nalan Jie's handiwork, it must be Gui Lou who issued the assassination order for you. Therefore, standing still is equivalent to shooting at a target... …”

"If you set off early, as a moving target, there will be Tiger Guards following you all the way, and you will still have the protection of the carriage. Nothing will happen. Besides, you can still bluff..."

Qi Qingyao was silent for a moment and said, "If you can't die, then we can leave later."

Although Li Ruoxuan's words made sense, Qi Qingyao always felt that something was wrong. After a while, before finishing packing and setting off, Qi Qingyao said directly to Lu Yan: "Little Yanyan, you are in the same carriage with me."

"..." Lu Yan's eyes lit up unconsciously for a second, and then he pretended to be calm and said, "Oh."

"You're not allowed." Jiang Yeqian said firmly.

"Why can't Sir Chief Assistant be so sure?" Lu Yan didn't take Jiang Yegan seriously at all, and even said teasingly: "Oh, no, former... Sir Chief Assistant."

Jiang Yegan took a deep breath, smiled very kindly, and said: "Since someone from Guilou assassinated Miss Qi today, it would be better for me to get into the carriage to accompany Miss Qi."

Qi Qingyao said seriously: "No need!"

Then looking at Li Ruoxuan who was being helped into the carriage, Li Ruoxuan said with a smile: "Although the Chief Assistant is lame, he is still in the ninth grade. What you have to do now is to get into the carriage with the Imperial Master and protect him!"

Jiang Yeqian: "..."

Li Ruoxuan was about to get on the carriage, and when he heard the voice, he was about to refuse, but saw Jiang Yeqian agreeing with a strange smile. Then he walked towards him!

Jiang Yeqian originally wanted to refuse, but he wanted to observe Li Ruoxuan's condition, so he agreed.

After getting on the carriage, Li Ruoxuan lay there and Jiang Yeqian sat next to him. The two stared at each other for a moment. The atmosphere in the carriage was unprecedentedly awkward.

Li Ruoxuan was a little sleepy and spoke out first.

"People don't like you, but they still insist on being hot on the face but cold on the bottom. Sir, it's really interesting."

"You have half your life left, and you still have time to quarrel with me?" Jiang Ye said with a dry smile.

Li Ruoxuan: "Humph!"

In another carriage.

When the three little guys knew that their mother had just been assassinated, they were frightened and worried. Erniu kept crying and was comforted by Qi Qingyao for a long time before she stopped crying.

After she finished crying, she was still a little tired, so she fell asleep holding Qi Qingyao's arm.

Dabao and Xiaobao were also jolted by the carriage and soon fell asleep.

Qi Qingyao watched the three little babies sleeping before saying to Lu Yan, "I felt something was wrong just now."

"Tell me more specifically." Lu Yan sat across from her.

Qi Qingyao shook his head and was lost in thought for a while before saying.

"I can't tell you, but it just feels strange. The arrow just now was similar to the arrow that assassinated me last time. You blocked that arrow and caused you to be injured for a long time..."

"It's like an arrow. It's a person, Nalan Jie." Lu Yan said.

Qi Qingyao frowned and expressed his doubts slowly: "But... the arrow last time was not poisonous, but the arrow this time has a special poison. A poison that makes people lose their luck!"

"..." The corners of Lu Yan's eyes were long and his features were clear.

"If you are still dealing with me, there is no need to poison the arrows." Qi Qingyao said.

Lu Yan had a guess in his mind, but he didn't want to think about it, "Could it be that because you have Li Ruoxuan and Jiang Yeqian around you, the other party thinks that the two ninth-level people are protecting you? To be on the safe side, they applied poison and put them down first." If these two people deal with you again..."

"..." Qi Qingyao remained silent, his eyelashes trembling, his white hands gently patting Er Niu's back, who was sleeping soundly. "Li Ruoxuan's injury was on his shoulder. If he is really a grand master, are you sure that a grand master can't block the arrows of a ninth-grade archer in the event of a sudden attack?" She didn't believe it.

Lu Yan murmured slightly: "The injured part is the shoulder, which means that the arrow flew from the direction. If it hit you, it would probably be in the head. Although Li Ruoxuan had just entered the master realm, he caught the arrow from the ninth-grade archer. Definitely no problem.”

"..." Qi Qingyao's eyebrows sank.

Lu Yan suddenly thought of something and said, "Didn't you suspect that Sijin was from Guilou last time? If Sijin was true, Guilou would not assassinate you!"

"That means Sijin is not..." from Guilou. People outside have misunderstood. Including Dongling...

"Assuming that he has nothing to do with Gui Lou, then the last assassination and this assassination..." are completely different events. "Is there a possibility that Gui Lou is not trying to assassinate you this time." The number one in Gui Lou The first time he assassinated Qi Qingyao, he didn't know about Sijin's existence. The second time... he knew that Qi Qingyao had Sijin's existence behind him. It was absolutely impossible for him to do such a stupid thing again. Who can say that Sijin's strength is higher than that of the Grand Master! Ghost buildings are all smart people who seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Qi Qingyao said: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yan said with dark eyes: "What if the target of that arrow was to assassinate Li Ruoxuan?"

Qi Qingyao was slightly startled: "Why is Guilou assassinating the Imperial Master?"

Lu Yan said with a serious look on his face: "He just stepped into the Grand Master, didn't you sell the information to the Chief Assistant? I suspect that he became a second-level dealer, and the information was sold again. Assuming that Guilou also knows about Li Ruoxuan now [possibly 】 is a grand master, so he will definitely send out elite testers. But knowing that old man Gongsun is nearby, he will definitely not send close assassins. He will definitely use archers to test him from a distance, and the best archer in Guilou is Nalan Jie...

Qi Qingyao's eyes were bright: "In this way, it can explain why the arrow is on the shoulder, and it can also explain why the arrow is coated with medicine that cannot bring luck. If he is really going to die, the arrow can be painted Very poisonous!"

Guilou may have known about Li Ruoxuan's promotion through the mouth of Erdao Dealer, so he sent someone to test him. But Li Ruoxuan also thought that others didn't know about him, so he wanted to play a trick. He ate the arrow forcefully...

Think of this.

Qi Qingyao and Lu Yan looked at each other.

They both sighed.

If it was really Li Ruoxuan's trick... then he had done a big job.

That night.

After everyone else checked into the hotel and rested, Jiang Yeqian quietly left the city where he was staying.

Come to the woods outside the city.

Looking at the young man sitting on the waist of the tree, Jiang Yegan curled his lips and said, "You are such a failure."

"I've already shot a great master... and this still fails?" Nalan Jie smiled very proudly.

"That's his trick! You idiot." Jiang Yegan said angrily.

Nalan Jie: "It is not a wise decision for the National Preceptor to allow himself to be injured."

Jiang Yeqian: "..."

Nalan Jie said disapprovingly: "I am following him, and there is also a great master who wants to kill him. The poison on my arrow will make him lose his luck in the past few days. Now Li Ruoxuan is just like an ordinary person... Weak! Let others slaughter you! Do you think Li Ruoxuan would be so stupid as to put himself in this situation? He has just stepped into the Grandmaster's footsteps and is not strong enough, so he cannot stop my arrow!"

Jiang Yeqian: "..." Isn't it really a trick? It's just too weak...

Li Ruoxuan, who was lying on the bed of the inn, slept very soundly tonight, and had a dream. In the dream... he saw Qi Qingyao, and Qi Qingyao told him in the dream.

"You saved my life, and I will write off the matter of killing my sister and her whole family."

Li Ruoxuan was so frightened by this straightforward dream that he woke up in a cold sweat. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought to himself that he was injured on purpose... but Qi Qingyao looked a little hard to fool!

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