"Sister-in-law." Chen Mo's Adam's apple rolled a few times.

Han Aniang has a beautiful figure, and she still has the charm of a bride. At this moment, the two of them are close to each other, and she is still holding her hand. This makes her "experienced in pornography", but she has not touched women in recent times. He was somewhat distracted.

Especially in these troubled times, with great pressure to survive and lack of entertainment options, for a young and strong man, his desire for female sex is even greater.


Sensing Chen Mo's slightly fiery gaze, Han Aniang felt her heart beating wildly and her face getting hot. Only then did she realize that she was still holding his hand. The two of them were too close to each other, so she quickly let go of his hand. He took two steps back.

Chen Mo quickly looked away. Although the original mother had the intention of being the brother-in-law, and he was not the original self and did not have that kind of grudge, he didn't know if the original mother had ever told Han An about this kind of thing. .

After all, she is his sister-in-law in name only, and ethics are always here. Chen Mo still suppressed the restlessness in his heart and said: "Sister-in-law, you didn't fall just now, did you?"

Han Aniang shook her head, patted the ashes on the millstone, and then thought of something and said: "Uncle, Lu San doesn't know how to report to the official."

Although Wang Mazi also kicked Chen Mo and the government did not care about it, there is always a possibility of eventuality in everything.

Han Aniang is from another village and can only rely on Chen Mo. She doesn't want anything to happen to him, so she is very sensitive to this matter.

"Sister-in-law, didn't you say before that the yamen doesn't have enough manpower. As long as it's not a murder case, the government won't care about the security outside the city. The Lu family is not a wealthy family. They have to come to borrow food. They definitely don't have any background. The government won’t take care of this just for him.”

Before time travel, due to battlefield reasons, I often had to deal with "officials". In any dynasty or generation, as long as no one was killed, fights were just trivial matters.

"That's good." Han An'iang nodded. Somehow, she thought of what her uncle had said before, "If you dare to bully my sister-in-law, do you really want to die?"

She felt so domineering, her face turned red, and she lowered her head again to avoid being seen by Chen Mo.

In the next few days, Chen Mo finally understood why Han Anniang had prepared so much firewood for the winter. Mid-November had not yet arrived, and the cold wind blew on her face like a knife.

More people came to borrow food. Although Chen Mo refused them all, he couldn't stand it and thought that the Chen family had food but was just unwilling to lend it to them.

For this reason, Chen Mo took two kilograms of corn from the cellar and put it into a rice vat. When people came to borrow grain later, he showed it to them openly and said that he really didn't have enough to eat.

But even so, they still hope that Chen Mo can borrow some.

Chen Mo drove them away with a cold face.

Sure enough, these days, you can't treat each other nicely.

Two days later.

in the room.

Chen Mo cut a long wooden handle for the hatchet, removed the original short wooden handle, and installed a long one.

In this way, the hatchet, which was originally only half a meter long, became more than one meter long.

The hatchet, which originally looked like a farm tool, turned into a battlefield weapon with a long handle.


[Name: Chen Mo. 】

[Age: 16. 】

[Skill: Nourishing Blood (Introductory 11.5/100). 】

[Realm: None. 】

[Strength: 7+15. 】

[Skill: Trina Sword Technique (Top 7320/10000. 】

"After the hatchet is equipped with a long wooden handle, it becomes a little stronger."

Chen Mo raised his eyebrows.

He swung the knife forcefully.

[Number of sword swings +1, Tianhe sword skill experience +1. 】

It's much easier to slash.

He made up his mind to hunt meat when Trina's sword skills reached the top and his strength increased to about 8.

7 is the level of normal people. If you are a little beyond the level, it should not be difficult.

These days, he swings the knife steadily more than a thousand times a day, and the rest of the time is used for exercise.

He had nothing else to do.

Chen Mo took off his shirt and started doing push-ups as usual.



After finishing a hundred push-ups, Chen Mo gasped for air.

There was no meaty taste in his mouth these days, and he felt that the effect of exercise was not as obvious as before, and it was very uncomfortable.

After resting for a while, Chen Mo began to lift stones to practice arm strength.

At this moment, Han Aniang, who had gone out to wash clothes, broke into his room.

"Uncle, it's not good. Ah, uncle, why don't you wear clothes?"

Han Aniang covered her eyes and retreated.

Chen Mo: "..."

Chen Mo quickly put on his clothes and walked out: "Sister-in-law, what happened?"

The blush on Han An's face hadn't gone away yet. When she saw Chen Mo coming out, her face turned redder. Her mind was full of the scene of Chen Mo without clothes. Although she couldn't see it clearly, she could vaguely see the strong figure in his body. She subconsciously clenched her fists as she saw the outline of huge muscles.

Her breathing was stagnant, and she seemed to be aware that her vision was affected, and her earlobes were a little hot. She muttered: "Uncle, it's better to be more careful at home."

"What?" Chen Mo didn't hear clearly.

A flash of shyness flashed in Han Anniang's eyes, and she forgot about it for the time being, and said: "Uncle, Uncle Dalin went fishing in Dadong Lake and was discovered by the Qinghe Gang. He was severely injured and died after being carried back."

Hearing this, the honest and honest face he saw some time ago appeared in Chen Mo's mind.

What impressed Chen Mo about him was that after that time, Chen Dalin came to borrow food again. He looked very reserved, and unlike others, he begged shamelessly after being rejected and would not leave until he was kicked out. Chen Dalin listened If you refuse, leave immediately.

"Uncle, have we gone too far? If we had lent him food at that time, Uncle Dalin might not have gone fishing, so he wouldn't have done it." Han Aniang's voice had a trace of sadness and her face looked ashamed, thinking that Chen Dalin's death was Something to do with her.

Chen Mo was silent.

Speaking of which, he and Chen Dalin were still from the same family, but there was little contact between the two families.

Chen Mo is a person who has traveled through time and has a somewhat ruthless temperament. In addition, the cellar does not store much food, so naturally he does not want to borrow it.

After a long time, Chen Mo said softly: "How could this happen?"

The two ways he thought of getting meat some time ago, besides hunting, was to go fishing in Big Hole Lake.

Han Anniang spoke slowly.

It turns out that in addition to the mountains, these lakes are also the property of the government and fall under the jurisdiction of the government.

Dadong Lake has thousands of hectares of smoke and stretches hundreds of miles across. It is rich in aquatic products and supports nearby fishermen. However, if you want to catch fish, you have to pay taxes.

Dadong Lake spans two counties and is not only under the jurisdiction of Pingting County, so it is not mandatory to pay taxes, but those who want to fish have to pay.

In order to facilitate the administration, neither of the two counties suffered any loss, so they jointly entrusted the Qinghe gang to be the jurisdiction, and the government drew profits from it.

In order to make money, gangsters will impose taxes and exploit fishermen.

And Chen Dalin definitely couldn't afford the fishing tax, so if he went fishing and was caught, it would be considered poaching.

Of course, a beating is inevitable.

"Fuck, this is the way of the world," Chen Mo said.

"Uncle, are we sorry to Uncle Dalin?" Han Anniang said again.

"No, sister-in-law, this is not our fault. We don't owe anyone anything. Is it wrong not to borrow it? If there is a mistake, it is the way of this world." Chen Mo closed his eyes.

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