"Good guy, good guy"

After Chen Mo learned about it, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "What a guy."

According to this tax law, if you catch fifty kilograms of fish and want to take it home, you have to pay the initial ten cents, plus one cent for every ten kilograms, which is twenty cents.

If the fish in Dadong Lake were raised by Qinghe, then there is nothing wrong with paying the money.

But these fish are all natural resources. What the Qinghe Gang does is a completely costless business, and they also charge such a heavy tax.

Of course, if you really catch fifty kilograms of fish, you will definitely make money.

Dadong Lake is most famous for its three kinds of fish, which are also the most expensive.

They are carp, big hole whitebait, and perch.

Among them, carp is known as the delicacy of nobles, and it is sold for as much as 100 yuan per catty.

Followed by big hole whitebait and perch.

Even if these three types of fish are not caught, all they catch are ordinary crucian carp and grass carp. According to the average price of five cents per catty in the peacetime period, that is five hundred cents, which can be said to be a huge profit.

But can you catch fifty kilograms of fish in three hours?

And it’s still winter.

Chen Mo has also gone fishing before, but more often in the Air Force. In order not to be embarrassed, he always goes to the vegetable market to buy a fish every time he returns home.

However, modern wild fishing resources are scarce, and we don’t know what the fishing situation is like in Dadong Lake.

"Zhang He, have you ever fished?" Chen Mo asked.

Zhang He nodded: "Brother Mo, I have not only fished, but also caught fish in the river."

For rural children, their childhood is spent walking dogs on the ground and fishing in the river.

In addition to not being able to read, everyone is a master of such fun things.

Of course, they can't afford to read.

"Then you know how to make fishing rods. Hurry up and get a few more fishing rods. Then I will leave something to you to handle." Chen Mo said.

It is now the end of December, and there are still more than two months before spring.

The bones and internal organs of the black bears that were hunted before were removed, the fur was peeled off, and the blood was drained. The remaining meat was about two hundred kilograms, and the bear blood was more than fifty kilograms.

There is simply no support for him to cultivate the blood nourishing technique to the eighth level.

Daze Mountain is covered with snow again, so if you want to get meat, you can only rely on buying and fishing.

It's too luxurious to buy meat to eat. You can't even buy ten pounds of meat for half a pound of money.

And ten pounds of meat is not enough for him to eat for a day.

After becoming a warrior, he now maintains a daily intake of fifteen kilograms of meat and five kilograms of bear blood.

"Okay, Brother Mo."

Two days later.

Han Aniang tied the preliminary tanned fox skin to Chen Mo's body, and then Chen Mo pulled the cotton coat and wrapped it around his body.

"Uncle, go early and come back early. If you meet that crazy woman again, just take a detour." Han Anniang said softly as she helped Chen Mo fasten the buttons on his clothes.


Chen Mo took the package and tied it on his back. The package contained bearskin. It was too big to hide on his body, so he had to cover it up and carry it on his back.

Just when Chen Mo turned around to leave.

Han Aniang suddenly hugged him from behind.

"Uncle, the slave family still doesn't want you to enter the city." Han Anniang was still worried about Chen Mo's injury last time.

Her husband passed away early, and her family has no relatives. Now only Chen Mo, the brother-in-law, can rely on.

Moreover, the two of them have become one, and Han Anniang's dependence on him has become even deeper.

Chen Mo knew what she was worried about. He turned around, held Han An's face, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, please feel free. For her, maybe she just hit a pariah casually, and she didn't worry about it at all. She couldn't find me specifically. Give me a few more lashes."

In the attic of a courtyard house.

This loft is close to the street and is located in the best location in Pingting County.

This house was originally given to the county magistrate by a local squire, but in order to please the prefect, the county magistrate vacated it and let the two daughters of the prefect live in it.

On the top floor of the attic, there are two women, one black and one white. The latter is sitting upright and virtuous on her knees behind a long table. On the long table is a guzheng, with her slender jade fingers playing on the strings. The former is holding a long zither in his hand. The sword, with a heroic appearance, a hint of cold pride between the brows, dances with the sword to the music of the piano.

The two women were about 20 years old, and their faces were almost identical, as if they were carved from the same mold.

But not long after dancing, the woman in black lost interest. She threw the long sword in her hand on the ground with a crisp sound, and then walked back and forth in front of the woman in white.

"Sister, I can't stand it anymore. How long do we have to stay here? It's cold here, and the environment is dirty and bad. Last night I saw someone pouring night fragrance directly into the street. It stinks like hell. If it hadn't been Sister, if you stop me, I have to go over and kill that untouchable.

It’s not as good as Nanyang at all, and the people here are boring. Why does dad want us to come here?”

Xia Zhining complained to her sister Xia Zhiqing about all the bad things in Pingting County.

Nanyang is the largest and most prosperous city in Qingzhou.

"Zhining, this is not Nanyang. Without daddy's protection, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later with your frizzy behavior." Sister Xia Zhiqing stopped what she was doing and sighed.

"What are you afraid of?" Xia Zhining sat down behind the long case in front of Xia Zhiqing, raised her arrogant swan neck, and said as if she looked down on small places: "In a small county like Pingting County, the strongest person But for a mere seventh-grade warrior, with Guard Liu here, who are you afraid of?"

Xia Zhiqing shook her head and said: "Think of our Song Dynasty, where there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, capable people and strangers everywhere. Otherwise, the rebels in the north would not be able to become powerful, and now they are threatening Qingzhou.

Dad was worried that Nanyang could not be defended and that you and I would be harmed, so he sent guard Liu to escort you and me to Pingting County. Magistrate Chang is Dad's disciple and can take care of us. "

Hearing this, Xia Zhining was shocked: "There are hundreds of thousands of Qingzhou elites in Nanyang, and the rebels are just a ragtag group of untouchables. How can they not be able to defend it?"

Xia Zhining's dream since childhood was to be a general and go into battle to kill the enemy, so she studied military books since she was a child. However, as a daughter, she had no way to serve the country. In the more than 400 years of the Song Dynasty, there had never been a female general.

"Dad, I'm just worried." Xia Zhiqing frowned.

"Then why don't we go to the capital? Isn't the capital safer?"

There was yearning in Xia Zhining's eyes. She had stayed in the capital for several years when she was a child. The excitement and prosperity of the capital could not be compared to that of Nanyang. There was no curfew yet. The literati and warriors there were able to bring order to the world, and writers could write pens to determine the world. That was what A real man.

Xia Zhiqing rolled her eyes at her sister: "Dad is the prefect of Qingzhou. In this situation, if we go to the capital, do you want dad to be impeached?"

ps: Thanks to "I Wuwei" for the reward of 1,000 points! Thank you for your monthly votes! ! !

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