Troubled times: Start practicing spiritual practice by taking care of your sister-in-law

Chapter 37 There are all kinds of weird ways to collect money

Fish meat is not as expensive as rice.

Even in troubled times, it only increased by a few cents.

When Chen Mo was doing a big purchase yesterday, he specifically inquired about it. Crucian carp only cost eight cents per catty.

The reason why it is not expensive is that fish is not popular among the poor and it consumes oil.

Coupled with the simple cooking methods of ordinary people, it tastes particularly fishy.

Now is another year of great disaster. Families with extra money will use it to buy food instead of fish.

Except for a few special species, such as carp, big hole whitebait, perch, etc., the price does not exceed ten cents per catty.

Herring costs seven cents per catty.

Assuming an average of seven cents per catty, sixteen catties is more than sixty cents.

Chen Mo suspected that Zhang He was tricking him.

Zhang He immediately explained: "Brother Mo, you don't know something. When you sell fish to the Qinghe Gang, the price is almost cut in half. You also have to pay filial piety money to the guards at Dadong Lake. After deducting all of it, you only have sixty coins."

Zhang He didn't dare to hide his secrets, so he gave all the sixty coins he got to Chen Mo.

"Filial piety money? After collecting so many miscellaneous taxes, there is still filial piety money."

After hearing this, Chen Mo felt that it was outrageous.

He originally thought that the Qinghe Gang had been greedy enough, but in the end, they had to collect a filial piety payment.

Zhang He, who saw Brother Mo's shocked look, continued: "Brother Mo, I heard someone said that the Qinghe Gang has monopolized the aquatic products business in Pingting County. It would be better if you take it back and eat it yourself. If you want to sell it in the city, , then the Qinghe Gang will still collect it, and at this time the Qinghe Gang will only collect it at the price of the dead fish. A pound of fish can be sold for one penny, which is enough."

"So, the caught fish can only be sold to the Qinghe Gang."

The Qinghe Gang once again refreshed Chen Mo's view of it.

Most of the people who go fishing in Dadong Lake are poor people.

And fish is not popular among the poor. Even if you don't worry about wasting oil, you can take it back to eat, that is, take one or two back to taste them. After all, there are too many fish. If you want to store them, it is not only troublesome, but also wastes salt.

Therefore, they can only sell to the Qinghe Gang in exchange for money to buy the food they need.

This means that everyone who goes to Dadong Lake to fish is actually going to work for the Qinghe Gang.

If you are unlucky, the fish you caught will not be able to exchange for the tax paid before.

Not only did he pay, but he also worked for free.

Typical paid to work job.

The Qinghe Gang is so good at this trick.

"In two days, come with me to Dadong Lake."

Chen Mo patted Zhang He on the shoulder and immediately returned fifty yuan to him: "You deserve these."

Fortunately, Chen Mo took it back and ate it himself.

Within fifty kilograms, as long as you pay ten cents in tax, you can be less exploited by the Qinghe Gang.

Two days later.

Chen Mo paid the remaining four taels of silver, took back the Tang Dao, and immediately checked his attribute panel.

[Name: Chen Mo. 】

[Age: 16. 】

[Skill: Nourishing Blood (Small Success 283.2/500). 】

[Realm: Skin Refining (ninth level). 】

[Strength: 38+32. 】

[Skill: Magic-Breaking Knife Technique (Intermediate 77300/200000). 】

The power of holding a hatchet is 38+31.

The dagger is 38+30.

Now holding Tang Dao, the additional power has increased a little.

The feeling of holding it is better than holding a hatchet.

"Let's go."

Chen Mo inserted the dagger into his waistband, and the Tang knife was wrapped in black cloth and tied with several fishing rods. Outsiders could not tell that Chen Mo had a knife in his hand.

The two went to Big Hole Lake together.

It's snowing lightly today, but the cold wind is blowing hard.

Zhang He walked in front with a fishing rod and a bucket of bait in his hand, which was a mixture of earthworms, bear offal, and rice bran, used to make nests. Chen Mo followed behind, with a layer of white frost falling on his head. Like a little old man.

After receiving that whipping, Chen Mo now doesn't like others walking behind him.

Soon, the two came to Dadong Lake.

Dadong Lake has thousands of hectares of mist, stretching hundreds of miles across.

But now the entire lake is frozen.

As a southerner, Chen Mo had seen many pictures of the frozen Songhua River on the Internet, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. Now that he saw the huge Dadong Lake covered in ice, he was really shocked.

There were many people scattered on the ice.

Although the Qinghe Gang is very exploitative, if they can catch more than ten kilograms of fish every day, they can still make some money.

A wooden shed was set up at the entrance. A group of people gathered in front of the wooden shed, and wailing sounds could be heard.

Chen and Mo walked over and took a look, and found an old man in linen lying in the middle. He was being beaten and kicked by several members of the Qinghe Gang, and his body was covered with footprints.

The old man's body was weak and he soon lost his breath after receiving a severe beating.

The onlookers couldn't help but take two steps back in fear.

A voice came from the wooden shed: "Listen to me, if anyone dares to sneak into Da Dong Lake to fish secretly without paying taxes, this will be the fate."

Dadong Lake covers a huge area, and there are always places that the Qinghe Gang cannot see. Therefore, people who cannot afford the fishing tax come in secretly to dig holes to fish every day. Of course, some people successfully catch fish, but more importantly Most of them were discovered and beaten to death.

"Was Uncle Dalin beaten to death like this back then?" Chen Mo looked at the lifeless old man on the ground, raised his brows, and moved his eyes towards the wooden shed.

There was a pot of charcoal fire burning in the wooden shed. Next to him sat a sturdy man with his bare chest. A ferocious tiger descending from the mountain was tattooed on his chest. A pretty woman sat on his lap, playing with Coquettish gave the big man a hammer on his shoulders.

On the forehead of the sturdy man, there is a red number 33.

"Brother Hu, this is the fishing tax for me and Brother Mo."

Zhang He pointed at Chen Mo, then stepped forward and placed twenty coins on the table in front of the sturdy man.

The burly man whom Zhang He called Brother Hu ignored him. A younger brother next to him counted the money, then put it away in the cash box next to Brother Hu.

Then the younger brother picked up the iron rod next to the wooden shed, glanced at Zhang He and Chen Mo, and said, "You guys, follow me."

As soon as Chen Mo and Zhang He left the wooden shed, Brother Hu's voice rang out: "What are you looking at? Has anyone collected this old man's body? Didn't he find a hole in the ice and throw it down to feed the fish?"

The Qinghe Gang asked people to clear the ice cave where they fished. Of course, this was not because the Qinghe Gang had good intentions. The main reason was that they were afraid of people messing around and collapsing the ice.

Secondly, one tax dollar creates a hole.

If you want to make more holes in the ice, you have to pay more, two cents per hole.

You are not allowed to fight privately, you can only let people from the Qinghe Gang do it.

Chen Mo: "..."

He spent another four cents and made two more holes in the ice.

After the Qinghe Gang left, Zhang He hurriedly explained: "Brother Mo, I didn't know you would be charged for digging more holes in the ice. I didn't hear anyone say it yesterday."

"This has nothing to do with you."

Who would have thought that the Qinghe Gang could collect money like this.

I don’t know if there are novice rewards for people who fish for the first time. Chen Mo didn’t make a nest. He lowered the two poles and caught three fish in a row in less than a quarter of an hour, each weighing more than two kilograms.

ps: After being convinced, I sent two pictures of Tang Dao Easter Eggs in succession, but the whole picture could not be displayed.

Please follow up and give me a monthly pass! ! !

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